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The New and Improved v1.03 Cheery Thread of Master Goodale's Maggot Madness

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You are all dispicable!!! I can't believe you're all so damn busy wacking your pud that you can't even post in this thread and show the world what imbeciles you are!!! :mad:

Conclusion to draw from this post:

1)You finish too quickly.

2) You do a fine job showing everyone what an imbecile you are all by yourself.

Jas :mad: n

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Ayee, I live, though the sight is not pretty. Being a small business is hard work, harder than than a big box of hardness, and today rode high on the suckage scale.

I hear that;

"OMG! These vinal floors are awful! They look so dirty! Do something...anything to make them look new!"

*8 man hours of scrubbing, waxing, and various other tasks later*

"My, this bill is rather large, was all that equipment use really needed? Couldn't you just have mopped it off or something"


It's times like that when I wish I could hire Mrgoofball as a PR executive.

"GGGARHRHGAHRGARH!!!! I battled ants and rabid maggots to make these floors clean! Now pay the bill or I shall shove a moldy waffle where the sun don't and then flood your email with an army of 'Mad' emotes!"

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by GranmaSucksall:

You are all dispicable!!! I can't believe you're all so damn busy wacking your pud that you can't even post in this thread and show the world what imbeciles you are!!! :mad:

Hear, hear. Never truer words spoken. You all suck. I, having not posted nor played in almost a week now, am expempt. My baked and tired husk is weary but there is foliage, lawn, and patio to admire, which is a damn sight better than peering at the lot of you inbreds...even with my beer googles on.

Updating has not commenced and downloading patches from BFC is akin to asking for assistance from the IRS. I suspect I may need to take a "sick" day to access servers when less maggots are on.

More as things development.

BTW, did I see MissusFoozball crowing about a "gamey Tigers" and a forfeiture on my part? And to think I had previously said the lad couldn't be any dumber. Just goes to prove you can accomplish anything if you try hard enough. Guess I under-estimated how dense the maggot could be. :eek:

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I guess I am the gamey one. We (Goodytwoshooo's and I) have a QB game. 2000 points. He bought a buttload (see image of Foreign Legion types) of Infantry and about 30 M-17 HT's. I chose a platoon of Tigers. For when you care enough to send the very best. He is unhappy with my choice.

AWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I am so sorry to disappoint MistressMoldyPuss by not choosing recruit infantry and a bunch of Kubelwagons or such.

Just picture Goodale in that one scene from "Deliverance".

Hey Goodale, SQUEAL LIKE A PIG FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

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Dave H, the lovely Soddball has shipped his Cheery Waffle scenario.

In light of the useless maggot's failure to populate the battle with members of the Brood, I'll leave it to you to decide whether commanding Axis or Allies is more appealing before sending it on.

As an aside, if several of us are playing the thing, perhaps we should ensure all bragging, boasting, crowing and general blowing of one's own trumpet is kept suitably vague?


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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wallybob:

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

No, an idiot would have injected some half-arse, back-woods wit. You are obviously dealing with an inbred, half-wit or a Canadian. </font>
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Originally posted by Snarker:

Those three aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I vote for the 'inbred half-wit Canadian'. Speaking of which, are you ever going to figure out how to convert the PBEM files?

Okay, one vote for Paula's Axe is registered. :D

Teddy Windsor, I will be most happy to take the Axis side in Soddball's mighty masterpiece. Not from any particular attachment, but I find myself managing the Allies (Russians) in almost all of the PBEMs I play. If that's acceptable to you, let the Cheery Waffling commence! :D

WallyBob, come up with something suitably off the wall for our rematch. I'd like to try the Partisans sometime, if that helps. I picture a scenario resembling that classic movie "Southern Comfort". I'll be the Cajuns against your leaderless and lost National Guardsmen. :eek:

Mike the wino, I'm back with yet another technicality. Since you lost our Car Wars game in the conversion process, my clearly superior armored cars and halftracks were robbed of their rightful total victory over you. In this case, I believe you should forfeit the rights to my sig line. Unless you can prove that you didn't purposely lose the files to avoid the thorough drubbing I was set to administer to you, I'll be changing it later today. Maggot! :D:D

I love rattling his cage!! :rolleyes:tongue.gif

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Yeah maggot flask! :mad: You better not have "lost" our PBEM game in a pathetic attempt to avoid defeat! :mad:

God himself knows there aint nothing goona stop my 5000 angry Russian grunts from blasting through your defenses. :mad:


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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mike the wino, I'm back with yet another technicality. Since you lost our Car Wars game in the conversion process, my clearly superior armored cars and halftracks were robbed of their rightful total victory over you. In this case, I believe you should forfeit the rights to my sig line. Unless you can prove that you didn't purposely lose the files to avoid the thorough drubbing I was set to administer to you, I'll be changing it later today. Maggot!

