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AAR: Scenario 1939 JJ Expanded Fall Weiss; Part 2 (no pics)


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7 January 1940

The German General Staff announces the following officers have been promoted from the rank of Generaloberst to Generalfeldmarshal: Gerd von Rundstedt, Fedor von Bock, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb and Siegmund Wilhelm von List.

Pledged to stand beside Germany in any armed conflict, The Kingdom of Italy Declares War against the Alliance fighting Germany and Sweden in their Just War for Living Space.

< Benito Mussolini, The Warrior >

The Italian Fleet leaves the port of Taranto due to British and French activity in the area.

< Montage of Mussolini >

II Corps transferred from Konigsberg, E. Prussia, to Venice, Italy.

VII Corps transferred from Warsaw, Poland, to Bari, Italy.

XXX Corps Mobilized at undisclosed location.

XXXI Corps Mobilized at undisclosed location.

XXXII Corps Mobilized at undisclosed location.

Meeting of the General Staff 8th January 1940.

After an opening assessment of all fronts by Generaloberst Jodl, Fieldmarshal von Rundstedt, commander Army Group B, makes the opening comment,

“Very impressive, upon entering the war the Italian Navy runs for safer waters and we are only required to send two corps to Italy with a third in reserve. Let us hope our Southern Ally continues to perform at this high level. Perhaps we can send that young genius Travolta to command those troops, I understand he’s presently in command of a dance troop. Oh, sorry, he’d have to be promoted twice more to qualify as a corps commander. I shouldn’t think that would be a problem, I’ve heard he already believes he’s Keitel’s boss! Who knows, perhaps someday he’ll even learn how to use a rifle.”

Amid jocular laughter from Jodl and several others, Keitel, stiffens while Hitler, dressed in his unadorned brown uniform, stares at the wall map, twitching with anger.

Enjoying himself, Rundstedt adjusts his Iron Cross. “Only a suggestion, of course. But enough of that, moving on to more important matters I see my Army Group will be moving upon Brussels. Very good news indeed, looks like another of Manstein’s plans. Fine work Erich, I’ve heard Travolta worked out the more challenging details, such as where to find decent musicians in Amsterdam.”

To which the laughing Jodl begins moving his pointer along the wall map, “Second Panzer Group will leave it’s current positions at . . ..”

< Map of the Low Countries. >

DOW: In that it has been learned that the Governments of Belgium and Holland have decided to Join the British and French in their Unjust War on Germany and Sweden, the Axis Nations of Germany, Sweden and Italy have this day Declared War on Belgium and Holland and have proceeded to occupy both nations and disarm their troops through any means necessary.

Luftflotte I bombs Brussels and fights interdiction from HMS Illustrious.

Luftflotte IV bombs Brussels and fights interdiction from 1st FAF.

Luftflotte II bombs Brussels and fights interdiction from RAF Coastal Command.

2nd Panzer Group attacks the Brussels Garrison (40%) from the SE (2713) and DESTROYS the unit without noticeable loss to itself.

< Belgian Prisoners of War >

6th Army moves from Essen (2912) to Brussels (2613) and occupies the City.

HQ Bock (Army Group A) moves to Essen.

8th Army moves to the Ardennes (2714) from undisclosed position.

HQ Rundstedt (Army Group B) moves to the Belgian Frontier.

HQ List (Army Group C) crosses the Rhine into Belgium.

10th Army occupies Luxembourg (2815)

Other Troop and Naval Movements undisclosed.

King Leopold of Belgium flees and his Government Surrenders Unconditionally. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland also flees and her Government accepts Germany’s offer and disbands it’s Home Army, becoming absorbed into the Reich.


< King Leopold and Queen Wilhelmina arrive together at Buckingham Palace >

[ June 19, 2003, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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YES JUST LIKE THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, and lawrence of arabia, we have a small intermission here. appears to be a small technical problem with a move which should be cleared up right away!it is thursday 6:42 pm central time, and if i get it working i will post later tonite.

in the meantime.... anyone seen "two men went to war" the "true' story about the british dentist? just wondering if i should rent it. two men went to war

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I read the short synopsis a second and third time. Yeah, it's a movie about guys who were in the army and later became dentists through the GI Bill, right? :confused: I'm pretty sure I've seen that movie back in 1962. If it's the same one I remember, it's about a British lumberjack who goes to war then moves to the United States, goes to war again and returns to Hoboken becoming a dentist through the G. I. Bill. In the end he decides he really wants to go back to being a lumberjack and moves to Northern Canada, where he becomes a librarian.

Another great dentist was Doc Halliday but I don't think Wyatt Earp ever let him tinker with his teeth. But he may have given him a shave and a trim since many of the 19th Century Dentists were really barbers who pulled teeth as a sideline. Didn't they also make a movie about that as well, guys who went out West and became dentists after they were gun fighters or something?

Heading off to my e-mail!

[ June 20, 2003, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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with the destruction of the low countries, the british government changes hands.

officially chamberlain steps down and churchill takes the reins. as chamberlain leaves the house of commons for the last time, several members shout, "in the name of God, go!"

immediately a new stricter rationing is begun.its motto is:

rationing stepped up

"today in spain, tomorrow in italy"

italians in spain

a war cry begun by italian anti-fascists who signed up to fight the italian blackshirts during the spanish civil war. thousands of anti-fascist italian volunteers fight for spain on the spanish frontier. the madrid corps is also involved. the VI corps, one of the few which is mostly mounted,sidesteps immediate battle and darts for the capital.

a report that the italian fleet was heading for open sea proved to be false propoganda, and they were observed retreating,sailing north of tirana for cover.

bravely the bretagne, the valiant, and the gloucester, also sailed after them in a running battle. the ark royal may soon arrive for the battle.


in france, all possible reserves are rushed to the low countries borders. general weygand is called to command many fresh troops. he has a famous reputation, crowned by his victory with pilsudski over the bolshevik forces in 1920. a steadfast and modest man. maxime weygand


admiral huskerdoo continues a massive sweep of the channel and expects the bottled up germans to "make a show of it!"



a "gift from a friendly neutral country who shall not be named" arrives in manchester by cargo ship and is quickly uncrated and examined. though definitely a great and expensive mechanical device, british scientists are unsure of it's use or it's value(no scientists from that same "friendly neutral country" were attending the device). when the device is connected to 440 volts, it appears to emit a great green light,and emit an unnatural buzzing sound. also several bystanders noticed that cold cups of coffee left near it begin to boil!

a great allied scientist who is currently vacationing in a swiss villa (and shall remain nameless)has been notified to return at once, to fully inspect this work of technology and if it has any apparent value.

