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The Proving Grounds - can we try this again?

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Well how's that for service. Great job GJK and fast too. So I am heading over right now to join up although as I am currenting beating the stuffing out of four guys already I won't be taking on any other games for a little bit unless one of those poor souls I'm just clobbering surrenders or just commits suicide which just may very well be the case soon. :D Sounds like this site is going to be very popular.

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Originally posted by Lou2000:

GJK - just thought I'd let you know that I have

I have updated my profile and used the Proving Grounds to establish contact with 'nevermind' to setup a game. All seems to be working fine...

I've set the 'active' button in my profile - should this status be showing up when searching for opponent ?

It would seem you have had 10 people join in the 24 hours since you put the site back up .... I'm sure more will follow.

Thanks for the effort you are putting in..


Great! I'm glad that it's connecting gamers together.

On that status button, the way it is currently set is that if you're active, your profile will show in any of the searches where your information meets the search criteria. If you set yourself as deactivated, then you are simply hidden from the results that are displayed for searches, but your record is still intact.

I think that I may have the comments section show on page of search results, as well as in the details view, so that if you are booked up you can just post a comment that will let everyone know what your schedule is like (for example).

The problem with that is that if the comments that someone posts are long, then that just lengthens the whole table and makes for a lot of scrolling. I could add another field, a "quick notes" which can only hold say 20 characters, where you can quickly annotate your status.

I want to do the AAR/opponent ratings thing too. No, not a ladder at all, but more like ebay's seller ratings. If you have a good match where the guy promptly emailed back turns, etc, then you might go in and give them some good marks, and vice versa if they were not the best of opponents bookkeeping wise.

Lot's of ideas, tons of stuff that can and should be added. I'll be doing what I can as time permits, suggestions always welcomed!

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Originally posted by GJK:

Well the site is working for me ... 15 mins ago I got another offer of a game ... If this keeps up I'll be giving deactivated button a try before long :cool:

The 'quick notes' may be usefull, but I think showing the full comments may clutter up the search page. Perhaps showing the 'Last Modified' date in search results will achieve the same result ... showing how recently a player has updated their profile and therefore how up to date it is.

I only asked about the status in searches as I am tending to use the 'ALL' option at the moment and it doesnt show up in that particular view.

I like the clickable column headers in that view to re-order the list, though once clicked there is not option to put the names back in alphabetical order.

Looking forward to the other content working it's way in .. I'll try knock out an short AAR for any battles that I play through the site .. never done one before so dont expect miracles :D


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Originally posted by nevermind:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lou2000:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:


.. I'll try knock out an short AAR for any battles that I play through the site .. never done one before so dont expect miracles :D

Lou2000 </font>

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Originally posted by nevermind:


I just responded to a question that has some really good(IMHO)ideas that might could/should be used on your site.Take a look HERE

Its kinnda rambling,but if its not fully understood,ill be happy to give more details.

That's a really good idea, I like that. It could be as simple as selecting 1-5 (or more numbers) and then adding that to the search criteria, such as "I want only people that stick with the #4 philosophy, or I want people that stick with #2 or less". If somebody wants to put together a numbering list, maybe 10 ways to play, I can implement this idea.
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Originally posted by GJK:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:


I just responded to a question that has some really good(IMHO)ideas that might could/should be used on your site.Take a look HERE

Its kinnda rambling,but if its not fully understood,ill be happy to give more details.

That's a really good idea, I like that. It could be as simple as selecting 1-5 (or more numbers) and then adding that to the search criteria, such as "I want only people that stick with the #4 philosophy, or I want people that stick with #2 or less". If somebody wants to put together a numbering list, maybe 10 ways to play, I can implement this idea. </font>
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Just an idea for some content on the site that came to me whilst talking to another, much more experienced player .......

One of thing I always see when 2 'average' players are setting up for the first time is what settings to pick in a QB for a balanced game.

I think an article written by one of the CMBB 'Vets' giving some advice on settings would be useful to the newer player ..... or those like myself, who are only just starting to look in more depth at the effect on balance some settings can have ....

OK I know there are lots of factors that can effect gameplay (map size/points etc) but if it was based for example on a 2000 point,QB, ME, medium map, modest hills with moderate trees as a 'reference game' it could prove useful as a pointer, whilst still leaving the player to make all the decisions and appropriate adjustments for the difference in their current game compared to the 'reference game'.

