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Death of The Scenario Depot

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The worst has come to pass. My web host, without so much as a "by your leave", has vanished. Email, database, files...all gone without any notice. The support phone number he provides is useless...the vmail box is full, preventing additional complaints (apparently I'm not alone in my extreme ire). Numerous emails go unanswered.

You have no idea how angry and embarrassed I am at this point. I feel as though I have let down the CM community. I genuinely apologize.

Those of you familiar with web hosting may recognize the web host - Steve Gunnels of FIDPAC. If any of you have sites hosted by any one of his myriad of shell companies, make provisions right now to get out. Those of you wanting to find out more about this situation may click here.

Based on my research at the Web Hosting Talk forum I have already signed up with a more reputable web host (Site5), and any correspondence to already established email addresses should work now. However, I doubt that I will have the time to recreate what needs to be rebuilt.

On the plus side, on 07.15.05, Boeing tendered an offer (and I accepted) for my services as a Technical Writer. As I am still a little unfamiliar with the boundaries of my TS clearance, I really can't say more beyond that.

I am corresponding with The Proving Grounds for GJK to assume control of whatever latest backup I have, as well as all of the archive files that I have locally. This archive contains some of the oldest scenarios created for Combat Mission.

Mind you that I am not going away, by any means. I'll still annoy people with my presence and beer wisdom from time to time. Maybe GJK and I can work out some co-admin arrangement.

Non the nonce, it has been a distinct pleasure serving the CM community all this time. You are the greatest group of guys and gals on the net.

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This is terrible news. I just hope that it might be possible to reconstruct the site. If there is anything that can be done to help please let us know. Your site was the best CM site on the web and it's passing is an huge blow to the CM community. I just hope it can be reconstructed. Remember that we back you 100%. There is no need to feel embarrased but we all feel angry that this web host could not have least given some notice to allow you to transfer your files to a new web host. For some reason this seems to be the norm in the shady web world. There should be alaw requiring at least 2 weeks notice before a web host can pull the plug. I wish you all the best and urge you to reconstruct the site if at all possible.

Thanks for all your hard work!!!!!!!!!!!


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It is indeed a loss, but sometimes a fresh start is great too. I asked a couple times to have embarrassing old scenarios removed and now I am secure they are gone forever...I think GJK would be a most capable admin of any "new" site that rises from the ashes. One would be hard pressed to show the concern for the community that Admiral Keth did - the long discussions on format changes, etc., as well as the long hours implementing the desires based on consensus...let's hope that your web hosting friend "Steve" is truly down and out and not just disappearing.

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Many thanks keth for all your hard work since Combat Mission came out.Between you and GJK I know something will be worked out.As for the rest of us, don't forget to show your thanks by hitting the paypal button once in awhile ;)

ROFL! just like Mr Dorosh, I'm glad to see my early efforts at scenario making vanish! :rolleyes:

Good luck with your new job mate! :D

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Admiral Keth announced today the untimely passing of the SCENARIO DEPOT, one of the most useful and entertaining sites for Combat Mission players and itinerant designers and tinkerers worldwide.

The Depot suffered from bad, evil, dastardly webhosting although the new and improved version had seemed robust up until the time of its death.

As a repository of scenarios (and incidentally a kind of informal history of CM gaming throughout the years) the Depot was unparalleled.

[On a personal note, this correspondent would like mention that the very existence of the Depot had pushed him toward being a scenario designer in the first place.]

The community of CM'rs worldwide are saddened by the passing of the Depot, and, although encouraged by the thought of some of its wisdom (and data) being passed on to The Proving Ground, wish to express our deepest sympathies to Keith; sincere thanks for all his hard work; and best wishes for the future.


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Thanks again for all of your hard work. I had a lot of fun with the scenarios, maps and operations I found at the depot and tried to give something back. You put in a tremendous amount of effort and it is much, much appreciated.

I agree that now I am going to go back and tweak my old scenarios to get them ready for re-hosting for whomever is kind enough to take on this type of project smile.gif

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Admiral Keth,

Just wanted to say I found the Scenario Depot to be one of the best Game supporting sites on the web. I managed to upload only 2 scenarios, but have been working on 2 more. The ease of using the site, and the useful information it provided will be missed. I am sure the CM community would rally for any reconstruction if that is ever possible. In the meantime thanks for your dedication and hard work and for providing us all with such a great site.

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Very sorry to hear this but glad you got a new job proposal ( and it sounds like a job that would pay enough to keep the beer flowing). Your sight will be sorely missed. There is no other CM sight out there where the average Joe could post scenarios and where you could find such a variety of designers and battles (finished ones anyway, GJK keeps a great site as well ;) ).

Hopefully someone else will pick up the ball so all of us have a place to post and find the latest and greatest battles( hope we can retrieve the older classics as well)

Best wishes for your future Keith.


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Admiral Keth:

Congratulations on your new job, and best of luck in your new endeavor! I hope that it brings many challenges, as well as much joy & satisfaction. I bet that it feels good to be back in the saddle.

Bummer about The Scenario Depot. I thank you very much for all of your hard work on that project. It was an incredible resource; it deeply enhanced my enjoyment of this game system. I think that its deepest impact for me was that it got me to look at situations — and consider playing . . . & designing — situations that I might not normally have considered. My one regret? I won't ever be able to say "I had a scenario posted at The Scenario Depot."

I thank you so much for your incredible contribution to this hobby.


The average gamer . . . uses only about 10% of his . . . Combat Mission . . .

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Thank you very much for the kind words.

I have always considered Combat Mission to be "the thinking man's wargame". The community which endorses and continuously supports not only Combat Mission itself, but the associated fan sites, are the very best friends any wargaming community could offer.

With regards to resurrecting The Scenario Depot; I'm going to consider it over the next couple of weeks. Allow me time to acclimatize to Boeing and settle into a routine. In the spirit of "getting back on the horse" I could, at length, be convinced to rebuild from scratch, incorporating all of the features on the lengthy "SDv3 To Do" list.

Conversely, this may be the time when I start writing my " How To Brew" trilogy, or continue working on a miniature wargaming rules I started called GUMPS (Generic Universal Miniature Playing System).

In the mean time, I'm still preparing to hand off any data I have to GJK and The Proving Grounds. GJK has my complete confidence and esteem.

As an asides to another thread, my RL first name is Keith. The Admiral Keth comes from the callsign I was given by fellow Star Fleet Battles gamers after a well-played campaign (which included the capture of a starbase without firing a shot).

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Additional posts have been made to Web Hosting Forum. I am far from alone in this mess.

If any of the CM community has sites hosted by any of Gunnel's shell companies, I would recommend finding a new web host ASAP. It appears as if more angry web developers are filing FBI fraud claims. Web Host Forum Link 2 has more details on specific shell hosts.

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Thanks for your great work, many of my scenarios have come from your site. You made a wargamers heart happy to have all those scenarios close at hand. Sorry about the mess that web host caused and I hope you can rise from the ashes!!!

Thanks again,


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