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3 March 1940

In that the Kingdom of Norway has aided and abetted British and French efforts to disrupt Iron Ore shipments from Swedish Mines to German Ports. And also in as much as The Norwegian Government has consented to the landing on it's supposedly neutral shores of British Troops, including the British XXXth Corps off-loading south of Bergen, The Axis Powers find themselves compelled to . . ..

Declare War on The Nation of Norway.

The Swedish 1st Army, commanded by General Rannug, attacks the Oslo Garrison from the NW (3002) and reduces it to 80% without loss to itself.

The German 4th Army, commanded by Generaloberst Model, attacks the Oslo Garrison from the North (3202) reducing it to 30% without loss to itself.

The Swedish 2nd Army, commanded by General Zappsweden, attacks the Oslo Garrison from the NE, reducing it to 10% without loss to itself.

The German 1st Nord Corps, commanded by Generalderpanzers Rommel, attacks the Oslo Garrison from the SE, DESTROYING the Unit.

Swedish 1st Corps, commanded by Lt. General Hueristic, the Irish immigrant turned Swede, occupies the Capital City of Oslo and accepts the surrender of the Norwegian Government.

11 March 1940

From: Fieldmarshal DiCaprio, CinC Swedish Armies in Norway,

To: Chancellor General Kuniworth in Stockholm.

The combined forces of Sweden and Germany under Fieldmarshal von Leeb, designated Army Group Scandinavia, has decisively dispatched the enemy resulting in the unification of Sweden and Norway.


L. DiC,

Fieldmarshal, Sweden.


Fr: Chancellor General Kuniworth

To: Fieldmarshal DiCaprio

Congratulations on a job well done.


Fr: L. DiC

To: Thor Kuniworth

Thanks Dad!



The Chancellor looks down at the telegram, turns to Envoy von Neurath and shrugs with a grin.

"He's the son of my third wife from her first marriage. A good lad. Yes, a fine boy and I regard him as my own. When he was younger he wanted to be an actor! Can you imagine that, Leonardo di Caprio the actor! Naturally I nipped all that nonsense in the bud and had him appointed to my old regiment. Just between us I pulled a few strings at first to get him some easy promotions, but in the end he's become a fine officer, has he not?"


In Northern Italy the Spanish VI Corps skirts past Torino and pauses for supplies in it's approach to Rome.

II Corps, commanded by Generalderinfantrie von Manstein, takes position in the Apenines and attacks the Spaniards from the North, reducing them to 80% while taking no losses to themselves.

At Army Group B HQ in Belgium, Fieldmarshal von Rundstedt walks Keitel's Chief of Staff, Generalleutnant von Paulus, to the door.

"Well, Paulus, I see the Italian Navy has gallantly advanced farther away from the French and British fleets and we've sent another corps to Italy -- making three, I believe. Ah, what a blessing they've turned out to be. But then, who knew it would turn out like this?"

[von Paulus] "I believe you've said a few things along these lines, herr Fieldmarshal. Allow me to commend your foresight."

[von Rundstedt] "Oh yes, I'd quite forgotten. Well now, you ought to be running along with those papers. Musn't keep that Austrian corporal and his two puppets waiting any longer than necessary."

< Mussolini looking through huge field telescope on tripod >

"Yes, I see them now, those treacherous Spaniards are armed with Italian rifles -- the Germans are attacking them from the north, up in the high ground. Mama Mia, how come our troops don't fight that way?"

< Photo of Man-Made Flying Saucer on Desert >

On an open stretch of Lybian desert, Italian engineers experiment with aeronautical ideas mentioned by the Reverand Salamander during his failed peace mission to Italy. Unfortunately he neglected to say how the little people from outer space get their aircraft off the ground.

< Photo of German Scientist Werner Heisenberg with colleagues >

"Honestly, Professor, is that all you can tell us, a big electronic gizmo with three round screens that turn green and it boils coffee three feet away without harming anyone?"

"That's what I've heard. We don't even know who built it, only that it was given to the British by a friendly neutral. The British themselves know little more about it than we do."

"A friendly neutral -- okay, let's narrow that list a little. I know of no such device existing in Mexico, Liberia, Haitii, Paraguy or Tibet. Who does that leave?"

< Photo of Franklin and Elleanor Roosevelt after listening to Special Emmisarry Travolta and reading Ribbentrop's Letter.>

[General Johan Travolta at the White House]

"Mr and Mrs President Roosevelt, I hope that's the right way to say it. I've been sent here along with my dance troop on a Mission of Good Will through dancing. And also to give you this letter from my boss."

Dear Mr President,

We would like to request that you act as intermediary in peace negotiations with the British and French Governments.

The Axis Powers are willing to accept peace on the following terms:

1) Norway to be recognized as part of Sweden.

2) The partition of Poland with Soviet Russia to be recognized as permanent.

3) Denmark, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg shall remain German Provinces.

4) Belgian Congo to be an Italian Colony.

5) Dutch East Indies and all other foreign possessions of Holland, Belgium, Norway and Denmark not specifically mentioned above, to be ruled by the German Reich.

Other than these minor changes, the European Balance of Power would remain as it was before the war. The Axis Powers neither demand, nor offer, reparations in any form.

Germany and her Allies have hereby done their part to restore peace and order.

In the event these extremely reasonable conditions are rejected, the blame for continuing this unjust war must lie solely with Britain, France and Spain.

-- Respectfully,

Joachim von Ribbentrop

Minister in Chief, Reich Foreign Office.

[ June 21, 2003, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Just a thing, it'n not a 'real' problem, but i'd like to tell everyone that the "fascist forces and post-fascist forces" criticized in Disorder's link to italian partecipation in the spanish civil war are nowhere. Italy has NOT elected fascist parties, nor italians 'en masse' praise fascism. Such 'revisionism' i have nowhere found here in twenty years, exception made for a couple of "fascism fans", but i believe there's everywhere, in every nation on earth, a nazi\fascist\communist killing supporter.

Maybe this isn't of anyone interest, but i do consider myself an Italian who loves his country, and i don't like to read such nonsenses.

