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why $25 should it not be more!


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Originally posted by waltero:

Only the lame games are $25 I am sure it will go up as time goes by.

Hubert is already quite wealthy. He's being kind enough to practically "give" this game to us. ;)

Are you saying that we should all buy two copies? :D


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Originally posted by waltero:

Only the lame games are $25 I am sure it will go up as time goes by.

I believe everyone should be allowed to voice an opinion, and you did! But I disagree with you very strongly.

Have you ever bothered to read the Battlefront section titled ABOUT US? It explains this Companies policies about games. Personally I think it is a great one. And if by following this strategy it allows someone to sell a GREAT game like SC for $25 then that is all the more reason to cheer for Battlefront and friends.

Next as far as saying only lame games are $25. I have yet to actually purchase a newly released game for as little as $25, in fact on most occasions I have screwed up and paid double or triple this only to find out the game was LAME.

Hubert and Battlefront deserve A lot of credit for thier hard work and also allowing all of us the opportunity to trial play a demo of the game, and allowing us to voice our opinions about thier products on these boards. They could have instead treated us like a lot of other looser companies who supply no demo, supply no way to voice any input in the product being released and then charge a fortune for a faulty game.

I in fact would pay more than $25 for a copy of SC as I think it is a bargain. At $25 a copy Hubert and Friends will win with me as I am already planning on buying more than one copy to give as presents. I seriously could not have done this if the game was a lot higher priced even though well worth more !

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I agree that many lame games cost little, but the demo to SC alone is better than most of them. Seeing as that I am a teenager and therefore have little money, the less a game costs the better for me. And $25 is quite a steal for this one! :cool:

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Do any of you guys know what a common CD costs to produce?

it is a mere 25 cents. On a high speed burner which Battlefront.com no doubt has, the price per game is 25 cents plus labor (which in this case is pressing a button that says "roast").

Any extra money belongs to the intellectual genius of the game itself. This one deserves your attention. If you think it is "lame" try reading an actual book and coding something yourself. You will soon see that intellectual property is always "underpriced." After all these put-downs, I hope you buy a copy! smile.gif


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remeber not everyone here lives in the US.So $25.00 is good value for you,But if you live in NZ you are looking at $50.00 approx plus shipping so close to $75.00 NZ.Or Aussie i guess would be around $60.00 Odd. Im sure there are many countries where people would be worse off.So one could put the price up but the time we have to pay for it ,it multiplies quite considerably for us with every dollar.

So yes one could give battlefront encouragement to put the price up,but im sure a few pontential buyers would drop out,therefore there would be a less enriched player database to play against and also to participate in the Forums.and less people recommending friends to buy,so i guess it can be sprat to catch the mackeral attitude,when it comes to putting a price on a game ready to be marketed.I say at $25.00 US it is value for money for my situation,anymore then i would think abit harder abit it,Affordability is not the question but hey if i gotta pay that much i might as well keep playing TOAW (EA) or wait for HOI to be realeased.But at $25.00 US one does not think twice

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Originally posted by Lars:

I think it should be $5 as I’m going to need the other $20 for beer to get me through the first night of playing the final release.

Wow! Lars, that's my kind of post! :D

The big question will be what kind of beer. If I start as the Axis, then some kind of Bock would be nice... goes well with a spring offensive...

Allied... couldn't think of French beer, and the Americans had bad beer in those days (still do to some degree), so it will have to be a Belgian Ale of some sort. Trapist would be best... but have to drink it quick, before Jerry comes by to spoil the party... :mad:

Can't wait Hubert... but will have to...



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Originally posted by Titan:

So yes one could give battlefront encouragement to put the price up,but im sure a few pontential buyers would drop out,therefore there would be a less enriched player database to play against and also to participate in the Forums.and less people recommending friends to buy,so i guess it can be sprat to catch the mackeral attitude,when it comes to putting a price on a game ready to be marketed.I say at $25.00 US it is value for money for my situation,anymore then i would think abit harder abit it,Affordability is not the question but hey if i gotta pay that much i might as well keep playing TOAW (EA) or wait for HOI to be realeased.But at $25.00 US one does not think twice

I think it is still a good deal for the New Zealanders. In the U.S., we pay double for Canadian programs and services.

I think that the economics of gaming are very complicated. Further, I think Battlefront.com knows what they are doing by doing by setting the price of intellectual property so low. It is low for TacOps, but that will be a hot item long after the current series of games are gone. I would like to say to you that this game will be better than TOAW which requires a very fast computer. TOAW is from a different wargaming paradigm than the stuff here. The mercantilist theory I mentioned above still applies to your situation b(i.e. $1 for the CD, $24 for the proprieter, $35 for tariffs, security and shipping). It's a wonderful world, isn't it? smile.gif

It's great to be alive, at least.


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25 bucks is great. Like others here, I personally would be willing to pay more, but let´s not forget that we are all nuts anyway. I saw that the € went up during the last weeks, so the Europeans should still get a good price, too.


