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Biltong's Campaign Rules - South 41 to 42

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Biltong’s Campaign Rules

41 South v2.2 and 42 South v1.1

Player Guide v2.2

A complete walk-through of the first battle, the more difficult rules explained in some detail and lots of lovely pictures ;)

BCR Map Packs with over 220 maps!!

All of the above - Get it here:

SuperSulo's Site

or here

Scooby's Site - including PDF versions for the non-MS compliant individuals ;)

If this is the first time you hear about BCR… :confused:

BCR is a set of Campaign rules that enable you to play a series of battles from Barbarossa to Berlin.

BCR 41 & 42 South is the set of Rules covering the months June 41 to December 42 in the Army Group “South” Theatre of Operations.

Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your Battle Group storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Khar’kov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start.

You are the commanding officer of a company of German Mechanized Infantry and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame. As you lead your company and armor into Russia most of the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt.

You, your men and armor gain or loose experience throughout the Campaign. You start off with Regular troops, but after a year it becomes obvious that the quality of your replacements are getting worse... How your men grow in experience will depend on how they fare in each battle… how many men did they lose; did they get rattled; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank?

You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or loose Favor with your own commanding officer. If you screw up, you lose favor... Favor that you could have used to avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements.

You also get a Task Force to support your Battle Group: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as who assaults or attack who, weather etc.

With designed scenarios you quite often have ‘balanced’ forces, but with BCR you’ll get the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!!

Your men's survival is of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather loose a battle than loose too many men! The objectives still matter – you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Here realism rules for the first time.

As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, :D – Think again… You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before… and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s.

BCR is just for yourself… the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year… You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end.

If you have any questions - post in this thread and I or one of the old hands will answer you within a day or 2.



[ March 16, 2003, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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the patch seems to work: just finished first battle (Axis Assault), Total Victoty (93% - 7%).

After inputing the AAR, Biltaid comes with:

"Herr General. We must take advantage of your success in the field and attack once more immediately. The enemy cannot be give time to regroup. I will take the liberty of reorganizing your men for you for the upcoming attack. A few more solid pushes and we will push the Russians out of the area. Good Luck!"

Good luck my sh!t!!! :D


I still have to push "OK" on the pop-up window: can't wait to see what that will give me! smile.gif

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on the attack immediately (gosh: I am still on the Barbarossa day: 22nd June for my second battle) the HQ from Berlin asks me if I want to use favor points to change various parameters. From what I see the panel shows the selected option and additional ones plus the favor points to spend to change default.

So far so good. Only problem it is difficult to see which is the default: almost not visible which is which.



This is like getting into a Role-Game :D

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Heya, about Biltaid. Am i the only one never getting any large battles? I've tried generating lots of new campaigns just to test if it is at all possible but the largest battle i ever got was 1250 points. Is the large battle modifier implemented at all or am i just unlucky?

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Originally posted by StereoMike:

Heya, about Biltaid. Am i the only one never getting any large battles? I've tried generating lots of new campaigns just to test if it is at all possible but the largest battle i ever got was 1250 points. Is the large battle modifier implemented at all or am i just unlucky?

That's probably a bug in Biltaid. Try using the AutoParam spreadsheet - set it up for the initial battle and hit F9 repeatedly. You should get several large battles.
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Rule 28 for large battles didn't make the cut. I based mostly on 1.5 and that wasn't there at that point in time. It'll come...in the meantime, you can make that roll manually if you want. I don't see any consequences later on if you override the support numbers that biltaid gives you.

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> on the attack immediately (gosh: I am still on > the Barbarossa day: 22nd June for my second

> battle) the HQ from Berlin asks me if I want to > use favor points to change various parameters. > From what I see the panel shows the selected

> option and additional ones plus the favor

> points to spend to change default.

That maniac in charge will give you 5 battles a day if you aren't careful. Consider yourself lucky with only 2 a day.

If you have trouble telling what the default value on the favor question is, you can _also_ exit without spending favor by hitting the 'X' in the top-right corner. Macs have those, right??? smile.gif

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BCR Players,

Getting ready to print up new players guide ver 2.1 I am a recruit on this BCR thing. Trying

to learn how the points work to fill out the

battle Group and task force? I have 660 points

for my basic battle group Just don't how to enter

the task force points item 29 to 35? I have a total 1260 points rolled up on a Axis Probe.

900 Force size.

Now the reason for this post ;)

Could somebody help me on my post Question about

Map Pack? smile.gif Please smile.gif

Thank's for any answer


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Hey some new Revisions to the poljegorod maps

Ver 2.2 I got to download those maps That was what I was asking about smile.gif

Just picked that map from pack 2 for a axis probe.

