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Yeah, he looks like IL Duce, but he's wearing a swatztika. I guess the implication is that Italy was being dragged along by it's allies; a reasonably true premise.

Jim Boggs

We are shocked at the morally corrupting effect of the General Forum on otherwise decent individuals like yourself!


Great Poster. Accht, it is so much nicer healing than heiling!


Joe Grills is obviously no gentleman. In laying this scenario out I had exactly what you describe in mind; a pleasant little get together with subtle strategic gestures and insinuations. Then I got a little carried away. It happens.


My condolances on the Royal Navy. Our friend disorder likes classic galley fights as in Ben Hur and Cleopatra , send all your ships out with grappling hooks and start howling in the melee!

At first I thought this sort of overt agression was insanity but I realize now that it's okay. After all, how sane can a hobby be when it requires the simulation of tens of millions of deaths?! :eek:

[ June 03, 2003, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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#10 was bad turn for the good guys....

allies lost 2 cruisers, 2 bb's, and another heavily damaged cruiser.

good guys lost 2 bb's and 2 carriers and a sub.several foreign dockworkers have been accused of sedition and passing information to the enemy and have been incarcerated.stern warnings regarding "idle gossip" are imposed.


england still rules the waves, but does not have the capital ships to press any attacks home,imho.

trying to keep the tired luftwaffe on task. they are now needed to press home the push to paris!

swede allies crossing mountains into bergen. kondor legion has been a big help! top german brass meeting in oslo.


italians fighters lay off land support to clear allied ships from grecian waters. still an allied carrier nearby. also a damaged frog carrier off southern france. next 3 rounds will tell all!

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"Alas, disorder calls in the distance. Excuse me fair ladies, I must take my leave."

"Don't go, stay and play with sister and I! That is to say, play some chest with -- uh, some chess with . . ."


[ June 05, 2003, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I think we are on turn number 5, as Allies I'm ot going to post what I've done as I hope to use it in another game. Lets just say the British navy rules the wave's with L2 Gun Radar. The Itialian navy is on the bottom and the German Navy is just getting a taste of British powder, Poland has fallen but no major battles in France yet.

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Well its 30 June 1940, Turn 18, and the Greeks are still going. However, given that they are now facing 3 armies, 3 air fleets, 2 bombers,1 hq and sundry corps reserves I thought i'd do a quick Malta, and give them a national GC and mention in despatches before they get wiped good time. Damn those dirty brown units! But at least I got a swap of Tobruk out of it, so no crocodile tears! :cool:

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July 5th 1942......

North Africa, Spain, Vichy France, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Grease, Iraq, and soon to be Turkey have already fallen to the Axis forces led by Jollyguy.

At one point the Allies had all of North Africa, now the MED is entirely in Axis hands.

At least 6 luftwaffe air fleets carry out combat missions over Russia every turn unopposed.

Rommel is leading a push forward from Turkey.

Free French and British Forces have landed in Norway as Soviet Forces try to hold out.

Both England and Germany have reached level 4 jets and have high long range air tech levels.

[ June 08, 2003, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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disorder (looking strangely like carrol o'conner in the movie KELLY'S HEROES)listens intently to the incoming aar's on a flimsy g.i. radio set....

upset by the interruption of news by sqwalking distortions and interference,(actually that is just his better half in the background) he stands up and shouts at the top of his lungs "BOOKER!---GET ME MY MEDALS!"

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Gavrok-Joe Grills game (Sep40)

Joe (Axis) kicked me out of France in double quick time(Mar40) and Greece (Jan40)and threw in a killer versus Vichy, Switzerland and Denmark. Total land domination of the continent.

Allies have kept Vichy going in Algeria , and removed all Axis presence from North Africa. Norway has successfully defended and with the aid of our Free French comrades has taken Sweden.

Wehrmacht rules on land and RN in the sea. German scientists have been busy in the air.

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remember to let your opponent know if you upgrade to the new version of the patch. i dont believe there will be any problems upgrading, as long as you both do it! it's up to you!

[ June 09, 2003, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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As is obvious to all, we did not know about the v1.07 further upgrade at the time the Tournament was being organized. As stated by disorder, downloading of the updated patch during round one is by mutual consent of both players. But it is mandatory for Round Two.

