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FAQ/Strategy & Tips/Suggestions: NEW PLAYERS PLEASE READ

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It is recommended that all new SC players read through this thread as it should answer most if not all of your questions.

While this top post contains some general SC FAQ, subsequent posts deal mostly with popular suggestions/ideas for future versions of SC.

Please feel free to add any missing FAQ info to this thread as I will make necessary updates and any futher suggestions/ideas are always welcome.


What is Strategic Command - European Theater?

How do I order Strategic Command?

Where do I get the 34MB Demo?

Where do I get the latest (v1.07) TCP/IP patch?

What are the major updates included in the v1.07 patch?


Where can I find the latest 'Troubleshooting Guide'?

I have a Tech Support question, where can I post it?

Where can I find some info on running a TCP/IP game?


Where can I find the latest graphics mods and custom campaigns?

Strategic Command HQ

Strategic Command: 5 Star General

Strategic Command Panzerliga.de

Hot Topics

Where can I find a Hotseat/PBEM or TCP/IP opponent? (Under the Opponent Finder Forums)

Bill Macon's and Dan Fenton's SC Strategy Guide (PDF)

Terif's hints for new/intermediate players and basic knowledge SC

Norse's Defense of the Motherland

CvM's 'In the Defense of France'

[ November 01, 2003, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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Three Cheers For Mr. Cater! smile.gif Well Done, Hubert.

Great Opportunity to have frequently referred to Topics Organized and Linked.

Presumably we should URL the Threads we feel hold lasting relevence to the game.

I think it would be a good consideration for members to only paste their own Topics at first, avoiding confusion, duplications and also allowing the originators of other Threads an opportunity to add introductions, explanations or notes where they think it is necessary.

-- * Links to Selected Topics * --

The Game Map and Weather.

*Hubert -- The North Atlantic!

*North America

*Weather and SC.

Ideas Regarding Diplomacy and Inter-nation Economic Relations -- These entries are closely tied to related topics posted by Shaka of Carthage and Kurt88.

*Topic of Suggestions for Diplomacy and Economic Ideas.

*Neutrals as Economic Factors in SC.

The Air War in SC.

*Solutions for the Bullying Air Fleet Problem.

*Separate Units and Research Fields for Prop and Jet Aircraft

Redefinition of HQs in SC.

*HQs and Unit Nationality.

*Expanded HQ Roles: Stacking with Advance and Retreat after Combat.

*HQs for Large Minor Countries -- Mannerheim & Franco etc..

Ideas Concerning Amphibious Tactics in SC

-- These posts closely related to ideas posted by Immer Etwas.

*Amphibious Operations in SC.

*Ideas Regarding An Amphibious Operations Unit.

*Amphibious Operations Research Field

An Expanded Campaign/Scenario Editor.

*Player Defined Unit Limits in the Scenario Editor.

*Map Editor and Troop Placement for Non-starting Nations in the Expanded Campaign Editor.

[ July 10, 2003, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Either arrangement would be fine with me as long as it's a sticky area. If I can copy those entries in one shot and move them somewhere using(contrl+c => contrl+v) it isn't a problem. But doing it from scratch, searching them down again, etc., would take a few hours.

Why not just change the title a bit to attract new players with FAQs and also old timers who'd like to get the most relevant of their scattered Threads accessable in one permanent area?

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Either change the title or add a new sticky.

My only concern was that a newbie would see posts with numerous threads inside of them and figure that this was way too much to be bothered with. As it is, that newbie really only has to read the thread by Terif and he has enough knowledge to play a competent TCP/IP game.

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General Rambo

Excellent idea, sounds like that would work.


You're right and make an excellent point. Some new players are even completely new to this type of strategy game and this quantity of overkill info might seem stifling.

I agree that Teriff's link is all any new player needs to look at before playing a few games and by then being on the road to understanding the game.

Addmittedly the kind of of Topics either one of us consider worthwhile are not what a brand new player should be attempting to grope through; they'd have no basis on which to judge the subject matter.

