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Where was this game a 100 buck ago

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So far i've onlp played the demo's for CMBB and CMOB, and i must say that up untill now I have been wasting my money. I finaly found out about this game thanks to gamespy weekly game of the year addition.

In the game of the year addition CM was referred to as a hard to find gem, and i must say that was an understatment. CM has been the game I've been throwing money away to find. Next payday the bundle pack will be mine.

Anyway I just want to say hi to the other players out thier, @ jan 8th i will be joining you. If the full version is better then the demo I can only say wow. A game where tactic's do matter.

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So what other games did you try before you found CM? We were all in the same boat. Some games were worth while in their day, like Steel Panthers or Close Combat, others were true money drainers - ie Avalon Hill's Squad Leader (the PC version).... I also remember Under Fire from many many years ago, and Iron Cross, which was a stinkeroo, too. I also played Muzzle Velocity which was fun in an inane kind of way.

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I tried the gambit,

Warcraft all of em, Panzer Claws, rising sun, couple of civil war sim's, Cossack's all, Couple of the battlefied sieries I believe 1,3, and 8, it's been awhile. CC sieries, total war, real war. Thies are just some thiers been more, they dont last long before i give them away to friends.

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I to have only just now gotten into these two terrific games.I got the bundle pack about 3 weeks ago and am just starting to get the Mods,maps,and scenarios to add to them.I had never even heard about the games until I was on Google image search looking for screenshots of wargames when I ran into the screenies of tese games and the Battlefront site.I got the demo and tried it out and after about 4 battles was online putting in my order..I have been hooked since.I can tell you now that you will not be disappointed..This is worth every penny you are paying and then some.

[ January 06, 2003, 01:53 AM: Message edited by: Erwin Rommel ]

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Well lets try that again

Sgtgoody, you are learning the proper conduct of a New Cm'er, nothing else matters


Heroin....not up to a meeting engagement

Sex.......not worth the time if it could be spent taking out a bunker in a trench line

Money.....only important in maintaining the computer link and hardware

Family....do you need to ask?

Freinds...if they don't do CM IPs do you realy need to talk to them? Probably not

Michael when will you have those maps done? I remember UF too (faintly)

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you know what's really scary ?

It's scary when after a hard day's work and I go outside for a smoke and all i can think of is which scenarios I won, which ones were tough, and what tactics i deployed. I can still vividly remember the tactics of totenkopf, tiger tiger, Winter Wonderland and not forgeting all those scenarios I can't pronounce!

I tried to explain to my wife the deal with reverse slope defense and she thinks I am nuts. I think I am suffering from CMBB-Immersive post-traumatic stress disorder.

[ January 06, 2003, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Life Cycle of a CMBB player:

Elation Phase - Like going on a first Date with a beautiful girl. After 1 to 2 weeks of teenage angst, the game arrives in the mailbox.

Infatuation Phase - Like "huh" to the 8 levels of Morale. Usually sets in the first week after installation. Game play usually comprises of a platoon of Sturmtiger/King Tigers/Flammepanzers against a pithy russian squad or T-26, or a company of IS-2/KV-85 tanks against some Volkstrum squad, paunchy and Unfit and has only half the ammo in their mauser rifles. Also starts downloading Mods

Frustration Phase - Like "Where the hell is the god mode ?" or "Why does the dang infantry auto-sneak when fired upon by HMGs." Game play is CD supplied scenarios. Gets into heated debates on CMBB authencity and accuracy. Insists that frontal assault at 200meters against HMG is realistic because he watched John Wayne in Sands of Iwo Jima and that's what they did in WWII.

Learning Phase - Like "What's the best way to kill a KV-1 with 1941 German Tanks" . Game play is back to basics, self-created scenarios for testing and learning. Books and reference materials are researched. Learns the meaning of grog and peng threads. Starts to watch and critique old movies for equipment authencity, whether the German Tiger tank is acually a Tiger or some spare T-55/56 disguised as one.

