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The New and Improved v1.03 Cheery Thread of Master Goodale's Maggot Madness

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Axe, last night my wife sat down with me and read some of the posts on this thread.

And I bet she's now looking at your relationship in a whole new, scary light. :D

Oh, and for the record, I dipped my toe in the stagnant, putrid waters of the GF recently to post in the guitar hall of fame thread. Little steps to total degeneration....

Oh, and also for the record, MasterGoodale stinks at CMBB. :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh, and also for the record, MasterGoodale stinks at CMBB. :mad: :mad:

Agreed. Oh, wait, that was me. Well, it doesn't make it any less true.

(W :mad: :mad: T!! 600!!!

Yours truly,

Gaylord junior) </font>

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mike_the_wuss, did you screw up our battle? I told you I was upgrading to v 1.03 and you would have to convert the file. Was a task requiring slightly more thought than stomping on a grape or opening a bottle so far over your head? Maggot! tongue.gif

I fear the maggot has done the same to our encounter, although it's probably my fault - I didn't spell it out s...l...o...w...l...y in BIG WORDS. :mad:

Or maybe it's his new tactic after seeing one AC explode in barrage of molten TNT and the other turned into a sieve :mad:

Dave, I don't know if you've dug out a scenario for us yet, but I won't be around again until after the weekend. The PM has me on some damn-fool errand. I never knew Tony was a keen horticulturist, but he's asked me to plant something in Iraq...

Chin chin,


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What a gaggle of inbred puss nodules! :mad: You're all dispicable!! :mad:

I think it's sooooooooooo funny how you maggots go to sleep and dream that you're beating MasterGoodale - GrandMaster TNT-Chucker then run to the forums all sweaty and bleary eyed and post about it like it's actually happening! Wake up Alice, this aint Wonderland! ASS69 my GOD that guy kills me. He thinks he's all tough because he killed my KV and then his big fat STURM drove right into a minefield totally destroying it's ass. I must have watched that ten times as I farted and giggled my way through the turn. Where are his supporting infantry you ask? Oh don't worry about those guys. Those who aren't burned to a crips or riddled with hot angry lead are trapped in a valley behind a big marsh surrounded by hills infested with my machine gunners. They mean well though, they'll be along in a few months to pick up the dead Krauts. We call it "KP Duty"; Kraut Pickup Duty.

By the way my little community of puss cocoons, It's high time I let you all know where the bear shi*s in the woods:

There are only a few basic rules that concern The Brood:

1. MasterGoodale is the ONLY GRANDMASTER TNT CHUCKER in The Brood. This will never change so just accept it. :mad:

2. If a member of the Brood is playtesting an scenario with another member it does not count for sig ownership unless both agree that it does.

3. MasterGoodale reaches "Jewel-Encrusted GrandMaster TNT Chucker" status when his harem contains 5 members simultaneously. If the harem drops below 5 members the status is back to "GrandMaster TNT Chucker".

4. It's extremely rare, but once in a blue moon a GrandMaster TNT Chucker such as myself reaches "Diamond GrandMaster TNT Chucker" status. This requires that my harem contains 10 members simultaneously. This status is equivelent to the GOD of War. As with the previous status, it changes if the harem decreases.

5. All matters between Brood members are settled by The Brood itself. The Brood is Judge, Jury, and executioner, with MasterGoodale being the ultimate judge in all matters. If two or more members have an issue, they bring it to the Brood with each plaintiff/defendent having the right to state their pathetic, maggot-infested case in 200 words or less, and the Brood votes - and they vote harshly, generally slathering the loser with TNT and angry insults. :mad:

6. All losers in qualifying battles with Brood members that were initiated in any MasterGoodale thread must either sacrifice their sig (or part of it) or embark on some form of public self-humiliation in the MasterGoodale thread. The form of humiliation or the SIG line is determined by the victor and lasts for a period of 90 days or until the victor (Sig Stealer) is defeated in a qualifying rematch by the Sig Forfeiter, whichever comes first.

7. Any combatant whom fails to live up to the above mentioned rules is banned from playing members of The Brood in Brood Sponsored battles for 60 days.


8. MasterGoodale can at anytime grant a Brood member the status of Master TNT Chucker. But don't get your feable hopes up, none of you will ever qualify. The only way to earn this title is to beat MasterGoodale 3 times consecutively in qualifying battles. We all know there's more of a chance for air to escape DaveH's ass than that happening.

9. Last but not least, if a combatant owes more than one Sig line to Brood members and those lines do not fit into one signature, then either the Sig Designators must shorten their lines OR another form of humiliation must be chosen. This must be worked out and agreed upon by all participants involved and the 90 day sig ownership does not start until all parties have agreed on a solution. In extreme case, the matter will be brought before The Brood.

There you have it you neanderthallish skunk abominations! If you don't understand let me know and I'll be more than happy to open up a nice wide canyon in your dumb, thick, sloping skull with the dull edge of an axe blade to allow the information to pass through more freely into your twitching, maggot-infested, one-track brains!!

If you do understand raise your hand. . . . . . (silence) . . . . that's what I thought you flag-burning, punk-rocking, Chucker-wannabe pouches of fermented skunk piss!

Print it out.

[ June 06, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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Goodale, there aren't any rules. Stop blathering.

As for you being the ultimate arbiter in all things, dream on, you slack twat. The only thing you're allowed to arbit around here is how much of a thrashing you'll receive from everyone when you stop playing Gamey Ho and start a real battle.

Turns out when I can get the frigging patch downloaded. It's worse than vaginal thrush. What's with these damn 25MB patches anyway? Geez.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

PS - Goodale is a boy-fondling cockmunch. Pass it on.

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Would you please clarify #3 a bit more.

Does that mean if you go down on more than five members that you will become encrusted?