I think it can be pretty easily fixed if Hubert alters his opening post a little, putting Terif's as the first Link and specifying that people just getting into the game should read that one first.

Afterwards it makes little difference how the succeeding topics are listed as most of them are purely supportive. I also think it's good to have Otto's Site so easily accessed.

Moving from Hubert's first post, the links to the rest of our Topics should be easily understood by anyone who's gone through Terif's link and has played a few games.

--- *


Two great Link choices (see directly below, didn't want to use a new posting area beneath the links), both Threads among the best on the subject. smile.gif

[ April 13, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


Either arrangement would be fine with me as long as it's a sticky area. If I can copy those entries in one shot and move them somewhere using(contrl+c => contrl+v) it isn't a problem. But doing it from scratch, searching them down again, etc., would take a few hours.

Why not just change the title a bit to attract new players with FAQs and also old timers who'd like to get the most relevant of their scattered Threads accessable in one permanent area?


I'll think about a separate sticky for suggestion type threads but for now I will just add 'new player' type links to the initial post as a FAQ sticky was seriously needed for some time ;) , but by all means don't hesitate to add anything here you think might be relative to new players even if it is for ideas on future games, thanks!


[ April 14, 2003, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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Thanks for the feedback. smile.gif

I have a feeling the job can be done using this single sticky Thread.

The opening area you've set up is a good intro with the following sections listing other links which players of intermediate experience and higher would want to read.

Your concept is fine: one sticky for Topics, another for competition and a third for test results and player feedback.

More than three stickies would become a bit awkward.

This sticky could be the reference link section, which is what we really needed all along.

Hopefully more people will link their pertinent Threads as URLs to this section. That's the key to it, regular Forum posters have the opportunity now to begin organizing information. What surprises me is the fact this stick isn't already loaded with URLs; as I said earlier, I'm hesitant to link Topics originated by others because it seems that should be their option and they should have the opportunity of doing it in their own way.

Thankfully the days of having to hack through dozens of back pages to find a past thread with relevant information are ended.

[ April 15, 2003, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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  • 3 weeks later...

These threads present suggestions for improvements to the AI at the strategic and tactical level and suggestions for improving the Map.

Topics related to improving the AI

Suggestions for Improving the AI

Opening Game Allied Strategies

Here's a strategy that could make for an interesting game if used about 2% (1 in 50 games)of the time;

Night's Strategy for an Aggressive defense of France

Topics related to improving the Game

Suggestions for Improving the SC Map

Adding Random Events to SC

Kurt's Diplomacy Thread

[ May 10, 2003, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Historically Responsible

(love that term, thanks JerseyJohn)

SC is near perfect as a game for two balanced sides to fight each other during WWII. Thats fine for Greys' fighting the Reds'. I want Germans fighting Russians. Here are the items I feel would accomplish that.

SC Enhancements

This is my attempt to have the economy reflect the importance of certain minerals and oil.

MPP+ System

[ May 12, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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  • 3 months later...

I've played several newbies in the last week and thought maybe we need another list of known bugs and/or odditys. Here it go's in no special order:

1) French units sent around the Horn before the fall of france and that arive in egypt after the fall of frace will not becoume FF units. This means you can't reiforce them or put them on transports untill Paris is liberated.

2) If a capital is recaptured all hexs that don't have a 'liberation' unit on it will return to the concoring power. Specal note, any FF units in France will disband if allies take and lose Paris a second time.

3) MTs, swamp and channel hex's cost 2 APs and reduce supply by 2 for each hex.

4) Ground units attacking out of Rivers, MTs and swamp hex's are at 1/2 value.

5) Air units attacking out of MTs and swamp hex's are at half value. I suggest each person play test this as my work was some time ago, but this is what I came up with.

6) Until the fall of France you only need to keep one unit on the Russia border. But depending on when France falls this number could increase alot on the next turn. If you have a protracted battle in France make sure you get several units to the border the same turn Paris falls.

