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The Return Of The SEPTIC Cup

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Hi, very sorry about that, my settings got altered somehow to leave messages on the server (I never do). Try again (mail sent as well). I suspect I will have to concede after the weekend.

Mine fuhrer, the dastardly commie swine have sabotaged our mail server, and then forced a surrender...ve haf no defence against it.

Still, I think the 9 tanks were always going to do for me!

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I'm back from sorting out a new house and what do I find, the Septic Cup on page three?! Also looks like I've missed beers which is slightly more disconcerting, but several games have started, and after fannying around with .zip files and patches Lucky Strike and me are underway as well.

We didn't get a night action but the weather is filthy. Map has a sickeningly intact village in the centre and a large diagonal valley running virtually the entire length. Bizarrely the only two objective flags have been placed one on each flank which is going to make things interesting. Obviously no-one wants an intact village.

So three of the four quaterfinals are underway, and Sailor Malan and Andreas have only 5 more days before it's ceasefire time. We'll set the closing date for this round when the last game kicks off.

Anyone spotted a Tiger yet?

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Turn 30 - who would have thought. :D

He has now gotten rid of one of my tanks, and immobilised another, at the cost of one platoon of infantry. His attempt to get to the large flag has faltered in a hail of machinegun fire from tanks. His Marder will soon be an ex-Marder, and join the bleedin' choir invisible. Some nice duels to look forward to. Lots of drama!

BTW - cannister at 20 yards against a section in the open must be the mst effective weapon in CMBB. No survivors, and it works every time. :D

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OK, Andreas, in view of your hols, the game is yours. I had 3 coys of infantry (mixed conscript/green, some regular, 2 Marder 111, 2 75mmIG and some FO's vs what felt like about 1 company of infantry, and 9 tanks (mostly T34). I had insufficient inherent AT to deal with the tanks stood off at 200m, the terrain offered no long range sniping, and Marders don't like the close in knife fights. I'll let Andreas do the detailed gloating.

One thing I did enjoy... my 1 lone tank hunter section comes over ridge as a recce. Provokes LOTS of response (cannister by the bucket, and a mortar barrage on to the ridge). Casualties = 0, nil, zip, nada. The tank hunters got cut down some minutes later, but the barrage just upset a lot of grass. The pictures are above somewhere, since Andreas has a gory task in close ups!

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Originally posted by Sailor Malan:

OK, Andreas, in view of your hols, the game is yours. I had 3 coys of infantry (mixed conscript/green, some regular, 2 Marder 111, 2 75mmIG and some FO's vs what felt like about 1 company of infantry, and 9 tanks (mostly T34). I had insufficient inherent AT to deal with the tanks stood off at 200m, the terrain offered no long range sniping, and Marders don't like the close in knife fights. I'll let Andreas do the detailed gloating.

You were (still are) up against 5 T34, 5 Valentine Mk III, a whole battalion of motorised rifles (two rifle, one SMG coy), 2 76mm infantry guns, one 76mm Zis-3, one 45mm, 2 25mm AA guns, and, err, that's it apart from the jeep. Most conscript/green. I never managed to get decent LOS anywhere with that spotter, so I don't mind the barrage did not do anything. Still upset about falling for the ambush that cost me a T34. I was extremely worried about your IGs, which I thought would be real guns. smile.gif Good fight towards the end, and my infantry almost let me down. The tanks saved the day, thank BFC for the improved MG modelling.
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I'd just like to chip in and thank Sailor Malan and Andreas for an entertaining game, cheers guys. That makes the final score for Round One Russia 7 Germany 1 :eek:

The early manouvering is underway in Lucky Strike's and my game, and we're both thinking that we would have been better off with boats rather than AFVs. I had massive casualty points applied (which teaches me to suggest random casualties!), and I reckon they probably drowned on the way to the fight.

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Ohhh you off on holiday Andreas, noone would have noticed..


Have a good one.