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i apologize my link offended you!

to make sure we have the matter straight, do you:

believe there was far fewer fascists (none actually elected) than people believe?

or do you believe:

there was no native anti-fascist italians who protested against mussolinnis blackshirts?

or is there a point here i have not grasped. i understand the word "revisionist" but not what it is pertaining to.

if it was to point out that all italians are not(nor have ever been) BAD GUYS, i wholeheartedly agree!!

please forgive my lack of understanding here, but you would agree there is a language barrier both you and i are trying to get over here.

let me know what you think! :D

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"At the present moment the Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War appears almost completely excised from Italian history or treated with scorn and embarrassment. Just as the history of the partigiani and resistance movements is being actively undermined by the influence of the revisionist tendency spearheaded by fascist and post-fascist forces in and around the Berlusconi government, the sacrifice of hundreds of anti-fascists, to them, seems to count for very little."

This is a quote from your linked file; i'm just saying that NO revisionist tendency in italy is sparheaded by fascist forces 'in and around' the actual government. I'm speaking of actual Italy, not forties one.

And there are commemorations of 'partigiani' every year, and every town or city where anti-nazifascist resistance was alive has a shrine or a statue remembering their sacrifice for a democratic (or socialist) Italy.

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thanks for letting me know your thoughts!

sorry i did not link the "fascist and post-fascist and the supposed "revisionists" until you pointed it out.

agree totally. whatever is going on in italy today(and i really am not as familiar as i should be) it should not be linked with the fascists. thanks!

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MARCH 1940


murdered norwegians

admiral huskerdoo patroling in home waters is quickly contacted as to set course easterly to aid the beleaguered norwegians. a daring landing led by general auchinleck is quickly made in bergen by a large force of crack troops, some of which include the XXX corps, and the 1st canadians.the landing was unopposed and forces quickly secured the unattended port and then began securing bergen and the immediate area surrounding it. this reporter can only speculate that the brits are here to stay!

admiral huskerdoo has become bolder with his sea-borne battle groups, stretching them "in a tightening noose" from which there will be no escape. "as the british navy..... we will NOT be content to sit out the whole war(like the jerry's did after jutland). we will take our superior forces nearer....and closer...until we put our ships in dry-dock in adolph's backyard!"


french levies continue to be raised and equipped. a corps from the bourdeaux area makes it to the front amidst cheers. scuttlebutt has it that the reason the germans hold positions and do not attack is because of some top secret peace talks. many troops beg to be transferred to the "italian front", where the action is hot and heavy. the port of antwerp is bombed at a distance by king george V, with no results noticed. the range is closed for better targeting. the richelieu is cheered as she cruises past the 1st french, who are currently dug in within sight of the channel.


flown quickly to england by a pre-arranged relay of fine british planes, monsignor salomar ketch has arrived and is examining the device. device

several hours later he calls for some water and finally begins to talk excitedly.

"its quite intriging really. this is the answer to britains prayers!"(gasps can be heard amongst the gathered scientists)...

wherever this device may have come from....(he rolls his eyes), it can be quickly used to advance our radar program! I MEAN ACROSS THE BOARD! every radar set we are currently working on! all british anti-aircraft radar can be soon taken to THE NEXT LEVEL! (sounds of cheering fill the bunker!)


gen wavell walks quickly with a single aide toward the palace. he is happy, and is whistling a familiar tune. familiar tune

as he enters, he is met by a smart salute from the iraqi guards both in red and black silks, and carrying enfields.

"splendid...simply splendid...did you see that crisp salute perkins? top of the line...simply top of the line!...yes indeed!" he continues on inspecting the palace guards, occasionally making comments (mostly good ones) to his aide, who jots them down quickly.

"overall they rank right up there..." certainly equal with the syrians, wouldn't you say perkins?" yes by jove those jerries will have a struggle on their hands if they manage to end up here!"


the spanish VI corps has advanced quickly to the outskirts of rome, and has tested the defenders there. on it's way, it found these named german troops: the 2nd,23rd,and an unnamed corps in northern italy, and also the VII corps in bari, to the south. leaflets and propoganda are deluging the city, and it is believed that with the increasing german presence, the italian will to fight is dropping.

contact was made with the caio dulio bb at hex 32,23 near venice. it was found to be screening the andrea doria, and the fiume. the bretegne advances abreast to hex 33,22 pounding it from a distance with salvos. it takes some hits itself. the warspite quickly closes from the sw at hex 32,24 and also bombards taking slight damage in return.

the ark royal finally arrives under full steam and launches 2 swift strikes from its decks which prove to be the end for the caio duilio. its magazine blows up as men are lowering boats...very few survivors in the water.



after the peace proposal is read by johan travolta, there is a few seconds of silence. THEN--eleanor speaks loudly and clearly--


"Every nation is watching the others on its borders, analyzing its own needs and striving to attain its ends with little consideration for the needs of its neighbors. Few people are sitting down dispassionately to go over the whole situation in an attempt to determine what present conditions are, or how they should be met."


"We know, for instance, that certain nations today need to expand because their populations have increased. Certain people will tell you that the solution of this whole question lies in the acceptance or rejection of birth control.

WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SHE TALKING ABOUT..(TRAVOLTA) "That may be the solution for the future, but we can do nothing in that way about the populations that now exist. They are on this earth, and modern science has left us only a few places where famine or flood or disease can wipe out large numbers of superfluous people in one fell swoop. For this reason certain nations need additional territory to which part of their present populations may be moved;"


"other nations need more land on which to grow necessary raw materials; or perhaps they may need mineral deposits which are not to be found in their own country. You will say that these can be had by trade. Yes, but the nations possessing them will frequently make the cost too high to the nations which need them."

dont you agree mr. travolta? mr. travolta?

WHAT....WHERE....WHO...is all johan can utter.

im sorry, but eleanor is a very intense person mr travolta. you have had a long trip..... eleanor,couldnt you let mr. travolta relax a minute. he's been around half the world to deliver this piece of ...this "peace" proposal to us. let him relax, would you?

eleanor grabs johans arm and begins to drag him from the room.mr. travolta is unwilling to leave."franklin, we're going to relax down on the test range! don't wait up!"

president roosevelt slaps his hand to his forehead.he shouts-- "dont be gone 2 months like when you were on that bobsled adventure!" "oh, that woman!'


eleanor shifting to a lower gear in an ambulance which is going down the steepest incline you have ever seen. mr. travolta is clutching the back of the seat to keep from falling DOWN through the windshield.


relax johan... this is where i come to relax . the vehicle test range.it takes the stress away doesnt it? _SCREECH-she turns hard to avoid a boulder---

johan is suddenly pulled loose from his precarious perch and falls into the floorboard as they careen down the slope at a breakneck pace.

