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Biltong's Campaign Rules - South 41 to 42

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Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

[QBIs that also true if you edit the ammo level for your battel group units before saving the file? Will the QB generator reset the amo levels? [/QB]

Yes, at least it does for me.

Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

That is not my experience. In the Editor my units have less than Maximum value for their ammo and I may set the ammunition they get. Then in the generated QB I find those values I set the unit with. This way I may change the experience level of the unit and set its ammo to the % which comes from rolling the corresponding parameter value.

Hmm, it will ALWAYS changed the ammo for me. So if you start the scenario editor, add a platoon of inf, change all their ammo to say 2, save the scenario, exit the scenario editor, start a new game, select quick battle, set ammo to say 10%, import your just made map and troops, look at one of your inf squad in the game, they still have only 2 in ammo?

If it does, something is very strange. Even Steve has more or less confirmed that it doesn't work. Are you using v1.02?

EDIT: Now Steve said it does work. I'm totally confused. It does NOT work for me. You on a Mac?

[ March 10, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: SuperSulo ]

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Has anyone thought about the possibility of doing an Allied BCR campaign?

For whatever reason, I think most people prefer to play the Germans, partly because there are more memoirs written from a German perspective, but I think a Russian campaign could have some interesting features.

You would have to set the campaign later in the war, when the Russians are mainly attacking. I'm not sure of my history, but '43 onwards would seem feasible. I'd pick a Guards Mechanized company as the main battle group, possibly with a T34 or two thrown in.

To reflect the harshness of your communist party masters you could have the possibility of losing your CO in a "purge" if he loses too many battles. This would encourage play that is more aimed at winning at any cost if you know your superiors are keeping an eye on you.

The last phase of the campaign would see you taking your men into the ruins of Berlin.

Would this appeal to anyone?

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

[QBIs that also true if you edit the ammo level for your battel group units before saving the file? Will the QB generator reset the amo levels?

Yes, at least it does for me.

Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

That is not my experience. In the Editor my units have less than Maximum value for their ammo and I may set the ammunition they get. Then in the generated QB I find those values I set the unit with. This way I may change the experience level of the unit and set its ammo to the % which comes from rolling the corresponding parameter value.

Hmm, it will ALWAYS changed the ammo for me. So if you start the scenario editor, add a platoon of inf, change all their ammo to say 2, save the scenario, exit the scenario editor, start a new game, select quick battle, set ammo to say 10%, import your just made map and troops, look at one of your inf squad in the game, they still have only 2 in ammo?

If it does, something is very strange. Even Steve has more or less confirmed that it doesn't work. Are you using v1.02?

EDIT: Now Steve said it does work. I'm totally confused. It does NOT work for me. You on a Mac? [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

Has anyone thought about the possibility of doing an Allied BCR campaign?


Apache has already got one going or he's working on one..? He's bound to pop in here or mail him.

BTW - the first Russian counter attacks started late Nov 41. From 42 onwards there were already 2 or more mayor offensives per year.


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Small problem with Biltaid and attached units.

I have now 160 points available for attached units but Biltaid only allows me to enter ONE single unit: as soon as I enter its values and validate the entry Biltaid skip to next panel. Hence, say, the second attached unit can only be added to my BG on the following battle.

Other problem, but this is my personal mistake: the first time I entered an attached unit I inadvertently put 0 (zero) men for the unit. Now it show as conscript, 0 experience and 0 men. Does not evolve. Any possible way to remove this ghost unit?

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

RE: the ammo and the editor

I explained it to Steve and he said he would take it up with Charles. Lets hope they decide to fix it. smile.gif

Hi SS,

I imagine the odds are slim that Charles will want to spend time on this - bit of a spesiality problem.

Any other work-around that I/we can impliment... I've got the 'SE-way' scheduled next on my list - to check if and how it can be incorporated into BCR, but I don't want to spend the time on it if there's no way around the ammo problem... too crucial for variety and historical realism...


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Originally posted by Biltong:

Hi SS,

I imagine the odds are slim that Charles will want to spend time on this - bit of a spesiality problem.

Very slim indeed... But they have surprised us before! smile.gif I'm still hoping, but not counting on it.

Originally posted by Biltong:

Any other work-around that I/we can impliment... I've got the 'SE-way' scheduled next on my list - to check if and how it can be incorporated into BCR, but I don't want to spend the time on it if there's no way around the ammo problem... too crucial for variety and historical realism...


At the moment I haven't found a good workaround, in fact, I don't think there is one. I tried using v1.0 to set up and start the QB, save game in setup phase, exit CM, start v1.0.2, load and play the game. That works for your troops, but as you remember, in v1.0 (and v1.0.1) the AI's ammo is always 100% no matter what you set in the QB.