Not able to probe much move out from tree line

and enemy fire will get you. better stay down smile.gif

Lane :D The rookie BCR player.

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Another Question :confused:

Boy this guy is a pain in the "" ;)

Is there a advantage to haveing a Excel viewer?

to read the Excel pages?

I have looked for a free Excel viewer for Win 98

SE and have not found one saw one for Win 95.

Are they any Viewer for Win 98 SE. Got to be free



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Lane, I have a word file which combines all the info in the Player's Guide with the rules and notes in the spreadsheet. It is for South 41. It should help answer many of your questions. I can send you a .rtf file if you can't read the .doc - I think .rtf is more easily digestible by a Mac ;)

I made it on my own initiative to help myself out understanding this, and have offered it to Biltong Sunday. I haven't heard from him since, but he's probably busy with the BCR campaign :D - He didn't ask for it anyway.

I have tried to write it all into a sequence telling you how to proceed, and collect all the relevant stuff where it is needed.

Send me an email or post here if you want it (or anyone else for that matter). My email is available by clicking on my name in the left column. I haven't sent it to any of the sites, as I wanted Biltong to comment on it first. As I said, he didn't ask for it smile.gif

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I have a question regarding purchase of the task force units. The numbers don't add up in my head. Let me explain.

Parameters 29 to 35 specify the maximal number of points you can use for each category. The total number of points you have is the sum of these points and the value of your battle group incl. attached units, rounded up.

An example: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Meetign Engagement

Battle Group 653

Attached Units 0

Infantry/Support 225

Vehicle 60

Armor 150

Arty/Air 0

Large Arty 550

Fortifications 0

Purchase Point Total 1638</pre>

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I got all your files, and able to read the

Player Guide and use quick View to see campaign


I sent you a e-mail reply on your orignal not

sure it whent?

Thanks I got it all and able to view it.

Did you get my e-mail with my points rolled up?

that last post was that for me?

Those numbers confuse me for now. :confused:

but I will study your sheets and maybe the light

will shine

Lane smile.gif

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Wow, Lane, you ask more questions than my mother in law ;)

Originally posted by Lane:


I got all your files, and able to read the

Player Guide and use quick View to see campaign


I sent you a e-mail reply on your orignal not

sure it whent?

Thanks I got it all and able to view it.

Did you get my e-mail with my points rolled up?

that last post was that for me?

Those numbers confuse me for now. :confused:

but I will study your sheets and maybe the light

will shine

Lane smile.gif

I did get an email with points, but it wasn't all that easy to read. I got two emails from you in total. The second reply had to be sent twice because your reply address didn't work.

The question and numbers above are for Biltong and his crew, not specifically for you.

Try studying my doc and see if that helps.

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About your 362 points left over ?

I guess you lose them if you can't buy no more

task force units. Seem I saw something in note

12 on BCR ver 2 rules about this.

I am sure you known more then I do about this smile.gif

I may be way off base on this answer smile.gif


Lane :D

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Ok Robert your Mother In Law wil shut up. :D

Thank's a lot for your help.

Sorry I got carried away smile.gif

I am age 66 I have been trying to understand

BCR I have put it in trash can a few times

then I dig it out :D

And study it some more smile.gif

Last post 4:21 here in US my area time to turn


Thank's again


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Originally posted by Lane:


About your 362 points left over ?

I guess you lose them if you can't buy no more

task force units. Seem I saw something in note

12 on BCR ver 2 rules about this.

You're right that this is the strict interpretation of note 12. It seems a bit unfair to loose so many points. Your opponent can - and will - buy the full complement. For a 5000 point battle you could potentially lose close to 2000 points, as you could conceivably get it by rounding up from 3001 points.

I'd like to get an official confirmation if this is indeed the correct interpretation.

[ March 04, 2003, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

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Originally posted by Peterk:

> on the attack immediately (gosh: I am still on > the Barbarossa day: 22nd June for my second

> battle) the HQ from Berlin asks me if I want to > use favor points to change various parameters. > From what I see the panel shows the selected

> option and additional ones plus the favor

> points to spend to change default.

That maniac in charge will give you 5 battles a day if you aren't careful. Consider yourself lucky with only 2 a day.

If you have trouble telling what the default value on the favor question is, you can _also_ exit without spending favor by hitting the 'X' in the top-right corner. Macs have those, right??? smile.gif

hehe, yes they DO! :D

But I can tell the difference, only it could be better

highlighted ;)

SOOO, you mean after I crush the Commies on the second battle (Dawn) in the same day THAT maniac will ask me to fight at night as well?!?!? JEEEZSSZS ;)

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