Myself and Prestor J have started the game and desperately looking for a light bulb.

I want to suggest to BTS that they have an option for night games to vary the light levels to help blind players. It is so hard seeing the map.

Does anyone know of a way to lighten the map so I can see better. I have scanned the options to no avail.

Anyway Prestor has taken the flags and I will find him sooner or later.



[ April 29, 2003, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Holien - I and others use Powerstrip, a dandy little shareware application which you can fire up by dropping to desktop. Pressing ctrl-alt plus or minus in the game will allow you to tweak the gamma to whatever level you require. Give it a whirl, it works like a dream and makes a huge difference.

BFC seem to be in denial about the whole gamma/night battle issue, every time I've seen someone post about it the constant response is 'get a new monitor' or 'get a new video card', not exactly helpful and many many people seem to have the problem.

No firing yet in our game, in this weather we'll probably open up with torpedoes and hopefully I'll be able to cross his T with my T34 main line of battle.

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Prestor John's men have broke under SMG fire and I hope that he does not have too many more as I am now out of ammo.

Alt G was a useful tip e-mailed to me by an American Lurker who has been charting our progress.

I should have RTFM but it was exactly what I needed to do. The map has just got brighter and my eyes are saved.

Many thanks...

P.s. I am off camping and back Sunday.


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Contact has been made, our comerades were trying to find shelter (and alcohol) in 'the village which no-one wants' when we were machine gunned from what appears to be some kind of Stug.

Unfortunately our game is at the crawl at the moment, Lucky Strike has work commitments and I am moving house, so we could be the last to finish this time.

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Well, this just in:


What can I say but celebrate this maginificent victory of Soviet arms over Germaninvaderhyenafasciststoogesofcapitalism with a trip to Naples. So I did. Let this game be another incontrovertable proof of the brimful cup of superiority that Comrade Joseph offers his soldiers before going into battle.

Now, if CMBB had a decent campaign structure, where my chaps could go from private to Marshal of the soviet-union based on the results of half a PBEM, I am sure that Comrades Ershakov and Primakov would be first in line to become Marshals of the Armoured Forces. Although I have to have a word about Comrade Ershakov's handling of the transmission. His immobilisation has nothing whatsoever to do with the grenade bundle that was thrown in cowardly fashion by the aforementioned Germaninvaderhyenafasciststoogesofcapitalismtankhunterteam.


Can I be a Marshal too for those 28 casualties? Only if you do not do racing starts with that T34, Comrade.


If you see this and your membership application to the communist party has failed, you are in trouble. 16 Germans did learn the hard way.

Setup is on the way to Grumpy.

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Plenty of stuff flying around in Dopey v Sleepy (Revenge of the Dwarves). Seems, however, that those ever-drunk and foolhardy Ruskie soldats are able to take some time out from the action to practice for the next Olympics - here we see their Land Synchro Swim Team enjoying the ideal muddy conditions to practice for the freestyle event:


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Hostilities about to open. I came back home last night with 2.5 pints of Whitstable Bay in me tummy, and decided not to chance giving orders.

Soon, my Heroic Harbingers of Hunnish Hilterism will make the jelly shudder.

Since we all agreed that it would not be much fun in Stalingrad, we are fighting over a nice quiet village, where they may have the odd guesthouse or two.


I have enclosed a picture of my staff during the planning session. Ha ha, the fun we have!

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My motorised crackstormtroopers of doom are currently preparing to fighting the North-Minehead By-election. Historically, Taunton has been a part of Minehead. I therefore suggest to MTJS to give up already, or I will start biting babies in the head.

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Very Funny Andreas, your talents are wasted working.


The insiders guide to Naples was very funny as well.

As for the Cup myself and prestor have now locked horns.

It is too dark to see what he is doing. So far I seem to have eliminated a few of his units but my SMG ammo is running low.

Too early to declare a victor and I feel the armoured duel will decide it.

I am once again very lucky to be the Soviets as canister could rule the day.



