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ParaBellum v MasterGoodale AAR

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Most excellent work.

Absolutely, you should alert BFC to the existence of your site- it deserves to be linked to, from BFC's "Buy This Game" page; something like, "Take a peek at a typical PBEM game", or something. Very strong selling tool- who could possibly match it???

If it could be improved at all, I would say this: A slightly larger typeface would benefit those of us old enough to imbibe, and a "Next Page" button on the bottom (when you're done reading that page) would be appropriate.

All things considered, it's a 'schreck of a nice site.


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I appreciate the feedback guys, thank you.

Eden, I do know what you mean about the typeface. I did actually try to increase the font one size before I uploaded it, but it gave me some very funny line breaks that actually seemed to make it harder to read (and you should have seen it when I tested it at 800x600!). I looked at it on a couple of screens and decided on balance it was better smaller, but I may investigate further.

I think you're right about a "next page" link and I'll try to sort it out when I get some time.

I'll have a word with Soddball and see if he wants to add a link to his "newbies please read" thread



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  • 3 weeks later...

That is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I haven't finished reading it all yet but certainly plan to. Thanks Edward. Really cool idea. Am looking forward to reading it further but just stopped by waiting for a couple of turns where I am beating the living stuffing out of 5 guys. :D

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:

If it could be improved at all, I would say this: A slightly larger typeface would benefit those of us old enough to imbibe, and a "Next Page" button on the bottom (when you're done reading that page) would be appropriate.

I finally got around to doing it - you were right on both counts. There's now also a byte-size AAR from Axe2121 for your delectation.


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I've only seen a few AARs in regards to CM 'games' and, quite frankly, they've been as boring as the RL ones I've had to read (and deliver... but that's a different topic we won't go into now, okay? ;) ).

=THIS= one, OTOH, was actually quite enjoyable .. even if "one of the writers" <koff, koff - no mention of which one> was -sooooo- full of 'beans' I almost couldn't take him seriously -at- =all=!! Well, not with the 'seriousness' he was due, that is. :D

Hmmm, no, I guess that isn't quite correct. I =really= appreciated -both- players for sharing everything with us, and, yes, I respect them both for having the courage to do so -and- for the abilities they showed on the battlefield. So I guess my comment has more to do with their style of writing, which shows their ability to =role-play= as well as play the game, which is something that counts quite high in my book. (...LOOOOONG story... smile.gif )

Therefore, gentlemen, thank you =VERY= much for sharing your 'encounter' with us -and- for the elan you showed in your writing. I hope you (and others) will do so again in the future.

P.S.-- =very= serious question here: does anyone out there make maps, et al, for others? I also use CM to help me with certain writing projects I have .. but I can't get the editor/map-maker thingee to work to save my .. butt. Thanks in advance and sorry to waste everyone else's time.

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Hello Crow.

Thanks. Nothing on the immediate horizon, but I'm hoping at some point in the near future to have a crack at my own CMBB AAR, with write-ups from both sides (are you listening, Axe2121?).

Thinking ahead, it would also be nice to get out one of the first CMAK reports smile.gif

On a vaguely related note, it's a shame the 'legendary' Fionn decided to take his ball home. I've no idea what all the politics were about, but I enjoyed his stuff and feel the community (just about the best I've come across) is missing out. It would also be a very good advert for CMBB...

Just in case anyone has missed out, you can find his work here.



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Congratulations - great site, great idea

I am hoping to launch a tourney in my local area, using the library and press, myself stumping-up for some prize money. Early days yet but this kind of site is brilliant for introducing the uninitiated to the "Great Game".

I believe it to have immense educational value and compared to the trigger reaction games is far more likely to get youngsters to realise war can be very terminal

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