Not as strong as your Clarence Darrow-like reasoning in your now-famous Dave v. Mike_the_wino2 defense.

In the case before us now, I would respectfully submit the burden of proof would be on the state (in this case Dave) to prove Mike purposely lost the file. Last time I checked, you don't have to prove your innocence in the American justice system (neo-cons' dreams to the contrary)

If you can't prove malice on Mike's part, he's not required to take the stand.

Ergo, acquital.

Jas :mad: n,

maggot at law :mad:

[ June 10, 2003, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Actually I'm not even sure if the California maggot has really lost the file. Far be it for me to let a sleeping dog lie, though, when I can jab him with a sharp stick. redface.gif

Okay Axe, you maggot, if you don't like my first line of BS, how about the "fact" that the accused Mike the whino had chosen self-propelled guns and tanks in a game limited to halftracks and armored cars? The armament limit was supposed to be 20 mm guns. Does that prove some kind of intent and malice?

I submit that Mr. Wino (the maggot) did not want my noble Allied vehicles to get close enough to positively identify his gamey selection of Axis AFVs. He saw an opportunity to cover his tracks by "losing" our game, and he took it.

Cut now to scene of William Wallace, who looks amazingly similar to Mel Gibson in need of a haircut. He's had his belly cut open and his guts drawn out. His final words, "FREEDOM for my sig line!!" The audience melts into tears. :(

Okay, so I'm getting carried away in the spirit of arguing just for the sake of argument. :D:D Actually I have had people I worked with tell me that I should have become a lawyer, because I will argue either side of almost anything. :Dtongue.gif

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Okay Axe, you maggot, if you don't like my first line of BS, how about the "fact" that the accused Mike the whino had chosen self-propelled guns and tanks in a game limited to halftracks and armored cars? The armament limit was supposed to be 20 mm guns. Does that prove some kind of intent and malice?

No. It would prove malice within the game, also known as "gaminess" but I would respectfully submit Mike started said game before the patch came out. He can't be accused of planning for something that may have happened at a future date.

Originally posted by Dave H:

I submit that Mr. Wino (the maggot) did not want my noble Allied vehicles to get close enough to positively identify his gamey selection of Axis AFVs. He saw an opportunity to cover his tracks by "losing" our game, and he took it.

That's a stretch, I would most humbly submit. If accepted, this could lead to anarchy as we know it. PBEMers everywhere could use gamey tactics — more than Goodale-like gamey tactics — and ditch when identified. What would be the point? You would never fight a battle to completion. And if someone were stupid enough to try this tactic more than once, they would be shunned from the Cheery Waffle thread forever.

Hmmm. Maybe I'l try it.

Jas :mad: n and Axe2121,

Barristers and solicitors

(edited to add that I have not conferred with my client on the above matters)

[ June 10, 2003, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

Egads! Axe reveals himself to be, of all people, MrSpkr in Canuckian disguise! :mad:

Them's fightin' words. :mad: :mad:

Oh wait. We're already fighting.

We're my updated turns?!?! :mad: :mad:

Don't make me get all legalistic on your ass. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

We're my updated turns?!?! :mad: :mad:

Don't make me get all legalistic on your ass. :mad: :mad:

Alright. Alright. Update and turn for you later today. :mad:

Prinz Eugen, if you haven't gotten your sleep-deprived-self lost in the forests your delivery route winds through, I'm upgrading to 1.03 because, as you can see, AxeDerSpkr is geting restless. :mad: If you are lost in the forests, feel free to join up with the UeberElves and take up kantele playing. :mad:

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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

...kantele playing.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

While we're at it, what is the deal with Finns and cell phones? I seem to recall reading somewhere they have the highest per capita usage of cell phones in the world.

Probably has something to do with getting lost in the woods all the time.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shosties4th:

...kantele playing.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

While we're at it, what is the deal with Finns and cell phones? I seem to recall reading somewhere they have the highest per capita usage of cell phones in the world.

Probably has something to do with getting lost in the woods all the time.

Jas :mad: n </font>

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