[ June 27, 2002, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: Straha ]

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For a retro-moment, I recall buying Tactics-II for $5 about 30 years ago. Relatively speaking, $25 today for SC with all its capability is a genuine bargain.

Now, if I could just spend that $25 and get the game already and play the campaign game and read the designer notes and tweak the scenarios some and play the game some more and play the game some more and play the game some more ... ;)

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If we all will just keep plugging away, we can finally convince them that they should set retail at a much higher cost? What's that old expression about not looking a gift-horse in the mouth?

Seriously, this is a very fair price, but there are other considerations -- such as, extensive word-of-mouth which will improve sales in the long run, not only for this game but future editions. Better to have the reputation as a Quality Provider than... just another Enron :eek:

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No it should NOT be more. Not for a game that is downloaded from the Web. If I'm going to pay more than $25 for this game, then I want a proper printed manual for my money, not a pdf file.

The loss of properly bound glossy printed manuals has been a SEVERE loss to the gamer, especially in the strategy genre. Unlike the no-brainer FPS games flooding the market, strategy games DEPEND on a good manual - a bad manual means a bad game package.

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Originally posted by FuChu:

I in fact would pay more than $25 for a copy of SC as I think it is a bargain. At $25 a copy Hubert and Friends will win with me as I am already planning on buying more than one copy to give as presents. I seriously could not have done this if the game was a lot higher priced even though well worth more!

I agree completely. While I did buy a second copy of CM:BO, most of the people I recommend it to have gotten just that. With the price of SC being only $25, I plan to get at least two right off the bat. Probably more, when I find out how good it is in the long run. So, by keeping the price low, they are much more likely to have higher sales figures. More opponents, more mods, more discussion. All around good.
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Originally posted by vonManstein39:

No it should NOT be more. Not for a game that is downloaded from the Web. If I'm going to pay more than $25 for this game, then I want a proper printed manual for my money, not a pdf file.

The loss of properly bound glossy printed manuals has been a SEVERE loss to the gamer, especially in the strategy genre. Unlike the no-brainer FPS games flooding the market, strategy games DEPEND on a good manual - a bad manual means a bad game package.

Ummm...the game isn't going to be d/l from the web...you'll get in in a nice little box from the postal service. I can't say I disagree with you on the manuals though, I absolutely despise PDF manuals.
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I do not despise PDF manuals, but I'd rather want them in addition to a printed one. And it's true: I'm not very happy with the recent custom of not providing a printed manual at all. Going to Kinko's, or printing out at the office/home is quite inconvenient, and the result often shabby. I'd rather pay the manual extra.


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[steps up on soapbox]

While some may think that $25 dollars is too much, I have to take the opposite view. Some of the CRAP that I have shelled out $50 dollars for recently is one of the reasons that I have sworn off big-name games, at least until quality=price.

Did anyone here buy Civ III? Now, it is a fun game, and opinions seem to vary wildly on the game, but I personally would have rather paid at most $30, rather than the $50 I did pay.

Heroes of Might and Magic IV? Pretty to look at, but a bit light on the options. Again, $30 would have been better.

How about The Sims series? If you wanted to own the base game and all of the "expansions", it would cost you $140 dollars, or more!

So, the independant publisher who takes time to get their game right wants $25 for it? A game that might be one of those that keeps me up until 6am click the end turn button "just one more time?" It's a steal, my friends.

[/steps off of soapbox]

[ June 28, 2002, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Night Moves ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will pay for Hags Deed.

$50 A copy?

Just do it already!

You have something we want, and now you hold it from us becouse of some voo-doo b#!ll!

I have done all I can with the demo.

Just dont say you were going to come out with it but now???

Becouse I really dont care!

I no nothing about computers (even less about how to spell),Just a gamer and yours is the best in town.

so I will probly put little time in the demo and you and your game will just fade away.

If I get around to it I will check for any update on the full game in about six months.

Its been fun! later dates. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by waltero:

I will pay for Hags Deed.

$50 A copy?

Just do it already!

You have something we want, and now you hold it from us becouse of some voo-doo b#!ll!

I have done all I can with the demo.

Just dont say you were going to come out with it but now???

Becouse I really dont care!

I no nothing about computers (even less about how to spell),Just a gamer and yours is the best in town.

so I will probly put little time in the demo and you and your game will just fade away.

If I get around to it I will check for any update on the full game in about six months.

Its been fun! later dates. :rolleyes:

What the heck was that all about? Listen up, things have got to be fixed, so people can't hack the game like others have done. You say you're not? Great, but should they just release it to you? Relax, ease up, the game will be out soon, I'd give it a week or two, if that long. We know you're the demo master, you've told us all before. I think you can handle a little bit more time. Lord, if you attention span is that short how the heck do you manage to sit still for the 15-20 minutes you need to play the demo? :rolleyes:
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