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Originally posted by Holien:

The insiders guide to Naples was very funny as well.

Well, I guess I could just publish it here smile.gif With apologies to all Italians here. I really love your country. I do. I can't wait to blow it up in CMAK. ;) Must be genetic.

As some of you may know I have spent the last few days in Naples, and I live to tell of it. Which is no mean feat, seeing that I am German, and therefore genetically predisposed to favour order over chaos. The latter of which, Naples has enough to last all of northern Europe for the current millenium.

First things first - after Naples, I went back to Rome for the night before I flew out. Things I noted about Rome on return from Naples were, amongst others:


  • It is calm</font>
  • It is clean</font>
  • Traffic is conducted in a well-behaved and orderly fashion by all participants</font>
  • It is quiet</font>

Now, if you had asked me about my opinion of Rome before going to Naples, not one of these attributes would have even fleetingly occupied a sliver of attention of mine before being dismissed as utterly and totally ridiculous. Anyone suggesting to me that Rome was any of these things would have been recommended a spell in a lunatic asylum by me. So, I would argue that any city that makes me re-evaluate my impression of Rome to that degree must have something going for it. BTW - people from Milan thought that Rome was already in Africa when they went to visit in the 1870s. People from Rome think pretty much the same about Naples today.


Traffic in Naples is not for the faint-hearted, and I speak as a regular Rome visitor. I learned within 5 minutes that a red traffic light is at best a suggestion. At worst it is a challenge. Traffic lights don't exist for scooters. In Naples, wearing a helmet when on a scooter is either illegal, or it implies that really you are not a man. In this regard, full equality has been achieved between the sexes. On day one, I was shocked when I saw a full family of four (2 young kids) on a scooter. On day four, I mildly batted an eyelid when I saw four adults on a scooter. It is also a law that everybody has to illegally use the bus lanes, even if there is absolutely no traffic in the other lines.

The key to surviving traffic in Naples is to not take it personally. Sure, the guy in the battered Fiat just swerved around you with an inch to spare. He did not mean to get you, and any action on your part had no influence on him hitting or missing you anyway. Once you realise this, you achieve Zen, and you will move through the traffic at ease. Remember, there is no traffic.

Once you think you have seen it all, and can cope with anything the Naples traffic can throw at you, take a taxi. Best in the evening when the traffic is flowing but still heavy. If you follow this advise, please note that I will not pay any bills incurred as part of it. Also, if you have a weak heart, go and visit Milano. In a taxi, make sure you do not express surprise when the taxi driver decides to jump the queue by passing at full speed down the lane for oncoming traffic even though a truck is hurtling towards you. It encourages them. Brakes are only to be used in two states:

1) not at all

2) slam 'em

Something in the Napoletan air appears to make any soft-braking function impossible. If at all possible, bring a native Italian. It discourages the taxi drivers from cheating, and that person can occupy them in a conversation about the weather, which means they will not either:

1) get very bored, and drive even faster to entertain themselves

2) start a conversation with one of their colleagues in a parallel lane at high speed.

Whatever you do, stay calm. There are many taxis, it can't be that dangerous.


We followed the advice in our two travel guides, and it was gorgeous. If you want a romantic diner, go to Amici Miei in Via di Monte Dio. Have the Lacryma Christi (tears of Christ) red wine. It is not a cheap place, but bloody hell is it good. If you want to see the bustle of the main piazza in Merghellina, go to Da Pasqualino and order any pizza. Seat yourself so that you can observe the hustler from the 2nd rate restaurant Suppa di Cozze (sharing the area of the piazza with Da Pasqualino) trying to steal customers away from da Pasqualino. If you think you had nice pizza elsewhere in Italy (I am working on the presumption that there is no such thing as pizza outside Italy) you will be cured of that tragic misunderstanding once you had the first bite of a pizza in Naples. If you want it really cheap and good, go to da Michele. Two types of pizza, Margherita with excellent Mozzarella di Buffalo, and Marinata. Both are first rate. You have beer with Pizza. if you order wine you expose yourself as a nitwit. For sweets, you either go to Ciros at night or Gambrinus during the day. The latter place on a Sunday afternoon is frequented by 'Capo' type elderly Camorrha gentlemen with big Police sunglasses and English suits. Eat the 'Baba', it is a rum-soaked cake. Have lots of coffee. Because Napolitan coffee dudes know how much sugar you will need to enjoy the perfect coffee, they put it into the cup for you. No need to thank them.


