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Scandanavian Surprise...A Strategic Command AAR (Pics Included)


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Previous Installments:

War Is Declared!

The Polish Campaign

October 15, 1939

Poland surrenders and USSR occupies eastern Poland.

I switched to version 1.29a, which will have a great impact on the Battle of the North Atlantic.

October 29, 1939

Before heading north to conquer Denmark and Norway, let’s take a look at the war map. With most of the ground units in Poland, it will require a couple months to prepare for the invasion of Norway. In the meantime, Denmark should pose few problems for our small ground force, supported by the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.

To start our drive to the north, a formal declaration of war is delivered to the Danish government. Our actions get the attention of the United States and the USSR, both of whom lodge formal complaints but seem unwilling or unprepared to act. The longer those two nations are kept out of the fighting, the better our chances will be to dominate all of Europe.


3rd Army races north, but is unable to reach the Danish capital. No matter, the cruiser Scharnhorst and Luftflotte I and II Air Fleets make short work of the stunned enemy garrison corps. The small enemy force is eliminated from the air and sea, leaving Copenhagen open to our advancing troops.


The Danish resistance was quelled much more easily than expected. Having an effective air force and navy sure does help when the land units cannot reach their targets. Now, preparations to invade Norway must be completed to stay on target for a February launch. 14th Army has received needed reinforcements to bring them back up to full strength. U-29 and U-30, despite supply shortages, are patrolling off the western coast of Ireland in an attempt to disrupt Allied shipping. Finally, orders are delivered to German Industries to improve the capacity and development time of war production and materials.

November 12, 1939

The Allies did nothing of consequence.

November 26, 1939

The goals are to continue preparing for the invasion of Norway while moving remaining units west to prevent an Allied incursion across the Rhine River.


-3rd Army marches triumphantly into the burning city of Copenhagen, further increasing the industrial output of Greater Germany.

-Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, and U-47 lead the landing force (Runstedt, 10th Army, and 4th Army) to the southern coast of Norway. They set up a screen to the west in order to allow the ground forces to disembark safely.

-Since there is not enough room in the landing areas for 8th Army, it is decided that they will rest and take reinforcements to be better prepared for the follow-up action in Norway.

-14th Army and XIX and XVI Panzer Tank Groups move west to bolster the line and prepare for the attack on the Low Countries and France.

-Bock, along with all the air units, redeploys to the north to provide cover for the fleet and the landing forces.

-U-29 and U-30 continue harassing Allied convoys off the west coast of Ireland. It is hard to tell if they are having any success, but they have not been discovered yet. So, it is best to keep them patrolling where they are until a suitable port becomes available for them to re-supply.

December 10, 1939

-Denmark surrenders! As a result, Mussolini is beginning to get envious of our progress. He may soon “join” us.

-U-29 ambushes the British battleship Rodney, inflicting moderate damage. However, the U-boat is badly damaged when the enemy ship rams it.

January 7, 1940

-After declaring war on Norway, we must get our troops ashore and into position for the capture of Oslo and its critical port facilities.

-Our U-boats in the Atlantic need to take cover. We can’t afford to lose them while there is still a chance to knock the British out of the war.

-Troops will continue moving to the west, but the goal is now to be ready to launch an invasion of the Low Countries no later than March of this year.


Runstedt, 4th Army and 10th Army hit the landing areas on the southern coast of Norway and move inland quickly to keep the enemy troops off balance. 10th Army secures the eastern flank, providing an anvil of sorts while 4th Army swings around to the west of Oslo and provides the hammer blow. With the aid of Luftflotte I and II Air Fleets, the Norwegian garrison is routed easily, leaving the capital ripe for the picking.


-10th Army moves quickly into Oslo and its port, giving our forces a much-needed supply source.

-Since Norway will likely surrender after losing Oslo, the planned reinforcements (8th Army and Luftflotte IV Air Fleet) will be diverted west to further strengthen our forces preparing to drive on Paris.

-U-29 and U-30 move at top speed to the icy waters of the North Atlantic, hoping to avoid further confrontations with the Allied surface fleets until a port can be secured for re-supply and repairs.

-In the continuing effort to be ready for the offensive to the west, XIX Panzer Tank Group is reinforced.

-A new HQ unit is organized to take control of key forces in the coming action. Manstein’s reputation as a top-notch strategist and leader precedes him. His influence will help assure a swift victory over the French.

[ May 06, 2002, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

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Looks like another walk in the park for the Germans, with the exception of the naval action. One wonders what the English and French are doing, besides watching the minors get gobbled up.

Good AAR. Any chance of getting a screen of an intel report? I'd love to see how much of your budget the new HQ devoured.

