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ROW V scenarios...

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With the finals under way and all the AAR's in, I guess it's time for the designers to own up.

Me? I've been looking outa my attic window for flaming torches for a while now.

Love 'em or hate 'em, I have to admit to two...

'Across Moltke Bridge' and 'St Edouards'.

Any questions, feel free...


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This was my first shot at providing a scenario for an ROW tourney, and it was a big thrill for me. Especially to be in the company of veteran designers from past ROW events.

I designed Highlanders in Hell, feel free to ask anything you want, or make any comments...I have a thick hide and a good sense of humor.

Don't forget...this thread is only to discuss the first round scenarios. Round two is most definately in lock down.

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Moeltke was the best Berlin scenario I have ever played bar none. Studly Red infantry backed up with gobs of firepower. In Berlin '45 sure, but in CMBB?

I shake your virtual hand.


I down a virtual glass of vodka in your honor.


I plant a big slobbery Soviet kiss...ah, you get the idea.

Read my AAR, you'll like the screenies.

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Richie, good job with those scenarios! They were my clear favourites, among a good bunch.

The reinforcements in Moltke were an excellent touch IMHO (perhaps warn in the briefing to look out for backup, for those with tunnel vision!).

I would have liked the setup area for Axis to extend to the riverbank, to allow hiding behind the smoke there.

St Eds was a nailbiter. Most educational, though I think night and no fog would have been hard enough!

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Thankyou Bigduke6, Grimthane.

I'm really glad you guys enjoyed Moltke. I thought it might polarise opinion when I offered it up but it's unique nature offers a different type of challenge for the players.

It's actually as historical as I could get it to be although accounts of the battle vary slightly. Much research and playtesting...

My reference material:

'With Our Backs To Berlin, The German Army In Retreat 1945' by Tony Le Tissier, pages 175 to 180.

'Berlin, The Downfall 1945' by Antony Beevor, pages 348 and 349.

Both excellent books and well worth the read.

Some internet sources too.

With regards to the Para reinforcement and the Soviet brifeing, I don't disagree that some warning could perhaps have been given to the Soviet player in hindsight (and I will include a vague reference to a possibility when I publish it), but with the constant reinforcements and the flag on the Soviet bank of the Spree I figured most players would click to the possibility. I didn't want to make it too obvious either. I like the surprise factor...

You guys are in the heart of Berlin afterall.

I am sorry if that caused people a great deal of anguish, it wasn't my intention.

Ah the horror...

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bigduke6:


Moeltke was the best Berlin scenario I have ever played bar none.

Ah, but Moltke is not the best Berlin scenario he has designed. In fact, Moltke is only the 'front door' so to speak, to his Battle for the Reichstag.

That one is a must play. </font>

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I agree with Grim on the pick of a great bunch being Moltke & Edouards. I'm also looking forward to reading Maleme AARs to find out what the heck I missed.

It doesn't suprise me that Walpurgis liked Maleme. As I mentioned in my AAR, I think that this was one where people with highly refined infantry assault skills could excel. Without those it was all a bit aimless for me smile.gif

I liked Moltke & Eduoards because they embodied for me what ROW seems to offer: really interesting unique scenarios. Neither could have been a QB in a blind fit.


(Some GERMANS have claimed they didn't see their own reinforcements. THAT should be corrected for sure. There's really no reason for a player to know about his own forces).


[ June 24, 2005, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]

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Got it. I think I will play Soviets...


I second Green as Jade's advice. The arrival of the German reserves was an outstanding surprise, it really made the scenario. Keep it an absolute secret, IMO.

I really go into detail in this in my AAR, but the way you set up that battle was so true-to-life (from the Soviet side anyway) that I didn't need the briefing to tell me what reserves were coming. Red Army SOP said you need assault guns and sappers for city fighting, and lo an behold they showed right up.

A batch of German die-hards from an unexpected direction is par for the course. Very much in the spirit of the Goetedaemmergung Berlin for the Germans to put in a pointless, but very nasty little attack like that.

(And it was so, so, graditfying to litter the Washingtonsplatz with elite Facist corpses. :mad: )

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My personal favourite was between St Edouards & Highlanders in Hell mainly because they gave both sides a chance if you were on your game. Night fighting is always tricky but the ebb & flow of St Ed's was brilliant while I really liked the idea of an understrength and fairly green force defending against gobs of good German infantry & AFV's on the attack but with limited time to achieve their objectives. The decent arty spotter for the British made all the difference in that one.

I thought Moltke Bridge was probably fairly historical in the feel of the way it played but it still doesn't get around the fact that it can be very tedious trying to issue new orders every turn to numerous squads as the AI replots 10 zillion sneak moves for them every turn when stuck on the bridge. The re-inforcements for the Germans was a clever bit of design but I would have throught fairly green Volksturm may have been the order of the day rather than regular up to Crack Fallschirmjager which I thought were nowhere near Berlin by the end of the war.

