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Events and Unpredictability in War

Edwin P.

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War unpredictable and its course can not be predicted with 100% certainty.

One way to reflect this in SC would be to add random, but rare, events to the game. These would be events that could shift the course of a battle but in and of themselves would be unlikely to change the course of a war.

To execute this change I propose that;

1. There be a 1% chance per turn for each side that a random event occurs. Thus a random event would likely occur only once per 1 or 2 games for each side. The rarity and limited effects of such events would make them much appreciated by players.

2. Sample Random Events drawn from a library of 30 random events increases the liklihood that the same event would occur once in 20 games on average.

The system would select an event at random. If the event can not be applied then the system would select another random event until it found one that could be used (ie If the system selected the General killed event, but the allies had no HQ units then the AI would select another event).

Sample Random Events (40):

- General killed in car accident and replaced by new general (a random HQ unit is replaced by another HQ unit from the player's force pool)

- Our spy has provided us with the troops dispositions of all enemy forces for XXXXXX. (See the location of all enemy units of 1 major power for 1 turn).

- Saboteurs have damaged ships docked in port of xxxx. (one ship in port receives 5pts of damage)

- Saboteurs have blown up a major oil refinery. (reduce strength of 1 city to 5, can rebuild normally)

- Gasoline shortage has severly impacted the operations of one of our units (one armor unit or air fleet can not move for 1 turn.

- General XXXXX has proven to be more capable than expected in battle (increase readiness of HQ XXXXX by 10%)

- General XXXXX has proven to be a military genius (increase readiness of HQ XXXXX by 10% and give that same HQ an extra medal)

- Our engineers have made a major technological breakthru. (receive 1 advancement in a random tech).

- Our laboratories suffered a massive explosion. (reclaim 1 tech chit/gain 125 MPP)

- Residents of XXXX pull together to repair war damage in record time. (Damaged city repairs 3 points of damage in one turn)

- Unit in a city worked furiously to fortify their position (entrenchment rating increases to max for 1 unit in a random city nearest enemy forces.)

- Veterans in Capital City of xxxx mobilize (gain 1 free 5pts corps unit)

- Storm at Sea damages naval fleet (random naval fleet receives 3 points of damage)

- Naval crewman restore ship to fighting shape while at sea (random damaged naval unit receives 2 point of damage repair)

- Commanding and supply officers of one unit do an amazing job. (Readiness of 1 random unit increased to 90% for 1 turn)

- Transportation Snafu (increase cost to operate units for 1 country by 50% for 1 turn).

- Transport/Naval Ship offshore coast of enemy nation) hits floating mine (Transport/Naval unit receives 1 pt of damage)

- Dispair influences the troops of an infantry unit. (An infantry unit in contact with the enemey and out of HQ command has its readiness reduced by 10% for 1 turn).

- Commandos blow up oil fields (the MPP of an oil field within 5 hexes, 250 miles, of an enemy unit takes 5 points of damage).

- Mine disaster, 150 miners dead in cave-in. (a random controlled mine hex takes 3 points of damage).

- Wave of patriotic fever grips the city of XXXX. (MPP for this city doubles for one turn).

- Your agents discovered enemy invasion plans left in a taxi. (See location of all troop transports for 1 turn).

- Antartic storm ravages the Cape of Good Hope. (units transiting the cape are delayed by 1 turn)

- Commanding General has flash of inspiration. (readiness of all units under control of 1 random HQ is increased by 10% for 1 turn).

- Politically influential general assumes command of a HQ unit (replace 1 HQ unit with a lower ranking HQ unit).

- Fuel depot was contaminated with water. (reduce AP of 1 unit within 3 hexes of an enemy unit by 50%)

- Contractors finish construction of underground tunnels in capital city. (increase entrenchment rating of random major power capital city by 2).

- Cholera strikes the city of XXXXX. (Military unit garrisoning a random damaged city take 2 points of damage for 1 turn and the city itself takes 2 points of damage).

- Garrison troops discover stockpile of enemy weapons and supplies in occupied city. (Unit entrenched in random occupied city gains +20% bonus to readiness while it remains entrenched)

- [American/Japanese] Cruiser arrives in the Atlantic from the Pacific. (Americans receive one bonus cruiser unit appearing south of Florida. Germans receive 1 bonus Japanese unit appearing in the South Atlantic or an axis controlled Suez canal hex).

- Logistics officer of Armor unit secured extra supply of fuel. (random armor unit receive 2 extra action points for 1 turn).

