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Rambo vs Brian


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1: Two out of Three. 1st game: One player is Axis, I don't care which. 2nd game: That player is Allies. Third game, loser by points, gets his choice.

2: There are no serious time defaults, per se. Players must be available for at least, say eight hours a week. (we both are, so it shouldn't be an issue)

3: It's ICQ.

4: $10 bet. Money where mouth is.

5: After action reports. Say what you will, but AAR's required from both sides, complimentary or not, at Jan 40, 41, 42, etc. Doesn't have to go on too long.

6: Losing a computer, or a saved disk, shouldn't be an excuse. Losing power is (like I, in Seattle will probably be doing in about two hours).

7: Audience participation is appreciated. This is not a Grudge match. It's just a grudge match.

8: Be nice (within the extent of the match.)

9: Enjoy it.

10: Win it or lose it with grace.

Rambo, them's my rules. If you care to add, change, adjust, do so. Let me know if I left things out.

To the room: The games will take time. It's to the death.


Brian the very Patient.

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tsk tsk tsk.

The tourney is not a joke. It's a great thing. It's a fair match. (Actually, I would have preferred to be matched against another, so as to meet you closer to the end, but I assume they wanted to eliminate one of the yammer folk up front). Didn't happen.

You're still here.

Second, this is our peng. The tourney will take precedence on my time, since I intend to take on Hubert at the end.

But you can say anything here. Just don't get all pouty.

You're a fair player, but the points at the end always is really what counts. You keep driftin off on new games and can't follow through to Russia. I think you are afraid of them.

I have only played allies against you.

Peng: You can't plan that far ahead. You've only played the five or six turns that you "think" you can project, and poorly at that.

tsk, RamboBambi. It's ok. Not to be as good as you think you are. It happens to everyone. Otherwise, you would have brought the disk.

I guess we will see.

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Shaking head....

IN the future, I would prefer you not to call me a liar. As far as the grudge match goes, say what you will.

During the games, say whatever you want on t-talk. As I recall, I have complimented your moves. But you can say what you choose there.

As I recall, you have been a gracious player. Mostly. Almost always. And skilled. But then you get upset.

Hey, like now.

I don't lie. I don't cheat. I compliment where it is deserved. And I give advice when allowed.

I grant you this. You have done well against me.

You have done some interesting moves, as Axis. In the long run, we don't know if you would have won. We never got there. I do not think it is fair to say that you would have won, just because it looked like you might be.

I have yet to hear about how you eliminated Russia. Points? I haven't heard points.

To be honest, you have done some nice moves. Clearly, according to your comments, I have not.

This is not impinging upon your gravitus. This is not slamming you. This is not saying you are a liar or cheater or mrs. compassion. This is saying, you should start thinking about truly winning the bragging rights you say you deserve.

This is saying I am waiting....

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I just started a game with Rambo as Axis and if I can say, he is a good Allied player, but in all fairness I made some mistakes, he did also.

The Gambit worked alright for him. Although he left a hole in the lines I snuck a corps through and it was 1 hex away from Paris. SO CLOSE. An UNDEFENDED PARIS. with all the Canadian, British units in France, and Low Countries being French, 1 hex more could have cost Rambo the "legend" name plate. Thats how it goes though. He now has set up a very fair front line. Including a rhine city, but now with Italy possibly in, I may get to Paris.

Took alot of guts for what hes doing in France. Respectable.

Anyway, Brian I hope you win, but in all fairness, you have yet to beat him once, yet you have 10 bucks on him losing twice. Little risky but respectable.

The whole tourney thing was unfortunate but what ya going to do.

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Thank you.

But if I may say, Rambo's playing as the Allies is perfecting on what I showed him to do. The tournament is not unforfunate, not to me, anyways, and I'm giving Rambo fair grace, bragging rights (it's not just the $10).

I assume he's using his carriers wisely, the dutch gambit I showed him. Sigh.

But seriously, when we all get it figured out, Rambo might just show us a new way of doing it.

Rambo gets kudos for jamming people. Bragging on, jazzing emotions. Making people mad. It livens the forum. I appreciate his moves in the game, but he'll have to work a bit harder to earn my respect.

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Brian --- When are you going to learn! There are many strategies. There's more than the LowCountries Gambit. It's not that great.

This game is like chess. Different counter-moves based on the enemy. That is if you want to be the best. Hiding your motives, objectives, etc...especially if you keep playing the same person over & over again. I played this one guy ~6 times. It was taking me to 1943 to beat him, the game was in jeopardy, but my long term plans one. Brian, your problem is you "think you're winning" by sacrificing all the valuable Allied pieces. Yes, it holds France til Summer-Fall '40, but you're screwed the rest of the game with no grand strategy.

