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AAR Terif(Allies) vs Rambo (Axis), Z-League game # 2

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Well done. I've been following this board for many month, and I'm impressed with your ability as well as your sportsmanship. You are the king.


BEAT HIM! Find a way, anyway, but beat him. From what I've read above, Terif has gotten into your head, big time. He threw his units around the board, this way and that, razzle-dazzle. He owns you right now. Time to take off the saddle and put it on him!


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Spookster --- I'm glad you have appreciated my colorful career & are part the fan base. Camp Rambo will continue the course we set out on 6-months ago when SC was brought to our attention. Strategy sessions are being reviewed along with game replays to engineer a way to become the World's Top Player. Until the flag can be lifted to a higher level, we continue on with regular Z-League play. We believe people are more than words & the emulation of preceived actions desired by society. There is much more, such as Heart, Chrisma, & a Calling. As Captain of Team-USA, I'm calling on all-Americans to step-up their quality on the battlefield.

This is the First Blood Manifesto.



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Hmm if I read this AAR properly (and not having

the maps in front of me the following may be

fallacious), but isn't the German player better

off deciding on a strategy early on, and sticking

to it, as opposed to watching what the Allied

player is up to, and reacting to that?

Rambo IOW appeared to keep his options open WRT

a Sea Lion, but the West turned out to be a giant

MPP black hole for him. After France falls, you

either go whole-hog for Sea Lion, or Barbarossa

(plus the various sideshows in the minors of

course). Setting yourself up to potentially

try both (if the opportunities present themselves)

means that, when you finally have to decide one

way or another, your forces won't be optimized

for that offensive (because you spent some MPPs

to keep the other option open). Plus I think Rambo

might have tried to take TOO many minors, thus

all his forces weren't in the correct spot to do

a Barbarossa with all his weight thrown behind it.

If I am reading this wrong, then I apologize to

both players. Thoughts?

John DiFool

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John DiFool. Sticking to a plan can be bad sometimes. If the Allied player knows that Axis will not do a sea-lion then Allies can be overly aggressive without taking any risk.

If several factors are occuring then a late sea-lion can be fast and overwhelming.


1) UK puts lots of cash into research and buying air fleets (hence buying less ground units)

2) UK exchange casualties with Axis, trying to delay their occupation of neutrals.

3) UK sends alot of forces to mediterranean

and most important

4) UK took alot of casualties in France and did not care for saving French units by sending them to UK.

Early sea-lion can sometimes be more risky since Axis is not very rich MPP and will get slaughtered if USA and Russia joins. A late sea-lion can leave Axis with a German+Italy versus Russia+USA i.e good situation for Germany.

It is very seldom that the UK player makes such mistakes that lead to a late sea-lion but anything is possible. Using the report section of the game will give you a hint on how your opponent spend his cash.

[ May 31, 2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Thanks for the information. I've made a lot of those mistakes myself and have also often missed the indicators you mentioned. I've only recently begun learning the value of that report area.

A bunch of good tips and ideas; thanks again.

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To Rambo and Terif:

I am helping Bill Macon on the final version of the SC Strategy Guide. If you would be so kind, I would appreciate knowing when you chose to purchase Research Points, how many you ultimately bought and what you invested them in. I assume that you did not cash any back in. Thanks!

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Dan Fenton:

Where and when research chits are bought depends on the strategy. If we take the tech and airsuperiority strategy for Allies it goes like this:

Allies only invest in Jets and LongRange.

Ireland is attacked turn 1-2. Usually conquered after 1-4 turns. Then the first two chits are bought. Every 2-3 turns the next chit follows until Allies have 3 chits in LR and Jets each.

After this it depends on if Allies need mpp to fight in France or defend against Sealion or if there is an air war over England. If they have enough mpp they continue to buy chits (somewhere in the meantime they should have increased their air to 4 airfleets). In the area where they didnt have much research success, the additional chits are bought first. Normally Allies end up with 7-9 chits. 3 is minimum in each research field.

When the invasion starts - after Russia is in the war - and airbattles begin, its useful to sell chits when mpp are needed to reinforce airfleets and a sufficient tech level is reached. Minimum is Lv2 LR and Lv3 Jets (necessary to kill enemy airfleets), earlier the invasion can not start anyway, if Axis and Allied player know what they do.

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Thanks Terif!

I have used your comments in a suggested addition to the Research section of the SC Strategy Guide.

I do have one more question, if you don't mind. I have been mistaken on so many things in SC that I hate to take anything for granted now. You did not mention the purchasing of an HQ for your UK Air Fleets. Do you possibly fly without the use of one?

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Dan Fenton:

UK needs a Hq for the airfleets as soon as they have to fight against enemy airfleets. If UK wants to fight in France they need a Hq (Montgomery). Without Hq its a waste of mpp and only gives the enemy experience...

Therefore a Hq is one of the first things to buy, maybe after the first 2 chits. It should be ready at least when France surrenders, cause after this, german air often attacks UK.

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