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Battlefields of Honour: a SC similar paper and pencil table game from Piumarcobaleno

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The game is based on 2nd world war, but i suppose that it could, with obvious tweaks, be able to reflect every age of modern warfare, from age of rifles to nowadays.

In the game each turn represents 3 months, so every year a spring turn, a summer turn, an fall turn and a winter one, exception made for 1939, where no spring and summer turn occurs, but only a setting up turn before fall and winter.

Every nation in game has an income, called MPP, BMP, or what else you like. This is an "overall-like" income, i decided to represent manpower and industrial limits of each nation not including them as expendable resources, but as minimum and maximum expendable percentages.

Each nation has ratings in eight categories: Lend Lease & Supplies (LL&S), Navy (N), Mechanized Vehicles (M-V), Economy (Ec), Aviation (Av), Infantry (Inf), Research & Development (R&D) and Diplomacy (Dip).

Every turn the nation HAS TO expend his Mpp as asked by her minimal percentages, and CAN expend his Mpp no more than her maximal percentages.

These are the ingame nations:

Nation: Urss

Mpp Overall: 130

Mpp by provinces: -Caucasus 52

-Urals 26

-Each other province 6.5

Diplomatic position: +10

LL&S: 0%-5%

N: 0%-10%

M-V: 5%-20%

Ec: 0%-40%

Av: 0%-10%

Inf: 15%-60%

R&D: 5%-20%

Dip: 0%-5%

Nation: Germany

Mpp Overall: 200

Mpp by provinces: -Ruhr 100

-Each other province 50

Diplomatic position: +100

LL&S: 0%-10%

N: 10%-30%

M-V: 5%-30%

Ec: 5%-30%

Av: 5%-20%

Inf: 10%-30%

R&D: 10%-30%

Dip: 0%-15%

Nation: France

Mpp Overall: 110

Mpp by provinces: -Eastern France 40

-Western France 30

-Southern France 30

-Palestine 5

-French North Africa 5

Diplomatic position: -55

LL&S: 0%-5%

N: 5%-20%

M-V: 0%-15%

Ec: 5%-25%

Av: 0%-10%

Inf: 5%-25%

R&D: 0%-15%

Dip: 0-5%

Nation: United Kingdom

Mpp Overall: 140

Mpp by provinces: -Northern England 60

-Southern England 50

-Western British Egypt 5

-Eastern British Egypt 5

Diplomatic position: -45

LL&S: 0%-20%

N: 20%-60%

M-V: 0%-10%

Ec: 5%-30%

Av: 5%-20%

Inf: 5%-20%

R&D: 5%-30%

Dip: 0-15%

Nation: Italy

Mpp Overall: 80

Mpp by provinces: -Northern Italy 30

-Central Italy 23

-Southern Italy 12

-Western Libia 10

-Eastern Libia 5

Diplomatic position: +85

LL&S: 0%-10%

N: 10%-40%

M-V: 0%-5%

Ec: 0%-20%

Av: 5%-20%

Inf: 10%-35%

R&D: 0%-15%

Dip: 0-5%

Nation: United States Of America

Mpp overall: 200

Diplomatic position: -15

LL&S: 5%-30%

N: 5%-30%

M-V: 0%-20%

Ec: 20%-60%

Av: 0%-20%

Inf: 5%-25%

R&D: 10%-50%

Dip: 0-5%

Nation: Commonwealth

Mpp overall: 60

Diplomatic position: -40

LL&S: 5%-25%

N: 5%-20%

M-V: 0%-5%

Ec: 0%-15%

Av: 0%-15%

Inf: 5%-30%

R&D: 0%-10%

Dip: 0-5%

Nation: Japan

Mpp overall: 90

Diplomatic position: +70

LL&S: 0%-5%

N: 10%-50%

M-V: 0%-5%

Ec: 0%-45%

Av: 5%-20%

Inf: 0%-10%

R&D: 0%-35%

Dip: 0-5%

Secondary Nations

Portugal, 10 MPP, +20 dipl.

Spain, 50 MPP (25 e 25), +35 dipl.

Switzerland, 20 MPP, +15 dipl.

Low Countries, 20 MPP, -30 dipl.

Ireland, 10 MPP, -5 dipl.

Norway, 20 MPP, -10 dipl.

Sweden, 35 MPP, +20 dipl.

Finland, 15 MPP, +25 dipl.

Yugoslavia, 20 MPP, +10 dipl.

Greece, 15 MPP, +5 dipl.

Bulgary, 10 MPP, +20 dipl.

Hungary, 10 MPP, +20 dipl.

Romania, 30 MPP, +20 dipl.

Turkey, 30 MPP (10,10,10), 0 dipl.

Iraq, 25 MPP, +5 dipl.

Denmark, 10 MPP, 0 dipl.

Baltic States, 10 MPP, 0 dipl.

Poland, 20 MPP, -15 dipl.

As you would have noticed, some nations have no provinces; casually, these nations aren't shown in the usual european warmap.

These three powers (USA, Commonwealth and Japan) fight the war from a different point: Commonwealth first and USA then are in game only to commit reinforcements to UK\France, so they don't need provinces, thus they can NOT be attacked with ground troops.

But we'll come back to special nation rules towards the end of this rules book. Now let's see how a nation can expend his Mpps.

A) General Expenses

These are expenses outside the categories given before, so there's no real limit on the percentage of his income that a nation can spend there.

