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The Peng Challenge Thread and Minnesota's Ice Holes

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike the wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> *loads mango into mortar and fires it at MtW's head...*

Mortar?!?!? A mango in a mortar?

Maybe an ampuloment but never a mortar. </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Apathetic game updates:

{politely and lovingly snipped for brevity}

Going to lose to girlfriend again. Saving up those koochie coupons!

LOL! Since when do you have to lose to me to earn brownie points? You know you'll get lucky whether I win or lose...

Edited cause I just realized that's gonna make some people run screaming again and I wanted to start laughing now...MUAAHAHAHAHAAAA!

[ March 06, 2003, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Substitute Tequila for Rye and I'll play!

Your so much cooler then Hiram , but being the fact that your married, combined with my boyish good looks and charm, i think it would be a very bad idea, but we'll always have Canberra! </font>
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Oh boy, this should teach me to go fishing in the Pool . Just hooked another turd.

Maybe Javaslinger will have more computer savvy than mcgivney (who could have less?). At least he has responded with more turns times in one night than lenakonrad could in a fortnight.

What happened to the hapless Pole? Did the big scary German uber-tanks question your choice of troops? Or did your lithium run low? No matter, when you grow a pair feel free to send that turn along.

{editted cuz the "Old Rasputin" is hell on the proof-reading}

[ March 06, 2003, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Oh boy, this should teach me to go fishing in the Pool . Just hooked another turd.

Maybe Javaslinger will have more computer savvy than mcgivney (who could have less?). At he has responded with more turns times in one night than lenakonrad could in a fortnight.

What happened to the hapless Pole? Did the big scary German uber-tanks question your choice of troops? Or did your lithium run low? No matter, when you grow a pair feel free to send that turn along.

Yeah...I played Java TCP/IP last week. Played to a draw. Was a pretty good game, imo.

As to lenakonrad, I wonder too. He's been so good about sending turns as quick as I can send them out. Now nothing for two or three days. Sent him a regular mail without a file attached, but no response yet.

[ March 06, 2003, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

*sits back and sips her Southern Comfort, rolling the glass back and forth between the palms of her hands between sips*

Er...'Lady' of the 'Pool (it is you, isn't it, Hiram, trying life from the 'other side' as it were, isn't it?) any creature that would willingly (and by that I mean that there is simply no other alcohol available, of any type, except Creme de Whatever or wine coolers) drink the vile slop called 'Southern Comfort', should walk softly and carry a bucket in polite company.

As I understand it, historically the only good purpose that this peach flavoured heavily alcoholed swill has bee put to was by Sherman's troops, that knocked the ends out of hogsheads of the stuff in the streets of Atlanta in order to get a better conflagration.

And to what purpose? From the ruins Georgia built a modern city and then filled it once again with Southerners. Might as well build a world class zoo for displaying rats.

All that aside, and despite the fact that I am, once again, not caught up, I'm back. Again.

More as soon as I've read more.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Substitute Tequila for Rye and I'll play!

Your so much cooler then Hiram , but being the fact that your married, combined with my boyish good looks and charm, i think it would be a very bad idea, but we'll always have Canberra! </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

*sits back and sips her Southern Comfort, rolling the glass back and forth between the palms of her hands between sips*

Er...'Lady' of the 'Pool (it is you, isn't it, Hiram, trying life from the 'other side' as it were, isn't it?)...</font>
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I challenge someone, or anyone, so come get some, and send me a set up. If I do not receive one with in 24 hour’s, I will be forced to post long-winded dribble until someone gouges out an eye. I though about killing kittens, one for every hour that passes with out a set up, but I figured it would bother no here on this thread, but annoying you on the other hand might.

I thought I had 2 mango's, but just realized that I needed to see a doctor.

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Originally posted by Gay lord Focker

replace the word drink with drag

Ok let me try.

A night out "dragging" with the girls.

You and Moraine Sedai can have a great night out in Canberra again. Maybe this time she can curtail your drinking so you don't end up in bed with a sailor puking.

Or maybe not. To each his/ her own.

[how was that?]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Well that should keep Hiram out of here for at least a good 40 seconds or so.....

Thanks! Did i mention your way cooler then Hiram ?

I mean who can make a contribution around here like that?

If i had any say around here, you'd be a knight or whatever the female term used is.

Oh, and as far as me being scared that you would drink me under the table, replace the word drink with drag.

Not to worry, we'll always have Canberra!

(hope your taking notes Seanachai )

Ulitmately...thanks...I think. heh

Although I cannot agree that I'm 'cooler' than Hiram. A more appropriate term would be hotter. *wicked grin* Be that as it may, my dragging men under the table days are over now. Well, all but one man, anyway...

(awaits the requisite screaming again...)

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Originally posted by Gay lord Focker

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

replace the word drink with drag

Ok let me try.

A night out "dragging" with the girls.

You and Moraine Sedai can have a great night out in Canberra again. Maybe this time she can curtail your drinking so you don't end up in bed with a sailor puking.

Or maybe not. To each his/ her own.

