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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×



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The Soviet Union was a crappy little hole of a country. Their system of government had to murder over 50 million people just to survive, they also had conquer and annex new land to do the same. In WWII they were getting beaten by a country with 1/3 of their population and about a 1/5 of their industrial capacity. Notice how that the stalemate in the East only broke once the Western Powers launched their campaigns into Southern and Western Europe. Post WWII their "liberated" territories such as East Germany, Poland and Yugoslavia remained economically stagnet. Whilst countries such as West Germany, Italy and Japan boomed. Why were their so many refugees going from the East to the West, and none going from West to East? Mainly because Commie Russia and her pathetic little sattelite states were terrible and most of the people living there just wanted to get the heck out. The fact is, that the U.S beat the USSR in just about every aspect, their people were happier, their military was of higher quality and they had a more sucessful economy. The Soviet government couldn't even keep up with the arms race and subsequently collapsed because of it. Thank god Russia is democratic now. Why don't you go drink some Vodka and relive some of the memories you had of "better" times.

Oh, and one other thing, I am not American.

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I am American (not that it should make any difference). And thank you expessing the feeling of so many people on the subject of comrade EB. Without the Common Wealth holding out and forcing the issue in Greece and Africa the German Juggernaut would of been able to turn their entire army east. The war would of been very different. The soviet union was close to total collapse. What difference would a few more German divisions have made? As for the mass migration from east to west after the war and the economic policies instilled in the democratic nations of Europe, I think the results speak for themselves. 50 years of the same trend is not a fluke, its reality, and if you think otherwise just look at how many precious communist nations remain. I am sorry comrade, but the great experiment that was communism failed. While great in theory, its been proven that humans are not insects and that the hive mentality stiffles the imagination as well as technological advancement. The superior equipment of the former Soviet union did well in th gulf war against the combined forces of the western allies didn't it? I'm sorry, I am starting to ramble. Some of EB's posts have made me somewhat defensive. It does feel good to let it out a little though.

That said I do find it ammusing to read EB's posts and hope he continues to write them. Its fun to see such a radically different perspective on things. smile.gif

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Calling one country or the other "crap" is not called for nor are you any authority to make sure a catagorically broad statement.

We don't stand for people picking on countries around here and I am going to go have a look at what EB has been saying but for not just drop it and I closing this, and similar threads up as of this second.


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