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Archibald vs Rambo - AAR


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Okay, I'm the Allies this time, playing a Euro. I'll need to get my crap together & figure out a way to win.

I moved a British transport-corp above the LowCountries & he sank it...that was rude. I need to find those german u-boats in the Atlantic.

Rambo >>>>> Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces

[ January 12, 2003, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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October 15 - I'd sent the air to the Dutch border to forestall the Dutch Gambit when a British transport hove into view. I did the only decent thing and sank it. Is he trying to divert me or what? Why did he do that?

In Poland I take out another two corps, knock his air down to three and bounce off his remaining Army.

[ January 14, 2003, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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I checked with Moon and he said if you didn't overdo it, you could post some screen shots of your game. You know, like maybe at the start of each year or something.

It's been a rough night and your game holds much promise. Rambo as Allies-this should be good.

[ January 12, 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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The British corps diverted me from Denmark for a turn, but I took Denmark this turn.

In Poland he sent his remaining army and his air :eek: towards Berlin! Gutsy move - I think it was meant to distract me from taking Warsaw. I focussed on the aim, took Warsaw, and Poland fell - end of threat to Berlin.

Lesson learnt though - expect the unexpected.

[ January 14, 2003, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Rambo is not playing ww2, thats one of his strenght. Just because we play a ww2 influenced game doesnt mean we have to act that way. And this is what he does, thinkin in new ways which seem to surprise player after player.

I seen this kind of thing happen in the Axis & allied community quite a lot. That game has eveolved in tactics a lot further on the road than we have but players like Rambo constantly develops the game(as Robert Brink or GenPyle at Axis & Allies). So what if he is beaten someday and no longer champ. His entrepreneur-mind enhance the strategy of this game and make us all better players.

He will probably not be the best player for much longer or maybe Terif is already better. But he has really changed the way we look on SC.

[ January 12, 2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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November - Italian readiness up to 89%. It looks like he's up to something devious in the Med.

He makes a probe into the Baltic with an Anglo-French fleet. His French battleship takes five hits when it runs into my submarine screen. The latter barely survives.

I declare war on the Low Countries and it all goes horribly wrong. I send a corps in to soften up Brussels for air - they inflict one stinking hit. Three air fleets hit Brussels and have to fight it out twice with the RAF - Brussels is knocked down to four.

I agonise about sending in armour to hit him from the south, cross my fingers and try it. He survives with one point! Sod it! What the hell, I send my remaining armour to hit him from the river hex to the north east - the pride of the German Army inflicts no dmage at all.

I am now bricking it. I operate everything in from Poland, but I'll be surprised if my armour survives this turn.

Meanwhile in the Atlantic, the U boat I had skulking on the Irish coast is spotted. He makes a run for it - straight into a French fleet.

It's carpet chewing time at my end...

[ January 14, 2003, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Dec. 10 1939 --- Archie is a tricky player. He loves his air-fleets! Instead of going for Brussels, he pounds on my Frenchy Leader-HQ-Weygand! Interesting, I'll have to remember that. He also backs off from the Ardennes with his armor. I think he was surprised I didn't counter-attack on the ground, instead I dug trenches. The Canadians are welcome to France. When he moved back his armor, he say the Southern fortress in the M-Line was unmanned. He took with a german corp.

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Late November - One of my subs in the Atlantic is gone.

In the Baltic he's got two British and one French battleships bombarding Copenhagen to no effect. My sub made a clean break from them.

Italy now at 96% - I predict hordes of transports on the Italian coast next turn.

In the Low Countries I abandon the hex south of Belgium and send my panzers down the east bank of the Rhine. He's left the southern Maginot unguarded! Result! I send a corps in to take it.

I've left Brussels alone for now - it just turns into a constricted slogging match which the Allies love. Instead I send all four air fleets (I built another) at the French HQ which is just in range. I don't kill it, but every attack caused him damage. He must have come very close.

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Feb. 4, 1940 --- Allied Naval units destroy a Crusier in North Poland/Germany. The bold move paid off, as I pressed my luck & sent carriers to pound the port...guess who I found? Scratch that damaged U-boat! Question is, can I get the hell (heaven) out of there?