"yeh, usually they have special drivers to test these things out. but they let me take one out to the test range once in a while to put it through her paces. i have some pull you know!" "HEY, SPEAKING OF PULL.....grab that bottle while you're down there, and let me have a pull off of it. im mighty dry!"....


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"Would you stop this thing, please!! At least slow down so we can talk -- I'm begging you, stop it before we both get killed!"

Elleanor, smirking, "Oh, and that would certainly make Franklin and his Darling Mother sad, now wouldn't it! Care for a swig?"

"Come on, I'm an American just like you!"

"They told me you were a German General." She slows the ambulance, then stops and puts it in park. "Care for a cigarette, sweetie?"

Travolta, more than a little dizzy, goes back to his seat, "Sure, a cigarette would be nice, thanks. Could you light it for me, please?"

"Got the shakes, huh? Okay, now let's have it, the whole story from A - Z; I know they don't think anyone will accept that Peace Offer, so what are you doing here? You're a fine looking kid and I'd hate to see it happen, but around here we hang spies, Sonny."

Travolta, calmer now after a drag on his cigarette, "Ahh, I almost forgot how much better American cigarettes are than the ones they smoke over there."

"Talk straight with me and I'll send you back with a whole truckload. Now, first of all, what we've heard here is you're some kind of commando but if you are, well, you do a great squeemish act. Too good."

"Commando? I can't even shoot a rifle! Look, here's what happened. They flunked me out of basic training except everyone with all their limbs has to be in the army over there, so they made me a dishwasher. One day, out of nowhere, I hear someone over my shoulder saying, 'Ah, such good clean pots and dishes -- I can see myself in them!" So who do you think it is but the big guy himself, all alone, giving the kitchen the once over. And he's like, just a regular Joe. We started talking and nearly everything I said made him laugh. Finally I told him, 'I don't get it, Your Majesty, you were a corporal and here you're a swell guy, but all the corporals around here are real pricks! -- sorry for using that language."

"Don't worry, honey, I've heard worse."

"So next thing I know about six or seven real high Nazi guys and a couple of generals come running over and start fawning all over Adolf -- he let's me call him Adolf, it's like, just me and Goering and Hess and a couple of others call him that; not even that old fart Keitel can call him that and he's a fieldmarshal, which is a lot higher than an ordinary general! So anyway, they're all saying things like, 'There you are Mein Fuhrer -- ' like he's a child who's lost his mommy. So he gets mad, starts saying how he won the Iron Cross twice, how he used to find his way around No-Man's Land under fire with dispatches and how he certainly doesn't need an escort to get through an HQ mess hall, that sort of thing. They all moved back a step because he was starting to have one of his rages."


"Yeah, sometimes he can get a little, uh, screwy, if you know what I mean."

"Yes, Franklin has moments like that as well."

"So he sort of turns red, then smiles and says, 'Our problem is we're too filled with stuffy Prussian Aristocrats like von Bock and von Rundstedt and all those other vons. Too full of career Yes Men, like you, Keitel, and too full of cold blooded professional soldiers who would strangle their own mother if I told them too, like you, Jodl. What we need among our generals is one from the ranks. One who knows what it is like to be an ordinary soldier. Keitel, I want this man promoted to Generalmajor Immediately!"

"So in other words, you're a two star general?"

"No, one star. They do it different from the Americans. Over there a major general is really an American Brigadier General. I read up on all that stuff while I was in Stockholm. Chancellor Kuniworth said it was a disgrace I didn't even know what rank I was and he really balled me out, drummed it all into me till I knew all that stuff by heart. He's one of those tough old top generals, see, and when he ritired from the army he had his step-son promoted twice so he's even higher, a fieldmarshal, so they could keep things in the family. Anyway, after a week with that old bird I kind of learned all about the army. I'm glad he tought it to me, things were sure a lot easier when I got back to Berlin.

"What else can you tell me about Kuniworth?"

"I don't know him that well, mostly he just kept yelling at me and barking orders, you know, like a drill sergeant. He taught me how to take a rifle apart and all that military stuff -- when he was finished he said I was finally a good private. This may sound strange, but the way he said it made me sort of proud.

"Anyway, one time, after he loosened up with me, we were talking in his office and he was laughing and joking and signing one paper after another, around a dozen of them, then he handed them to an aid and said, 'Do it immediately, allow those miserable wretches a last visit, some time with a priest, then it's up against the wall!' I mean, he was signing execution orders and laughing. He looked at me and smiled and raised his cognac snifter for us to have a toast, 'My boy, here's to the only sure rehabilitation for communists -- the firing squad!'

"I'd sure hate to get on that guy's bad side."

"Okay, very informative. So tell me the real reason they sent you to Washington."

"Probably they just wanted me out of Germany. I think those von Prussian guys were planning to have me attend a fatal accident and Adolf figured this was the best way to keep me safe. He's really a great guy when you get to know him. People don't realize that."

"Yes, we'll invite him to our next social."

"He'd like that, I'm sure."

"Okay, sweetie, your were back in Germany and ..."

"I was up in Adolf's mountain estate in Bavaria one afternoon and the Prussians were all there discussing the war and I wanted to fit in, so I started saying a couple of things, mostly stuff General Kuniworth told me, when Adolf put his arm around my shoulders and led me away from the others. His big golden German Sheppard was walking by his side. He said, in a real low voice, 'Johan, between you and me, Blondie here is a much better general than you will ever be. These fellows with the monocles and cigarette holders don't like you and they aren't good hearted, like me, so I'm assigning you to the Foreign Office. From now on you will report to Ribbentrop. I'm working on something with him and perhaps we will send you on a trip to America, to your childhood home, would you like that?'

"So naturally, I said I would and next thing I knew me and my dance troop are on some oversized U-boat packed with a lot of stuff for other U-boats and they dropped us off at the Atlantic City Boardwalk. I showed my papers to the mayor and he's the one who got us transportation to come here...