So either your Battle Group has 100% ammo, or all of the AI's troops has 100% ammo. :/

As it is now, there is no real way of using the SE with BCR (in the winter, at least). I myself still use it, letting my battle group have full ammo. Since I often have lots of other infantry in my task force, I let the battle group stay way behind so their full ammo wont come into play. I also count the number of shells the tanks are allowed to use, and after they have use ie 8 shells I pull them back, no letting them take part of the battle anymore. No good solution, I know, but it works for me. Oh how I hope they chose to fix this "feature"...

Btw, I've come to the conclusion that 10% ammo battles sucks anyway! smile.gif There's no way you can ever hope of winning (with the usual AI handicap), so I just immidiately pull back (aka flee) and let the AI win. Better to take the loss of favor than loss of all your men.

I think I will limit the ammo minimum 30%. Not historical or anything, it's just not that fun to always retreat.

Oh, and arty really suck when at 10% ammo: You pay just as many points for it, but only get like 2 shells for the bigger caliber's. At least with infantry they can still do some good with LOW ammo, FO's with 2 shells are WORTHLESS.

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Btw, I've come to the conclusion that 10% ammo battles sucks anyway! smile.gif There's no way you can ever hope of winning (with the usual AI handicap), so I just immidiately pull back (aka flee) and let the AI win. Better to take the loss of favor than loss of all your men....

Yes!! But there's more to it! This is the real challenge of BCR! How to come out tops, when the odds are stacked against you. This is one of of the few things that make BCR unique... fighting a real life totally unballanced battle!!

Imagine what you would do as a CO in real life if you were in that situation. You don't want your men to get slaughtered, but you still don't want to run away...

On the defense: Split all your squads and create line after line of fall back foxholes. Don't place men in houses/rough ground etc - 1st create the foxholes, then move them forward into the houses etc. The AI's quite slow on the attack, so you can move forward a bit - allthough you have to be carefull with the new BCR maps ;)

Then: ambush after ambush, but don't hang around too long. I've been caught time and again thinking the AI's bringing it's men up in drips and drabs, only to be caught by a sudden rush and pinned/slaughtered. 1 or 2 minutes at most, then fall back to the next line of foxholes. The AI tends to consolidate after each firefight and this gives you time.

Do not use the retreat command!! Your troops are bound to panic! I plot a retreat every 'action' round for all my front line troops and delay it to take place in the 1st seconds of the next round, in case I need it ;)

Make your last stand in a corner as far away from any flag as possible smile.gif

On the attack:

Go for a small flag where you'll you have a good position commanding the approached from the other flags... The AI will try and reinforce the 'lost' flag and then you're back to fighting the defensive fall-back fight above... All you want to do is cause as many Allied casualties as possible while losing as few men as possible - even if you lose the battle, you'll just lose favor and hopefull gain quite a bit of experience to offset the favor loss.

One trick:

Your men with ammo left in a position in the woods or scattered trees where they can fire out - ambush arcs set to 40m or less. Fire 1 or 2 minutes max and retreat. 2nd line of men with no ammo deeper in the woods/reverse slope etc where they can't see out (or be seen) - unhidden & no arcs. Once the Allieds enter the woods/crest the hill they'll encounter one burst and handgrenades - some more kills for you - 1 minute only and run. Etc Etc... That's the theory ;)

What it does, is delay the Allies so you don't have to run off the map. Watch out for flank attacks though - AI's quite clever this way.

Worked for me some times - not always :D

Maybe some of the other guys can add some tactics that worked for them - we can all do with some help!

[ March 11, 2003, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Wow, I never knew you were so gamey! Plotting retreat movements and pausing to 61 sec, that's the lowest of the low... smile.gif

I usually don't retreat right away, I try to put some hurt on the AI first. But you're right, you can't stay too long, or you get killed the moment you start to pull back/turn your back against the enemy. It's best to use "advance" if they are close.

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Here I go again :( Placing all my BCR papers

in a inactive Folder redface.gif

I have played my first battle and I just don't

understand the After Battle Parameters :confused:

Filled out my Battle Group paper not sure about

exp numbers for each unit and after replacement

number :confused: Why Torture my self :( Life is to short smile.gif

May dig them out again but I need to rest my mine

" What's left of it" :D


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Lane, for after battle experience, all you gotta do is take your before battle experience, add one for every squad or unit. Now at the bottom of the battlegroup sheet there are notes, for every infantry squad that caused any casualties to the enemy add another point (+2 so far) For squads that cause 12+ casualties it becomes +2 (so +3 so far)

Other things play in as well, and the number of casualties caused and experience gained differs with tanks, etc.

