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Battlefront.com --->>> Suspend, don't ban Kuniworth

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Dear Battlefront.com,

I would like you to consider not Banning Kuniworth for life, but instead, impose a Suspension.


1) He might not have seen your "last warning" before opening his mouth again.

2) No vulgar language was used

3) Maybe he was having a bad day at work, or a bad hair day & just wanted to vent (see #2).

4) Maybe his medication hadn't kicked in or he had too much coffee.

5) The Life-Time-Ban is for Pete Rose types, Kuniworth wasn't betting on SC, cheating, or fixing games. Steve Howe had 7-drug related incidents & they let him back.

6) Despite his two-hour rampage of stupidity, it wasn't that bad. Also consider, he has added positive promotion of your product(s) & was part of the SC-family for ~6+ months.

7) Sir Jersey will mentor the guy

8) Camp Rambo misses "Punnyworth" smile.gif

9) If you forgive, it will show you have rules & are thick skinned, carrying out fair penalies. At the same time, have a soft Heart.

10) "Blessed are the merciful" --- Matthew 5:7, KJV.

How about letting Kuniworth back June 15?

Look forward to your response,


[ May 30, 2003, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Bravo General Rambo !!!

Yes, I miss Kuni as well and I'm sure most of us do.

-- He admits he went too far and has said he wouldn't do so again.

Despite his wilder behavior, he's been a very positive influence and deserves a second chance.

As Rambo points out, he's also helped promote the product.

Let's hope the moderators feel the same way.

[ May 30, 2003, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I would like to go on record in favor of allowing Kuniworth back on the Forum. Clearly, his one night antics were over the top, but with all the different threads going it is not inconceivable that he missed the warning that was issued by BFC. I didn't even know he was banned until I read Rambo's thread.

As ever the epitome of class Jersey John refuses to dance on Kuniworth's grave, and in fact is also petitioning to allow him back. This speaks volumes for the kind of community that has been established by the SC Family.

I realize that this Board is not run by democratic process, but hopefully, as Rambo has so eloquently elaborated, there are mitigating circumstances that can be taken into account.

Perhaps a return with a probationary status would be warranted. Whatever, I hope it includes an apology to the Community and an edict for some AAR's from the lad. I have read some of his early work and the kid can write an AAR.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents for what it's worth.

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Appreciated, well said and glad you're in the petition; hopefully we'll have a lot of company, justifying the idea that this site really has become a community.

[ May 30, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Is this the end? Rambo and Kuniworth going at it like killing snakes and now pitching woo. JerseyJohn and CvM providing halftime entertainment by suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune cast by the other and then graciously uncast. It's dogs and cats living together, Old Testament stuff. What's next - the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man or the pig-faced Nazi (5th from the left!) to deliver our final destruction? tongue.gif

Where have you gone, SuperTed? :rolleyes:

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These be strange times indeed!

Do we take it you'd like to see our Swedish friend suspended rather than banned?

I think he'd have gotten a second chance even in the Old Testament .

Okay, the Old Testament is a bit drastic, what with world-wide floods and cities turned to pillars of salt.

Let me revise that: He'd have gotten a second chance in the New Testament, so why should we afford him any less.

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Don't turn this into a religious discussion on my account. That was Rambo quoting scripture earlier. I was quoting Ghostbusters. :D

I really don't care about Kuniworth's status. That's between him and the moderators.

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I agree that Kuniworth should be let back in, but with a suspension like Rambo suggested. I can't honestly say that Kuniworth wasn't pushing his luck, but I don't feel his actions warrent a "banned for life" status either.

Unfortunately I can't vouch for the guy like I did for Jersey several months ago, he did push his luck. But like others have said, he has contributed alot of positive things to this fourm.

Comrade Trapp

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Great having you in the cause. I'm sure it's a just one.

Kuniworth and myself have been exchanging E-mails and he not only realizes he went too far but admits his actions were, shall we say, lacking in maturity. He also says he would stop behaving that way if reinstated. I believe him.

For those unfamiliar with the situation you alluded to, some ugly times developed several months back and I was banned, along with Jim Boggs on a misunderstanding. We were thought to be the same the person! Comrade, himself a comparatively new member, was the only one who openly said he didn't think I was guilty of the alledged offense. Jim was still very new at the time but Les the Sarge had some good words for him as well.

Comrade, if fact went beyond just vouching, he had some very positive things to express and I will always be grateful.

There were also some negative remarks which I never understood and have done my best to forget. Most said nothing on the forum either positive or negative. Several people E-mailed me, which I am also grateful for, as I don't know whether they'd want to mentioned publiclly, I'll leave it at saying their communications were also welcome and very encouraging. Had the banning gone on I'm sure they would also have said something about it in the forum.

Upon returning and reading through the postings made while I was blocked off I can only say it felt very good to see even one person had come out and said some good things.

As always, Thanks Comrade. smile.gif

To the credit of the moderators, they admitted to an error when it would have been easier to ignore it completely. Martin (Moon) went even further and welcomed us back, so I have nothing but good things to say about their handling of it. Especially considering that, like Kuniworth, I wasn't always the easiest member for them to deal with.

Upon returning, the vanished Hueristic organized his own Welcome Back Post which is also something I greatly appreciate.

So as far as the banning issue goes, Jim Boggs and myself can identify with Kuni and pull for his return. But I believe we'd both be supporting his return even if we hadn't had a related experience.