< The Mayor of Atlantic City learning that the German Peace Mission had climbed to the Boardwalk from a U-Boat >

"We did a Good Will Show in Atlantic City, mostly for a bunch of old fossils in the audience, but still, they liked us and applauded and a couple of them fell over with heart attachs. That's one difference I've noticed between America and Germany; in America when you say someone died from a heart attack that's what it means. In Germany it probably means they died like some other way."

[Elleanor, starting the ambulence and driving slowly back to the White House.] "Well, that's all very interesting. Let's make a deal. We'll keep all of this our little secret and I'll make sure Jay Edgar Hoover doesn't arrest you as a spy, okay?"

"But -- I'm not a spy, honest!"

"You're a German General, correct?"

"Yeah, but --"

"But I don't see you in the uniform of a German General, ergo, by the articles of war --"

"But the United States and Germany aren't at war with each other!"

"That could change very abruptly, especially if Walter Winchell starts telling the nation about Nazi Spies being dropped off by U-boats along the New Jersey coastline. So which is it, the hangman -- care to find out how well you'd dance at the end of a rope? Or a secret understanding between two friends?"

"Sure, I mean, NO! Anything you say, Elleanor."

"I let my friends call me Mrs. Roosevelt, and I consider you a friend."

"Sure thing, Mrs Roosevelt."

[ June 21, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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31 March 1940.

In fierce fighting south of Brussels, an unidentified French Corps is bombed by Luftflottes I, II, & IV, which are forced to also conduct air battles against intercepting elements of the 1st FAF and RAF Coastal and Malta Commands, both based in Northern France. The French Infantry are then attacked by the 8th and 14th Armies and DESTROYED without significant loss to the attackers.

French, Spanish and British units are appealed to, by loudspeaker, to remain clear of the German Low Countries while Peace Negotiations are conducted in Washington, DC. They are told, through translators, that The Reich and her Allies seek only peace and coexistence with their Western Neighbors. Also, that Germany is making every effort to end this war, which was created by British and French Imperialists.

In Italy, the Gallant Spanish VI corps (2924), cut off and low on supplies, is attacked from the North by von Manstein’s II Corps striking from the Apennines (2923) and the Rome Garrison, the Italian XXIV Corps commanded by Lt Gen Rotta, which struck from the South. The combined attacks reduced the Spanish corps to 30% it's original strength while inflicting no significant losses upon it’s attackers.

< Spanish Infantry of the battered VI Corps fighting bravely north of Rome. >

Generalissimo Francisco Franco crosses over to the Spanish position under a flag of truce. He assured them that all past committed during the late Civil War against his Republican Forces and sympathizers will be pardoned and appeals to the brave, but poorly used soldiers, to join his Iberian Legion.

<Visably moved by the suffering of his courageous countrymen, General Franco returns from his mission. >

The demoralized Spanish defenders were given a 48 hour truce to care for their wounded, bury their plentiful dead and reach a decision. The Generalisimo returned safely to the Axis lines and proceeded to Rome for a meeting with IL Duce.

Hard Naval combat continues in the Adriatic with sub-mariners and other elements of the depleted Italian Fleet attacking British and French capital ships resulting in heavy losses to both sides.

In Norway, the Canadian Army is attacked while still onboard it’s transports off the Norwegian coast with unknown losses. Intercepted by aircraft from the Royal Navy Carrier, Glorious, the Swedish Air Fleet completes it’s mission while sustaining light losses.

To the North, powerful Army Group Scandinavia, under the command of FM Ritter von Leeb, begins crossing the Langfjella Mountains to crush the British at Bergen under the command of the luckless Auchinleck.

< Fieldmarshal Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, CinC Army Group Scandinavia >

It has been reported that Generalmajor Travolta has met with President and Mrs. Roosevelt, after performing a Good Will Show at Atlantic City. The sensible Americans have expressed enthusiasm for Germany’s generous peace proposal.

[ June 21, 2003, 05:51 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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while in the back boiler rooms of washington deals are made and battles won or lost,

peace negotiations

the real war continues.... but today, the ante has been upped in the low countries!

using carpet bombing techniques (as in guernica a short while back), the nazi forces have eliminated an entire corps (the XXI) from hex 26,14 in the low countries.

after the area was decimated, messages were sent by open broadcast by the nazis to the other nearby,noble defenders of france and belgium.

the german ultimatum reads:"remain clear of the German Low Countries while Peace Negotiations are conducted in Washington, DC.the Reich and her Allies seek only peace and coexistence with their Western Neighbors.Germany is making every effort to end this war, which was created by British and French Imperialists."

----END QUOTE---

quickly the empty area of front was filled....but not by the long-suffering french soldiers,....BUT BY AN ENTIRE ARMY OF THE B.E.F.!

we shall see how far the hun is willing to value its "negotiations" facing britishers in belgium!

speaking of moving forward, the french army has added yet another corps to its defense..we salute all frenchmen from the brest area!

offshore, the king george V received orders to shell an inland crossroads at hex 28,12 last friday, as it was suspected to be carrying panzers throgh the lowlands. no damage was reported. heavy screening made it also impossible to find targets in antwerp port. no visible damage.


fired up canadians

the landings in oslo have ended. supplies and troops continue to reinforce the area around bergen. reports of enemy mountain troop movements are relayed to command hourly. visble support is provided to the british men by the large armada,anchored at port in bergen, and headed by admiral huskerdoo.

unconfirmed reports indicate an attempt at shelling german troops who are currently in control of oslo. more on this as it comes in.


a wolfpack comprised of an unknown number of enemy subs was found at hex # 10,35 several hundred miles SW of tangiers this morning(april 1). intercepted radio messages confirm the u-30 in the area (and probable others). shelling occured between an allied ship and the u-30 during dangerous seas. damage to either side remains uncertain. others are certainly speeding to the area!


the VI corps, unable to resupply or to reinforce made contact with spanish command in marseilles. it has been ordered to make a fighting retreat toward the outskirts of torino and to link up with the advancing madrid corps.


a small group of midget subs was destroyed today. these new weapons were a complete surprise, but were destroyed with skill and quickness. the ship valiant first attacked the "italiosubmario" (as they were named). several evaded the gloucester, however the retreating paths were picked up by fighter sortees from the ark royal and many were crippled and destroyed. the bretagne finished off the few remaining "infernal" devices. warspite receiving damage below the waterline in a battle last week, was sucessfully screened and retreats toward a friendly port.


a group of entertainers talk of past glories and theater shows to come--

theater group

a knock on the door is answered by major general johan travolta on special assignment from the german high command.

in the doorway stands a man in his early 20's. rugged...handsome...he extends his hand. joe kennedy

my name is joe. joe kennedy. and you must be johan?

thats right. hey we're kinda busy here...can you come back later?(in the background the young men chatter on about a new show called WELCOME BACK,KAMERADE).

well uncle frank...i mean president roosevelt asked me to give this to you. i told him i was on easter break from law school, and if he needed any help i was available, so...

ok come in and i'll give you a reply for "unca frank"after i've read this report(he accidentally drops the sheaf of 142 sheets of paper, and they are scattered on the floor).

hey epstein....whats this word mean....

group of actors


cover picture

(GERMAN PROPOSAL)Dear Mr President,

We would like to request that you act as intermediary in peace negotiations with the British and French Governments.

