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Russians & Germans speaking English

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Originally posted by Alfatwosix:

Although I am fully in favor of the original languages being used, I find it od for Germans to crack down on the Americans and British for the language abilities .... all movies in Germany are dubbed...

So? What's your point? Movies are dubbed all over the world. There are nevertheless people in all those countries who speak more than their native language, especially compared to Britain and the US where much more people are monoglot. I also don't see a rejection of the idea of this type of mod as 'cracking down', but rather a strong encouragement to go out and learn some very basic 'foreign', because it has advantages beyond just understanding terms in the game. It is probably easier than modding it anyway.
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What's next ?

Subtitles ?

if you want ascented english translation, do it yourself, the file numbers and the corresponding WAV files has been posted previously, use a mike and do us a babelfish.

and doan forget to post it in CMMOD.

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Originally posted by Alfatwosix:

Although I am fully in favor of the original languages being used, I find it odd for Germans to crack down on the Americans and British for the language abilities .... all movies in Germany are dubbed...

All "major" (and foreign ;) ) movies are dubbed - just to reach a bigger audience. You can see most movies in their original language - if you want to.

Movies are for leisure time. A foreign language usually means you have to concentrate on what is spoken. Not necessarily what I want when going to the cinema. Besides, not everybody speaks/understands English good enough to understand the movie as well in both versions. When choosing whether to go to the dubbed version where everybody understands it, and the original version where some people might miss out on the fun, the result is clear.

The argument re leisure time might hold for CM, too - not wanting to concentrate on the words. But CM has about 20 phrases which are usually different enough that your mind can fill in what you did not clearly understand if you have a basic grasp of the phrases.

IMHO the point of the outcry was not "no dubbing of the German/Russian language!" but "no f*%%ing 2nd rate war movie accent in CM!"



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  • 4 years later...
did the "Ü" finally enter Dutch service
That´s called an "umlaut". I should know. ;)

Speaking of accents: Isn´t there anyone here that speaks russian? I´m asking because I think some of the russian voices has a distinct american accent. Any russian speaker who´d like to comment on that?

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Here was the question:

"Why not have a mod where the Russians/Germans or whoever speak English with an appropriate accent.

It would make for an interesting CMBB experience.

What do you think?"

I think that would be "cheesy," as we say in the United States. "Tacky" is another word for it. But knock yourself out -- to each his own, and whatever enhances your CM experience is fine by me. Since mods only appear on your machine, opponents who would cringe at this sort of thing would be spared the discomfort. No, I don't speak German or Russian, but I for one enjoy the atmosphere those languages add to the game. But's that just me ...

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The utterances of all sides in all CM games are all fairly litteral and uninspired translations of the original English exclamations.

So if you want to know what they are saying, sit yourself down in front of your PC, play all the wav files from CMAK for the Brits or the Americans in sequence and then do the same for the Germans. They are saying exactly the same thing.

Once you've done that, you can go for the Masters Degree and learn Russian based on your German.

Fire => Feuer => Agon

Enemy => Feind => Vrak

Enemy tank => Feindliche Panzer => Vratcheski Tank

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Modding the voices so that everyone speaks English is just about the most tasteless and inane suggestion I have ever seen on these boards. The person who raised the question hasn't posted in over a year, so I'm assuming (and hoping) that this is a dead topic.

The two Spanish forums got together a while back and put together a sound mod to convert the German voices into Spanish. That was a bit different, because they needed Spanish for the Division Azul on the Eastern Front, and also to play Spanish Civil War scenarios that sounded convincing. The quality of the voice-acting was far better than what we get with standard CMBB, but unfortunately the quality of the sound was very poor. I had actually condsidered creating a Vichy French mod along similar lines (Italians or Germans speaking French), but never bothered because, at the end of the day, the firepower profile of the French army isn't modeled in CM (sigh). It wouldn't have been all that hard in theory, and would merely have involved a renumbering of existing French voices. But at this stage in my life I have no tolerance for mods that create the appearance of something without the underlying substance.

The original version of this thread petered out in July 2003. Why is it being revived?

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