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No Siberian Reinforcements


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I am playing a pbem game with a friend and we are in 1944, the Germans are adjacent to Moscow, Sevastopol has fallen and Voronezh has been taken by the Axis. Yet, no Siberian reinforcements have ever appeared. This is a huge hit to the Allies -- no free Soviet HQs and the Siberian Armies and Corps.

I had always assumed that as long as the WAR IN SIBERIA was not selected -- given the geographic criteria (not spelled out anywhere; but generally, close to Moscow, loss of Voronozh or close to Rostov,) the Siberians always will appear. But, this is not the case in this game.

Now, the Soviets still do hold Rostov; don't know if that is some sort of trigger too -- but it is late in 1944!

Can someone please illuminate whether or not it is possible for the Siberians never to appear in the game even when Moscow is threatened (an Axis unit adjacent), the loss of Voronezh and the loss of the Crimea?

Again, I have double checked and the WAR IN SIBERIA option is NOT checked.

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I thought I had seen a response to someone asking about Siberians that Hubert Cater had said that there was no random event possibility -- that the Siberians should show up all the time when certain criteria -- mostly geographic, if I remember correctly, occured.

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I did some quick play testing on the size of the Siberian transfer. What seamed to happen was the better the USSR was doing when the transfer happened the smaller the alotment of troops sent. This was very true of HQs, if you purchased alot early you wouldn't recive any or only one with the transfer. But as far as not getting the transfer, if a axis unit is next to moscow you should recive these troops, check your opions screen and make sure "War in Siberia" is turned off.

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In a current PBEM game, I am playing Axis. I'm at the gates of Moscow, the towers of the Kremlin are in plain sight to my troops. We're still in '41. Leningrad has fallen, but I bypassed the Crimea. I am starting to encircle Rostov, but it has not yet fallen. No sign of the Siberians and last turn I moved into the hexes adjacent to Moscow, and my panzers are already east of it to the North.

War in Siberia is not selected in the Options menu. Perhaps you're onto something with the Rostov thing, sogard.

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Greetings Steve.

And I'm the Ivans in that one. If the Germans were any farther east they could fight the Siberian Reserves in Siberia! And still no reinforcements.

I have a suggestion for Hubert, instead of this method, why not let the Soviet player press a panic button anytime beginning with the turn the Germans cross the Soviet Border (even if the USSR initiated the war).

The AI asks him what % of the Reserves he wants, he has a choice of 10% - 25% -50% and receives it at the start of the next turn. The larger the % the greater the chance of a Japanese Asian War. He can hit the panic button three times, eventually draining all the reserves, leaving him with a depleted force in Asia and a higher chance of war with Japan.

OR, he can wait till the Germans move further inland and each turn he waits will give a greater chance of getting the all clear sign, that Japan is planning to attack the USA and he can call for the Reserves without consequence. At which point he automatically receives the Maximum amount of reinforcement arriving in the Urals.

[ April 03, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I can think of no reason that you would not recive the Siberian troops in one-two turns if there are troops next to Moscow - Expect - the date. You say that its 1944, perhaps after a certian date the troops are considered ingaged in action on the asian front. Distance from Moscow, Stalingrad, capture of Smolick (sp) and the date seam to be the only variables involed with the Siberian Transfer.

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