The Axis Powers are willing to accept peace on the following terms:

1) Norway to be recognized as part of Sweden.

2) The partition of Poland with Soviet Russia to be recognized as permanent.

3) Denmark, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg shall remain German Provinces.

4) Belgian Congo to be an Italian Colony.

5) Dutch East Indies and all other foreign possessions of Holland, Belgium, Norway and Denmark not specifically mentioned above, to be ruled by the German Reich.

Other than these minor changes, the European Balance of Power would remain as it was before the war. The Axis Powers neither demand, nor offer, reparations in any form.

Germany and her Allies have hereby done their part to restore peace and order.

In the event these extremely reasonable conditions are rejected, the blame for continuing this unjust war must lie solely with Britain, France and Spain.

-- Respectfully,

Joachim von Ribbentrop

Minister in Chief, Reich Foreign Office.


from the office of the president(seal of office)

#1 we would expect that a portion of norway from hex 29,0 and extending in a direct line south to hex 29,7 in denmark be an official line of demarcation, and that no weapons of war from germany pass this point.

of course this would mean a WEST NORWAY set up with its own governing body, free from all german interference.

#2 no problem!

#3 no,no,no,...a thousand times no! the french require the 3 hexes directly adjoing their country as a bufferzone.

if you still believed in the league of nations we could go back to the "agreement of 1927" which germany was a signer of, which was a PLEDGE TO SUPRESS SLAVERY AND THE SLAVE TRADE throughout the world. i assume this includes the conquered and "impressed' workers of belgium?

these 3 hexes would be a fair compromise.

#4 ok fine

#5 no way.. these would be altered as in #1 and #3 above, and are not acceptable.

consider your actions carefully. frank(seal of office)


johan sends a reply back to the president. the other actors gather around him, and he looks concerned.


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28 April 1940

In the Adriatic the unfortunate Italian Navy continues it’s courageous battle against vastly superior British and French surface and air attacks. Communications have been poor but news has come to Berlin that an Italian counter attack has resulted in the loss of a squadron of French warships.

Along the NW African Coast, U-boat squadrons WP 1, 2, & 3 have combined to sink a squadron built around the British Heavy Cruiser Exeter (1034).

In Italy, The German Expeditionary Army, consisting of II & XIII Corps under newly promoted Generaloberst von Manstein, has attacked, and DESTROYRED, the demoralized, depleted and poorly supplied Spanish VI corps.

It has been confirmed that over 8,000 of the approximately 20,000 troops addressed by General Franco, had earlier left en-masse from their encampment north of Rome to join the Generalisimo’s Iberian Legion.

Their leader, Brigadier General Umberti, was quoted as saying, “I fought against the Nationalists in Spain. I was wrong. General Franco and myself were longtime comrades in arms serving in Morocco. When he saw me at our camp we could not help but embrace and he wept sincere tears at the plight of our troops. The French have used us like dogs. It is well known that General Gamelin distrusts us. He has said, ‘peel a Spaniard and uncover a fascist.’ Well, my dear Maxime Gamelin, these Spaniards are proud to say they have been properly peeled!"

On the Norwegian Front, in action taking place 150 miles south of Bergen (2702 Langfjella Mtns), the Canadians, after being offloaded in a depleted and disorganized condition, were immediately attacked and completely DESTROYED by the 1st Swedish Army, 4th German Army and the German 1st Nord Corps, inflicting light casualties upon the Swedes.

British warships have been detected in force between Oslo and Copenhagen apparently pursuing a mission of organized vandalism similar to that being conducted along the coast of the German Netherlands.

Ignoring Reich warnings to remain clear of the German Low Countries, the British have sent their Expeditionary Force into Belgium (2614) in an effort to retake what their French Allies had already lost. The German response was swift and terrible. Bombed by Luftflottes I, II, III, & IV, which were intercepted by RAF and French fighters, and subsequently attacked by the 14th Army, the much heralded British Expeditionary Force was utterly DESTROYED while inflicting only light casualties upon the attacking German formations.

< Photo of Fieldmarshal Siegmund Wilhelm List >

HQ List, Army Group C, in whose sector these actions have been taking place, is commended by the Fuhrer for it's excellent work in expelling the British and French from the Reich Province of Belgium.


*** Regarding an earlier request from KDG, -- Sorry to be unable to post map shots, I have no idea how of how it's done.


[ June 22, 2003, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Consoled by his American show business friends, General of the Dance Johan Travolta sits quietly staring at the wall, shaking his head.

“Whatsamatta, Johnny?”

“They turned it down – I’m sure of it. Ribbentrop said I should get the troupe packing and off to Mexico for a swing through South America. Just between us I think they’re looking to stir up some trouble down there even if this war does end. I heard Keitel and Jodl talking about it with some sneaky guy named Martin Borman before I left. They said it was Germany’s destiny to have allies all over the globe to help them rule second-rate countries like – like the United States and Canada. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but as soon as they saw me they got all hush and started discussing some new production of a Wagner Opera in Salzburg.”

- * -

Response to the United States Department of State Regarding the Axis Proposal of Peace:

While the German Reich and it’s esteemed Leader, Chancellor Adolf Hitler, are most grateful to the American President, Franklin Roosevelt, for his efforts on our behalf, we cannot, for the following reasons, accept the suggested changes to our original conditions.

