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The worst General of the war?

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I say Marshall Budenny of the Soviet Union. Estimates vary but he is suspected to have lost between 1 million and 1 and a half million men in Kiev and Uman concentrations of 1941. This is when his opponents had less than half that strength.

This is tragic enough, but he failed to co-ordinate only one division in Poland 1939. He clumsily failed to link up with Tukhachevski's attack on Warsaw and was forced into a humiliating retreat.

What a stupid cunt.

[ May 20, 2004, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Col. Gen. Guderian ]

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Originally posted by Col. Gen. Guderian:

This is tragic enough, but he failed to co-ordinate only one division in Poland 1939. He clumsily failed to link up with Tukhachevski's attack on Warsaw and was forced into a humiliating retreat.

Tukhachevski was purged in 1937. I believe you are talkin about the 1920 Soviet-Polish war.

[ May 20, 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Yes foul language ;)

but by far Hitler was the Worst General of WW2. He was a successful WW1 Corporal who attempted to run the OPs of the Entire German War Machine.

Towards the end of his Reign he was giving out orders to units that no longer existed ;) and in large part he was the reason the 3rd Reich fell so early.

On the other side, the Americans and Brits were too afraid to get their feet wet IMO in Normandy causing much more death than was neccessary when the Axis could've been defeated in the Summer of 1944, which doubled the Mostly Civilian not military casualties. Saying from 44 to 45 as many died as from 39 to 44

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Originally posted by Sirocco:

Would you mind editing your post to remove offensive language? Thanks.

Hint: Your final comment. ;)

Sorry, you're not a moderator and so I refuse to change my post. I'm not trying to be awkward, but people need to loosen up about bad language, most people here seem mature enough to handle it.


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Originally posted by Liam:

Yes foul language ;)

but by far Hitler was the Worst General of WW2. He was a successful WW1 Corporal who attempted to run the OPs of the Entire German War Machine.

Towards the end of his Reign he was giving out orders to units that no longer existed ;) and in large part he was the reason the 3rd Reich fell so early.

On the other side, the Americans and Brits were too afraid to get their feet wet IMO in Normandy causing much more death than was neccessary when the Axis could've been defeated in the Summer of 1944, which doubled the Mostly Civilian not military casualties. Saying from 44 to 45 as many died as from 39 to 44

You speak as if you know what you're talking about, when you actually know nothing, as this post proves.
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You call Hitler the worst General of the war, he wasn't a General.

You say that the Germans could have been defeated in the Summer of 1944 and that the Allies were too afraid to get their feet wet. That is pure nonsense and I bet everyone else here would disagree with you whole heartedly on that one.

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Hmmm, I wonder if you're not a another play who has been banned from public speaking tongue.gif

"Adolf Hitler at a certian point assumed control of much of what his armies did. He liked to meddle a lot. He was the one who gave the 6th Army the order not to retreat from Stalingrad?" It was his own General who defied him

You're about to lose this ID by the way if you keep up the language.

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Look kid, I said Cunt and **** once each (that makes it twice) and only 2 people have whined about it. Big deal, it's hardly like i'm using it in excess. Do you tell someone off in real life for using 'bad language'? Do you scorn films and music which have certain swear words in them?


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Originally posted by Col. Gen. Guderian:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sirocco:

Would you mind editing your post to remove offensive language? Thanks.

Hint: Your final comment. ;)

Sorry, you're not a moderator and so I refuse to change my post. I'm not trying to be awkward, but people need to loosen up about bad language, most people here seem mature enough to handle it.

smile.gif </font>

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Agreed 100%

Respecting others, if someone wants to talk trash talk they can do that drunk at the local bar smile.gif

"Your Point becomes lost in Thoughtless Words and your right can be only wrong when you cannot intelligently and maturely express a point." ~Liam

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Heh, Yes indeed. From the Redirecting of the Luftwaffe from Airfields to Terrorbombing during the Blitz to the wasted Research on Rockets/A-Bombs/Super Huge Tanks that were not practical, to the Poor directing of Resources to Rommel in N.Africa<of course sending just enough when it was over for them to surrender in Tunisia> on and on and on and on... Hitler helped ;) the Allies win. Perhaps his Clairavoyants and Tarot Readers were really effected by the Gods...

Not to say he didn't have his great successes. Although even the GHC didn't believe it was all possible and were shocked and went along with him when he was popular, until then they were pessamistic about his goals. Then when things went bad they saw the terror and Propaganda Hide any ability for them to overthrow him. Too bad and too sad that they didn't succeed to blow him up, but then again Communism and Democracy prevailed... 2 Factions, we didn't really need a 3rd

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It doesn't matter whether Hitler interfered or meddled or whatever. He wasn't a General, and so he is not a proper answer to the original question.

He wasn't a ranking General and he wasn't inserted into the force structure as such, and he was also not subordinate to the General Staff or Stavka or CINCUS or whatever like all the other Generals were.

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Originally posted by Sirocco:

Being mature means respecting others. Your use of bad language is gratuitous, which I take as a sign of gross immaturity. You're also breaking forum rules.

So swearing makes me immature? Wow, you're smart. I didn't address anyone here offensively, i'm just talking about other people when I say it.

Anyway, i'm TERRIBLY sorry, redface.gif and I'll refrain from using such 'foul language' in the future as it naturally equates to me being 'grossly immature'. I know i'm a fool for not reading the 30 or so pages of rules and disclaimers when I became a member of this board.

And I know if I was an upstanding citizen then I would have :(

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Originally posted by blackbellamy:

It doesn't matter whether Hitler interfered or meddled or whatever. He wasn't a General, and so he is not a proper answer to the original question.

He wasn't a ranking General and he wasn't inserted into the force structure as such, and he was also not subordinate to the General Staff or Stavka or CINCUS or whatever like all the other Generals were.

THANK YOU!. Finally someone who isn't an idiot.
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