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Moldy waffle with pus and maggots

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

...no Knights that Say "Ni" either.

Keep the Python nonsense in the Peng thread where it belongs. We like ants, mold, maggots, Dave H, TNT and waffle here. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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My computer has fallen and can't get up. My country for a computer geek who ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO FIX A COMPUTER!!! :mad:

Bunch of wankers I have been dealing with can't even install RAM without re-installing the OS.

Hatred abounds but my games are locked up in the non-functioning bitch box. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Bunch of wankers I have been dealing with can't even install RAM without re-installing the OS.

Listen, I know you're close to the guys you drink Aqua Velva with in the gutter Monday mornings, but do you really think they should be providing you with tech support too?
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Hatred abounds but my games are locked up in the non-functioning bitch box. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Sorry to hear this Mike

Can you clarify that last line. Are you referring to your computer or Goodale? </font>

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Gamey Update

The 50 turn marathon that Axe and I have been struggling with has finally concluded in a draw, with Axe (maggot) winning a 53-47 points victory. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

One :mad: for each point of separation. GRRR!!!!

[serious]-DAMN, it was a blast and it's good to be playing again!!!![/serious]

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Let's see. MTW's computer is acting up again. I sympathised right up until I heard his "techs" had to reinstall the OS after replacing RAM. Wino, the statement, "Bring your computer to the Techs" does not reference those heavily armed, drugged up guys in Somalia.

My snail's pace game with Softballs continues. Slowly. Very slowly. He continues to be covered with honey and staked over the ant hole. Goodant is jealous.

Speaking of the "Marques of Maggots and Mold, Archduke of Ants, and Eunuch to Skunk Nads", did the Orkin man get him by mistake and stuff him in the dryer?

Prinz Now Eu See Me, Now Eu Don't carries on with his Claude Raines imitation. For you toddler maggots too young to remember the era of crude special effects, that's the guy that played the Invisible Man.

Since no games are flowing at the moment, any maggot that actually wants to send a turn (at least once every two days, fer crissake) feel free to send a setup. I'll take the first one in the in box and line the rest up for when / if any other games end. Be warned, I'm obviously turn-constipated and will unload my 'splodies without mercy, or sense of direction. :mad: :mad:


[ July 22, 2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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:mad: :mad:

For your amusement, I am glad to announce that I have returned to the delightful world of CMBB. Well, sort of. I do not guarantee that any given turn gets relpied within the next 24 hours, because at the moment I do not feel like it, but the rather one sided contests may continue.

Now, should any of you bunch of old maggots have a problem with my turn-sending rate, fine, I would not care less. :mad: I acknowledge that I should have atleast let you know of my absence. Alas, I did not. And there is nothing to change that.

(Another excuse coming up :D :mad: )

Hotmail doesn't allow me to open my attachments anymore. Why ? Who knows. Hotmail is bad . Should one feel I owe him a turn, please do a resend to mikko.toivanen@saunis.net. Thank you.

:mad: :mad:

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Being forced to spend time away from the computer has been refreshing. No yammering from you bunch of gits in the ceaseless parade of tactical follies which have been become my PBEMs. I am actually getting to bed at a reasonable hour.

So this is what it's like to live a life without CM? It is all so exciting and new, I feel as giddy as a school girl.

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Hey Prinz Eugen, I was always on your side!! All these people saying such terrible things about you didn't influence me in the slightest. You Finn-maggot!! :D:D

I have to admit, compared to some of the absolute garbage I see people posting in the General Forum, this thread seems the very epitome of civilized discussion. Sure we all generally despise each other - that's a given. :rolleyes: But at least most of the posts here make some kind of sense. Even MasterGoodale (the maggot), although he has a curious way of saying things, follows his own peculiar logic.

