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Mice and Mold and Ants... Oh, My!!! The Cheery Thread of Master Goodale's Menagerie

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I find it angryesting how you all talk so much maggoty smack when only about 20% of you stand to win our current PBM. :mad: But that's ok, I like that.

I call on the Brood to help me. research scientists and military analysts have recently showed up at my door requesting permission to study my TNT-Chucking techniques and the formula for my TNT. They seek to understand why my TNT is so furious and how it blows the limbs off of Krauts with such ease. So far they have all gone home scratching their heads uttering things like "I don't where that man get's his fury. . ." and "Never have I seen such angry, bitter, desctructive TNT in my life. . ." :mad:

Can the Brood possible help by sharing their experiences of being blown to pieces and burned to a crisp by MasterGoodale??

Angry You :mad:

Snarker - I'm defenseless in our battle. really, I am. Just come in and take the flags. Save the world from more misery and death.

MikeTheWhiner - You may actually pull a tactical victory out of this one. As I said in the last email - it will be the only time :mad:

Prince - Pff! I'm gonna stomp on your nuts scum pouch!!! :mad:

EddwardNeverWinsHer - Lots a misery for you puss face. Just come on in and get it.

DaveH - Hows the crew of that PIV feeling? It was an experiment actually. My men wanted to see the effect of 4 T-34s shooting a PIV simultaneously. It was as we expected so we didn't bother reporting the results.


Smope - Those pillboxes will soon be rendered usless skunk nads. Then I'm coming in and I aint happy. :mad:

WallyBob - I still can't believe I've taken out 5 Tigers/Panzers/Stugs(?) with infantry and ampulomets. I taught you a lesson you will surely never forget. That lesson being that I am the angriest TNT-Chucker you have ever had your eyeballs scalded by and you will NEVER feck with me again. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Can the Brood possible help by sharing their experiences of being blown to pieces and burned to a crisp by MasterGoodale??

Nope, can't help you there. If you want to know what it's like doing that to your troops, I'm an expert.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


Actually, they said "Freaking Goodale didn't return a turn, when all he had to do is watch the freaking movie."
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Gameyest of the Gamey Updates:

DaveH has opened a barbed wire factory at Stalino. My kingdom for a turreted vehicle (ladies and gentlemen, I hereby announce that my "StuG phase" is OVER).

mike the gimp and I struggle to the bitter end at Gorbatov's House. The burnt out hulks of our once proud armored forces litter the field. Bodies are strewn about Hamburger Hill, where mike's troops are in full retreat.

Axe and I have just started Magnezew Bridgehead. Judging from Turn 1, this appears to be the proof needed for the thread on why "sitting and pressing go for 30 turns isn't fun."

Goodwhale's troops are engaged in a fight for their very lives. The maggot made a good assault into the warehouse in Abbott's little town, but his attack there has stalled. Meanwhile, his little attempt to flank met a problem, a problem that has turned his infantry into goo. I am not afraid of the big monster tank, bring it on!

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

At 11:00 PM I had no interest in watching a turn. I was sound asleep maggot. :mad:

11PM? Where do you live, Bermuda? That turn went out around 9ish, maggot!! :mad: :mad:

Real men are still up and returning turns at midnight.

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Actually Becket that was not a flanking attempt. It was more of a probe. They have done their job and done it well. And the assault on the factory is now a defense, it hasn't stalled. Good luck taking that flag back puss munch :mad:

As for your armor. . .well. . .I just feel sorry for them. Time to mop up :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Hey AXE2121, are you lighting Smope up with hot angry TNT in "Blood and Scones"? :mad: I hope limbs are flying in that one. They should be. :mad:

897988Smokingopium is bombarding a building from 10 miles away with a KV-2. Bring that bad boy in closer. Ask MG what happens to them. :mad:

He did manage to take out one of my tanks with a flank shot. :mad: :mad:

His tanks, on the other hand, are about to receive the spanking they so rightly deserve.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I'm curious to get the Brood's input on the upcoming "Call of Duty" and "CodeName: Panzer" games for the PC. Heard anything about them? Are you considering adding them to your arsenal of wargames like CMBB?

Not a chance. You will find a demo of Call of Duty in Gamershell for example. Personally I thought it was a lame-ass version of Medal of Honour. :mad: You have an inexhaustible supply of squad mates (couldn't come up with a better term), and health packs after every 25 meters. For a WW2 shooter, you would be best off with MoH. There's a thread in the GF on this, so I suggest you look it out. Folks there liked it, but I don't. As for Codename : Panzer, I expect it to be similar to Sudden Strike. Which is saying a lot. :mad: :mad:

Just my 0,02 euros worth. :mad:

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Yeah I know what you mean about MOH :cool: and Sudden Strike :mad: :mad:

I played both. I plan on buying the expansion packs for MOH though. That was a neat game. :mad:

It's hard to match the depth oc CMBB. I hope CM evolves into other games in the future. I would love to see a modern combat game based on this formula. :mad:

What was that game that is coming out soon that is like a real-time WWII game with great graphics? I can't remember the name! :mad:

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This message is presented as a public service to all the regulars from the Peng threads who wander in here every so often searching for enlightenment. You know who you are. :D

Strictly as an example of the difference between threads, here is the beginning of the first post in your latest MBT, courtesy of Mr. Boo Radley:

ROIGHT! Listen up then lads, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules.

Couldn't go 100 words before starting in on the RULES!! As usual, the rules themselves come well after the "friendly" SOD OFF to the SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie). Anyone who thinks there is too much anger in the Cheery Waffle threads would do well to look a little closer to home. redface.gif

The Cheery Waffle threads have no rules, unless we make one up as we're going along, which we promptly ignore and forget. We welcome anyone who is willing to get silly with us. Above all else, nobody is treated as a higher - or lower - caste. Here everyone can carve out their own niche, entirely on their merits (or in MasterGoodale's singular case, his appalling lack of merits). :D:D

Feel free to stop in anytime, Peng maggots! :D:D

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What was that game that is coming out soon that is like a real-time WWII game with great graphics? I can't remember the name! :mad:

I believe you meant Battlefield Command. Sure it looks groovy, but I don't know if it has anything else to recommend it. I'll d/l the demo, but am expecting nothing. It ain't a CM beater that's for sure !

As for DoD... Think CM-quality game in FPS, and you're pretty close ! Awesome guns, the chance to play Brits who sound like Brits, awesome guns, lots of multiplayer FPS excitement, some good maps, awesome guns... Did I say awesome guns just yet ? Can you say .30 cal Browning on a tripod ? :cool:

Some of the maps suck, due to them being very, um, mazey, but that is more due to the limitations of the original HL engine than to the ability of the designers. If you have an interest in WW2 and FPS, then DoD is for you, I'd say. Just remember to download The All Seeing Eye to go with it, and you're in FPS nirvana !

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Edward you scum-licking ameoba pumper I better have a turn from you in my inbox when I get home tonight!! :mad:

Easy, my proud beauty. A small but perfectly formed package of TNT is already waiting for you at home ... along with the mould, ants and Skunk Nads (who informs me she is desperate to play with your maggot and is wearing her ammo belts, jack boots and not much else :eek: ).

Chin chin,


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