Point One. Chancellor General Thor Kuniworth is most adamant, and rightly so, that Norway and Sweden are to be ruled, in their entirety, as a single nation. To allow the British to remain in control of Bergen would result in a Northern Gibraltar. Such a situation would be no more tolerable to Swedish interests, than, say, the establishment of an Independent Texas, California and Alaska controlled by the USSR!

Point Two. While it is appreciated that both Britain and France seek the protection of a buffer state along the English Channel, the following considerations must be taken into account. The Dutch, like the Danes, are actually Germans and we cannot allow the continued hemorrhaging of Aryan blood through uncontrolled migration. Aside from which, the Dutch, like their Austrian, Prussian, Sudetan and Danish kinfolk, have come to express their joy and relief at finally being allowed to join their own people.

Point Two –A, while not quite Aryan, the Belgian people are close cousins and, after receiving the proper Nazification Programme, will also enjoy the pleasures of citizenship in the Reich.

Point Two-B, The German East Indies must be administered under the newly established Reich Colonial Office, along with the newly acquired colonies of Greenland and various Island Locations in the Caribbean Region and other locations around the globe.

Point Three. As compensation for damages suffered by the Italian Navy, and to prevent such abuses in the future, the Island of Malta is to be sold to the Italian Crown for the sum of 17 Lire.

Point Four. As neither Britain nor France has responded to our request for a period of truce to consider these terms and allow the illegally stationed British Forces in Norway to be vacated, The Reich must consider that a state of war continues to exist and will expand it, if expedient to it’s military purposes, into new areas of operation.

Point Five, As, through their continued belligerent behavior, the British and French have caused the loss of numerous brave German soldiers and airmen, The Reich seeks the restoration of ALL Imperial German Colonies lost during the last war, exclusive of those held in trusteeship by our Far Eastern Friends, the Imperial Japanese.

As always, we hold these conditions to be extremely reasonable. As stated previously, aside from minor changes in the European Balance of Power, we feel the essence of pre-war conditions shall be maintained, but on a more equal and realistic plateau.


Joachim von Ribbentrop,

Minister in Chief,

Reich Foreign Office.

[ June 22, 2003, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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siezing the correct moment, tons and tons of nazi bombs were dropped on a large encampment of british expeditionary forces soldiers.the b.e.f. is officially no more. "these men have done their duty above and beyond the call of honor" says charles degaulle, new commander of the french tanks attached to the 4th french army. upon hearing of the brave britishers fates, immediately, a group of french officers petitioned their superiors to include them in reinforcements being sent to the strategic area. the corps was granted the honors of being allowed to move "into the breach" degaulle

antwerp is again shelled by the king george V and the richilieu, and this time for obvious visible results!


BRETAGNE reports indicate that the bretagne has been sunk in the great sea battle unfolding south of the port of venice. in this same sea battle, the fiume is attacked by the gloucester, and hit and crippled by the valiant. again planes from the ark royal finish the fiume! semaphore messages of surrender have been relayed to the remaining trapped italian ships.


the XXX corps and the 2nd BEF have been deadlocked with the 1st and 2nd swedes. apparently an even match, reciprocal damage is inflicted. the 1st canadian moves south to support the southernmost flanks. offshore attacks are dampened by terrain. in seperate actions, oslo was bombed and damage spotted by observers.


a large attack force spear-headed by the DUKE OF YORK has moved to within sight of copenhagen.

admiral huskerdoo said, "yesterday, we were close enough to see civilians waving the english jack at us! how can we desert these fine people?"


the madrid corps attacks the 1st italian army (from the east) while it is simultaneously hit by 3 other french/spanish corps(from the west). they are also hit by sortees coming from near paris. though this is the best army the italians have,the spanards are sure they are doleing out more to the enemy than they receive in damage!


strassburg and a sister ship have found and are sticking close to several wolfpacks spotted just ne of the red arrows. other ships should arrive soon!


having caught a ride with a wealthy south georgia businessman, johan travolta heads south through balmy georgia....hitchhiker

sitting up in the pick-up bed, johan is trying to decide a destination. he glances at a large road map which is tearing in the wind. a well-trained golden retriever sits next to him in the straw, chewing on a chicken bone.


[ June 22, 2003, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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26 May 1940

Breakthrough in France!

With the British and French unwilling to discuss Peace Terms, the German Reich finds itself forced, against it’s will, to seek a decision through aggressive military actions.

The Lisbon Corps (2614) attacked by the German 6th, 14th and 8th Armies and Destroyed without noticeable loss to the attackers.

Luftflottes I, II, III and IV bomb the British Gibraltar Corps, interdicted, as always, reducing the British to 30% of their normal strength.

< He 111s flying and in color. >

The 3rd Army moves through the remnants of the Portuguese Corps (2614) to attack the depleted and disorganized British (2514), DESTROYING the unit without noticeable loss to itself.

1st Panzer Group, commanded by Generalderpanzers"Hurrying Heinz" Guderian, moves through the remnants of the British Corps (2514) attacking the British Bomber Command from the North, reducing it to 30% without noticeable loss to itself.

< Early WW II rendering of Heinz Guderian amid Pz IIs with aircraft overhead >

The German Panzers, discovering a huge Allied Aircraft Park North of Paris, have radioed HQ AG B to request the release of Panzer Groups 2 & 3 by AGs A & C and sent through the breach before the French can counterattack in force.

Major units of the Wehrmacht have crossed the Rhine and moved abreast of the Maginot Line, anticipating it’s imminent evacuation for the defense of Paris.

In the Adriatic, Italian Battleships Andrea Doria and Veneto have attacked and sunk a British Battleship believed to be the Valiant. Admiral Enzio Piazza’s parting words were, “We sail to certain destruction with batteries blazing. The Italian Fleet goes to it’s grave, but not without a fight!”

< Italian BB Roma going under in 1943, one day after the Armistace! >

Off the coast of Morocco, WPs 1, 2, & 3 have combined to sink a squadron of French warships led by the Heavy Cruiser Strasbourg.

Admiral Doenitz reports to Hitler:

"The Three Wolf Packs have successfully positioned themselves off the coast of Africa in anticipation of British Troop transports. They have instead run into strong elements of the British and French Fleets. Though intended for commerce raiding, they are holding their own and inflicting considerable losses upon the enemy warships."

< Photo of U-boat Admiral Carl Doenitz >

In the Baltic, aircraft from the German Aircraft Carrier Squadron damaged the British Battleship, Duke of York.

