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This thread proves the SC community cares about the SC community.

Now regarding the General Forum, well that News thread might be a slight improvement.

A massive improvement would be to just use my suggestion though.

No I am not saying whatever I say is gold (because it ain't), but hmm I can't yet understand why Battlefront can't wrap their mind around a General Discussion Forum with a no politics please notion, and a "Soapbox Forum" for people that will insist on posting comments that are about "POLITICS".

Example, there is a thread on the Canadians recently injured in Afganistan. Yes I have some comments on that matter. But I am not going to bother posting them.

And I would not consider them as the sort of dialogue I would want in a friendly coffee shop environment where old grognards and newbies can blather on about the merits of their favourite way to wargame.

Software limitations? Well I am no expert on forum software, but until an actual expert explains to me why my notion WON'T fly, I can't see why I shouldn't ask for it.

That said, I am not planning on taking my wargaming thoughts elsewhere smile.gif

You guys are stuck with me in here.

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Dragonheart, Lucky Zorba posted on this thread yesterday at 11:45 am! :eek: He was not banned until very recently. Lucky Elephant was banned well before that. So, Lucky Elephant was not retaliating for Lucky Zorbas banning. I still think you are getting peoples names mixed up. :confused:

[ October 03, 2003, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: Jordy ]

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Yes, indeed it was Lucky. Lucky Zorba had no Luck at all when he Unluckily chose a name similar to Lucky Zebra and so close to the Lucky Elephant fiasco. If his luck holds, he will continue to have no luck but bad luck. Lucky him. :D

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As originally posted by CC Baxter:

...(my father has worked in the steel industry all his working life) but is now mostly post-industrial with many service-industry jobs.

Likewise my great-grandfather, and grand-father (...both of whom were born in Wales) who emigrated to Erie-Ohio and worked in the dyno-dynamic Steel Industry in that area up until the Great Depression or thereabouts, at which time they improvised and wandered off into... the Restaurant business, and Show Business, which, I guess, only goes to bolster your original cogent point that the Western World is fast becoming "service oriented" as opposed to actually MAKING "things."

Whether that is good or bad or a matter of utter indifference is, at least, a full-length 900 page Tome, such as The End of History or Decline of the West, , so I won't bore the bejesus out of everybody and go there. smile.gif

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As originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

sir yes sir

Catching up on old news since my vacation...Congratulations on your enlistment, and you are off to a fine start,

Although, Sergeants, the gristle & backbone of any military force, don't much care for being addressed as "Sir." At least in the US Army, circa 1966-68... I can't speak for the Marine Corps.

When I went through boot-camp, I was absolutely convinced that a certain robust and mirthless drill-sergeant... hated my guts. :eek:

He would glare and spit & fume and force me to do... MORE than I thought I actually could.

And, upon graduation, he recommended me for fast advancement to E-2! which remains one of the most startling surprises that I've ever had.

Upshot? Take it, whatever it is, and keep on keeping on... there is no hiding and no quarter and there is no excuse, and in the end you will... stand up a little straighter for the rest of your life. If it happened to me, it can go exactly that way for... anyone. smile.gif

[ October 03, 2003, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]

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By the way future "jarhead", I hold a current commission in the U.S. Army with the rank of Captain, so say sir.
Esquire --- You are a real piece of crap. So what paper pushing (or e-mails) do you do as a Captain for the U.S. Army? People rise to the height of the example shown by their Leadership manifested on a day to day basis. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Currently, you have a problem.

I'm calling you out for a game of SC. I'd love to mop the map of Europe with your Captain Paperpusher face. Name the scenario, the houserules, the whatever...I'll show you how a professional badass plays SC.


[ October 03, 2003, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Contrary to the previous opinion, and despite being an attorney and an officer, you're still okay in my book. smile.gif

General Rambo

A lawyer and an officer eh? This guy needs to be skinned alive for decent folk everywhere! ;)

[ October 03, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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If the depressing title of this Thread has you down why not change it? You're the only who can. Just go back to the first Thread and change the title in the narrow box over the main posting.

Something like SC Good Therapy for Insomniacs! which I know from personal experience isn't true, but what the heck! ;)

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Hey Jersey my grandmom was Baronesse so i´m titelt too at least to 25% ....say Baron Dragonheart to me ROFL :D:D

...there are guys here wanted to be called sir only because their duty in the army.

No i will not change it as it was the original spirit of this tread...bringing many Deathbelieved out of their graves and finally this tread rocketed to 117 posts.

..and nobody heart my call that it´s closed. :D

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Baron Sir Dragonheart,

Your 25% Highness:

I refuse to call a mere army officer sir., unless I'm given 33 years back pay and a pension, in which case I'll already be retired as well and calling our friend Sir will be a small price to pay for all those benefits!

But Royalty such as yourself, now that's a different matter altogether!

I'm sure my ancestors looking down, or up, won't mind, having came here across the Atlantic on a small sailing ship, the Cauliflower -- which set sail a little while after the gigantic Mayflower [which carried tens of thousands of passengers going by those who claim to be descendants! :D ].