Do you have to handle the jewels before they go into your harem?

Is it true that a diamond is a maggots best friend?

Thanks in advance for your quick response!

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OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY are you ****-speckled maggots gonna pay a dear price for that! :mad: NOBODY tells MasterGoodale - GrandMaster TNT Chucker what to do - you got that scum pouch!!?? :mad:

These are the same "unspoken Rules" you imbeciles have been following since you first shed your fesces encrusted little cocoons you half-brained nim-wit! Since several maggots have recently popped their little ****-speckled faces in and cried "Waahhh Wahhh Waaaaaaa aaahhhhhhh. . .MasterGoodale didn't change his sig because it's a playtest Waaaahhh Waaaahh Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!" I knew at that very moment it was time for MasterGoodale to lay down the law for the idgits among us. :mad: So when I reach Jewel Encrusted or Diamond status don't say I didn't tell ya so SnotBall you Chucker Wannabe. Especially when your wearing what will inevitable be the most humiliating sig the Brood has ever laid eyes on. :mad:

That is all maggots! :mad:

I'm gonna be unleashing a furious blizzard of angry TNT tonight maggots. You can all blame ScuzzBalls :mad:

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Congratulations are in order for Paula's Axe it would appear. I think the gift of an axe for your wedding would be most appropriate, but instead of having it engraved, may I suggest that you would have a much more memorable momento if you would agree to place your profile on the cutting edge of the blade.

I am sure that it would only take two or three whacks to get it just right.

BTW-Saw your post on the GF. You should be more careful about posting in a foreign language thread.

[ June 06, 2003, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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By the way Teddy, I'm chucking an angry, bitter, TNT-Slathered setup through the wire at your proper English ass TONIGHT maggot!! :mad: You want TNT? You want burnt crispy flesh puss sack??! You got it scum nuts!! :mad: Your sig will soon be singing the praises of MasterGoodale just like the rest of the unsuspecting Brood. :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by Kurt Panzer Meyer:

RAWR!!!!GRAARAWR!!! :mad: :mad:

Do any of you low life boot licking maggots play TCP/IP or is that to much for your puny little brains? GRRRRRAWR!!! :mad:

RAWR!!! :mad:

Right the first time. Give the man a cigar. Playing TCP/IP appears to be too much like work for me. I much prefer a turn or two per day with all the attending talk about un-game-related things. So sue me! tongue.gif

MasterGoodale (you fury maggot), what in the world are you trying to do? This thread has NO rules. Period. Every battle exists in a vacuum, like the one between your ears. No rules about Sig lines. No rules about anything. If you want to call yourself the Grand High Chucker of TNT, Mold, Ants, and/or Vomit, knock yourself out. Actually you're reminding me of Bud Bundy's Grandmaster B, so excuse me when I laugh and chuck in your general direction. tongue.giftongue.gif

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I think it's sooooooooooo funny how you maggots go to sleep and dream that you're beating MasterGoodale (and then a whole bunch of non-sensical crap)

Jesus de Christo!!! Have you been firing up the still again, boy-maggot? With a 50% win rate you are aspiring to be, but not quite there yet, the Washington Redskins of CMBB.

As far as your nancy little "rules", PAH.

For other maggots: Between illness and death in extended family been to busy to puck around with upgrading all proper like. And No...I did NOT RTFM :mad: In case you turds haven't realized I am about as computer savvy as MasterGoodale is tactical savvy. :eek: I wants my shiny, flickering images with as little effort on my part as possible. Will resolve issue this weekend. Not that it will do any good in my game against super-suave, uber-cool Teddy who will be jetting off to the French Riveria for an extended weekend.

Piss on the lot of you maggots. :mad:

[ June 06, 2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Mike, I'm sorry to hear about the death in your extended family. :(

Don't worry if we lost our Car Wars game, since you had made such gamey selections. :mad: There was very little chance that my machine-gun armed scout cars were going to be able to take out all of your panzers. Maggot. Sick or not, grieving or not, drunk or not, always a maggot. :mad:

Jim Boggs, so great to hear from you! I hope your wife is much improved. Your timing is perfect; I just deleted all of our turns last night after I converted to 1.03. redface.gif If you haven't converted yet you may be able to keep it going. If not, we'll write it off and do something else. Hey, we can call it a PLAYTEST!!! :D

Prince Teddy, enjoy your latest crime-busting escapade. Tell the whole family that since Princess Di and Fergy jumped ship that they are simply the scariest human beings alive with the possible exception of the Peng-people. I'll root around at the Scenario Depot or someplace to find something piquant for your jaded tastes. :cool:

Did somebody say the CDV patch was 25 MB?? What is in that file, since the US patch was 2 MB? Did you furriners get an extra CD's worth of mods and scenarios again? :mad:

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That's it maggot nads!! :mad: I, MasterGoodale -GrandMaster TNT Chucker (soon to be crowned Jewel-Encrusted GrandMaster TNT Chucker), hereby declare that all fury maggots will receive in their inboxes tonight, such FURIOUS, such ANGRY, SUCH BITTER TNT that they will be BEGGING MG-GMTC to pop them several new assholes between the eyes!! And why is MG-GMTC unleashing such fury on us poor, moronic, helpless maggots, you ask? You all have that fat, sweaty, drunk maggot WHINER to blame for that! :mad:

Screw the rules you say??! SCREW THE RULES YOU DEMAND!!??? THEN SCREW THE RULES you unorganized grabbasstic gaggle of maggot cocks!! :mad: You'll be BEGGING MasterGoodale (GMTC) for more rules than you can shake a stick at before I'm done splashing your thick, dense, sloping kraut craniums all over EUROPE!! :mad:

GGAGRAGRAGRGRAGRGRGRAR!!! I hate you all!! :mad:

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