Brad --- We need to play more.


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This weekend I'm goin to post some of the information on this "Christmas Tournament". So we can look forward to that, but I'f you guys are going to make AAR's for this $10 mini-tournament, I'm going to put this on my site too for all to see. You know, just to increase the stakes a *little* more. ;)

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Thats what I think as well. the game works too good for him.

I mean he has the angle of the dangle down to a tee.

I have tried some of the same things that he does and thay never come out as good as thay do for him.

I mean who attacks sweeden with two air and one army and takes it(no bombard) :rolleyes:

And Italy takes greece! one italian air and a corp and army takes it being one ground unit only attack. all on first turn of attack.

Oh well I have to piss and moan becouse I can not beat him :mad:

he knows this program in and out

[ December 27, 2002, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: waltero ]

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Fellow Cyber Generals

Since some of you have so much time to play war games, I propose that some of are best gamers design two or three senarios that only take around three hours or so too complete.

Maybe: Barbarrosa June 41 thru Jan 43. , Normandy Jun 44 thru May 45. , or a Mediterranean Only Senario from whenever to whenever. Play testing each senario so that both sides are balanced, which allows the better or luckier player to win. This way we could have a tournament that doesn't last for weeks.

By the way, LH made some great Unit icons (counters). Check them out.

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Originally posted by waltero:

Thats what I think as well. the game works too good for him.

I mean he has the angle of the dangle down to a tee.

I have tried some of the same things that he does and thay never come out as good as thay do for him.

I mean who attacks sweeden with two air and one army and takes it(no bombard) :rolleyes:

And Italy takes greece! one italian air and a corp and army takes it being one ground unit only attack. all on first turn of attack.

Oh well I have to piss and moan becouse I can not beat him :mad:

he knows this program in and out

Last game i met Rambo i beat him (as Allies). I have 1-1 against him. It was with patch 1.05 though, but i would gladely fight him again. The reason why i sought other opponents was that his connection was slow (modem), at leist he did when i fought him last time. That makes the turns take much longer.

I have tried to find equally good opponents, with faster connection, but they have not matched Rambo's skills. I HAVE to fight you again Rambo.

What about if we started a ladder with one #1 ranked champion?

[ December 27, 2002, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by waltero:

Thats what I think as well. the game works too good for him.

Well I guess that says a lot about what some of you think of my character as well.... thanks. ;)

I think it was Brad that wanted to know if I will play the winner of the tourney, well the answer is yes. smile.gif I'm leaving town for about 5 days but I'll drop in to congradulate the winner when I get back. Good luck and looking forward to the final results.

In the spirit of wishing everyone a happy New Year, I just wanted to add that with all the unavoidable uncertainties this turned out to be a very enjoyable year. For a first game I really wasn't sure how things would turn out but I am glad I was able to produce something that many people seem to enjoy and I am looking forward to whatever the future holds.

Big thanks to all the extended playtesters from the forums, all the great mods and custom campaigns hosted at the fantastic SCHQ (thanks Otto and CvM), and to Battlefront and the SC community for supporting the game. Have a great New Years!


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zappsweden --- It wasn't 1.05. It was patch 1.06 beta testing. Remember how I was complaining about the new DOW rules? The rules changed from 1.05 to 1.06 where the Allied pieces arrive on the Allied turn. I was not aware of the new change, thus all those Russian Armies were able to run away.

Anyhow.......that's ancient history.

I personally believe you are the best Europe has to offer. I'm the best in the United States.

Lets play buddy,

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com

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Hubert, thank you for posting on this thread. That compliments me (without ego, I appreciate).

And gloat.

My comments to you about this game: It was great in the first place, it was great till 1.05. It is great now, with 1.06. There is no room left for complaints, except to want more.

However, someone, somewhere, did a poor marketing job (and it is not you). The people on here, know games, real games. Heart of Iron games (which, for the most part, based on what I have seen, the players find lacking).

The forum is too small, the game is excellent, and you are being deprived of sales. I implore you to find (me) a marketing manager that will push this game into known dom.

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As originally posted by CvM:

"If you build it, they will come"

But don't forget to scatter the sawdust in center-ring!

And bring out the old flop-shoe Clown, sweeping the spotlight right under the rug!

Else, you will likely find that They have all up and decamped for that one big 15-minute chance -- at Reality TV! ;)

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