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The game turned into a marathon. I tried the "Ultra Conservative" Allied strategy, give the Axis what they want while I build up.

The Germans marched all over Europe taking the normal minors. I started to get concerned when Iraq & Spain got converted; maybe I had given too much.

When Russia joined I was forced an early OverLord to help the Red Army against the rich Axis powers. The Axis let me into France, but promptly forced me out. German air greated the Western UK/USA forces; but the good news was the Russians began building up.

It took me to late '44 to break the Axis back. If we would have gone the distance, probably '45.

Rambo, gets a late victory, conservative style.

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The game Codename Condor mentioned (he was Axis)was really one of the best games I ever played. It was very close to an allied defeat. Axis killed 2 carriers in a huge airbattle near Bordeaux, but they also lost 4 airfleets immediately and additional ones later. In the naval battles every allied ship was killed except one single US battleship ( Allied naval losses: 15 ships). Axis also lost the whole fleet (14 ships) including 4 of the 5 new built subs (at LV 3 at the end). But in Russia was the real bloodbath: a total of 106 destroyed allied land units 2 russian airfleets lost. Axis occupied Riga, Minsk and Kiew very fast. Fortunately the US invasion in France came at the right time and took the pressure from Russia. So it was possible to make a counterattack and encircle the gross of the Axis forces in the battle at Kiew (no HQ in the encircled area). This turned the tide and russians followed the Axis units to Germany, reoccupied all lost cities, the Ploesti oilfield and made an offensive in Romania.

Axis operated all units from the western front back to Russia to regain the initiative, killed over a dozen russian units and again the Axis forces moved east, attacking Odessa and Kiew.

But this gave US forces the opportunity to liberate France and Spain without heavy resistance. Portugal surrendered again not much later. In the meanwhile Russia attacked Finland that surrendered 3 turns later.

After a last german/italian counterattack in France failed the game was over for Axis at September 5, 1943. Total airsuperiority for Allies despite the carrier losses: 6 allied airfleets + 1 carrier against 2 german and 1 italian airfleets.

Battle losses:

Allies: 106 land units, 3 airfleets (one from Sweden), 15 ships.

Axis: 45 land units, 8 airfleets, 14 ships.

This was a very good game, open till the end.

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i agree with u terif, this game deserved some kind of AAR and as i cant remember names of cities, dates...its good that u have clarified to some extend what happened. I must only say that Goering was executed for the high air losses, at least in that battle in bourdeux he managed to sink 2 carriers and 1 brit airfleet. The key was that i didnt expect an invasion (i had nothing in france), u were with no fleet, 1 US army deep in the ocean sank, another US army almost goes there (1 point left), another US corps (1 point left) all this due to italian fleet and german subs, french forces hevily damage also, but u did the invasion, all my troops were in russia, and i didnt operate any of em back to france (biggest mistake that costed me the war), instead i operated some italian troops and 3 minor countries' armies, not enuff!. But in russia i was doing so well i couldnt stop lol. I thought u were waiting to build a US HQ, but not, u used the french HQ to give supply, i didnt expect that. If only i have operated german troops the invasion would have failed but maybe that way russia coulda been a real trouble later. Regarding to that bag in kiev u talk about i must say i didnt lose much there, i killed every corps in the way to rescue my dear good oldie veteran Guderian's panzergroup. Von Paulus and his 6th army would have wanted this kind of help in Stalingrade.

This game has teached me that u cant rely in italian forces, i think that HQs with 4 of rating are crap, cannon fodder for your troops, u killed every italian unit in your way, that is discouraging, 2 HQs to no avail.

I think italia deserves at least level 6 HQs in this game, what is the point in building level 13 airfleet, as i did, if u have a level 4 HQ??

Till our next war.

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gazza_35 --- Hey man, why do you think your Russian troops were pounding me on a daily basis? My HQ's were way out of range.

You are very good player. I understand getting pissed off over the air rules. I've come close to launching a coffee cup over some of the BS in the game.

Does this mean you concede?

You're a good guy. I've got the save when you want to continue. You also can have rematch(es) if you want, mate.


[ March 27, 2003, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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SC Ladder Problem:

Most players are pretty honorable and report their losses. Though I've have about 5 games now with AWOL Ladder player's who don't respond to messages in Opponent Finder and wait a month or two till you forget. Generally they quit after one night or a bad opening...Funny thing is a lot of these player's continue the games they're ahead in.. Go figure huh...

I would like some way of addressing this without causing unneccessary hardcore Rules... It's getting a bit pathetic and I know I'm not the only one.

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I purpose this as an answer to AWOL but not lying... Every Ladder game must be reported in a seperate thread in the Strategic Command Sub.. i.e. Game Report, then Confirmed by the opponent.. An E-mail address for both player's<active E-mail must be reported> After a given amount of time, 2 weeks...A game goes into AWOL report and you must write the player you claim to have gone AWOL<He has 7 days to respond or auto-win can be reported> without an answer<or some sort of excuse on the Ladder Report Thread and explain a reason why you're not finish said game>

So far I'm in the hole probably near 20 games. I'm up 2

I currently have 10 unreported games, many with people you all know well! and you know who you are...Hey we all do a little fib but yanno, we need some regulator on this if anyone agrees second my <Report Thread Bill?>

BTW: This is no extra work for the Moderator Zap so long as noone attempts to cheat and it's a big plus in keeping people like me and many other's fed up with poor losers.

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Rambo (Allies) lost to Terif (Axis): I did the "Double-Gambit-PLUS" move. The PLUS was going absolutely whacky with every unit into France. Emptied Gibratler, Malta, Egypt, name it.....to attack LC & Italy. I sank every Axis ship, blasted some other dudes, but oh....oh....oh....the cost. Lost all my ships & carriers smile.gif I held Paris until March 1941. But London was a cakewalk. Terif also has a New-trick.....and I ain't telling smile.gif


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Rambo (Allies) lost again Terif (Axis).

Too tired. Surrendered on turn #5 again? Why am I playing at 5:30 a.m. & all night? I've got issues. So tired, couldn't even finish a sentence, that I'm editing it in the morning before work on 2-hours sleep. This game is addicting.

If Terif was a sport, he would not count this.


[ March 28, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by Liam:

SC Ladder Problem:

...Generally they quit after one night or a bad opening...Funny thing is a lot of these player's continue the games they're ahead in.. Go figure huh...

Unfortunately, what Liam reports is a common occurence, but only among a few bad apples.

My advice: Save all your unfinished games. If these people ever come back for a game, just smile and tell them you don't care to start a new one since they appear unable to finish the old one. If they persist, spring the unfinished game on them.



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