Meanwhile, in France, HQ-Weygand is sent back to Paris for repairs. Italians are coming soon.

The Brits still command Allied forces in Brussels & Monty is calling the shots from London.

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March 3 1940 - that last post must have been December or January. Oops!

Italy now at 99% - it must look like some kind of allied naval regatta off the Italian coast.

In the Baltic his fleet hits mine in Konigsberg. He destroys Scharnhorst and my other U-Boat. Gneisenau breaks out a huge war ensign and knocks HMS Resolution down to three.

In the Low Countries he's pestering me with the French fleet. I ignore them and take Brussels - just... For his impudence the corps which takes Brussels attacks the French fleet in Antwerp, but only does a point of damage.

He's had to divert units down to seal my breach of the Maginot. as a result, my taking of Brussels has left two hexes undefended on the Allied left flank. Things are looking up...

[ January 14, 2003, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Spring '41 --- Archie is looking for the "big move". He is in love with HQ's & Air. Intelligence reports has spotted a 3rd-German-HQ.

Italians have entered the war.

British Royal Naval sinks the last Cruiser, time to get the hell (heaven) out of there. We did get damaged to a 3, but that's war. The ground war is going to get intense. He owns the Southern M-Line, has 4-Air, 3-HQ, & every Nazi in the Rhineland wants to fight.

Brussels falls, nobody can take that pounding from the Luftwaffe & live to tell about it.

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Late March - He's got a seaborne parking lot off the Belgian/Dutch coast - two British and two French fleets. I concentrate the Luftwaffe on HMS Valiant and send her to the bottom. British battleships are all but irreplaceable - he won't have liked that.

I reinforce Brussels with an army and knock the French fleet in Antwerp down to five - he won't stay there.

A limited attack in Flanders knocks a French army down to six - otherwise it's a turn for retrenchment.

The Italians come in and find... nothing... Oh well. They limber up a bit with an attack on a French corps in the Alps and start disrupting Mediterranean convoys.

[ January 14, 2003, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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April 28, 1940 --- Luftwaffe sinks the Valiant, scratch my first naval-unit. I think he was sending me a message. Ground troops move away from the English Channel coast, so I pull my ships back. Italy has entered the war...............where is the Italians Navy in the Med.? Better yet....where is the Allied Navy?........and the best....where is the last German sub??????? Never found! At least I got the rest of the German navy.

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April/May 1940 - Subs in the Atlantic and the Med knock 16 MMPs off Britain.

We're into a slogging match in Flanders. I destroy the French army south of Brussels, but move nothing into the gap. It would be surrounded by three armies and a corps and pulverised. Let him send another unit in - I can win a battle of attrition (for the time being).

Italian activity on the French border is stepping up. He now has three corps down there guarding it.

The good news for the Italians is that all the French fleets are out of the Med - time to go hunting...

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May 26 1940 - I destroy the French corps to the south west of Brussels. I'm now where I should have been six months ago. Always always always take the Low Countries in one turn. His left flank is now in the air. The two French hexes at the furthest west extent of the Belgian border are undefended. I resist the temptation to go pure mad mental and instead push forward a hex and knock the Canadian army down to six. He's got a French HQ there somewhere and is still a threat in the counterattack.

In the Alps the Italians exploit a gap in the French line and push along the Swiss border. They now have three corps and an army facing the French.

Havoc in the Med. The cruiser Fiume was scouting Algiers when Force H from Gibraltar hit her. Fiume was quickly overwhelmed by three battleships, but the rest of the Italian navy were close by and took the opportunity for revenge. To my alarm I ran into a further aircraft carrier and another battleship. :eek: Warspite has been sunk, but I fear the Regia Marina is about to get the most profound kicking.

In the Atlantic my surviving sub inflicts another 11 MMPs on the British convoys. Somehow they still have torpedoes after all this time.

[ January 14, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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June 16, 1940 --- Med. Front: thanks to the lame "direct your naval boat where the game takes it", one of my ships runs into the known sub; I was trying to back off. Oh well, scratch another Brit. Italy navy backs off after our encounter.