Pre-Grognard Phase - Like "Why are there no T-44 tanks ?" or "Why aren't horses/calvary moded, please fix or do somefink". Gets into debates with other grognard wannabees, usually centred around To&E. Gameplay is TCP/IP or PBEM. Post detailed AARs. Starts quoting book titles and Authors. Has a forum thread with his name on it.

Self-actualisation Phase - You and the CMBB are one or is that you are one with the game. You actually memorised the whole CMBB To&E from 1941 to 1945, including the various blast value of the AFVs. You doan really participate in the forums anymore, except to smack down some smart ass faux-grognard-wannabee and show whose the boss. Is able to critique HMG tripods. Usually gets invited to test CM betas. Doesn't smile alot. What game play ? You design scenarios!

I can't continue, I'm still stuck at the Learning Phase, maybe some of you guys can furnish the other phase.

For the humor impaired, yes! I am making fun of you! Bwahahahaha.

[ January 06, 2003, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Know where you have been buddy!...........was ready to go back to my tabletop games when Talonsoft gave us "Battleground 1". Stuck with those games for years along with the "Close Combat" series. Then when Talonsoft jumped in bed with "Take 2" interative-crapware they went right into the ****ter!......."Battle of Britain", 12 O-clock High" ( sorry Mr. Grigsby, but those games sucked!) and then I got CMBB!!!! Yea Baby! Now all my wargaming is complete again( although sometimes I will waste my money ( GI Combat) trying to add to my library of fine wargames. Anyhow.....welcome to the CM games! :D

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HUH !! at least we have all been immersed in this wonderful game/s, I have a friend who is really into wargames of all kinds (mainly board games) but loves ASL but can never really get the time to read the tome of a rule set in full. then he buys CMBB (off his own bat, I never talked him into it) and guess what 4 weeks latter he still hasn't even installed it !! :confused: this is right up his street and he liked the write ups and the look so much he went out and got it took it home then ....just left it

:eek: :eek: ho hum

just needed to share that, its fustrating the hell out of me

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Originally posted by Mr Byte:

HUH !! at least we have all been immersed in this wonderful game/s, I have a friend who is really into wargames of all kinds (mainly board games) but loves ASL but can never really get the time to read the tome of a rule set in full. then he buys CMBB (off his own bat, I never talked him into it) and guess what 4 weeks latter he still hasn't even installed it !! :confused: this is right up his street and he liked the write ups and the look so much he went out and got it took it home then ....just left it

:eek: :eek: ho hum

just needed to share that, its fustrating the hell out of me

smack him hard across the face and say "What are you thinking, man!"
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Originally posted by Mr Byte:

I have a friend who is really into wargames of all kinds (mainly board games) but loves ASL but can never really get the time to read the tome of a rule set in full. then he buys CMBB (off his own bat, I never talked him into it) and guess what 4 weeks latter he still hasn't even installed it !! :confused: this is right up his street and he liked the write ups and the look so much he went out and got it took it home then ....just left it

:eek: :eek: ho hum

just needed to share that, its fustrating the hell out of me

Having been a long time SL/ASL'er myself, I know if you like those games you'll love CM.
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Originally posted by Mr Byte:

HUH !! at least we have all been immersed in this wonderful game/s, I have a friend who is really into wargames of all kinds (mainly board games) but loves ASL but can never really get the time to read the tome of a rule set in full. then he buys CMBB (off his own bat, I never talked him into it) and guess what 4 weeks latter he still hasn't even installed it !! this is right up his street and he liked the write ups and the look so much he went out and got it took it home then ....just left it

ho hum

just needed to share that, its fustrating the hell out of me


smack him hard across the face and say "What are you thinking, man!"

ok havn't got long before police get to me, apparrantly smacking someone across the face for not installing CMBB still constitutes assault in the UK :eek: :confused: :eek: this country is just falling apart, I mean he hasn't installed it ??? and there going to arrest me :mad: :confused:
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