I'm NOT talking about a list of forces a player should pick, that would be a huge task and there are just too many variables/options, more along the lines of the advantages/disadvantages that each side has for a given year in its armour, equipment and infantry choices etc .... A 'balanced game primer !'

Also I know most if not all of these problems can be overcome by playing pre-made scenarios and these give good well balanced games .... but they also stop people from having to actually think about the year, force mix and the consequences on the balance of a battle.

The majority of players joining the site so far (since relaunch), have rated themselves as either 'green' or 'regular'. So I'm fairly sure there must be more than just myself who would find this useful ..... unless I really am the only one :eek:


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Are you thinking maybe an "Articles" section or a "Tips & Hints" type section? Maybe have player written articles; ex: "The best way to QB for two rookies". Sort of a blog of articles or tips. That might be pretty neat.

If anybody has written or wants to write such an article, I'd be more than happy to link it and put it up on the site.

I'd have to be careful of opening up a pure blog for any member to write into of course. It could get filled up with lots of posts and rants, etc (ala THIS FORUM :D )

If I'm missing the general idea of what you're talking about, say so, but I think this is what you're meaning.

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Originally posted by GJK:

Are you thinking maybe an "Articles" section or a "Tips & Hints" type section? Maybe have player written articles; ex: "The best way to QB for two rookies". Sort of a blog of articles or tips. That might be pretty neat.

If anybody has written or wants to write such an article, I'd be more than happy to link it and put it up on the site.

I'd have to be careful of opening up a pure blog for any member to write into of course. It could get filled up with lots of posts and rants, etc (ala THIS FORUM :D )

If I'm missing the general idea of what you're talking about, say so, but I think this is what you're meaning.

Thats pretty much what I was thinking ... not specifics about what units to pick ... but more an overview with details for the main Axis $ Allied strenghts and weaknesses during each year ... or even broken down by early & late periods for each year (ie late '42 / early '43) if it suits better ..... I had some similar advice by email earlier and got to thinking how a fuller version of that info would be really usefull ....(for me anyway ;) )

Here are some extracts from the email .. hopefully the author wont object .. though I'll keep it anonymous as I wouldnt want to put any pressure on anybody to come up with the fuller article .......though some feedback may encourage him to produce one :D


....1500 point / ME / Aug '43 / med hills / mod trees / dry & overcast / pick own forces.

The date heavily favors the Germans. Because Tigers are out and no longer particularly scarce. 80mm front StuGs are out and common. But it is one month before the arrival of the first 85mm Russian AFV.

With what you have, the Germans may take a full platoon of StuG-IIIGs, or one Tiger and a StuG (or with a bad rariety roll, perhaps a Grille or

Marder). The Russians will have 3-4 T-34s or 2 SU-152s, or will go "gamey" and take 5 Valentine IXs (rariety roll permitting).

A platoon of StuGs vs. a platoon of T-34s is heavily lopsided in favor of the StuGs, for the armor war. (The T-34s are better vs. infantry, but they won't live long enough for that to matter against 3 StuGs or a Tiger).

Russian cavalry is a bad idea. It severely limits their infantry type, to a particularly poor type. In a combined arms battle this size, the infantry portion of the forces will be 2-3 companies, a large portion of either force.


This is only an extract of the email ... but it gives the general idea - general strenghts and weaknesses for Aug '43.

A fuller article along those lines would make excellent reading and IMHO is better than a list of "pick this unit for #####, pick that unit for #####" as it leaves the player to analyse the advice and make his decisions.

I agree with you that a general 'blog' has the potential to get cluttered with pointless posts ...but there is always room for quality, well thought out and presented advice.


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A selfish *bump* and a note to say that the sort feature for "last modified/member since" has been fixed so that it first sorts the last modified records and then the rest of the records with no mod date by date joined (descending order).

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As the membership list is still steadily growing, I was just wondering if anybody else has actually made contact with an opponent using the site ??