Players who have not downloaded the update will see a corrupted file message when they attempt to load their thoroughly modern adversaries game move. If this persists, in other words the upgraded player receives no response, a protest will be lodged with the Tournament Committee. An e-mail will then be sent to the progress hating individual advising him of the situation and if the patch is still not downloaded the upgraded player will be awarded a victory.

Here's the PATCH link. Nothing could be simpler, just click on it and a few seconds later the Deed is Done.

Hubert's cleared up a tremendous number of existing problems, this upgrade really is an enormous improvement.



The Tournament Committe (chicken votes as tiebreaker).


Accomodations for the First Intergalactic Z-Plan Champion provided by Andromeda Vanity Hilton, the Number Once Choice of discerning oxygen breathing travelers.


[ June 10, 2003, 05:30 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Any allies winning so far? I like the game so far, but I think the Axis has a distinct advantage. We are approaching 1941, France, Vichy, Norway/Sweden are gone. Spain has been attacked, Greece will soon fall. The only possitive is that German Navy and most of Italian navy are history.

Big problem in the Med. is that two German bombers can see almost the whole med, spotting all units. Any ship or unit that moves through will get destroyed by air. This is a FOW issue, I know, but I also think long range shouldn't be given to the Germans at the beginning.

Some changes to the scenario, in my opinion:

Long range shouldn't be given to the Germans at the beginning. I also think that the U.S. should have a greater MPP bonus when they come into the war, as well as possibly having the Allies start with the Low countries. Just my thoughts.

Very nice scenario.

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thanks for the input, and i'm sure jerseyjohn thanks you too. i read your post in "fow", and commented there also.

i played vs xediel an earlier version of this scenario, and found that with complete water supremacy, the allies (IMHO)needed to rethink their plans and utilyze the myriad watercraft more fully.

like someone else said, i wont mention anything directly,as it may pop up later in a game.

right now july/august,1940 im in a hot battle in france with terry, and have yet to take outer french defences. allies have taken all of africa, axis just took greece. so really i believe terry as allies is holding his own, and in fact i saw signs of uk rebuilding its armada (and the nazis without so much as an s-boat ;) ). this may be due however to him being a much better player than me. but if france doesnt fall fairly quickly, terry may advance as an ally. good luck to all!

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I am really getting schooled in my game by the Axis. I think it is partly because the Axis gets to attack and plunder the allied minors of Iraq and Portugal without suffering an increase in USA or USSR war Readiness. Add to that MPP production form Sweden and I know where my opponent is funding his 10 (That I counted) German air fleets and large land force! I am having a hell of a time defending the USSR with German's attacking from Poland and Turkey/Iraq. However, in the scenario's defense, my opponent is a good player and I made the mistake of taking most of North Africa when I couldn't hold on to it (His air did a number on the RAF there and eventually forced me out entirely). I have also underestimated his reach, costing me two Russian cities in the process. I did take Finland though!

There have also been an abnormally large amount of tech advances in our game.

If no allied players win, may I suggest a losers bracket??

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So far I've not noticed any imbalance. Sure, disorders air fleets have blown the hell out of me but this was countered by the ability of the Allied Fleets to cause havoc (I think I lost 12 ships to his 16, but 6 of mine were French and no CV losses so thats okay). Plus there is a lot of Allied MPP thanks to Iraq - certainly enough to rebuild the good old RN. However, I have to openly admit being very lucky in Greece - I can't remember the amount of times the Greeks were reduced to one but lived to fight another day. disorders unlucky number is definitely one! This allowed me an easy atack on Tobruk and Tripolitania. I have also been lucky on Tech. However, disorder is about to mincemeat the massed french defense so we'll see how it goes from there.

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I hope the Chicken votes for me!

I'm now being forced out of Norway by a horde of Hun from the sky, along with their level 3 Italian cohorts. At least my Siberian transfers have arrived..........however with the Germans knocking on the back door in Turkey, I feel that it is almost over.

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I'm Panzer 39's Axis opponent, and find this scenario to be exceptionally fun and challenging.

At first I thought what the hell is this thing, and felt strongly that it was Allied biased. But once you get into the game, it's actually very well balanced. Kudos to whoever put this thing together, because you've got the ying and the yang in a seeming perfect tug of war.

I second Panzer 39's observation of an unusual amount of tech advances. When you think about it, though, this makes sense. The Germans and Brits each start with four chits, and certain units already at level 1 or level 2 due to preset advances. It doesn't take long for each side to fully fund their research, and given the catchup nature of the research formula, for each side to be facing down level 3 jets or higher with long range air.

