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"Terifgate", HombrePlin, did Terif give you the FOW sniffer? [Yes or No]


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For the same reason that police officers don't like to get involved in domestic disputes, I have not commented on any of this. But its gone on far too long.

Rambo & Zappsweden

You both have made your accusations, it has been responded to by Terif as well as others. Give it a rest. Let me reprhase it so I'm not misunderstood. Don't say anymore about it.


You've responded. Those who don't believe you, for whatever reason, won't. You were right quite a few posts back, in that you should not respond to any of this anymore. Don't respond.

Rambo... You worry about a tainted SC crown? You need to worry about a tainted character.

Zappsweden... Ambition and drive seem to motivate you strongly. Be careful of the other side of those traits, betraying your friends and becoming an a$$hole.

Terif... This is why lobsters in a bucket, don't need a lid. As soon as one tries to crawl out, the others will drag him back.

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I don't worry, especially not at SC

Remember, Shaka, I don't run opinion polls, & don't worry about what other's think, especially not at SC. My entire life, I want the truth. If the shoe fits, wear it OR if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. Everybody said the same thing to me durring Reloadgate. Ahh, don't worry Rambo, especially since this is a game. People who search, challenge, & are persistant do more than the wall flowers. Terif tries to play this innnocent only for fun role who knows nothing about FOW sniffers. Sure, yeah, right, the guy won't even talk about until Hombre brings forth the accusations & evidence of the FOW sniffer.

"stop this discussion, I am angry". who always says that? For a guy who knows everything, he could at least admit he suspected programs that cheat. He acts like an innocent saint. Somebody that exploits bugs & flaws is more probably to know how to get & use cheat program. Terif sure did know about the Diablo cheat stuff. He denies not knowing about SC cheats, that's another lie. Terif only replies if he feels the intentions of the writer justifies him. I will answer anybody. Folks, Terif is not dumb. He acts like there is no cheating programs.

So I bring forth the story, & suddenely Terif realizes, opps...they know about the FOW sniffer, I better get on the bandwagon.

[ November 01, 2003, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Terif, I had a MAJOR argument with Rambo almost a year ago when we played the first claimed SC Championship. We argued about unclearly stated victory conditions (since it was a Championship consisting of more than one game). We both had character enough to keep it "professional" and not let it escalate to personal slanderings. Briefly, we continued playing after a while. I said "I will never play him again, believe me" but came to my senses after some days/weeks. We sorted it out.

Contrary, in this discussions (and the challenge system discussion) I see someone who jumps on ppl every time he feels he is unfairly treated or thinks other ppl have the wrong intensions. Not giving others the benefit of the doubt or atleist a chanse to explain before jumping to higher level of harshness is what annoys ME the most. There is no possibility to negotiate/argue with someone who does not give up an inch. At some point, someone is gonna say they wont back down i.e they take the argument. Someone who preaches others and intend to be right at all times but cannot accept ANYTHING unfair from others.

It is not possible sorting anything out if one of the persons think he stands above everything and always is right. Dammit, if someone is that smart being able to judge everyones intension and thoughts he would be a multi-millionaire. That person would make HUGE money on placing bets and make himself a fortune.

[ November 01, 2003, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:

For the same reason that police officers don't like to get involved in domestic disputes, I have not commented on any of this. But its gone on far too long.

Rambo & Zappsweden

You both have made your accusations, it has been responded to by Terif as well as others. Give it a rest. Let me reprhase it so I'm not misunderstood. Don't say anymore about it.


You've responded. Those who don't believe you, for whatever reason, won't. You were right quite a few posts back, in that you should not respond to any of this anymore. Don't respond.

Rambo... You worry about a tainted SC crown? You need to worry about a tainted character.

Zappsweden... Ambition and drive seem to motivate you strongly. Be careful of the other side of those traits, betraying your friends and becoming an a$$hole.

Terif... This is why lobsters in a bucket, don't need a lid. As soon as one tries to crawl out, the others will drag him back.

If anyone cannot tolerate ppl asking questions and the argument escalates, so be it. Arguments tone down automatically unless ppl raise it to a higher level of harshness all the time. We cannot rule ppl, telling us what we should or not should discuss here on the forum.
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I am not perfect and also make mistakes. Now in the review I surely would handle the "challenge system" issue differently.

But you are rigtht: I dont like it to be treated unfair and I dont accept it if someone spreads lies and rumours about me.

Perhaps our relations could have improved again over time, I dont know. But every week you started a new campaign against me, where you tried to damage my reputation and to question my integrity, it became more improbable.

This way I cant see how we could forgive each other. I can see your motivation why you started or at least supported this new smear campaign. But this doesnt make it acceptable.

So, this is now really my last post concerning this issue.

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Competitive SC died when the cheats came out of the woodwork. SC is dead. There's no way to settle things on the battlefield, since the battlefield is rigged.