Misunderstandings happen from time to time and can involve anyone. If you'd like to have people stand behind you when you're in trouble it might be a good idea to stand behind someone else when they fall afoul of things.

A little empathy never hurt anyone.

[ May 30, 2003, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Jersey said: "To the credit of the moderators, they admitted to an error when it would have been just as easy to ignore it. Martin (Moon) went even further and welcomed us back, so I have nothing but good things to say about their handling of it. Especially considering that, like Kuniworth, I wasn't always the most pleasant member for them to deal with."
Thats really the main reason I would understand if the moderators choose not to give in to our requests and keep Kuniworth banned for life. The situation we face right now is diffrent then we one we faced several months ago. You and Jim Boggs did nothing wrong but were both banned because of a big misunderstanding while Kuniworth did something wrong and was banned because he said some things he shouldn't have said. In your case the moderators admitted a mistake had been made and corrected it along with a public apology, I'm not expecting that in this case.

In my previous post I said Kuniworth should be let back in and that I didn't think his actions warrent a "banned for life" status, and I still believe that. But at the same time I would understand if Battlefront didn't let him back in.

I guess all we can do is hope for the best.

Comrade Trapp

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Yes, it's their call to make.

A judgement one way or the other can't be faulted; it's only an argument for tolerance. If it were possible to accurately judge Kuni's overall impact (and 500 posts are a fairly good number) I think it would be found he's pretty far across the positive mark.

Also, the offense was more a matter of imature actions than anything negative or malicious, which I think is also an important factor to be considered.

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I do find Kuniworth threads sometimes entertaining; i believe that there must be a place where some SC-adepts could post something "off the track", maybe a "not so serious Strategic Command Forum". Obviously lacking that, i find that:

1) Kuniworth has never worsened the post style or quality, he never used vulgar words, and neither he said things that even a not-so-expert Sc forum visitor like me could NEVER understand.

2) We obviously need someone who places some rules, and who works to keep them alive, but on the other side we need someone who who can shake us a bit, entertain us and at the same time make us less confident about ourselves and our ideas of straight and ordered life.

3) Sorry for the lacking english, it's difficult to express "toughts", but even more it's expressing "feelings" when it's not your mother language.


Heartily, Piumarcobaleno.

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Good Going Steve,

If you did, you just made up for it.

We've all posted things at one time or another about Kuni's excessiveness but I don't think any of us really contributed to what happened. The important thing is we're contributing to getting him back -- on condition he tones things down, of course. Which he certainly will do.

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Piumarcobaleno --

1) Kuniworth has never worsened the post style or quality, he never used vulgar words
several of the more recent posts of his come to mind, but please do your own search on this issue! i did a search on the first few posts under his member #,and i came up with several comments that have no reason to be drug into the light of day for normal people to read. i realize that everyone has a different shade on what things are nasty, but you're not even close on this "vulgar' issue, unless you misunderstand the meaning of vulgar.

as for suspend or ban, it does not make a difference to me. as i did not read enough of his stuff to form a "better" opinion of him, i will have to leave it up to the powers that be to decide.

the only thing that i would ask from them is that they treat everyone the same way, and that everyone has access to the rules.

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I don't care who you are or who you THINK you are, vulgarity has no place in this forum. If people want to act like unruly foul-mouthed children then do it in private via ICQ, AIM, etc. I did not read the posts for which he is being banned as I only stop by once or twice a week and check out the lastest word on SC2, new strategy ideas, etc. If the moderators felt the need to ban him then so be it. Just call me an Old Testament kind of guy. I've seen other boards go downhill fast when tolerance was more important than decency. Leave the jerk banned.

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Bottom Line: Banishment just doesn't fit.

1) No threats.

2) No vulgar stuff. If there was any very harsh language, it was far & few between. It sure wasn't during the "Spam Rampage".

3) No cheating

4) No personal attacks

Gee, here's what he said:

Rambo = Terif = ZappSweden = Hubert = Moon = CvM = Jersey = Hueristic = Mickey Mouse = Rambo. There were alot of people screwing around with that stuff. Funny thing, in was getting alot of attention! I stayed out of that garbage, because it wasn't entertaining. That Rambo = Daffy Duck stuff ACTUALLY lead to the Jimmy Boggs = Jersey scandel! It shows you how human nature is to want to believe something.

aag, aag, aag, aag, & I love to hate this game, oh, oh, oh, SC, SC, SC, when is SC2, SC2, SC2.

There was alot of other people talking rubbish like that.

BIG DEAL !!! If you're offended by that, you have the problem. You're going to spend you're whole life getting offended living on planet Earth.

Brad T. --- I read a couple of posts above he's a dork? That sure does not justify lifetime ban, being a dork. Of course, he's a dork.

RevengeMD --- Your name says it all "REVENGE". You go ahead & live in the Old-T, don't go running to the New-T when you need it. KUNIWORTH WASN'T BANNED FOR VULGARITY !!! He was banned for posting dumb crap like: arg, arg, arg, arg, arg, arg, arg......then he wouldn't shut his pie-hole. It was bad timing.

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Brad T. --- You want see people's I.P.'s? Goto the Opponent Finder, you'll see hundreds of them. It's funny to hear you talk tough about war Canadians & you're scared sitting at home, with the door locked, hiding behind the computer because of Puniworth.

[ May 31, 2003, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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