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The New and Improved v1.03 Cheery Thread of Master Goodale's Maggot Madness

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I hereby declare that Tiger Tanks are gamey!!! :mad: They penetrate even the thickest allied armor with one shot yet are impervious to the largest allied AP rounds from all directions. As Ass69 would say - Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!! :mad:

Piece of sh*t allied tanks are useless. Hull down or not, flanking or not, useless. They could be wrapped in a nuclear-blast-repelling, anti-matter shield and the Tiger would still penetrate with one shot. :mad:

Vengeance will be mine KnobGobbler. :mad:

Same goes for you Snarker with you gamey Tiger. :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

So how about it Teddy Windsor, are you up for a genuine "Goodale" production? If we're looking for gamey unreality, what better place to find it?

I'm back, maggot. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

I've already sampled the joys of "Operation Black Forest" and I'm not sure you realise quite what you're letting yourself in for.

Still, if Soddball's Cheery Waffle doesn't tickle your fancy, then these could be the next best thing - bring it on :mad: :mad: :mad:

Your reports of MG's new-found tactical nous have me worried - I got back to the chateau to find a huge Axis attack (on a medium map :rolleyes: ) from the mould encrusted vomit chucker clogging up my inbox.

I fear I have left it too long to play the maggot and that humiliation is around the corner. If I win it is to be expected, but if I lose I suck as hard as Snarker ... I must spend my 4,500pts wisely - it could take a couple of days to choose my doom.

And finally, I've given Mike the Whiner the chance to turn back time and save his ACs from a fiery death.

I've rewound the action to my last orders phase, updated the file to 1.03 and given the non-"readme" reading maggot another opportunity. Of course, if I now lose I can invoke an MG/Dave H-like clause to absolve myself of any culpability.

Ah, life is sweet.


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I hereby declare that Tiger Tanks are gamey!!! :mad: They penetrate even the thickest allied armor with one shot yet are impervious to the largest allied AP rounds from all directions. As Ass69 would say - Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!! :mad:

Piece of sh*t allied tanks are useless. Hull down or not, flanking or not, useless. They could be wrapped in a nuclear-blast-repelling, anti-matter shield and the Tiger would still penetrate with one shot. :mad:

I'm sure the Allied tankers who came up against them felt much the same way. They can be killed by Allied tanks, but it's not easy. I've knocked one out with a T-34. It was a 200 meter side shot at a buttoned Tiger, but it can happen. I've killed several of them in CMBO with my favorite Allied tank, the Firefly. If the Tiger sees you first, you're in trouble. :eek:

If you would ever play a battle from an earlier period, your Russian KV tanks would have the same advantage in armor, without the huge advantage in your gun. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

So how about it Teddy Windsor, are you up for a genuine "Goodale" production? If we're looking for gamey unreality, what better place to find it?

I'm back, maggot. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

I've already sampled the joys of "Operation Black Forest" and I'm not sure you realise quite what you're letting yourself in for.

Still, if Soddball's Cheery Waffle doesn't tickle your fancy, then these could be the next best thing - bring it on </font>

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I hereby declare that Tiger Tanks are gamey!!! :mad: They penetrate even the thickest allied armor with one shot yet are impervious to the largest allied AP rounds from all directions. As Ass69 would say - Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!! Ga-mey!!

Piece of sh*t allied tanks are useless. Hull down or not, flanking or not, useless. They could be wrapped in a nuclear-blast-repelling, anti-matter shield and the Tiger would still penetrate with one shot.

Vengeance will be mine KnobGobbler.

Same goes for you Snarker with you gamey Tiger.

One word: smoke. :mad: :mad:

Actually, let's expand on this concept.

MASSAMISSINGMOSS you twunk. You shelled my feckin' tanks with whatever guns you had. Hoping for what? A satisfying "clink" as a round plunked off the armor? Smoke, maggot, smoke. Or at least shell something that gives a damn. LIKE SOFT TARGETS, YOUR MOLDASTIC MAJESTY!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Although Soddball hasn't yet played against me I'm certain I would discover he is a gamey maggot just like MasterGoodale. :D

Your prescience is most impressive, Dave. I couldn't have described the little maggot better myself ... how else can you explain the two crushing defeats the jammy git inflicted on me?

Originally posted by Dave H:

By all means let's try Soddball's Cheery Waffle scenario. How can I resist? Soddball, send it along please. Teddy, choose a side - Goodale's side (Allied) or not-Goodale's side (Axis). In the immortal words of Celebrity Death Match, "Let's get it on!" :D :eek: ;)

If you're amenable, we'll let Soddball choose our forces - I'll play with whichever side the dashing "Edward Windsor" features in.

Toodle pip,


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

I'll play with whichever side the dashing "Edward Windsor" features in.

"Dashing" as in running away?

Oh, no, you must mean "dashing" as in stylish. Hmph. Brits and their Queen's English.

Happy Whit Monday!

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh my. The whining about uber-tanks is now as loud in the Cheery Waffle thread as it used to be on the CMBO forums.

