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Since you little forum children are now so bored....

J P Wagner

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JerseyJohn... We've had this discussion a few times already. But it doesn't hurt to hear it again. Life isn't fair. Repeat that to yourself everytime you feel you are getting screwed.

Carl G.E.von Mannerheim... Wheter Brad Tennant and yourself are, become, or were just dreaming about becoming beta testers isn't really important. Let me give you a little bit of advice that may save you some pain in your future. There are some things in life that are best left unsaid. Not because of sensitivity or political correctness. Because of compassion. Everything someone says has the potential of hurting someone else. If thats your intent, say it. Nothing wrong with saying things as long as you are aware of the consequences. Being able to determine when not to say something to avoid unnecessary hurt is something that life teaches you. Its also known as wisdom.

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Thanks for the wisdom, you're right.


I'm glad you and Brad are Beta Testing SC 2. It wasn't my intention to rain on your parade. But Shaka is giving good advice. I hope you don't resent hearing it.

I'm sure you had good intentions, only to pass the word along that there is an SC2 and it will be in the Beta Testing stage soon. We've known that from the AAR contest announcement. My only complaint is that the rest of us have no inkling of what's going on in this matter.

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Maybe someone should give JerseyJohn at least some informations about SC2. If not JerseyJohn, who else here deserves this little special, precious award? Come on guys (Hubert, tester-fellows), give him from time to time these little sweet infos. You all can only gain from this generousity. He will surely keep your secrets, and you would receive some worthy feedback.

Jersey to the front!


[ May 24, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Thanks for the Good Word. I don't feel I -- specifically -- am any more deserving than anyone else. I enjoy posting as we all do. There are many others who have made at least as many suggestions and have given as much input as I have, and perhaps more.

I'd be more than satisfied if some concrete info were posted for all of us, as we've all expressed more than a little interest in the subject.

But perhaps we're jumping the gun, it's entirly possible Hubert just wants to tweak it a bit more before telling us about it. Keeping something it a secret doesn't make much sense.

Once again, I'm not pushing for any priveledged knowlege either for myself or anyone else, but info for the entire Forum would be very welcome.

[ May 24, 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JerseyJohn, your modesty is legendary, as you showed here once more. I could live very well knowing that you would receive some news before the rest of us. Or even better: would be somehow integrated in SC2 or SC deluxe. In a special way, you are the "good spirit" in this SC-forum, at least in my opinion. Always a pleasure to see your posts here, always well founded statements, always gentle and open minded, often tons of special research from the www included. More than anyone else here can offer (me included). On a scale from 1 to 100 i would set you as no. 97 (rambo would be below zero...) 2133.gif

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Many thanks Mr. X. and you're a fine gentleman with great input yourself.

When you get to know our friend Rambo better your opinion of him will be much higher. He's had a lot of positive accomplishments in the Forum.

[ May 24, 2003, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I know there are two valid sides when discussing a future gaming project....some companies like to provide information about a new game every step of of the way...a good example is ADANAC...they are releasing a WWI strategic game TRENCH which I have been keeping tabs on for many months... this past week they offered a glimpse at the rules and it has whetted my appetite even further...to me, this advanced stage by stage documentation helps keep the product focused and more importantly, consumers at the ready to dole out their cash for the product....HOWEVER...I also experienced the downside of a company who released early information...a comapany in France was producing an updated, expanded edition to Microprose 4X game, Star Trek-Birth of the Federation, titled Universal Evolution..in the forums, people wondered if they had the rights, not only to the original game but to a Star Trek license as well...never the less, the company continued to provide updates and screenshots and it all looked very promising ...then, they just vanished...all I could find was a German comment about the game from 2002...with the help of BABELFISH, here is a rather humourous translation:

"The homepage of the alleged successor of Birth OF the Federation, universal evolution, is already for some weeks one month down. Nobody in the German star Trek play world knows, what takes place with those. After my information the leading Modeller universal of the team the group left evolution. It gave little riot under the small Community, since few models by star a fleet COMMANDS were used for the play. Very probably the group of developers collapsed and the best solution for the boss of universal evolution was probably an outlet of the scene without any report. Sometime the voices would have to fade after universal evolution anyway. I find this situation very unfortunate, because a BOTF I would have 2 very gladly in my shelf to lie."

HA HA!...well you get the gist of it...here was an anticipated product gone awry....but it is only a game so what was I going to do, jump off a bridge because the company folded?..I simply shrugged my shoulders and moved on...My point is, the need of secrecey and caution can be overplayed because it is only a game and is not that important in the overall makeup of our lives...at least it shouldn't be.

By the way there are some interesting rules regarding the use of Poison Gas in Trench...check out the rules for the game:


[ May 25, 2003, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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What myself and the rest of us are wondering about is why, if SC 2 has gotten far enough for Beta Testing, the rest of us don't have a clue as to what it's about.
There's no if about it. There is no SC2 being tested yet. Hubert is still busy with the final v1.07 patch for SC, including the new French and German versions. Once he gets done with all that and has something to announce, we'll all hear it from him. And I'm as interested in knowing about SC2 as everyone else.
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". . .and yes, its not worth the effort

take that anyway you want."

I take it to mean -- Of course it isn't worth the effort -- there's nothing there anymore! :D

Nice prank, it never occurred to me to read posts I'd already gone through earlier.

I finally noticed your "Ho-Hums" and removed mine eight hours after you removed yours. If I wore a hat it would be off to you. smile.gif

[ May 25, 2003, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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John seems to be pulling alot of his punches and resisting the urge to say what he wants to say in a effort to maintain your friendship. How bout you be mature and do the same by editing your posts and forget the whole thing ever happened.

Editing your posts and leaving:

" edit- do not wish to offend the children"

is childish.

Comrade Trapp

[ May 25, 2003, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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My thanks, you are a very wise fellow indeed.

It seems our friend had already pulled his postings out, leaving mine appearing to rant about nothing!

It was a strange end to a strange episode. My gratitude for being the peacemaker. smile.gif

[ May 25, 2003, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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