Push to Maleme was an interesting joust but I'm personally not in favour of airpower in a ROW style battle as your chances of doing really well can revolve around the luck factor of getting a particularly good airstrike on vital enemy units. I could have really cleaned up if my Stuka had accurately aimed its 1,000lb(?) bomb on one of 3 tightly bunched Vickers tanks but he missed by more than 200 metres killing trees only whereas an accurate strike would have virtually guaranteed a premature ending to the fight through no good play on my part. I'm guessing that some outlier scores in that battle could have revolved around the Stuka being really effective which is not fair on other players IMO.

Wet Triangle I'm guessing will be most players least favourite because there was not the opportunity to apply much subtelty as the attacking Russians. The way I saw it from the German side, you either crashed through or crashed! Still, at the end of the day, we would not have any tournament at all if it weren't for the scenario designers so my hat is off to all of you for taking the time & trouble to come up with a design which, it goes without saying, any one of them would far exceed any pathetic attempt I could ever cobble together.


Jim R.

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Here she is at the Scenario Depot, Battle For The Reichstag

Don't forget to install the MODs, but save the appropriate files first! You'll notice my other scenarios aren't with it, I lost the password to that username when my PC was wormed early last year...

Feel free to review if your inclined ;)

[ June 25, 2005, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]

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Thanks GreenAsJade & Kanonier Reichmann!

I'd limit any 'warning' for the Soviet player to a vague reference about 'Germans being everwhere in the heart of Berlin and keeping an eye out'... or something similar.

Oddly enough it was extensively playtested and I don't believe the issue was raised before but I do see peoples point.

Generally the Soviet player is so engrossed with the horror on the bridge they don't pay too much attention anyway... (It's probably all those sneak commands, I always group selected the lot and hit 'halt'... any pinned dudes I set for covering fire, the rest for advance. I wonder what Walpurgis did..?)

The Paras are from the 9th Parachute Division under Colonel Harry Herrmann. They were caught up in the goods yard and the Russians bypassed them. According to what I read they created such a disturbance they made it across the bridge!

Their arrival is detailed in the German briefing, I'm surprised any German player might miss their arrival, it's fairly clear. I will check that out though...

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Night fighting is always tricky but the ebb & flow of St Ed's was brilliant...


Jim R.

Thanks man! Rarely portayed in many single CM scenarios is 'Attack and Counterattack'.

The Germans, from what I've read, made a habit of it. Immediately regain the initiative!

Once again an historical take on a battle. Reference material including, 'The Devils Adjutant, Jochen Peiper Panzer Leader' by Michael Reynolds and some information extracted from ASL's Kampgruppe Peiper's specific scenario briefings.

One quote springs to mind... "The Germans however were not content with the American occupation of this natural fortress. Around midnight, about a hundred shouting SS troops suddenly burst out of the darkness and charged toward the building."

Inspiration in a paragraph!

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I really liked St Eds as the Axis - however, if the Allied player is cautious at the start then by the time he assaults the Axis reinforcements are already in place - that's how our game panned out - not so much an Axis counter as a full on defence. Cool scenario though.

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Timing is everything in St Eds. I was the Allied attacker and took the last of the sanatorium buildings one turn before the counter attack appeared. I caught almost all of my opponents forces out in the open to his misfortune. The allied briefing gave the impression that the defending force would be much stronger than it actually was so I did move forward with some caution. Luckily for me I was just fast enough.

I was on the wrong end of the Stuka in Maleme. It probably caused a 600+ pt swing in that game as it pretty much destroyed a force that had a good chance of taking the rear 300pt flag. But I have no problems with it being included. If I had thought about it more I could have positioned my forces to be less susceptible to such an event. Perhaps the Allied briefing should have been more explicit about the potential for air attack, although it was hinted at. My only problem with Maleme was that it was perhaps a couple of turns too short given the number of objectives and the "tired" state of the Allied infantry.

Individually they were all good scenarios, but as a group they provided a great variety of challenges.

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My favourite was "Highlanders in Hell". As the Allies, I really felt under the gun to perform well, and the scenario rewarded me in points and feelings of accomplishment when I finally managed to take down one of the Panthers! The only thing I didn't think was too great was the flag placements. The overall objectives didn't seem to make sense in a context greater than just that virtual battlefield.

My least favourite was playing the Axis in Maleme. The problem there was that the entire result seemed to rest on two factors. The first being the placement of the lone gun available to the Axis, the second being the Stuka actually showing up and hitting something. Because I placed the gun in a poor position to actually cover the advance that Walpurgis Nacht chose, I was left with no answer to his Vickers tanks. They ruled the battlefield! Also, the Stuka didn't even show up for me. My side auto-surrendered on the second to last turn, and it was only during my last turn that I heard the plane engine noises approaching. Had it shown up a turn or two earlier, it may have kept me from auto-surrendering, and then there wouldn't have been an anomalous outlier to spur on all this "Fix Nabla" talk!

Anyway, all the scenarios were a lot of fun, and I learned something from each of them. I'm amased with the effort and research that goes into making a scenario, and by playing them, a lot of that research and knowledge rubs off on me. Thank you all designers!

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