Boo-hoo-hoo. Woe is me and woe are my pixeltrupen.

Suck it up maggots. :mad:

Jas :mad: n

Oh sure, you didn't get an uber-tank, you picked undead uber-Romanian infantry. They're almost as impervious to gunfire as Keke's Finns, who just stripped switches off the pine trees and slaughtered my Russians. To give you an idea of just how uber the Finns are, I had veteran infantry squads literally standing on top of dead Finns, and they still couldn't identify it any more clearly than "Infantry?"!! :eek:

Speaking of whining, can you imagine the nerve of someone actually allowing a wafflehead to use an assault rifle? Keke and Paddington, keep your heads down for the next few days. Somewhere in Finland the maggot Prinz Eugen is running around, armed and dangerous. A Cheery Waffle veteran, and a postal employee both? What a combination!! Finland may be at war with the rest of Europe in a couple of days. :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

...If you're amenable, we'll let Soddball choose our forces - I'll play with whichever side the dashing "Edward Windsor" features in.

Toodle pip,


Excellent! Soddball, are you alive? Sober? Able to distinguish the keys on your keyboard? When you can manage all these feats, please send the Cheery Waffle scenario to me or to the most debonair Mr. Windsor at your earliest convenience. He will be playing the side with his personal character, which means I could end up trying to kill my own character in this scenario. As luck would have it, based on my recent PBEM experience, I'm sure I couldn't actually hurt any of Teddy's men. :mad: :rolleyes:tongue.gif;):D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

To give you an idea of just how uber the Finns are, I had veteran infantry squads literally standing on top of dead Finns, and they still couldn't identify it any more clearly than "Infantry?"!!

Now that is down-right disturbing.

Remind me never to play Keke unless he's using green Italians.

Jas :mad: n

P.S. I can make Italian jokes because I'm marrying one. Paula's grandfather -- who died last year -- Dominic DiGenova, was an infantry soldier in the Ethiopian campaign. Unfortunately by the time I met him four years ago, he had suffered a stroke and couldn't speak. He emigrated to Canada in 1952. He sure looked sharp in his uniform in the picture in the formal living room though.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

He will be playing the side with his personal character, which means I could end up trying to kill my own character in this scenario.

Isn't this what you already do on a regular basis in your PBEMs? </font>
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Let it be known that after I have whooped MasterBojangles' lilly, hairy, moldy and ant infested ass, we will have a rematch with very interesting parameters.

Call me crazy, masochistic, or whatever my doctor calls me, I will anyhow defend with Romanian infantry against MG's mechanized Soviet forces (both medium quality) in 2000 points assault QB. It will be November 1942, medium rural map with only gentle slopes and light tree coverage...It will be dawn with extreme cold, blizzard and strong wind (wind brought to you by MG).

I gots spoken Ya' dig? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Ayee, I live, though the sight is not pretty. Being a small business is hard work, harder than than a big box of hardness, and today rode high on the suckage scale.

Cheery Waffle is ready for playtesting by those volunteers. Try to think of it in the same vein as Inferno - although it's set in daytime without fog.

I have yet to include the names of The Brood but yes, it is ready to rock and roll. I considered that including the names of a bunch of worthless punks was less important than cramming in an extra two barrels of molten TNT.

My apologies for the delayed turns - I will start sending them when I have a free hour or six.

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Did you ever get any suckers...I mean, playtesters for your 22,000-point monstrosity Soddy? Now that Teddy's back, maybe he could use his Cray to play a hotseat match against himself.

(edited for some compound modifier modifying :rolleyes: )

[ June 09, 2003, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Have any of you maggot wannabes ever played Battlefield 1942??! :mad: Is that game any fun puss faces?!? :mad:

Well, since you asked so nicely, here's my detailed analysis of the game:

" "

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

It looks to me like there's a lot of VERY angry TNT to chuck around indiscriminately in there you fermenting flask of gonorrhoea puss! :mad:

Unfortunately to fling it you would need a rudimentary ability to control both mouse and keyboard AT THE SAME TIME.

I'm under the impression BF1942 is pretty nifty, if you're in to that sort of malarkey, but I suspect you're better off devoting all your spare time to that backlog of turns building up in your inbox.

Which reminds me, you can expect one from me tomorrow, maggot.


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Teddy Bear - do you REALLY think you can penetrate my impervious defenses?! :mad: You would be a member of a very small, very elite group to do so. I am a better defender than an attacker and I'm only getting better at both with each passing battle. I learn quickly. It won't be long before I am known by all as the "God of Defense". Many puny, slimy little maggots from The Brood have slithered their maggoty little asses up the slopes toward my territory with their ****-speckled lips flapping in the breeze about how they're gonna "kick my ass" - only to be slapped with a TNT-slathered, spiked glove, kicked in the maggoty little nads, and blown back to whence they came with a barrel of emotionally disturbed TNT. :mad:

Are you up for that puss pod? :mad:

If not, run. :mad:

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