Now, add it up and put in the after battle experience. Thats the XP for the people who survived the battle. Now, look in the rules, and see the note on replacements and after battle XP. There is a formula there where you tally in after battle XP, and the quality of your replacements, and how many men have to be replaced as opposed to how many are left...

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Originally posted by Biltong:

BTW - the first Russian counter attacks started late Nov 41. From 42 onwards there were already 2 or more mayor offensives per year.

That's not true in the strictest sense...the Red Army started launching counterattacks the moment the invasion took place. Already in August the major counter-attacks near Yelnya were having some success in halting the Germans.

By the way, have just started my first 41' campaign - great stuff! Thanks for your effort! smile.gif

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:D Mostly to bump thread...

Report from the front

Herr General,

this is now our 9th succesfull battle. We have Ruskies fleeing away at sight. They all route easily and must be very new to the art of war. Our casualty level is so far not greater then 10% of what we inflict on the enemy. We are advancing at full speed: little resistance so far.


Hauptamann Fuhrer Hawk

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Originally posted by Heartland:

...That's not true in the strictest sense...the Red Army started launching counterattacks the moment the invasion took place. Already in August the major counter-attacks near Yelnya were having some success in halting the Germans.


LOL - The Grogs are sneeking in smile.gif

Smolensk/Yelnya falls in Army Group Central territory - I was talking in a very general sense about the South. BCR is restricted to the South at the moment. Central and North to follow if we're not pre-empted by CMIII ;) My use of the words 'counter attack' was unfortunate - I'm sure there were small local counter attacks from day 1 ;)

Due to the restrictions of BCR the date modifiers only take into account the large offensives (multiple armies taking part). However, I've just started building in smaller significant battles such as Kiev/Stalingrad/Sevastopol. The next update due in a couple of days will feature Peter Molloy's Kiev Battle Pack.

BTW - The battle at Yelnya was around 20 July if I'm not mistaken ;)

Hope you're going to enjoy the campaign smile.gif

We can definitely do with some grogs - if you see any other historical inaccuracies - please post here - this is one aspect of BCR that needs more work. I've requested the Battle Pack makers to start providing some source material, so that we can start jacking up this aspect - so any comments would be most welcome.

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Been out of the frame for a while guys, quite committed with some tournament and CMMC2 campaign stuff.

I do have a Soviet version for 42 that would probable be quite playable. Anyone wanting to trial it at perhaps tidy it up feel free. Post your mail address (if it isn't above your profile and I can mail it). Failing that I can mail it to SuperS for his site but am conscious of the amount of stuff there now.

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Ok guys got my BCR reports out First Battle

June,41 Result Axis Total Defeat. On my Favor

sheet this would be Result Favor -50 right :confused: Seem I read No Units for next

battle?If you had a total defeat? After Battle

Parameters rolled up counter att.No Losses DRM+1

Immediate attack NO Attached Units NONE

Normal Replac Green. My Battle Group came out

Men ok 190,4 caus,1KIA, Lost one tank Panz IVE

with Crew 2 ok 3 Caus and one KIA Fom 1st Platoon

squad 2. Question :confused: Do I fill out more

info on Lost or Drawn Battle Box?

Now a few Questions on Battle Group sheet?

I have a unit squead 10 men 0 caus 10 EXP before

Battle No enemy Caus so a +1 for exp after battle

to a 11 then move 11 into after Replacement for

a 11?

Had a squad 9 ok 1 Caus (KIA) they caused 2 inf caus so I gave them a +1 and +1 for a total 12

and After replacement a 9.

Another squad 10 men ok No casualties, they

caused 1 inf casualtie, so I gave them a 12 for

after Replacement.?

One Last Question ;)

My Pan IVE had 2ok 3caus Tank was KO /Aban for a

-1 for a EXp after Battle 10 and a 6 For after

Replacement? Does my numbers sound Right :confused:

Do I need to go Back to the drawing Board :D


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Hi Lane:

If you may run java applications then give a try to Peterk BiltAid tool.

Time I spend to report my AAR? 30 secs at maximum AND it is even fun to do ;)

On the end: you want to play CMBB right? smile.gif

General Hawk

9 battles from Barbarossa 22 June: 8 Total Victories, one Major Victory.

Maybe I should put AI to Expert level and have it have always 150% :D

Oh wait: I hear already Biltong: "Wait for the winter. Summer - even historically - have seen Axis penetrating like hot steel into butter. Just wait for the winter..."

Indeed so far I have seen just infantry (their backs mostly) and tankettes and a couple of T37: literally Chili con Carne Tin Cans.

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