With the elimination of the Noble Spanish VI Corps, All is quiet on the Italian Mainland.

In the United States, General of the Dance Travolta sends word back to Germany that the Americans are a fine, primarily Germanic Breed of Warriors, as evidenced by their Aryan Head of State. He has seen everywhere a people longing for Teutonic Glory and the sort of order found only in the Fatherland!

In a recent radio broadcast, Minister of Information Joseph Goebles quotes our American Ambassador of Goodwill extensively:

“I have traveled among the Americans and have seen everywhere a hatred and contempt of all things British and French. Untold numbers have expressed their eagerness to join the Reich’s just war. Though I’m officially only a dancer, I know that, given the chance, I could mould such fine stock into a well ordered and elite, fighting machine for the furtherance of the National Socialist Cause. Heil Hitler!”

< Nazi Minister of Information Joseph Goebels, a man who couldn't always keep his quotes straight. >

Somewhere in the American Southwest:

“Whatsamatter, Johnny?”

“Did you hear those things on the radio that Goebles says I wrote him? Did any of that stuff sound like something I would have written!”

“Course not, Johnny. Look at the bright side, someday we’ll find Mexico, or maybe a town somewhere.”

< Current view of The Highway as seen from General of the Dance Travolta's lead vehicle >

[ June 23, 2003, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"degaulle says french/british tactics are from ww1!"

german recon on french airfields

all resources were called upon to breach the gap from which 1st panzer came through to attack one of our airfields. with the determination of men whose back are to the wall, the british air attacks succeded in damaging 1st panzer, but with apalling damage in return. degaulles 4th french army was brought from the se to attack with surprising quickness against the 1st panzer.

when the smoke had lifted, france was still intact.its boundaries complete (even still extending into the low countries), battle ready, and the 1st panzer utterly destroyed. BUT AT WHAT COST??? most french commanders marvel at the tactics of the nazis. contrast of german/french plans

reynaud, a supporter of degaulle and his new tactics has become frances new prime minister.



francisco francos daughter carmencita,makes an impassioned plea to the "former" spainard. "papa... come home to mama and me... we need your help....our country...YOUR COUNTRY needs your help!"



oslo was again bombarded last week. continued landings of men and supplies help to strengthen this british "gibralter" in the north.


damaged duke of york transfers flag to PRINCE OF WALES, and sails back home under her own power. gneisenau is spotted and admiral huskerdoo orders gneiesenau attacked by the resolution. both take damage in exchange of fire. no further battle groups advance due to the lack of area to maneuver in. the carrier glorius follows through with an attack on the gneisenau, but its attacks were screened by fighters from a rapidly approaching german carrier. aides to huskerdoo identify this unfinished carrier as a "richtofen class" carrier. fighter attacks apparently struck the ships main magazine, as the ship exploded with a fierceness never before seen. she is still floating and capsized according to recon photos.

other german ships were the scharnhorst(in port at kiel), and another "unnamed" armored cruiser.


DUNKERQUE keeps watch on wolfpacks while battlegroups hurry to area!


the valiant was sunk this week by the andrea doria,after taking such a large part in the sucessful fighting last month. vainly it was defended by the gloucester, and by fighters from the ark royal. the doria appears to be taking water amidships and is abt. 20% of it's original pre-battle strength.


two men walk slowly up to the wire fence which seperates the 2 countries. both are rugged and tanned. one is:

johan travolta, transient german officer

the other is:

woody guthrie transient folk-singer

travolta speaks --so you hate those fascist guys, huh. yeh,well i guess i need to go back and lay it on the line to all of those guys. i certainly wouldnt want to hurt any of you or your friends. hey heres the border..

(johan holds the wire up for guthrie and his guitar)

guthrie speaks -- you' all are welcome to go to the radio station with me. it'll give you a kick BELIEVE ME! this station XECPN is heard up in saskatchewan on a good cool nite!

the two part at the crossroads. inside the small station in the distance johan hears mr. guthrie singing a recent song(just released in april)

I got that dust pneumony, pneumony in my lung, But I can't yodel for the rattlin' in my lung.

johan wavers at the crossroad...stay with his new friend woody. or...down to veracruz.


[ June 23, 2003, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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First Panzer Group Avenged!

Bordeaux Corps (Ardennes 2615) bombed by Luftflotte I and attacked from the NE by the 8th Army and DESTROYED.

Luftflotte IV bombs the French 5th Army to the South, disorganizing communications and disrupting defensive preparations.

10th Army moves through the remnants of the French Corps to attack the French 5th from North East, DESTROYING the Unit without loss to itself and proceeds to dig in against French counter attack.

< A proud yet visably disappointed Heinz Guderian. Seen here reporting to HQ, Army Group B after leading the scant remnants of 1st Panzer Group back to the German lines. >


The German 4th Army moves to Langfjella 2901 to attack the British XXX Corps, reducing it to 80% at the cost of light casualties.

The Swedish 2nd Army attacks the XXX Corps from the NE reducing it to 60% without noticeable loss to itself.

The Swedish 1st Army attacks the XXX Corps from the South, reducing it to 40% without noticeable loss to itself.


General of the Dance Johan Travolta stands pondering his fate, “You know something, we moved there because of my mother, my father never wanted to leave the States. Then he died in a mining accident and my mom was never the same. Seemed like she didn’t want to hang around and before long she died too. No sisters or brothers, no wife or kids, I guess I got nothing holding me there except they made me a general – and you know something, Woody, I think that was really some kind of inside joke Adolf was pulling on those stuff shirts.”

“Look Kid, from you been saying they ain’t you kinda people. I mean, firing squads, hating guys cause of some difference you don’t even care about.”

“Yeah, and know something, Irving wouldn’t even let me in to talk with him.”

“Well, if you stay there much longer you’re gonna take root.”

Travolta lowers the wire, moving stepping south of the border. “How’s Billy Smith sound to you?”

“Is he some sort of Nazi General?”

“Hell no, he’s a sort of dancer and singer who speaks second rate English, a little German and Italian and real lousy Spanish which he’s gonna try real hard to learn.”

“Okay, Billy, let’s get a move on. Which in Spanish is, . . . .”

< Mexican citizen of indeterminate origins, the famed dancer Billy Smith. Some say he looks like the vanished General Johan Travolta. Others say they grew up with him and he ain't no soldier! >

[ June 23, 2003, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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