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The Return Of The SEPTIC Cup

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Personally, I blame my loss on the Voodoo doll that MTJS used.


1. Four CRACK Panzerschreck teams between them managed zero kills and one hit

a5. A Valentine took a frontal penetration from a Schreck and laughed it off.

24a. Two T34s survived 75L48 hits from my Stugs at distances below 800m, ricochet off the turret side.

MCLXV. German mech forces suck rocks, because you have to waste valuable points on buying spam-can HTs that die faster than you can shake a pointy stick at them.

389. There was no fecking cover.

I am therefore exonerated of any guilt, and in the best tradition of the British Army demand an immediate promotion and an OBE.

Thank you my liege.

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Hmmm Sounds like very bad luck.

Some games just go that way and there is sod all you can do about it.

I think Zhrecks in CMBB are not as effective as CMBO and I have no evidence to back up that feeling.

As I am Russians in the night game with Prestor I think I have the slight edge.

It is funny that the Russians are winning more games than the Germans. I wonder if there is any basis for this, or is it pure luck of the draw?


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An update to get this back where it belongs.

Prestor is not doing too well and is lighting up the dark night skies.

Good firework display and bonfire courtesy of a German Halftrack who got too close to my men.

Comedy sequence of the year as I chase a German SP gun full pelt in reverse with a T34 and just manage to catch him up before I lose him in the murky night.

His crew are now preying to the gods that my canister can not fire at less then 10 metres as they try to crawl under my chassis.

This night fighting is down to luck and Prestor is not having too much of that at the moment. My SMG teams are finding plenty to fire at and so far the boot is firmly on my foot. Long may it stay that way.


Sorry Prestor these random games throw some poor situations.



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My birthday weekend is just ending and Prestor has given me yet more comedy moments. (For me not him).

Turn 12 sees another comedy chase with the caption he is behind you coming to mind.

My Reckless Cavalry charge might just have paid dividends and the following few turns will see what the exact nature of these will be.

I have an idea that Prestor has gone for turretless Assualt guns and when you have a turreted Soviet tank behind you, at night, you are going to suffer.

As the good Cpl was often heard saying, "They don't like it up them"....

Sorry Prestor



P.s. Anyone else still playing out there?

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Slowly dissapearing.

Prestor sends a turn every now and then (more then than now) and I guess he is torn between this and the Northern Tourney.

He went for a Flak Truck attack force which is burning and lighting up the night skies while my T34's just drive by looking for targets to shoot up.

Should be finished in another month or so at the rate we have been going.



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Well its not going very well at all so far, as Holien points out halftracks vs t34's ain't much of a battle. Lost a SP AT gun due to itchy fingers, my fault, otherwise is pretty tough going. Still it ain't over till that fat lady sings, and at the rate those t34s are covering the battlefield sooner or later they will run into my armour smile.gif ) coz it ain't going nowhere !


ps my lycos in innaccesable, had been for a couple of days so plz send turns to my hotmail account, hope it can stand the strain.

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Oh no - he's back. After enough moving and employment hassle to make a saint rip the heads off passing marsupials, I then go and visit NThell with this broadband service for days, but at this unearthly hour I have finally cracked it.

Lucky Strike, in view of my longer than anticipated abscence I've probably made our game far too behind schedule to catch up with the rest, but I'm happy to cram as many emails in as possible, or try a TCP game instead if you like. Failing that I'll offer you the game as a gimme, and be damned if I'm ever moving house again!

See my new email addy in profile.

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Originally posted by Rex Bellator:

Oh no - he's back. After enough moving and employment hassle to make a saint rip the heads off passing marsupials, I then go and visit NThell with this broadband service for days, but at this unearthly hour I have finally cracked it.

Lucky Strike, in view of my longer than anticipated abscence I've probably made our game far too behind schedule to catch up with the rest, but I'm happy to cram as many emails in as possible, or try a TCP game instead if you like. Failing that I'll offer you the game as a gimme, and be damned if I'm ever moving house again!

See my new email addy in profile.

He lives! Good to see you made it - shame you're too far away for a convenient bevvy now. Boo hiss to that - although Teddy Windsor is now within gobbing distance, so if you would be kind enough to gob all over him, I would be most appreciative.
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Originally posted by Soddball:

He lives! Good to see you made it - shame you're too far away for a convenient bevvy now. Boo hiss to that - although Teddy Windsor is now within gobbing distance, so if you would be kind enough to gob all over him, I would be most appreciative.

The location of my chateau is classified information - otherwise it wouldn't be secret anymore - and your blatant disregard of the Official Secrets Act means you're now a threat to national security.

Once I've showered off this gob and splashed the Brut all over I'm afraid I'm going to have to neutralise you - so choose your next witticism carefully, Mr Soddball, it may be your last.


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On another note myself and Prestor are still finding one another in the dark.

Prestor has persuaded one of my T34 crews to light a fire in their tank to provide some illumination.

In return a shot of canister sent the Germans diving for cover. Pity they were out in the open and no cover was found...



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Holien - you've got mail.

Lucky Strike, any thoughts on my TCP proposal or will you take the gimme? Please respond.

MTJJ well done for the victory. We have our first semi-finalist.

Soddball (I've started to study my Learn Welsh by Roy Hattersley video ready to meet Mr Windsor) and Cpt Pies how is your game?

Let's give this tourney a kick up the backside and get things done, especially as the nice weather is now here :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am waiting for Prestor John to announce the results of our game.

He is a gentleman and I offered to replay as he got the short end of a very crappy stick which there was no way in hell he could have overcome.

Anyway he has stated that the result stands and if this tourney continues I am awaiting for the next round.


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  • 2 months later...

Since all I could hear was the sound of the wind whistling under the door of this thread and a loose shutter banging against the window frame I thought I'd liven the place up a bit by announcing the completion of Happy V Bashful.

A very well balanced game it was too resulting in a draw 54% - 46% in my favour. Soddball opened the game aggressively by trashing one of my three platoons and capturing one of the flags. However his assault on the other flag was nipped in the bud by a well placed arty barrage and the dispatch of two or three of his T-34's by my skulking StuGIIIF's. A determined attempt to roll up my flank was also stopped by the StuG's and resulted in the loss of all but one of his remaining Valentines. I ran out of time trying to push a weak platoon and two StuG's back over his flag. Looking at what he had left on that flag I would not have succeeded anway so the draw was well deserved. Tipped in my favour by The death of most of his tanks.

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