I've got 2 games via the site (nevermind & Sgt Kelly)

Oh yeah and another bump ...... also using my sig to spread the word for a while ;)

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Cool, the site made somebody's sig file :D

Some small changes that I added last night, which you all might of noticed already. Mainly to the navigation links at the bottom and also added a list menu of all the members that will take you directly to their details page. Note to self: I need to not show the member if they've hidden their profile! I'll take care of that right quick.

Player comments/ratings due next, might not be until next week though.

Enjoy, thanks!

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Well, I'd like to personally hand out an award to BuckSAW_Billy for not being too ashamed to admit that he is a true "conscript"-newbie to the game! That's awesome, hopefully Billy can match up with somebody that will teach him the ropes a bit and they both have a good time.

Membership is approaching 70 (there's 68 members as I write, some have marked themselves as deactivated so their number's don't count in the number of found records when you list all records). Thanks to all who have joined, I hope that it's working for you all and that it's bringing more opponents your way.

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Folks, here's my first idea's for the player ratings. This is a straight steal (sorry, it's baseball season!) from ebay - sorta.

Works something like this: you play somebody, tcp/ip - pbem, whichever. After your match, you both agree to post comments on each other (more on this later) so you decide to exchange passcodes (a feature that would be added to your profile). You can then each go to the details screen of your opponent and then log into the comment section using the passcode given.

You can then give one of 3 ratings (this is from ebay), positive/neutral/negative and a comment. You can then post a counter-response to the rating/comment. Tallies of your positive/neutral/negatives are shown as a small icon link below your nickname so that others can read them.

Now, on the agreement to exchange passcodes. I feel this is needed obviously because you don't want somebody that you never even matched against going in and posting stuff just because of spite. The problem I see though is that if you obviously know that somebody is going to post a negative comment about you - you got pissy at each other during the game for some reason, you're probably not going to give them your passcode, or, you might give them a wrong passcode just to get rid of them.

So, I'm open for suggestions at this point, on any or all of this. Throw out other ideas as well, this was my initial thoughts on it.

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Just wanted to drop by and say I signed up.

And I'm in favor of a massive and well organized database of AAR's (and in favor of peer pressure, eggings, and nipple twisties to encourage more of them), because they really are the best resource greener folks such as myself can get. I think I've learned more from AAR's than I have actually playing (eh..because the AAR's were that good, not because I'm that bad!).

Player ratings sounds neat too, but I think it's best to try and come up with a way to do it without requiring the swapping of passcodes.

Food for thought.

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Just throwing a couple of ideas into the pot !

1. I dont know if this one can be done....

Some sort of temporary 'blog' or posting area where tcp/ip players can post their details, (similar to the way they currently do on the BFC forum). To be used for 'engineering' ip games during setup or loss of connection.

Obviously these could become bloated over time, but if the posts were automatically removed after a period of about 4 hours it should provide enough time for gaming and prevent bloating.

A 4 hour timelimit would also ensure that any ip's posted when looking for a game are fairly current.

I dont actually play many ip games, so maybe somebody who does could say if this would be of any use.

2. This isnt my idea, but was posted in another thread and it seems suitable.

A list of player recommended scenarios & maps, either hosted on the site, or with links to the host site (eg. Scenario depot)

.... with their permission of course .

It would provide a quick pool of maps that suit multiplayer games. Obviously there are lots on other sites,the scenario depot in particular, but they dont all get reviewed and it seems crazy they cant be searched on PBEM suitablility/rating.

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As it was about to fall off the main page,and i was just at the Proving Grounds and there still arent enough people signed up.Come on everyone,CM is a great game made tremendously better by multiplayer.You are missing out if you are thinking about it,but not acting.

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To go along with some of what Lou2000 is saying,a message board(not dwarfed by all the SC players)would be nice to simply post that i am looking for PBEM opponents in CMBO.I am looking to play large engagements of atleast 3500 points for the defender.Would be alot easier to do this,than to search through everyones details to see if you can find what i'm looking for.Just an idea.

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Thanks all for keeping the interest up. I'm moving all weekend long (oh joy) so haven't been able to do any work on the site, but I'm checking out this forum for the suggestions.

I'm thinking maybe have another way of displaying the listings, where it would show the name/nickname, type of game and then the comments section. This would be where you could "advertise" yourself...what you're looking for, or an "I'M WANTING A GAME NOW!!!!" type of stuff. Or whatever.

What do you guys think of that?

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