7) WAS wrong - sorry

8) Alot of people leave the Swiss alone. You don't get amy MPPs for controling the country but you do get plunder after destroying its two armys.

9) If you take England and let Manchester becoume the capital there is a bug that cause's this resouces to increase past '5' even though your not connected to a friendly capital. This means you can leave a HQ on the island and it will provide L10 supply to the defenders. This is very important to stop any couter invasion.

10) Fighers intersept out to thier Spoting range but they provide Bomber support out to their Attack range.

11) It cost's +1 AP to cross an enemy conroled river or enter a hex with 2 ZOC.

I hate to see people lose because they didn't know some odd rule or bug so here is my second and last (maybe) list.

1) Allies do not need to retake Paris to use it as a 'major capital' supply base after operation Overlord. If they control at least one hex next to Paris, all resources with a path to the capital will upgrade to strenght 10.

2) Gabralter has a limiting reiforcement to str 5 until spain is attacked. Then you can reiforce units in Gabralter to 8.

3) I was going to write a 'major' review on bombers simialer to the post on rockets, but I figgered everyone will understand the importance of this without too much detail.

Bombers reduce entrenchment by two levels for every attack. Combine this with thier 8 hex attack range and Germany (or england in France) can 'walk' right through set lines of defence. This makes holding a defense line very hard and much easyier for armored breakouts.

4) There is one MT hex in eastern germany (35,14?) that will not add one 1AP to movement. Watchout as a polish corps might us this secret pass to take a German city quickly.

5) When placing units on the Russian border, only use corps (and if you must no more then 2 armys) until your ready for invasion. Terif has a simialar post somewhere, the % increase seams to be based on the TYPE of units on the border. If you only us corps you'll see it increase by only 1-3% each turn (roughly).

6) A unit lanched from a port has the transport supply level of the unit. A unit landing will have a supply level of L10 and 100% readness no matter the supply level of the transport. I feel this is a bug and makes seaborn invasions much too easy.

7) Turkey and Finland have two OOB and will setup depending on who makes the DOW.

8) To stop partisans in Yougoslavia you need to have a ZOC in all MT hex's (three units).

9) To stop partisan units in USSR you need to have a ZOC in all MT, Swamp, and city hex's. This means 7 units in western USSR, 2 in central USSR and lots in eastern and southern USSR.

10) Readness is based on what I call the rule of 3. For every 3 levels of increased support (Supply, HQ, Strengh) you gain 10% readness. This is a simplified way of looking at the formula's listed in the Manual but easyier to use when determining when to reinforce or what HQs to use.

Drop me a line if you have any questions on these 'bugs' :cool:

[ August 22, 2003, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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  • 2 months later...

New list - Just for fun :confused: as the death of this game/forum is near.

1) If the allies conduct the LC gambit, Italy will incress in readineas 10% PER turn that germany has a unit next to the LC capital

2) Air fleets that are 'defending' will carry the AA tech bonus with them in combat.

3) There is a river hex NW of Staingrad that only requires one AP to cross. A secret ford for the german invaders to use.

4) Because of the different NA and ND (4 and 2) values for air fleets, its always best to use air fleets in the intersecption role against Carriers, and not the attack role.

5) Major Power Capitals will 'repair' at 2 pts per turn, not the normal 1 point per turn you see with all other resources.


[ January 26, 2004, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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  • 3 months later...

i am a newbie so this may already be known and i would not call it a bug, it just seemed strange to me smile.gif

when axis attacking in russia, surround Moscow but do not take it, Russians then cannot

1. relocate its capitol

2. buy new units

the russians can still re-inforce damaged units, but the fact they cannot buy new units means they are at a massive disadvantage and the axis can simply roll up any russian forces at their own pace.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Threads of gold worth noting here:

Terif's Guide for Intermediates wanting to play real people, not the AI.


Supply Explained!


Strategy Guide and Errata


if you have others please email me and I will add them to this post so we can keep these goodies in one handy index


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