All I wanted was a fair chance for the Crown. Having HombrePlin spot my ships ruined it. There's more than one person out there with the cheat programs.

Competitive SC is dead. The cheater programs have cast doubt on every game.

[ November 01, 2003, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by Terif:


I am not perfect and also make mistakes. Now in the review I surely would handle the "challenge system" issue differently.

But you are rigtht: I dont like it to be treated unfair and I dont accept it if someone spreads lies and rumours about me.

Perhaps our relations could have improved again over time, I dont know. But every week you started a new campaign against me, where you tried to damage my reputation and to question my integrity, it became more improbable.

This way I cant see how we could forgive each other. I can see your motivation why you started or at least supported this new smear campaign. But this doesnt make it acceptable.

So, this is now really my last post concerning this issue.

The fact is, now you are doing it again. You are acting innocent and all others are bad guys. Surely, most of us have gotten some critique in the forum at some time. The difference is how ppl take it.


In fact you DO call us liars. You just said we spread lies and rumours. THAT is an accusation. Back it up please, What lies??????????????????????

Saying, "I do not know what to think" (like Rambo did) is not a lie.

Saying "Terif cheats" IS a lie. No one has said something like that.

Sometimes you say "end of discussion" like u call the shots. Saying what u want to say, then leave the room (ending the discussion saying "So this is the final time I will post about this") is proof of acting like you stand above or think you are better or something. It is disrespectful. Also, u said recently something like "its really time to stop this discussion, especially since I start becoming angry". It is all about you, you, you. You wont accept the same treatment from others that you treat them. No one else has become angry by any post before..., THEY HAVE. Everytime I or anyone says something u do not like, u add some twist making it sound like everyone else are the crooks and that you are right. That is why things escalate. I wont accept being pictured as a bad guy. So, there are many reasons why I wont back down.

I created and manage the Z-League. I created and managed the World

Championship Ladder and also retook it after some guy misshandled it. I shortened my break from SC just because I saw the SC World Championship Ladder being badly managed. I speculate, change rules, discuss, find bugs and POST them and I am strongly for fair play and sportsmanship. I post anything I want on topics I feel are justified.

Tell me what harm I have done to SC gaming prior to the discussions with you?

So, just because I am administrator I can never change anything that seems to be an advantage to my ranking, but I can only change things to my disadvantage?

So, just because we had an argument before I can not even mention your name when we discuss something negative (cheating for instance)?

Zappsweden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

[ November 01, 2003, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Maybe i´m the only one who is aware of both sides..knowing what ppl think,why they think so, why they write certain things.

Terif... Zapp your were several times only a tic from reconiling. I noted several steps from both of you even it were only slight steps. But everytime when one was ready to reconcile the other was writing again things hurting the other one.

Proudness is poison if you wanna settle bad blood spoiled.

Your disput was the beginning of the downfall of the league and the SC-Forum and finally of the game.

Now distrust rules,bad posts are exchanged, and some others are pouring fire into the blooding wound.

Man SC is a great strategy game, its thought to have fun and to have great games, to compete each other and to make friends. I played alot of ppl and so far and i have a great relation to all my opponents, no difference if i won or if i lost.

I think we are all old enough to realize this isnt´t it. Is it really so important to be always rite.....?? Why not admit that something was going the wrong way? Can´t you stay above the things??

another thing....

I still do so many mistakes and go into traps ... i´m sure nobody considers me to be a cheater ..rather to be a fair and good but not perfect player. That means not that somebody doing no faults is a cheater.

So finally you all have two possiblities....close this tread no question, no answers anymore as its over.....what do you want to say else??

Or you act as grown men...appologize for some harsh words and settle your dispute....

I know now the problem is who is doing the first step........the only thing i can say i would honor the one who is doing it, but i will also honor the one who is responsing positivly to it

I think many of the others will think in the same manner.....

Last post of Dragonheart to this matter :D:D

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Dragonheart --- I wish it was that easy, we all play nice & get along. If I lose, I lose, that's the way it goes. But with the FOW sniffer, MMP creator, & whatever else, the entire thing got tainted. I'm competitive, maybe that's a form of pride, but I have believed for a long time (6-months), that something phony was going on. People making perfect moves everytime, people with "just in time units", people just didn't seem right.

I haven't pursured the game cheat software, that's not my style. But it is my style to pursue righteousness, despite being the minority in the crowd.

Hubert --- Please make a patch for SC for the cheat software if you can. Thanks for contacting "people" so you can get the details. If SC is a non-issue, please tighten up SC-2 from these hacks.


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Thanks for the reply.

I was using the cartoon as an analogy in an attempt to get you to see what you were doing. Attempt failed. Judging others on their sins is fine as long as you are truely a spiritual man. After reading your many comments here, I didn't think you were that man. I may be wrong(I hope I am), but your talk doesn't always convey that of the spiritual man.