[how was that?] </font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

]Your so much cooler then Hiram , but being the fact that your married...

Thanks! Did i mention your way cooler then Hiram ?

(hope your taking notes Seanachai )

What I'm taking notes on, you sad arsed little pillock, is how many times you use 'your' when what you mean is 'you are', the contraction for which is 'you're'.

Christ on a crutch checking the dictionary, get it right, Gaylord, even just f'ing once, and I'll let Panzer Leader have you for a Squire.

You're, you're, you're, is 'you are'. Your is a possessive, for the love of all the gods!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

]Your so much cooler then Hiram , but being the fact that your married...

Thanks! Did i mention your way cooler then Hiram ?

(hope your taking notes Seanachai )

You're, you're, you're, is 'you are'. Your is a possessive, for the love of all the gods! </font>
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What I'm taking notes on, you sad arsed little pillock, is how many times you use 'your' when what you mean is 'you are', the contraction for which is 'you're'.

Christ on a crutch checking the dictionary, get it right, Gaylord, even just f'ing once, and I'll let Panzer Leader have you for a Squire.

Uh oh.

Someone riled the gnome.

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I've been...away. I went into a bit of a decline, then moved to despond, and finally ended up in a full-fledged depression.

And then, one night when my personal demons were loudest, and everything in my life was crying out to me 'failure', 'futility', and 'despair', I hit rock-bottom. I thought to myself: Why not? Why not load up that 20 gauge my Ol' Da' gave me, all those years back, and put the barrel in my mouth, and pull the trigger? Who'll notice? Who'll care?

And then, I thought, 'Wait'! What about the Peng Challenge Thread? What about all those lads and lasses? If I die, who will teach the little children about the glory of taunting, and who will lead them in a jolly sing-song?

So I went to the Peng Challenge Thread. And I read the posts of the folk. And thank all the gods that I couldn't find a single, goddamn 20 gauge shell in the entire sodding apartment, or I would have blown out my goddamn brains then and there.

What a bunch of useless, pointless ****e.

And suddenly I realized that I needed to live. I needed to post a new message of hope, and glory, and at least, not so much stupid, annoying ****e, for all the world!

Or, at least, any sense of despair I might f'ing well feel should find as it's target the lackwitted idjits I've found posting here lately.

Alright, lets begin with some of the more promising of the scabbed-over sores that pass for posters on the Peng Challenge Thread these days.

Vadr, recite for us all who your patron is. Tell us something interesting that involves at least a bit of higher brain function. Grovel, a bit, in a manly way that acknowledges a desire to move up the food chain.

The rest of you inflamed coldsores disguised as Peng Challenge wannabees, will be reviewed in your turn.

Christ, in all my puff I've never seen such a bunch of wanking idjits. I'm all for democracy, but the posts I've read lately have been a lot more like giving pedophiles, Pomeranian dogs, and Jerry Springer viewers the vote.

Not on my watch, might I say.

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20 gauge shells all you need? Let me send you a box...just in case you miss a couple of times.

Hhhhmm, what with Homeland Security and all let me see if I can get someone to drop those by. I would hate to have them hung up in the mail.



[ March 06, 2003, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

20 gauge shells all you need? Let me send you a box...just in case you miss a couple of times.

Hhhhmm, what with Homeland Security and all let me see if I can get someone to drop those by. I would hate to have them hung up in the mail.



Little man, you are not yet amusing me. Try harder.

A bit of song. A piece of poetry. In your case, even some poorly executed clog dancing would at least help. Give me something to lay before the gods of the Peng Challenge to show that you're not simply a wanker.

A story. A rant.

What's wrong with the Peng Challenge Thread, lately, is that everyone thinks they know what's needed to belong, and no one has a bloody clue. We don't want to hear another stupid bugger attempt to insult people. Christ on a crutch, and showering down mercy, we've all seen better insults than the most of you could gain from reading the Classics.

What we want to be, is amused. We want to see a bit of thought go into your posts. We want to see you 'buy in' to the Peng Challenge Thread.

Amuse me.

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An Ode to Uber-Gnome

Lashing out, both vile and brutal

On a quest both long and futile

Of joy he knows not

Of others he cares naught

Favor he neither seeks or gives

hatred is the fuel for which he lives

Shared with all, not one spared

Dancing about with pants flared

Hovel covered in snow but safe at home

this is none other than UBER-GNOME





That's all I have the stomach for. This seemed like a good idea when I started (gotta cut back on the beers).

[ March 06, 2003, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by Javaslinger:

Sgt. Goody, you pathetic excuse of a man posing as a drunken female girl scout troop leader, get me a turn too! So it took me a month to respond to your challenge for a game. Now it's up to you! Leave the 10 year olds alone and get me a turn!

Well coffeeTOSSER, your lack of wit and worth has caused me to completely forget any challenge in which you were a part. If you are finnished licking hallucinogenic frogs you cans send me a setup. Since I regard your tactical potential to be about equal to that of a sea cucumber I shall let you set the parameters (no more than 2000 points my computer is old) and pick the sides.
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