Long distance group hug - the only kind I want here! ;);)

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Yay! Prinz Eubanks is back! And two days before deadline. Good show. I'll send the last turn again. Take your time getting it back. Well, within limits. <ahttp://community.battlefront.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png' alt=':D'> How goes the mail battle? Too bad you're not here. You could enjoy this.

And Mike. As much as I'd like to believe your life is better without CMBB, I have my doubts. Sure, leaving all that anger behind may make you feel better now, but without an outlet for it, I'm afraid you'll end up being featured on American Justice someday.


Where the hell is MasterGoodale? We're like, one or two turns away from the end!

Oh, and props and ree-spect out to Robohn who managed in an all out assault to kill 25 of my troops in one turn.

Comic Book Guy: "Worst...turn...ever."

Jas :mad: n

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"We few. We miserable few.  We Band of Maggots. For those who shed their mold with us today shall always be in our Brood."

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ July 22, 2003, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

"We few. We miserable few.  We Band of Maggots. For those who shed their mold with us today shall always be in our Brood."

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

That's beautiful, Axe. It gives me the exact same feeling as when the doctor examined my prostate. Only more so. tongue.giftongue.gif
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Wow, we are seeing another side of Dave H


Long distance group hug
and then:

That's beautiful, Axe. It gives me the exact same feeling as when the doctor examined my prostate. Only more so.
Thanks Dave, after throwing up I feel much better.

I am quite sure I don't want to feel the love, thanks anyways.

BTW, were they able to find, and dislodge, your head from your posterior during that prostrate exam?

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Ok, listen up you slithering, stinking, slimy balls of strep-infected dingleberries dipped in hot anal juice!! :mad: You're all one angry out loud gaggle of misfit MasterGoodale-GrandMaster TNT Chucker wannabes aren't ya??!! Well that's all angry out loud and fine and dandy until papa chucker comes home maggots. :mad:

The reason I haven't been able to send turns, AND WON'T BE ABLE TO SEND TURNS FOR ABOUT 4-5 MORE DAYS is because my daughter is VERY sick and has been since Friday. Fever of 105 and vomiting and all that. My PC is completely unhooked right now because I'm doing a major renovation on my downstairs and won't be able to hook up the PC until this weekend!! GRAGRAGRGRAGRGRAGRGRAGR!!!! :mad:

I'm engaged in a full-scale war with the mold that was discovered when I started this renovation and believe me the mold isn't too happy with it's current living conditions :mad: Let's just say it's a "Day at the Bleach" for them. think some of the spores managed to float into my lungs and make me a little sick but in the end each and every spore will pay the ultimate price. I want nothing more than for this renovation to be done so I can crank up the new fireplace, walk softly over the carpet to the PC after a nice relaxing read in the hot tub, and KICK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR TNT-SLATHERED ASSES!!!! :mad: But that will just have to wait a few more days won't it puss balls??

Keke kicked my ass as you have already been informed (shocker) - revenge will be sweet as a butter-roasted can of TNT with sugar on top, Snarker is about to kick my ass, and AXE has a good chance of eeking out a tactical victory over my Russians, but the rest of you will end up slathered in angry TNT with a hunk of cheese up your ass and a sign hanging from your mouth that says "Will Suck For Food". :mad:

By the way, when I am able to play again I am looking for a couple of slugs to play my Mangler Mountain scenario. It's a good one. Lots of TNT and bitter soldiers who are angry at their current mission. VERY unpleasant for both sides.

Angry about the delay, but such is life puss pods.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

My daughter is VERY sick and has been since Friday. Fever of 105 and vomiting and all that.

I'm sorry to hear that. :( Hope she feels well soon. Can she stay with family or friends until the mold is conquered?

My sympathy for your daughter (apart from the fact she has you for a father) however, does not negate the fact that you are a no-turn-sending hoor.

Maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Just send me my sig and get it over with

I would have been happy just with the daddyhood, but since you *insist*, you'll be using the sig created by Soddball:

I get satisfying action from my Remington Ladyshave

:D :mad:

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