Quoting the bible doesn't make you a spiritual man, and quoting parts of the bible that wasn't written by Paul makes me worried even more when you use it out of context.

In his letter to Timothy, Paul writes, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15) You must know what parts of the bible were written to us, and what parts were written for us. Those parts of the bible that you should be reading, quoting, and preaching are Pauls books.

Christ said sinners must repent. He never said tolerate & accept sin.

Romans 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one ...."

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel ... that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures ...."

Romans 3:22-26 "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation (appeasing sacrifice) through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."

If it ain't King James, it ain't bible.

Agree with you on the Bible. Don't go to church on Sundays since finding one that is interested in Salvation and not making money or making their church larger is difficult. I do go to bible study every Tuesday night.

The Church of America is a revolving door joke.

Thats the problem. It should be Christs church, not America's.

They steal money from old people, molest kids, & tell me I shouldn't be judgemental.

Now it sounds like you are talking about the catholic church.

Remember your job as a Christian should be preaching Christ and Christ Crucified, not "your a cheater you use the FOW sniffer".

[ November 02, 2003, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: KDG ]

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Its funny, I read all this and think that if this were a First Person Shooter league I participate in I would be pissed off big time.

But for SC I'm just not competitive, I try different things in every match I play witch often leads to a loss and I really don't care, I'm just curious to see how things would have gone if this or that had been tried.

I've done searches on the net and I'll I've found is an MPP creator that worked with v1.06, apart from that nothing. I don't think it is as widespread as some of you beleive to be.

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For this monstrosity to descend lower than about fifteen of my earliest threads, it would need to ... uh, ... and also be ... uh, ... you know, after careful consideration, it might just qualify! :D

No negative reflection on the people who have posted here, but a more apt Title might be, The Bore War.

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No negative reflection on the people who have posted here, but a more apt Title might be, The Bore War.


My thoughts exactly. It resembles a schoolyard argument about who said and did what. smile.gif

Perhaps you could distract them Jersey by beginning a thread with an even greater mind-numbing quotient? Perhaps a debate centred around the inadequacy of the map in SC? We haven't had that one for a while... ;)

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What I believe & what I can prove are two different things. I'm not a judge or a jury, nor is this a courtroom. I see this as a fact finding mission to see if there is enough evidence to take it to the grand jury. Our legal system in the United States has many flaws, but it's still the best in the world. This is an international affair anyhow.

What defines a witchunt? What defines slander? What defines smear campaign? I believe there is enough evidence to pursue this fact finding mission. I'm sure every investigator goes thru the standard "BS" from the defense, press, & some minister who want to be know as a "cool, laid-back, political helper".

This isn't the Spanish-I, Senate hearing trial of 1950's, or a Bill Clinton campaign smear...it's the internet, a game, & a Forum. So don't play the "abusing some card, card": From arrest thru trial, people are placed in jail just because one judge says so according to their interpetation of the Law. Rich people can afford Bond, the poor are usually screwed. From arrest thru Life, people's reputation can be ruined regardless of their innocence. That is the court of public opinion.

I remember being in traffic court, am I going to spout off,"Hey judge, the bible says not to be judgmental."

KDG --- Thanks for the specifics. You are very correct (the KJV is correct), quoting scriptures doesn't make a man saved. Also, even the Devils do believe. Thanks for the Roman's Road.

Blashy --- So you have the MMP-Maker, pretty simple, eh? I haven't tried, but have been given a link to get it.

Summary --- There's lots of people with the cheat software & it has ruined the game. I started seeing strange things 6-months ago. The gamehack as explained, is simple. Just change some memory locations & you get instant cash, buy a few units & click "Done", the opponent won't catch it. I wasn't going to continue this thread until I read Terif's famous "I don't cheat especially at SC...but Diablo". We will never hear it the truth from Terif now, he's clammed up.

We will need more evidence, that evidence requires HombrePlin to speak.

For those who want to play SC, that's all I want to do. If you beat me (like Liam last week), you win, congrats. It's just a game don't cheat.

"We are watching you" --- from the movie Congo

"Every move you make" --- sung by The Police

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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"Perhaps you could distract them Jersey by beginning a thread with an even greater mind-numbing quotient? Perhaps a debate centred around the inadequacy of the map in SC? We haven't had that one for a while..."

CC, I'd like very much to do that, but you've just described about fourteen of my threads. I honestly can't do it again.

Show a little compassion! :D

[ November 02, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"Extra, Extra, Read All Abouuut it, Rambo-Ness-Der, uh, -- Rambo-Ness and the other guy to break case open with new Eveeedence! Read it here! Extra, Extra, Grand Jury Convenes to examine new evidence, Extra, Extra...!"


[ November 03, 2003, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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