Boarding that tiny ship, braving storms and peril and discomfort, landing on uncharted shores to be met by hostile natives unwilling, for some strange reason, to vacate their lands. Tilling fields under unknown harvesting conditions, starved and devastated by disease, fighting a war of independance, more hardships, a Civil War to keep it all going, followed by oppression in sweatshops run by Robber Barons, suffering through Two World Wars and the Depression, etc. & etc., all to -- no offense -- flee from Royalty.

Now, at the end of all that, I'm sure they wouldn't be the least bit distressed at my bowing before a Baron!

I mean, I couldn't possibly do it for free. :D

Putting all that aside, you don't seem to be a lawyer, which speaks well of you. ;)

Regarding this assemblage of testimonies, I don't blame you for not changing the Title. It's the most ironic Thread I've ever seen, an obituary where the corpse sits up and speaks profusely about itself!

Great Work Your Partial Lordship!

[ October 06, 2003, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The only thing i m wondering about is that this tread is still alive...not closed by some nice moderators ;) because it´s slipping more and more into offtopic and non-SC-related areas.

Maybe the title is misleading some spys :D and who is grazy enough to read trough meanwhile 118 posts?

Bye Dragonheart

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As originally posted by Dragonheart:

...because it´s slipping more and more into offtopic and non-SC-related areas

See, the thing is... we ARE allowed to wander and meander... now and then, so long as it doesn't become too-too excessive, or more to the point, out of bounds... lame-brained flaming or stupidly abusive or just... utterly off the wall (... though, ahem, I myself would not comprehend what that last... might actually entail smile.gif )

Seems to me that this is why so many, myself included, avoid the General Forum.

And also why we remain loyal to SC, even if sometimes absent or lurking.

Here on the SC board you DO get to share SOME brief personal information and insights, which allows a certain... "grog-cameraderie" to develop.

Over there no-one knows very much, if anything, about many of the... OTHERS (... there are just too many active contributors, and besides, "relational skills" are hardly considered keen, cool or Machismo), and so... just as in a Real lived Life, it is far easier to harrass or insult or even... hammer some unsuspecting Waif or Fool or Innocent... right down to the ashphalt ground! :eek:

I try to appreciate the intensely difficult (... and, probably quite boring) job of being a Moderator.

They are mostly invisible and out of mind... until and unless they must step in to restore some semblance of order and/or courteous behavior. After all, you cannot even have small personal exhanges unless Civility is upheld.

I have been on-board for quite some while, and all in all I think that Moon and MadMatt, et al, have been carefully fair and fairly circumspect. :cool:

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I remeber I use to sit up at the playground and salute our country every 5am, 5pm. Of course all of our families were making the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, <as if we cared> You get payed substandard pay for laying your life on the line and 0 loving from your country<you're Army, yawns>. Past the Russians which were the bad guys, there was no more reason for us all. Obsolete tongue.gif All I can collect about the enemy was from movies. Red Dawn? That was a good one. I remeber thinking that'll be me in 10 years, and I'll be freeing the country with my highschool mates while everyone else is off lost and confused. We'd train for the day when we all get to fight the bad Russians.. Who didn't know they weren't free.

I remeber Dolf Lundren, Sly Stone, Arnold... Claude Jad Dam Vamme... tongue.gif

Actually that makes 1/4 of my 80s superheroes American. Even Sly was a bit small and Arnie would probably eat him for breakfeast...

America hasn't died as in WW2 we were at least one thing a Military Power. Also for another century or century and half pretty much 'dangerous' that way...

Everybody should bow their heads for the fact that despite fighting for freedom<you?> true sacrifice for your country will definitely go unnoticed tongue.gif They pay Arab Matyrs more than they pay the average American Soldier. tongue.gif

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As originally posted by CC Baxter:

...(my father has worked in the steel industry all his working life) but is now mostly post-industrial with many service-industry jobs.


Likewise my great-grandfather, and grand-father (...both of whom were born in Wales) who emigrated to Erie-Ohio and worked in the dyno-dynamic Steel Industry in that area up until the Great Depression or thereabouts, at which time they improvised and wandered off into... the Restaurant business, and Show Business, which, I guess, only goes to bolster your original cogent point that the Western World is fast becoming "service oriented" as opposed to actually MAKING "things."

Whether that is good or bad or a matter of utter indifference is, at least, a full-length 900 page Tome, such as The End of History or Decline of the West, , so I won't bore the bejesus out of everybody and go there.

We don't seem to make tnings any more, only import stuff from countries where they do it cheaper and better than us. I suppose this is called progress and the natural law of economics.

It's kind of sad too look out onto acres of ex-steel works and industries that once provided thousands of jobs but which are now earmarked for shopping malls. :(

BTW, Wales is beautiful, celtic and with some amazing scenery.

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As originally posted by cc baxter:

We don't seem to make tnings any more, only import stuff from countries where they do it cheaper and better than us. I suppose this is called progress and the natural law of economics.

True enough, and IMHO this is... a disturbance of the natural Communal order, so awful and foreboding that... a vast and smirking smoking upheaval is bound to... come slouching back around. :eek:

The West just cannot be... the impersonal, pristine Corporate Headquarters, while the 3rd world remains... labor-exploited, bespoiled, and cynically considered... throw-away cheap.

There will be (an eventual) price to pay.

BTW, Wales is beautiful, celtic and with some amazing scenery.
Thanks for the preview... one day I surely hope to pay a visit, so to see where and how the ol' Welsh ancestors lived. :cool:
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