Northern France is the spot of WW-2. Large infantry & armor are flanking me. Decisions.....

June 23, 1940 --- Decisions are made. Monty sends ground, sea, & air to destroy lead panzer. Mission accomplished. Weygand pulls Frenchy Army out of the Eastern Ardennes.

British commandos sneak into Northern Italy.

[ January 12, 2003, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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What's the date? - June something 1940 I think...

He certainly uses those French fleets to best advantage. They're strung out along the Flemish coast sniping at any of my guys who enter a coastal hex. I'm disinclined to waste my valuable energies on fleets which the British will sink for me once the French have surrendered. ;)

On the Belgian border I kill the Canadian Army and start exploiting the hole in his left flank. He has a corps two hexes north of Paris, which I knock down to five. However I also see that he's got a carrier in the Channel - drat.

His units in the Ardennes are starting to look isolated. I wonder if he'll choose this turn to withdraw into the interior of france.

In Italy he pulls a move I didn't even think was possible. A British corps embarks that turn from Marseilles into Toulon. Without moving he immediately unloads in Italy, moves a hex and takes Milan! Thanks for the education. :( I think I'm supposed to be rattled by this, but carry on pushing the Italians into France. His line in the south is very sparse now. I'm not too worried about the corps in Milan. He can't leave the city without me retaking it, so I'll leave him for dessert.

in the Atlantic my U-boats take a break from sinking merchant shipping.

In the Med things go surprisingly well. The Brits knock a few points off my ships but sink nothing. The remainder pull away and I take the opportunity to sink a cruiser - that evens the score for killing my Baltic Fleet now.

[ January 13, 2003, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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I knew that carrier in the Channel was bad news. It turned out he had two, and with their aid it was just possible for him to take out my leading panzergruppe. Teufel! In the north I kill another French corps and move into the hex. I resist the urge to go mad mental again.

The Italians keep moving into France and meet no resistance. Their ZOC briefly meets that of the German drive in the north and cuts off three French armies and a corps on the German border.

Further south they drive towards the Spanish border and cut Marseilles off from Paris. The British are left to rot in Milan, while a corps just to their north keeps the supply route open for the all conquering Italian Army.

in the Med the Italians land in Algeria and move adjacent to Algiers - my turn to play the invasion game. Unfortunately it's just economic warfare, as I'll lose it when France goes Vichy, but it'll knock his income down by 10 MMP.

[ January 14, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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July '40 - Another French corps is run over by the German juggernaut. I push another two hexes into France. The army shielding my surviving panzergrupe looks a bit exposed, but he's got bags of experience and is under the command of a very experienced leader. More importantly, they're out of range of those bloody carriers. Fingers crossed.

Despite losing an army, the Italians are running wild in the French rear and are on the Atlantic coast.

He pulls off another cheeky move. The French corps in Marseilles embarks at Toulon. The British corps in Milan operates back into Marseilles. The French corps in Toulon then lands in Italy and re-garrisons Milan. He must be thinking of getting that British unit out when France goes belly up.

In the Maginot line I pound at the damaged Canadian corps, but they obstinately remain at one - damn their black hearts.

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July 28, 1940 --- I'm trying the best I can. France is getting worn down. I'm still scrambling the RAF w/ Monty, success! We intercept the Luftwaffe do damange, & a Grand-Frenchy-Army downs the bastard. Give that Frenchy some medals, will check his experience. My carriers are intact & can do a mission or two. Weygand is calling the shots in Paris, but will have visitors soon.

[ January 12, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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The French army in the Ardennes is destroyed and the French resources hex is taken. A catastrophe in the air however. A spoiling attack by a strength five air fleet is met by the RAF who tear chunks off it. The remainder are shot out of the sky by French ground fire.

The south of the Maginot Line is flanked by a German corps, which together with the rampaging Italians has now isolated Paris from the rest of France.

In the south the French pull out of Milan. The Med's quiet as both sides lick their wounds.

[ January 13, 2003, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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