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Strategic Command Beta Released and Ready For Downloading!!!!


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Battlefront.com and developer Fury Software are proud to announce the beta demo for "Strategic Command - European Theater", a turn-based Grand Strategy wargame featuring the Second World War in Europe.

The full featured beta demo contains one major campaign: "Fall Gelb" - the German invasion of France and the Low Countries and includes multiplayer support via Play by Email (PBEM). Gameplay in the demo is limited to one full game year (May 1940 - May 1941). The full version will include a total of six major campaigns as well as a powerful campaign editor.

Read the full Press Release Here!

Download the Beta Demo from Here!

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Awesome demo, here is my little AAR, no pics though, sorry!

So I inaved through the north, the dutch surrender on turn 2, by about turn 4 I got Paris surounded, but it takes another 2 turns for me to finnally capture. During the battle for France, I loose a battleship and a submarine in the sea battling the Brittish.

After the Fall of France, I declare war on the new Vichy goverment and take the rest of France. After the fall of Vichy I possotion my troops on the spanish border and declare war on Spain. I invade Spain and take the capital. But the Demo ened with my 2nd Panzer Army in Madrid.

It was a lot of fun!!

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Crashed my system almost immediately. Video went out while intro theme music was playing. I even had difficulty loading windows and had to enter through safemode then delete every bit of it.


P3 1 Ghz Intel

nVidia GF2 Ultra 64mb DDR (2.32 Detonator Drivers)

Some crap Dell Mobo

Audigy 5.1 X Gamer


Windows XP Pro

[ May 20, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

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Originally posted by Wesreidau:

Having great fun invading France until I got a "segmentation violation" according to the exception trace log...bummer

Well I guess I'd like to think that all bugs have been ironed out, but there is always bound to be something missed. :(

Could you send the following files information to support@furysoftware.com

- autosave.sav (last saved turn)

- description of your system

- a short description of what happened when it crashed.

This will help me track it down. Thanks.


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Download in progress. Thank you Hubert! I just downloaded the Airborne Assault demo this afternoon and played some of that. I am so totally unimpressed by real-time games and ended up uninstalling it and wondering what to do next this evening. No more wondering now. Where are those panzers? 18%, 19%, ...

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Sorry to hear you guys are having trouble with running SC, I am sure Hubert will figure it out.

Anyway, I played the campaign from as the Allies and damn was it fun. I transfered the Corps and Army from Canada and all the 3 remaining Corps from Britian to the French mainland. Thanx to doing this I held up the Germans at the French border. the Germans did roll right through the dutch, man got no where close to Paris.

I had it set on the default dificulty setting.

Now, who is up for a little PBEM action?! If you are e-mail me, rommel22us@hotmail.com

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It's almost 3 AM over here in Sweden and I'm downloading this baby as I speak. Looking forward to a night of pure passion with SC. :D

P.S. Thank God I have the week of. :cool:

~Henric Edwards

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Ok, after playing the demo twice, I think it's awesome, axcept a few minor things.

1)I have a unit, next to an enemy unit and I tell it to attack the enemy unit I can't move my unit away afterwards. I mean if the unit has been next to that enemy unit for the whole turn, I moved it into possition from the previous turn. So after I tell my unit to attck, I want to move it awya to make room for another unit so that it can futher attack that enemy unit.

2) Ok, I move a unit toward an enemy unit. But I decide to click on another unit. So I come back to the unit I moved and want to attack the enemy unit i moved it to, so I click on it and try to attack the enemy unit. But I can't. I won't let me attack after I deselected it. Why is that, imho, you should be able to deselct the unit and be able to come back to it later and still be able to attack.

3) When I invaded France, I cut off 2 French Armies in the Maginot line. I attacked them, and got them below strenght. But they get replacments, even though they are completly cut off! Is that right, I though cut off units cannot recieve replacments.

Thank you, and this is an awesome game.

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:( Me too same problem as Agua.

Hubert, thanks for the help. I'll give the 16-bit color a try and see if that helps.

I can argue there is some problem with graphics cards/virtual memory, please Hubert, can you post in the forum the answer you send to Agua ?


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No problem guys, I should have done that already:

Basically the game is designed to run at 1024x768 with at least 16 bits of color (can be higher with no problems)

If your system is not at this resolution, then the game will try and set your current settings to 1024x768 and at the same time select the highest refresh rate at this setting. So if your system IS at 1024x768 (as was the case with agua) then it will try and reset to the highest refresh rate before launching. This is where it seems to encounter a problem with some video cards for some reason. As a workaround for now please do the following:

- change your system setting to 1024x768

- set your refresh rate (Hz) to the highest setting at this resolution

- launch the game

This seems to have fixed it for agua and should help.


P.S. for anyone else that has encountered this problem, please send me a bug report to support@furysoftware.com with your system specs and the original resolution settings and refresh rate before any changes were made. Thanks!

[ May 21, 2002, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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The code only uses generic windows routines and does use a test (pass or fail) before reseting the system, but for some reason it looks like even after testing the refresh rate and passing, it still doesn't work properly.

But when you manually do it, the game then recognizes that the refresh rate is at the highest setting already (at 1024x768) and it loads fine without performing any changes. This does seem to be very rare and I couldn't tell you offhand exactly why this is, but I'll have to track it down.


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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

This seems to have fixed it for agua and should help.

Oh Hubert, we have a miscommunication apparently. When I sent you the e-mail stating that I was playing a game at the moment and was not going to fool with the adjustments you recommended at that time, I was playing another game online with some friends, not SC. I have not yet tried your suggestions. I'll give it a try when I get home. We'll get it figured out. Thanks for the super help Hubert.
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:( Thanks for the information Hubert, sadly on my computer at office your suggestion didn’t works. I can argue this is because my video adapter (S3 Savage 4) can support 85 Hz refresh rate but my monitor only accept 60 Hz refresh rate. Any higher frequency test fail. Apparently even after setting manually the refresh rate at 60 Hz SC try every time to set the rate at the maximum supported by the video adapter (85 Hz), with the consequence that the monitor go black and I must restart the system in VGA mode to reset the rate at 60 Hz. This evening I will try on my home computer, with a GEforce 2 and a better monitor.


[ May 21, 2002, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Waylander ]

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Originally posted by Waylander:

I can argue this is because my video adapter (S3 Savage 4) can support 85 Hz refresh rate but my monitor only accept 60 Hz refresh rate.

Hmmmm.... that gives me hope as when I reported to Hubert what my refresh rate was set at, it was at 60Hz. I'll try it out when I get home.
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