We went to the National Archeological Museum, and the Capodimonte Museum. The former has a lot of Roman trash dug up from that heap otherwise known as Pompeii. J.C. on a bicycle. Make sure you go to see the Cabinetto Seghretto inside the museum to see the Roman era porn locked away until 1999. Very funny. Apart from that the statue of that poor lady tied to the bull's horns in the Farnese collection is just amazing. Capodimonte is an altogether different affair, with about 120 rooms full of paintings from the 12th century to the 19th century. Some amazing originals, including El Greco, Caporetto, Tiziano, and lord knows what. Just go. You won't be disappointed.


Do not, under any circumstances, stay in the train station area. 'Seedy' does not even begin to describe it. Choose at least a four-star hotel, unless you don't mind 'decrepit', err, 'with character'. If you have the money, go to the Albhergo Vesuvio (www.vesuvio.it). Double room @ €370/night, but blimey, is it ever worth it. Alternatively Pozzulino, and Merghellina could be nice.

In case of problems

Don't come whingeing. If you complain to someone about something, they will claim it never happened. Then they will blatantly lie to you about it. They will lie to you for longer than you can come up with different versions of the truth. That is fine, and the only reason for trying to keep up with them knowing that you will lose is to see what lengths they'll go to. If you manage to outlast them against expectations, because they are having a bad day on the 'how to invent things that make the silly customer go away' front, they will just shrug their shoulders, and blame the tax system.

All in all, an excellent way to spend a few days off. Now I need a holiday.


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:D Andreas, but you did leave out the minor detail of a massive active volcano right on the doorstep of Naples which according to a BBC Horizon program last year is due one god almighty explosion at almost any day. Would they brake for that?

Just a quick note to Lucky Strike who is a bit quiet at the moment. I'm moving and losing my ISP tommorrow, so will be out of contact for a while. When I've set up a new ISP I'll be back in touch, sorry for the pause. Meanwhile enjoy the drunken synchronised swimming replays...

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Hostilities between MTJS and the Hilterite Harbingers of Hallowedness have now been formally openend, with both sides throwing lead at long distances. He keeps telling me how much he admires my forces- and I must say, Feldgrau is very becoming to your average Stormtrooper, and it is soooo current! (Not at all like this ghastly mud-cake brown his men are wearing, which is just soooo 1940s).

Never mind the fashion though, we all know that what counts is to Be Prepared™. To show how much my men are prepared, here is a picture from our latest session in which I had taught them how to defend themselves against fresh turnips (Ha! We all know there is no fruit under Communism) or a bowl of Borschtsch.


With nothing but a pointed stick, some MG42s and the odd Stug or two.

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After a hard-fought battle, my valiant Stugs succumbed to the enemy. It appears that quantity (8 Soviet tanks) beats quality (two crack German stugs) anytime. Well done MTJS - very nicely executed pincer move that squashed my stugs. I am happy though that my infantry neither ceased nor faltered killing his infantry, and did not tire in doing so.

Chalk another one up for the soviets. Voelker hoert die Signale! :D

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Andreas beat me to it.

Heres the score.


Bit blurry sorry. 77 to 23.

A good fun game I thought, must remember that squads with 50% casualities are rubbish at attacking. And that Stugs cost less than PzIVs because they have no turrets.

Also its the same score as my first round battle (I think), freaky.

[ May 11, 2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Makes The Jelly Judder ]

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