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Has anyone won the 39 campaign with the AI at +2???


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I am currently playing Overlord as the Allies with the Germans at +2 experience, FOW on. It was touch and go there for awhile in USSR. Now I am surging forward. The MPP balance has shifted in my favor.

Combat is deadly facing those experienced troops!

Not uncommon to lose 90% to 100% of your unit in one engagement. German fighter attacks are devastating as well.

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Played the Axis in a 39 campaign at expert +1 exp for allies. The Russians surrendered in late 43. It was a close call though, was on the brink of defeat for a little while.

Not started the 'ultimate' challenge yet.

I think you need both skill and luck to win that one. Research development is very unreliable and you need luck to get the advanced toys needed to counter such a high allied exp level.

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Just tried the ultimate dificulty setting.. Expert +2exp for allies and all the unfavourable settings you can get :]

Poland and Denmark fell easily enough..then the fun started!

Got bogged down in the low countries, took me until march 41 to beat France out of the war:p

Lost 1 tank, 1 army and 1 corps in the process.

Had barely finished Yugo, which always seems to have a pro allied coup around mid 41, before Russia declared a preemptive war on me!

Why is it so that Russia always declares war on the Axis in 41? It's completely out of the sky when it comes to the point of realism....

Would have been nice to be able to postpone Barbarossa into 42 on a bad day <G>.

Well, I tried a short offensive..got smacked right back to the starting line. So there we stood for 2 years exchanging shots.

The front never broke as I had 5 in research on AT weapons.

What finally made me throw in the towel was that the Allies sneak marched a corps into the bombed out low countries, making the west front untainable.

Will try to come up with a better strategy, think I need both that and a lot of luck to have a chance at all!

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Again repeating myself! Just my two pennies worth of input. I smacked Germany and Italy by April 2, 1944. Computer on +2 experience and expert level. It seems that the computer could not form a comprehensive strategy and do armor breakthroughs. It took over most of Europe, but got beaten back down.

If you form a cohesive defensive line in Russia by taking advantage of the terrain, the computer gets bogged down. Well I guess this is food for thought for SC2! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey Gorski! Got game yet??? By the way, the allies' score was pretty low due to all the units that it has lost #132. Now next, let me see how the computer does as allies with the same setting! Seigheil! What else can you throw against me Hubert? Hehehehe! :eek:

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Best I've done was as the Allies on 1939 fow on/+1/computer +100%. Though the Fascist beasts overran everything west of Leningrad/Smolensk/Kharkov/Rostov, I still held Africa and by May 1943 was hitting the beaches in Portugal with a big Anglo-American invasion force. Soon thereafter it was a jailbreak on the eastern front and by December '44 it was "rebuild from the ashes" time.

Fun game, featuring Bulgaria, Spain and Vichy France fighting for the Allies at one time or another. (AI handing out DoWs like so many dinner mints and all)

Actually, by the end there were THREE DIFFERENT French entities on my side. Vichy, who held onto Algiers even at Axis high tide, the "Free French" who escaped to British territory in '40 (an HQ, AF, and 2 armies - not an insubstantial force for subsidiary ops), and then the reconstituted French state that came into being when I liberated them. It was funny that the French units produced after the liberation did not seem to recognize the control of the "Free French" HQ. I'd guess that is because the "Free French" have effectively become British. Or maybe DeGaulle being an arrogant, power-hungry SOB and refusing to get along with his peers.

Anyhow, I've tried +2 and it sucks to get your Guards armored units cudgeled about by a bunch of stinking Romanians. I'll stick to +1, thank you!

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