-Attacking a province costs 10 Mpp;

-Keeping supplied an attack launched in the earlier turn costs 5 Mpp;

-Defending a province costs each turn costs 5 Mpp;

-Declaring War to a secondary nation costs 10 Mpp, declaring War to a major nation costs 25 Mpp;

-Fortifying a line requires units free from duty (thus who started their turn in the province under fortification and who aren't moving anywhere) costs 10 Mpp par level of the fortification (1st level 10 mpp, 2nd level 20 mpp and so on, no level can be built unless the level before has already been built); each line defends from attacks coming from only one territory; fortifying on borders with more territories counts as another fortification. Maximum level of fortification is 10. Fortifications coming into play in fall 1939:

.Malta, Giblatar, Sevastopol: lvl 8 from each side of the coming attack

.Maginot Line: lvl 5 defence in Eastern France from Ruhr province.

.Sigfried Line: lvl 2 defence in Ruhr from Eastern France Province.

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B) Lend Lease & Supplies

With this option a nation can send reinforcements, men and vehicles to a friendly nation. Every 5 Mpps spent in these helps, the target nation will receive 4 additional Mpps during the beginning of the NEXT turn; if there's a land connection between the supplier and the supplied, like Italy/Germany, helps would be automatic; if this is not the case, like between USA and URSS, it must be used a Mercantile Convoy every 10 Mpps sent; this convoy would be under normal naval interception rules.

NB: Sequent numbers of men, vehicles or ships are just representative: one unit of "Battleship" fights as one battleship, two units of "Destroyer" fight as twelve destroyers. Just to give you an idea about numbers.

C) Navy

These expences allow the building of ships, both militar and mercantile; these costs are refered to the basic versions of the various ships, note that these will be modified by technological innovations.

- Battleship, one ship, 30 Mpp

- Cruiser, one ship, 25 Mpp

- Battlecruiser, one ship, 25 Mpp

- Surface Rider, two ships, 20 Mpp

- Destroyer, six ships, 20 Mpp

- Carrier, one ship, 35 Mpp

- Mercantile Convoy, fifteen ships, 15 Mpp

- Sub, two ships, 18 Mpp

- Shore assault fleet, twenty ships, 25 Mpp

D) Mechanized Vehicles

These expences allows the building of heavy land vehicles, from mechanized artillery to battletanks divisions; this costs too are subject to later increases due to research.

- Mechanized Infantry Corp, three infantry divisions, 120 battle tanks, 12 Mpp

- Mechanized Infantry Army, four infantry divisions, one engineer division, 300 battle tanks, 20 Mpp

- Tank Division, 350 battle tanks, one mechanized artillery battalion, one light vehicles battalion, 16 Mpp

- Tank Corp, two infantry divisions, one engineer division, 500 battle tanks, three mechanized artillery battalions, 22 Mpp

E) Economy

Putting Mpps into his economy, a nation could raise her Mpp base; every 5 Mpps spent the overall Mpp will raise by 1 point, that could be placed at player's will in a province of his choice.

F) Aviation

Fundings in this cathegory will allow the building of airforces of various kinds, always under tech development rules.

- Interceptors, fighters for defensive escorts or air supremacy, they can act only in the province which they are based into, 500 planes, 20 Mpp

- Long Range Fighters, for escorts and air supremacy, they sacrifice part of their dogfighting abilities to buy some extra range; they can fly up to 2 zones away from their base province, 500 planes, 22 Mpp

- Dive Bombers, for direct assaults on enemy forces; they can fly up to 1 zone away from their base province, 400 planes, 20 Mpp

- Tactical Bombers, air-ground attacking devices, can target ground units or tactical places; they can fly up to 2 zones away from their base province, 400 planes, 22 Mpp

- Strategic Bombers, air to ground bombing planes, they are most useful when damaging industrial output of a province; they can fly up to 3 zones away from their base province, 200 planes, 25 Mpp

G) Infantry

This cathegory holds all kinds of ground troops that have little or no vehicles at his disposal; always under tech rules.

- Infantry Corp, three infantry divisions, 8 Mpp

- Infantry Army, four infantry divisions, one engineer division, 12 Mpp

- Garrison Corp, two reserve divisions, 6 Mpp

- Militia Corp, two emergency divisions, 5 Mpp

- Engineer Division, 7 Mpp

- Paratrooper Division, 9 Mpp

- Marines Division, 8 Mpp

[ May 07, 2003, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Piumarcobaleno ]

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Map isn't an issue; i used an old SC map found in some forum back in time, but u can use almost every european map you can find, admitted that you can trace a few black lines on it ;)

I'll see if i can post a shot of the map i am using, else i'll give directions on how to draw one.

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Just a few questions.

What is the reasoning behind you having a Engineer Division?

The Tanks inside of the Mech Corp, Mech Army, Tank Div and Tank Corp; are they in tank battalions that are attached to these units or are they part of the divisions already inside of these units?

If I understand this right, it is possible for a division to fight a Army (of 4 divisions)?

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Engineer units allow you to counter the effects of fortified lines: in the combat section i will introduce a ratio between the number of units you can use in an attack and the number of engineer divisions you need to counter fortifications; remember that tanks, divisions and whatever else indicated after units names are only representative: i'm not a military expert, so maybe numbers of units and vehicles are totally out of reason; i believe anyway that tanks weren't running around alone, so it's obvious that even in a tank corp\division there will be a certain amount of regular troopers; given that this game is made by an rpger like me, you can decide the exact order of battle, i believe that there isn't a big game impact either making tanks in separated battalions or distributing them in regular divisions (german vs. french), so just think it how you want; since units don't fight like SC one against the other, but all vs. all in a big melee (each turn represents three months, so i believe that a general "front" fighting is more believable), obviously a single marines division against a regular infantry army wouldn't have much chances.

Hope to have answered to your questions. Soon Tech and Combat!

[ May 07, 2003, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Piumarcobaleno ]

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