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Originally posted by roqf77:

liam you should go to the doctor, because you have the worst case of mental diarehoa i have ever experienced.

Roq whatever, what a betrayal! You're English and American just as I am and you speak like one of these Frenchmen!

At least they have a defense, they're FRENCH! ROFL

and by the way I do see a Shrink, because I'm a bit homicidal and an ex-stalker ROFL HEHEHHEHEHEH

P.S. Diorhoa? err, what is that anyways? I suck at spelling, but you really really suck! I think you even can't spell your screenname!

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Originally posted by stoat:

@Liam: Just out of curiosity. If you are an ex-stalker, aren't you mandated by law to notify those you contact beforehand?

And for everyone on this thread and the others:

loose stool=diarrhea.

I hope I spelled that right.


can you take a friggin' joke? Or you like all the other Euros, getting too much good pot in your system? smile.gif

You guys take your freedoms for granted too you know, we can't just smoke it up in the States, not without getting busted hardcore for it. This is a very serious and Tight Nation, since 9/11 Martial Law of Sorts has been instituted for us anyways. You can't just cross borders now. You can't even bring a friggin' razor on board an airline. All due to the fact Osama had a chip on his shoulder your Russian brothers help create!


While America is off protecting your GasolineTank Reserves I hope your happy bashing her. When she isn't there anymore maybe you can pick up an M-16 and go defend what your Nation feels is a vital interest ;)

It'll happen trust me.. England sent her boys all sorts of wild places from Nepal to the Falklands..

Yes you spelled it right. If I were to bash someone I'd at least use a spellchecker or dictionary before I did it when it came to such an important word.. Sort of like spitting when you talk.

P.S. Other points where us Americans have suffered. Our gas is taxed, we pay 2 Xs as much now for gas as we did before. Our Airline tickets are way way too expensive, the rules and restrictions now are awful. Our boys are dying wholesale<I know of boys that are no older than 20 that have died, I wasn't that close but I know them and met them personally, you done anything like that "recently?" >

Also, many businesses have closed, many people have suffered, including Arabs in the States, which number in the millions. Some were cheering!

The violence hasn't ended and will not till there is more bloodshed and as things stand they stand only to lose and we stand only to become more bitter. Something you Euros don't tend to understand, but the UK does ;) They have bombed her soil. The Spanish are just too girlie to do anything about anything..

I at least respect a nation who doesn't take it lying down. Like the rest of the World tends to. Stand up to little bullys or they'll get bigger and bigger and eventually they'll come down your block. That is a simple peace of logic

[ August 14, 2005, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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@Liam: The stalker bit was a joke.

I'm no Euro, in another SC thread I'm defending America from a pack of bickering Belgians. I just try to take a more moderate view than some other people. (moderate does not equal liberal)

America is still the arsenal of democracy, but the truth is few people still care. They'll care when they get bushwhacked by some fundementalists, but until then they will view us as extreme in our methods of national defence.

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"The majority of fatalities in traffic accidents come from collisions involving drunk drivers"

That's why we don't let teens drive cars ffs.

You have to be 18 to drive a car.So by the time we are 18, we've already got a lot of experience with alchohol and sowe know when to drink or not.

And in America you can drive before toy can drink, so tge first time your drunk you can already drive a car and ofcourse you've got a lot of car accidents

And there's a lot of alcohol-control in Belgium done by the police.

"You can't even bring a friggin' razor on board an airline. All due to the fact Osama had a chip on his shoulder your Russian brothers help create!"

CIA trained him and gave him fianacial support, so pls don't blame the Russians...

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thats true. saddam, was also trained and equiped by the rest.

the oil fields are being administered by the un and have been for a while.

england has its own oil reserves off ireland(northern ireland) and the falklands.

i do not take my freedoms for granted.

you making massive sweeping statements about things you could not possibly know.

as far as meeting soldiers who have died, ive seen it happen.

im not a betrayer, i do not hate america in any way. i have gone there many times and while i prefer england, if i had to go i would probably move there.

the us is not and never was the arsenal of democracy. not in the way most americans think of it anyway. not to say the us didnt help because it did very much.

dont judge germany and france in the same league as spain. they are plagued with corrupt politicians. from what ive been told chirac was actualy caught for corruption, but because his opponent was a neo nzi the french secret police just ignored it. Germany has a spineless flip flopper in power, dont get there military confused with there politicians. as far as sparking up joints, not all of europe has pot legalised. the uk isnt entirly legal. its decriminalised i believe. the effect of ehich is that for personal use, the police can only take it from you. but it is still illegal to deal. and possesion with intent is still illegal.

as far as ,y spelling goes im dyslexic, so there would be no point in me using a dictionary. i will always make some spelling mistakes no matter how careful i am.

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sea monkey. take your own advice. liam and a number of other people have made far more political posts. or is it just you dont agree with what im saying? i meaN WHY SINGLE ME OUT WHEN 4 OR 5 OTHER PEOPLE HAVE MADE POLITICAL POSTS?

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well seeing as nobody care about or enough to enforce the rules, why hark on about them. just admit it you dont agree with what im saying.


Omg america is teh leet skills ownerz the rest is teh lame, we am da best omg omg omg.

you is teh noobs wa wa wa wa

EXITING JON J RAMBO MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for my outburst but in this thread you have claimed for one that all germans are tuetonic knoights who are smuggling wmd's to the middle east. Which is a massivly racist and discriminitory statement to make. but hey i thought politics on a non politics forum is bad. so obviously im wrong right seamonkey?

So in summary, racism good!

politics bad! i admit freely i have been rude here but no worse than anyone else.

so seamonkey what is your real problem. i think i deserve to know.

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@roqf77 --- Dude, war (and SC) is all about technology. Jets rule the skies & game in SC. The United States took advantage of technology in WW-2, so did the Nazis. Rockets, Nukes, Tanks, Planes...Are you aware of the great Turkey Shoot versus the Japs? Technology helped in production, distribution, & the organization/movement of troops/supplies. The United States technology allowed us to fight all over the world. It takes more than controlling an oil well to get gas. Good grief, you need to take some engineering classes. An English & typing class wouldn't hurt either, son.

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