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Where is the blitz in Blitzkrieg


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I final know what's missing! The panzers in this game don't seem to have enough punch. Armor units should be able to move after combat, if they have not moved prior to combat. Infanty units should stay the same, unless they are Panzer Grenadiers, or Armored Infantry. This would give the germans much more power earlier in the game. This would allow break throughs and encirclements, a major doctrine the Wehrmacht depended upon. Lightning War instead of trench war. What do you think?

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I have no problem either using a tank unit to punch open a hole or to dash through a hole created my problem is when this encirclement occurs the tank unit usually can be cut off itself by a lousy corp! And get shredded. Maybe Tank units should be assumed to have longer standing orders and start to lose supply and hq bonuses at a slow rate? I dunno just my observation. But we must not forget the scale of this game. It is quite large. What is a hex Equivalent to in Miles/KM'rs? :confused:

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That's why the combat system in Clash of Steel was so loved. A player expended a unit's action points on movement and attack. Seeing that Armour in COS has 7 points, very high, it could accomplish a lot. Rommel could penetrate, attack, redirect to another flank and attack again. Each atction steadily ate the 7 points.

Whereas an infantry or HQ (4, 3, or 2 points) could often only move once, then attack, or simply expend all its points to move through a contested hex.

COS was brilliant in that regard.

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From Knight's Cross a book about Rommel.

"Every instinct told him that if a force of all arms such as he now commanded (Panzers) could win a tactical battle and break through the crust of enemy defences, it could thereafter exploit success and keep going in a way unenvisaged in previous eras, and this exploitation would create a momentum which, if supported, could have great operational and even strategic results."

Runstedt and Hitler where constantly yelling at Guderian and Rommel for geting too far infront of the main Army Groups. In France, Russia, and in North Africa these Tank Commanders showed that exploiting the enemies interior lines caused more confusion with the enemy than to the aggressor.

In Guderians book "Panzer Leader" he takes several chapters to show that he tried to convince the High Command that the Tank has changed warfare. Blitzkrieg became a military doctrine during his time and that maneuver is still used today. During WW2 the Allies never used it, neither the Russians or the British and Americans (Patton did successfully during Cobra, once), but with air superiority any Army should be able to impliment it.

It would be nice to use in this game!

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Great thread, SeaWolf, Hueristic and GroupNorth. Agreed that it's hard to accomplish a Blitz effect, but if we had the COS system without it's stabalizing weather and especially it's Russian Winter rule, things would be too easy for the Germans.

The spirit of Blitzkrieg, commanding from up-front.


[ December 29, 2002, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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