- Spies watching enemy air base radio in location of enemy air fleet. (see location and strength of random enemy air fleet)

- Enemy spies evaded base security and attacked air base. (Air fleet receives 1 point of damage)

- Coast watchers report location of enemy naval forces. (see location of all naval units/transports within 1 hex of a coastal hex)

- Agents in occupied country radio in location of all enemy units in that country. (see location of all enemy units in a random occupied country)

- Shipbuilders launch ship in record time. (1 major country receives a random naval ship of strength 2 at a home country port).

- Naval fleet is resupplied at sea. (1 naval unit at sea has readiness increased to 100% for 1 turn)

- Intensive and realistic training program implemented by General increases combat skill of unit. (1 random unit not in combat with an enemy unit gains 1 medal of experience)

- Bad weather reduces spotting range of 1 air fleet by 50% for 1 turn.

- Storms at sea reduce movement of all ships within a radius of 4 hexes of a randomly selected ship by 50%.

- Ungarrisoned captured city revolts -aka Warsaw Uprising - (place strength 5 partisan unit in an ungarrisoned captured city).

- Army received shipment of dud ammunition. (reduce readiness of 1 random unit by 10% for 1 turn)

Is this a feature that you would like to see added to the game? :confused:

If so is the 1% per turn (about 1 per 4 years of game time) the correct percentage for a random event occurring?

If you like the idea can you suggest any other random events?

[ May 11, 2003, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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True, as Kuni says Random events can have a negative effect on gameplay. But it's also true that they happen during wars, so I'd have to vote for it. Off hand I don't what I'd add to your interesting list of possibilities; we'd have to decide on those with careful consideration.

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like the random events.you are correct on the realism aspect.

there are a dedicated group of gamers out there that want to know the exact odds before they attack, and have the same exact thing happen on every attack

i say variety is the spice of life!

suggested addition

your ruse of using a dead "courier" (with false info) who washed up on an enemy beach confuses the inteligence departments of your enemy. next landing hex used by a transport will not be detected by nearby enemy troops.

or we could go back and slip in the "crazy hitler"" maneuvers mentioned in a previous post :D

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If we are going with random events, why not add random historical ones? Examples,

1. UK cracks enigma, chance of German U-boats becoming visible.

2. Stalin feels threatened, a General is sent to Siberia and replaced.

3. Assassination attempt is made on Hitler, random general is caught up in the conspiracy.

and just because I feel like being silly...

4. Von Braun makes moon rocket and Nazi Moon base is established, Germany can deploy troops anywhere on the map from orbit!

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For those who believe that random events seriously alter play balance this feature could be a user selectable option much like FOW or War in Siberia. I can easily see cases where this option would be deactivated for tournament play.

I think that the key in designing a proper set of random events is to ensure that a random event does not have an overwhelming long term effect on play balance.

Example; If an opponent broke the enemy codes I would probably have its effect (reveal location of naval units) last until the opposing side decided to change their code machine - say a 25% per turn. This would limit the effect to an 2 turns on average. Thus giving one side an advantage but not one that unbalances the game or negates the effect of good strategy.

I do like the idea of historical events.

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In general, I like the idea of RARE random events. Some of the events you (Edwin) listed already seem to be covered by the "global partisan" appearances, so I might quibble with some of the specifics--but I do like the principle very much.

These random events would make play against AI more entertaining, and would make the game even more challenging in respect to the George Marshall quote in the manual (about total war demanding great CHARACTER from the leaders involved)--do you (the player) have the guts to hang in there when things go (unfairly) against you? THAT is one of the most important qualities of a war leader, I think.

I would also like to see potential areas for partisans that are not always in swamp or mountain hexes...

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You mean a chance for partisans to appear in ungarrisoned captured cities?

I definitely agree.

I would also like to see a chance for partisans t to appear in a conquered Spain, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Norway, UK, France and Ireland. But perhaps the Norwegian, French, Irish and Greek partisans should have a strength of 2 or 3?

Or here's an idea for a Partisan Tech/Investment that would reflect various degrees of support of partisan efforts in occupied countries.

In the minor countries there is base 1% for a partisan unit per turn with a Str 1.

Partisan Tech 1 would increase this to 3% per turn per country and Str 3.

Partisan Tech 2 would increase this to a 6% per turn with a Str 4.

Partisan Tech 3 would increase this to 10% per turn with a Str 5.

Partisan Tech 4 would increase this to 15% per turn with a Str 6.

Partisan Tech 5 would increase this to 20% per turn with a Str 7.

Of course, if the country with this Tech was conquered the percentage chance for partisans would return to normal.

[ May 12, 2003, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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santabear & Edwin

It just happens that . . ..

Link to Topic suggesting Spanish, English, Swedish -- etc -- Partisans.