I'm enjoying this tourney, and hope another comes along. And what really made it different was this scenario, where you had to put on your thinking cap, analyze the board, and come up with an entirely different strategy. If you haven't played this scenario, and want to spice up your SC play, I recommend you download it and give it a whirl.


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Glad you like the scenario, it went through a several months of pbem testing before before arriving at the present version. It's interesting that you at first saw it as favoring the Allies, because that was my own impression when first settling on this version. At this point I have no preferences with it. A careless Axis player will find, as I did a few games back, that the Allies can pulloff a Dutch Gambit that will ruin the game for him. On the other hand, a careless Allied player will be watching German troops marching through Paris in record time. If the Axis player waits too long for a Russian invasion he can find himself going against a brick wall with the Soviets having over 2000 MPPs and a large army right from the start.


You've got the right idea. Both sides are very strong and the way it's set up can work against the Axis player if he does too much attacking. It turns out the Allies can weather most storms and bounce back again.


I don't recall giving the Germans long range from the start, but I'll check on that. The basic idea was to give Germany an edge on land and in the air with the Brits having a similar edge at sea.

Also, it should be kept in mind that, despite what the game calander says, the starting date is really Sept 1, 1942 ! The game is a projection of where the relative forces would have stood if Hitler had stuck to his original Z-Plan, which would also have allowed Italy time to rebuild on her own schedule.


When you were seen feeding the chicken and saying, "Hi, remember me, Panzer_39?" I thought it was only a sincere love of animals. It's shocking that your real motivattion is to secure the deadlock vote. Not that you'll need it, having already slipped moonshine to the Tournament Committee. I suppose that's strategy of a sort.

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Jersey John/ Disorder

Must agree with the opinion re a great scenario. Do believe the Axis can smash through France in record time..as my illustrious opponent Joe Grills showed me...I worried about this on initial set-up, and Grills initial onslaught confirmed my worst fears. I did evacuate asap to save something (probably made the downfall quicker) and now my Free French have turned into a Scandinavian force to be reckoned with.

Axis can be fooled re their navy strength due to it's increase in size...as against Royal Navy with tech 2 it becomes very vulnerable! The whole game seems to be on amphetamines with the speed events are progressing!

The only imbalance I see in the tournament is since we're newish there's more of a burden trying to keep the Axis momentum going, as is needed.

I would suggest that for any further tourney play new scenarios such as these are used to keep it fresh and put everyone on an equal footing. I relish the fact that I've not tried this one yet (no WW1 though please as it just doesnt work with this system)

Have Russia/ USA been modified for this scenario?

Thanks All


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Thanks and pleased you like the scenario.

Using the Free French in Scandinavia is a good idea, I've also done so in one of my games. A French HQ can also be useful as the Gibraltar or Scapa Flow Garrison. In Scapa it keeps Scotland supplied in the event of an Axis raid and in Gibraltar it makes a big difference if the Axis cross the border but don't knock Spain out very quickly; all of a sudden there's an HQ so Allied units that sent to help out can do so more effectively. The flip side is Spain is very hard to evacuate units out of via Gibraltar.

We're lining up a scenario by Panzer39 for the next Tournament. It's being playtested now by the Tournament Committee, where the Chicken is so far leading 9-0. It has an off-beat quality so a lot of the strategy will be set on unfamiliar ground.

I think CvM's idea of a WW One scenario was basically good but I've got to agree that the game parameters prevent it from working properly.

Regarding Russia and the United States, I've altered all the research levels a little and have given the USSR 850 MPPs to offset an early German invasion but there's been no alteration beyond that. If the Axis waits till 1942 to invade the USSR he'll face a strong adversary with approximately 2000 MPPs!

A last word on this Z-Plan scenario, though I believe it's balanced properly, the Allies have the more difficult initial situation and can throw the game away early if they try too hard.

You're right about the Axis having to use it's expanded Fleet sensibly or that can also lead to a disaster. As you point out the Brits have a tech edge in both gunnery and long range aircraft, making their carriers stronger as well. It's basically the World War One Naval situation in the North Sea; the British rule the waves but Germany is eager to post a challenge. An impatient German can hurt the Royal Navy but will end up with a lot rusting iron at the bottom of the North Sea.

[ June 11, 2003, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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