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Strategic Command-European Theater Full Version 1.02 Patch Released!!!!


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The full version v1.02 patch is now available to download from the following link:


This patch is for the full release of Strategic Command European Theater only. It will not work with the demo.

To install this self extracting patch just doubleclick the SC_patch102.exe file. The file defaults to install into C:\Program Files\Strategic Command. If that path is not correct you may browse to the current Strategic Command game directory. Click the Unzip button once you have the path correct. The patch will automatically extract and copy over the old files.

NOTE: All previously saved games with version 1.0 will not be compatible with

v1.02. It is recommended that you delete the contents of your 'Save' and 'PBEM'

folders once you have applied this patch.

Version History:

Changes Made For v1.02 (August 1, 2002)

- fixed DirectX detection bug in SC

- added use of DirectX to 'Campaign Editor'

- fixed save game crash bug, now recognizes illegal characters

- added stalemate victory conditions when date reaches May 7th, 1946 now checks for

possible winner if right conditions

- fixed PBEM replay bug, now shows replay after passwords are entered

- added PBEM 'reload' counter, will appear as descriptor when loading your turn

- fixed 'Campaign Editor' bug where units could be added after a country has been

set as surrendered

- added version string to saved PBEM games to verify consistency between SC versions

- protected original 6 'Campaign' names when using the 'Campaign Editor'

- NOTE: Saved games including PBEM not compatible with previous versions

Changes Made For v1.01a (July 25th 2002)

- added use of DirectX 7.0 or higher to initiate resolution change to 1024x768,

appears to have eliminated desktop problems including: refresh rate issues, icon

rearrangement, and window resizing (backward compatibility still maintained for systems

not running DirectX 7.0 or higher)

- squashed rare research seed bug

- reduced AI tendancy to attack from cities when it is surrounded

- Soviet ports now included in 'Scorched Earth'

- added disbanding of naval units (max return 10% of purchase value)

- fixed minor FoW glitch during PBEM replay, showing of final destination of operated and

rebased air units eliminated

- eliminated anti-aircraft research bug, UK research values were included in Allied Minor

defence calculations during combat, now only applies to home country and occupied territory

- added text string "Facility" when describing Soviet destruction of "Oil" during

'Scorched Earth'

- fixed gamey tactic for Sub raiding in the Med. Double raiding positions eliminated

- fixed connected friendly resources bug, calculations now include all friendly hexes that

can trace a line to a friendly capital city, not just of consistent color from capital to

friendly resource (i.e. Italian Albania can now be fully supplied through a German

occupied Yugoslavia)

- fixed minor reorganizational issue with Allied AI once Germany surrenders

Changes Made For v1.01 (July 12th 2002)

- added security patch for Gold Demo

- in the Fall Blau campaign there were two units named 4th Pz., one was renamed 5th Pz.

- fixed small bug with HQ unit attachments when units were transported, disbanded or operated

- fixed spotting bug for naval units when in port and trying to spot subs, had full range now

properly reduced to spotting range - 1

- fixed rare crash bug for when carriers move and then attack at sea

- fixed the German and French Mine resource bug, these two were linked in memory

- changed luftlotte to luftflotte

Changes Made For v1.0 (July 5th 2002)

- added play-by-email replay

- added a 'Disable Undo' option (this can be toggled at any time, but is locked in for


- added an 'SC.ini' file in the 'Strategic Command Demo' folder. This will allow gamers that

were experienceing sound problems to adjust for sound interruption, should eliminate long

waits during button clicks etc.

- also in the 'SC.ini' file you will be able to set a high refresh rate if you know your

system can support it

- pop up text boxes that were showing blanks on some systems should now show their


- abandoning allied positions in the Med may peak Italian interest into joining the war if

they have not already done so

- early Axis invasion of Baltic States prior to Soviet annexation will be much riskier in

terms of political fallout with Moscow. Initial political shock will be the same, but now

there will be a continued increase in Soviet war readiness

- USA and Italy will start with their full income if sneak attacked and units in the capital

will have an entrenchment value = 3. This does not make this strategy impossible but simply

much riskier

- air attacks against rocket and naval units as well as against fortified units (i.e. Maginot)

have been intellegently adjusted to limit AI baiting

- added SU unit to Riga for the start of Barbarossa

- added a few units to the 1940 SU setup

- adjusted the SU transfer of Siberian Troops to an open period instead of only when SU

existence is threatened during the winter months. (This one I really thought about, but I think

it would be reasonable since I don't think the original transfer was made due to weather but

rather because of the demands of the military situation at the time)

- extended save game file names to 38 characters from 20

- fixed 'next unit' bug when France was targeting units on the Maginot

- fixed dissapearing Allied units in Vichy when France surrenders, basically a message pops up

and says they surrender

- Axis units do now finally and properly move to nearest adjacent city when France surrenders,

so if Italian unit was in Africa moving towards Algiers they will move back to Tripolitania if

that city is still friendly etc.

- renamed 'Strausbourg' to Strasbourg

- renamed 'Massachusettes' to 'Massachusetts'

- decreased damages during naval Surprised movements in FoW

- decreased damages slightly for naval combat (a decrease by 1 point for all attack and defence

table values)

- added info for saved AI games, basically so you can tell what difficulty and computer bonuses

these games were set at

- increased max surface raiding in the Atlantic to 40 MPP to include the value of Liverpool

- increased individual sub raiding amount slightly in North Atlantic

- adjusted reduced spotting to now properly include Air Fleets, Bombers and Rocket Attachments

when spotting subs, basically spotting value - 1

- reduced disbanding value to about 50% less

- added an updated 'resource_strength_sprite' with an indicator for when strengths are < 5, this

will help to realize that some actions may be limited wrt these resources, i.e. no transporting

or operations etc.

- added a 'ScoreCard' for when you either defeat or have been defeated, keeps track of total

resources plunders, units destroyed as well as an early victory bonus or late victory penalty

- jet sounds now kick in at level 4 or higher

- added units to Turkey and Sweden and increased entrenchment for Swiss units

- fixed disappearing ships when you declare war on a country and have blocked their typical

start locations

[ August 02, 2002, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Guys, there is a note that accompanies the patch which says the following....

NOTE: All previously saved games with version 1.0 will not be compatible with

v1.02. It is recommended that you delete the contents of your 'Save' and 'PBEM'

folders once you have applied this patch.

Just to let you know, so if you are really into a great campaign right now, don't install the patch until you are done. For those of you who are still waiting for the game,download the patch now and save it on your desktop so you won't forget to install the patch before playing your first game...enjoy!

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I have tried to download the patch twice with no success!!! Does not appear to use winzip at all but quicktime or some such. In others the flaming bloddy patch will not download? got the game OK it seems to work OK. L3 :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by arax3:

I have tried to download the patch twice with no success!!! Does not appear to use winzip at all but quicktime or some such. In others the flaming bloddy patch will not download? got the game OK it seems to work OK. L3 :mad: :mad:

IT's a self extracting archive and it worked fine for me.
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arax, when you installed the complete game, did you use the default download loaction C:\Program Files\Strategic Command, because that is where the patch will download to....if you renamed or moved your file to a diffeent drive then that's the problem...

[ August 03, 2002, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

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J.Wagner: Thanks! I installed the game as you indicated. The patch tries to use something called QT which I have never seen before! It must part of Windows. It will not load. I am looking for long knives in the kitchen!!!

Others: I am glad your patch worked, Mine didn't and I seek assistance, not braggadocio!! A3 :confused: :mad:

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