It's interesting that these old threads never seem to die. smile.gif


I think this is the first time I've seen partisan activity tied in with research techs. Interesting idea.

[ May 12, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Thanks for the link.

As for the Partisan Tech I was just trying to think of something to fill up that empty space on the Tech Screen. Without having to change the layout of the screen Hubert has room for one more tech.

The question is: What tech if any would benefit gameplay the most, not unbalance the game and not be too difficult to program?

A few suggestions:

Partisan Support - Reflects investment in supporting partisan groups in conquered countries.

CodeBreaking - Reflects investment in intercepting enemy communications. Higher levels of tech give an increased chance of removing FOW for units - ie Tech 1: 5% to see a unit, Tech 5: 50% per turn to see a unit when playing with FOW ON.

Training Programs - Reflects rigorous training programs provided to Infantry Units. Tech 1: Units start with 1/3 Medal, Tech 2: 2/3 Medal, Tech 3: Units start with 1 Medal, Tech 5: Units start with 2 medals.

Fortifications - Reflects investment in fortifying cities in the home country against attack (tunnels, bunkers, ammo dumps, etc). Tech 1: Increase entrenchment value of cities by 1, Tech 2: Increase entrenchment value of cities by 2, etc.

Quartermaster Corps - Reflects investment in the supply train. +5% HQ Unit Readiness per tech level or could reduce cost of HQ units by 10% per tech level.

Commando Squads - Reflects use of commando squads to scout the terrain in advance of the main army. Tech 1: +1 Spot Range for Infantry Units on Land (ie +50 miles), Tech 3: +2 Spot Range for Infantry Units., Tech 5: +3 Spotting Raqnge for Infantry Units.

Counter Intelligence - Counter to Partisan and Codebreaking Techs. 1 Level in Counter Tech reduces Partisan and Codebreaking Tech by 1.

[ May 13, 2003, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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You're just trying to make me feel good, and you've succeded. smile.gif


Great presentation of the idea and a great idea as well. In the new Topic of this idea recently hijacked by you-know-who, I've abstained from posting an idea because I think your idea expressed here is the best candidate.

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Thanks JerseyJohn

Now here's another idea that could really affect game play during winter months;

Winter Preparedness

This tech is only effective during the 3 single turn winter months and reflects the allocation of additional resources for campaigning during winter months. This tech affects only land units on land and grants them bonus movement points not to exceed their original number of action points minus 1.

Russia and Finland should start the game with Winter Preparedness Tech 1.

Tech 1: 1 Extra Action Point per Unit

Tech 2: 2 Extra Action Points per Unit

Tech 3: 3 Extra Action Points per Unit (max +2 for Army Units)

Tech 4: 4 Extra Action Points per Unit (max +2 for Army Units, +3 Max for Corps)

Tech 5: 5 Extra Action Points per Unit (max +2 for Army Units, +3 Max for Corps, +4 Max for Armor)

[ May 13, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Edwin P

I think your Quartermaster Corp tech and the Winter Prepardness tech are trying to accomplish the same thing.

Most logisitical supply lines are at capacity trying to bring up ammunition, fuel, fooder, food, supplies, etc.

When winter hits, if the winter equipment has not already arrived at the front, there is not extra capacity to handle the increased load. So you either cut back on the ammo, fuel or you go without winter equipment.

Thats why I think those two techs are addressing the same problem.

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You are right.

These two ideas approach the same issue from a different perspecitive. One affect movement during the winter months, making for some interesting possiblities, and gives Russia a historical advantage during winter campaigns unless Germany invests in preparing its troops for the Russian winter.

The other affects the readiness level or cost of HQ units in general.

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I would love to have the option (turn on or off) of random events.

Here's some more:

- Ike gets caught in bed with Miss Kay Weatherby by General Marshall, tries to get out of it by asking George if he has ever tried a three way, and gets fired! 100 MPP's deducted from US.

- Zhukov is shot by Stalin because he found Joseph in the Kremlin dress up in black lingerie with a pink negligee. 100 MPP's deducted from USSR.

- American production falls becuse J. E. Hoover plants damaging evidence in WhiteHouse about Eleanor's Dike behavior, to get attention away from himself, and to cover his butt about his own Homo activity. 200 MPP's deducted from US.

-Bill Clinton gets caught getting a BJ from Monica and gets impeached, and says "I didn't have sex with that women". When his daughter comes home from school, he asks Chelse if she has had sex during her time at college, she replies "not according to you". 200 MPP's added to US.

-Hitler dies in a freak surgical operation when his body rejects a testicle from an unknown doner. Adolf says that he wished that he had a full set in the bag. Later the donors name if found out "Mort Weinstein". 1000 MPP's added to Germany.

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