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The Battle of the Atlantic has arrived!!

OK I've added this aspect to the game now and the beta group is busy at work testing this new functionality out. :D

The basic framework is as follows:

- works on the proximity of Axis subs to the main UK convoy routes, so this would be in areas of the North Atlantic between St. John's and Liverpool and in the Mediterranean in and around the ports of Gibraltar, Malta and Alexandria.

- raiding of convoys can result in UK losses that are relative to the strength of the ports and the value of attached resources to these ports. So in the N. Atlantic, it will max out at 30 MPP (from Canada) and in the Med. to 20 MPP. This could result in a sizable chunk of income for the UK since their basic total is 130 MPP per turn.

- raiding capabilites of subs is relative to the number in the area, and the overall strength of the surface raiders. Subs that are presently engaged, i.e. next to Allied surface units will not be considered raiders for that turn.

Preliminary testing shows that this seems to have worked out well and I will shortly give the go-ahead to Ted to use the latest Beta to continue his AAR

Other changes include:

- addition of Silesia with the necessary adjustments to the Oder and initial unit positions

- extension of the Danube up and around Budapest

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Hubert, this is nothing less than -- a Masterstroke! smile.gifsmile.gif

This now eases the Norway problem -- Britain can no longer just hang around in the vicinity of Germany -- it HAS TO watch out for North Atlantic sub activity.

(... and I still think that you had this pigeon up your sleeve all the time!)

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Well done Hubert - thanks for listening.

However, shouldn't the convoys represent a bigger share of the British MPP totals? Britain was very dependent on convoys for both food and raw materials, especially oil and aluminium. She was never even close to being self-sufficient in food, despite the Dig For Victory campaign - if the Germans had won the Battle of the Atlantic, Britain would have had to sue for peace in less than a year.

I suggest that convoys should represent two-thirds of British production - although the Germans would have to have several subs in the Atlantic to sink all of them each turn.

That gives Germany a way of neutralising Britain.

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Outstanding. Thanks for including this feature.

While the level of sustainment that England gets via convoy might be debatable, and replicating the actual level might have play balance issues that we who have not seen SC can only guess at, this feature will add a welcome dimension to the game, and also quite a bit of historical flavor.

It should make the research options for subs and sonar more popular.

Thanks for taking the suggestions from the great unwashed with such an open mind.

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As Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

So in the N. Atlantic, it will max out at 30 MPP (from Canada) and in the Med. to 20 MPP. This could result in a sizable chunk of income for the UK since their basic total is 130 MPP per turn.

So apparently there will no MPPs arriving from American then?

And no Lend-Lease or any other (gradually increasing) pre-war supply/materiel?

In a similar vein, is there any lending of MPPs among allies after they are aligned?

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As Originally posted by Hubert:

The raiding model reflects only what MPP's the UK actually gets outside the island. So since there is no lend lease a raiding penalty for subs active off the coast of the US would be beyond the UK's actual income and be a little unfair

That makes sense. I wasn't thinking concretely enough -- how could USA's factories/mines provide MPPs when USA is neutral?

I suppose I was asking if there was some mechanism to account for lending of MPPs.

I am merely thrilled to the skies that this aspect of the War is to be included. smile.gif

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