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If the Doors of Challenge Were Cleansed, Peng Would Appear As He Truly Is: Infinite

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

gracelessly, river

stumbles warmly changelessly

gnome ranting

nidan, you idjit

seasons change, send a turn now

I miss crushing you </font>

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Some updates:

Mrskweeker has found some old, rusting, Italian - owned T34's. (They race backwards faster than Boo_Radley can post. Now that's fast)

Did I mention, they die nicely as well.

Malakovskii is a tree loving, hill camping, long-barrelled lover. His idea of tactiks is to swan his tanks around in line abreast. Must be confused because they die just like MrSpkr 's tin cans....going in reverse.

Speedbump has created history. Not only is his turn rate as fast as Boo_Radley's brain processes..(does he have ANY?) but his non-appearance for the next battle in our operation is cause for concern. He drops smoke behind his advancing troops, showing as much tactical ability as Boo_Radley , and after 8 turns, my troops are nodding off to sleep. Just the same effect as reading a few Boo_Radley posts really.

Elvis . Now we all know the King of the one-liner / one-word posts has hidden talent. (That's a lot better than boo_Radley . No one EVER noticed any talent in him)

So what do you get when he sends a setup ? 40 Zillion craters on a map that makes your processor cry and get all hot and slow and 'icky..a bit like Boo_Radley really.

This little gem of a player waits until your troops pass by on the way to the flags before popping their heads up to die....well, I think we are on the same map. But he does have lot's of holes to hide in.

The Geelong Supporter must be tied up with testing, or somefink. Damn those sheep.

There are a few others whom used to post here playing and losing to me, but we don't want to embarrass them.


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Originally posted by PondScum:

Panzer Leader, you unutterable swine, why'd you have to show up now? If I'd have known you weren't Mr Squeaky over there I wouldn't have accepted his challenge - or at least I'd have found some other rodent SSN to throw in his way as a roadblock. Now the little bugger is doing maneuvers on the open plain with most of a Panzer Armee, while my brave defenders of Mother Russia have two rusty muskets and a dachsund to defend themselves with. And it's all YOUR fault.

Hey!!! That's my dachsund... Shotsie. It clearly states that in my TOE. Admittedly, she's not all that large or fierce, but the plan says that I am to:


Play some Wagner

Joe Shaw's highest grade completed:

Cry Havoc. <h3>HAVOC!</h3>


Let loose the "dog of war". That's where Shotsie comes in. And don't you dare think of trying any of those "hundminen" tricks...

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mbjvx:

No should I act as myself or shall I dance around like a chicken lacking a large and key function of its brain?

There's a difference?


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Dear Noba,

That is some battlefield isn't it. Looks like Mickey Rourkes face. I wish I had know that I was on defense I wouldn't have spend all my points on Elite T-34s and Flamethrowers. I would have purchased at least SOME infantry. Oh well....live and learn.



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errr...ahh...someone just registered as HeteroLord Focker. Why do I feel that this bodes ill for all of us?

In other news...

Lars of the dancing feet, just attempted to sashay his way onto my side of the map. Did he succeed? Yes and no. He destroyed my tanks, my guns and most of my men, but when all was said and done, all he could pull out of it was a draw. Tie game. What a sap.

And let me tell you about this little monstrosity that our very own MrSpkr foisted off on me. He had six or seven tanks and a couple of squads of men. I had one tank and a few more men. In the snow. He beat me, but only just! Tactical Defeat for yours truly.

Or truly yours...I can never remember.

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uremom, who do speak of? Surley you don't speak of these fine gentlemen of the great pond... scum.

Ah, but you are new, young, and stupid. Wait a while, stumble through the shadows drunkenly, and surely someone will give you a good kick in the shins.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


You mentioned me no less than six times in your last post.

You are such a flirt!

Six times. Pah. Your fetid stench befowls this place too often. Your scrawney chicken-like neck deserves to be wrung. Wait ! Your posts are like that of a headless chook already !! Drats, someone beat me too it. Curses.


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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Did someone leave the door open again?

And aren't we supposed to have a Grue or something to deal with all these undesirables who keep showing up like someone cares?

No ... now all we have are namby pampy Appeasers who think that if you feed a tiger steaks for long enough the tiger will eventually become a vegetarian.

So if you keep allowing SSNs to just wander in, posting whatever nonsense they choose, willy nilly, hither and yon, with no respect for the FORMS AND POLICIES, they will eventually start posting properly, with some wit and verve and style.

We've all seen it, first Dame YK2, the Dame Persephone and last but certainly not least ... well in HIS case he IS least but that's another story, the supposed Olde One, Seanachai.

Oh, that's all right, he can post ... he just has to wear a tutu and sing silly songs upon demand.

BAH! That's not the Seanachai I knew, the Seanachai I knew would flay the skin from an SSN for sticking a toe in the water. He'd decapitate one for a misplaced comma, he'd heap such abuse and derision upon them that they'd scurry back to the outerboards, tail 'tween legs, head bent in shame, shuffling along first listing to left then right. BUT THEY WOULD BE THE BETTER FOR IT!

No, the Ladies of the CessPool I can understand, they're ... well ... LADIES dash it all. With all the finer sentiments and gentler persuasions for which we hold them in such high esteem. It's only natural for them to take pity on the stray dog, the injured cat or the inadequate SSN. It's in their NATURE do you see?

But Seanachai ... I'd thought better of him at least ... hmmm, there's that LEAST word cropping up in conjunction with his name again, it's no coincidence, you may count on that. For he is a LESSER man than he was, I blame the wandering of the streets in Manyappleless, that'd drive anyone to distraction.

But lads, it's not to be tolerated. These SSNs must be brought to the bridle and if it takes Spanish Spurs and a Curb Bit with the odd slash of the riding crop, well, we do what we must ... it's the only surefire technique ... they make the most delightful sounds too.

We'll have no SSN WHISPERERS in the CessPool, not on my watch.


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