Version 1.29a? Hubert has been busy, if he is changing versions on you in midgame. One day, after SC is in our grubby little hands, it would be interesting to see a list of changes made during development, along with a commentary of why.

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Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

Looks like another walk in the park for the Germans, with the exception of the naval action. One wonders what the English and French are doing, besides watching the minors get gobbled up.

Good AAR. Any chance of getting a screen of an intel report? I'd love to see how much of your budget the new HQ devoured.

Version 1.29a? Hubert has been busy, if he is changing versions on you in midgame. One day, after SC is in our grubby little hands, it would be interesting to see a list of changes made during development, along with a commentary of why.


The Allies are trembling in fear. ;) Also, I am moving very fast and it is unlikely they are strong enough to do much of anything. That is the key to getting to a point where Sea Lion might actually have a chance.

As far as the intel report goes, the purchase screen does not list the prices. When you click on a unit, the price (along with other pertinent information) appears. If you'd like, I could make a list of the prices for German units.

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I'll second that request. Can we see some sort of accounting report? Income, expendetures, what research is being attempted, etc.? Do you have a plan as far as new units vs. points into reinforcing/overstrength of existing units? Resource management is (usually) at least half the battle when playing as the Axis.

Also, you state that "the Allies did nothing of consequence". Could you be more specific? It appears that France has moved some of its units from the border. Was that movement, or simply FOW? Does the game give you protests from other governments in the form of some sort of diplomacy screen?

Give us some more of the juicy details, man!

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Here is a list of the costs (in MPPs) of German units:

440 HQ-6 (Leeb, List, Busch, Weiss)

455 HQ-7 (Kluge, Model, Kleist)

470 HQ-8 (Rommel, Kesselring)

485 HQ-9 (Manstein)

125 Corps

250 Army

385 Rocket Detachment

325 Tank Group

400 Air Fleet

500 Strategic Bombers

660 Battleship

550 Cruiser

700 Carrier

358 Sub

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

I'll second that request. Can we see some sort of accounting report? Income, expendetures, what research is being attempted, etc.? Do you have a plan as far as new units vs. points into reinforcing/overstrength of existing units? Resource management is (usually) at least half the battle when playing as the Axis.

Also, you state that "the Allies did nothing of consequence". Could you be more specific? It appears that France has moved some of its units from the border. Was that movement, or simply FOW? Does the game give you protests from other governments in the form of some sort of diplomacy screen?

Give us some more of the juicy details, man!


I'll start adding more financial details to the AARs.

My plan for reinforcing and/or purchasing is planned well in advance. My goal is to create three army groups, each consisting of an HQ, an air unit, a tank group, and two armies. Also, there will be a reserve air unit and tank group supporting the army groups. During the raising of these forces, I'll be spending some MPPs on research and strategic/naval weapons. Once the groups are assembled, I plan to switch to a more balanced approach.

As far as the Allies lack of activity, the only information I was given during their turn was how many MPPs they collected. Also, FoW created the illusion that the French withdrew their troops from the border.

The only diplomacy information available is that found in the bottom right corner of the war map. The major countries that have yet to join the war have a percent listed. Once this number reaches 100%, they are in for the show. I am taking creative liberties with my refernces to Italy. The only thing that has changed is their percent increasing each time Germany conquers a country.

I hope that helps.

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If you'd like, I could make a list of the prices for German units.

I'd like. Nothing like a shopping list. smile.gif

Interesting that you went for upgrading your industrial capacity. I thought that your priorities might be geared more towards a quick victory rather than setting up for increased production for the long haul.

BTW, I'm toying with the idea of a fansite for SC, and I'd like permission to rip off, err, I mean use some of the screens that get posted here, along with linking to the forum and the SC site that BTS maintains. Any objections?

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Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

If you'd like, I could make a list of the prices for German units.

I'd like. Nothing like a shopping list. smile.gif

Interesting that you went for upgrading your industrial capacity. I thought that your priorities might be geared more towards a quick victory rather than setting up for increased production for the long haul.

BTW, I'm toying with the idea of a fansite for SC, and I'd like permission to rip off, err, I mean use some of the screens that get posted here, along with linking to the forum and the SC site that BTS maintains. Any objections?</font>

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Thanks again, SuperTed! We needed that badly. smile.gif

I support the petition for more insight in your economical expenditures (research etc.).

And now the inevitable "Straha-remarks" ;) :

What about the Baltic republics? They were included in the Hitler-Stalin pact (as was Bessarabia). The Russian army moved in in 1939 already, "elections" were held in 1940 leading to the incorporation into the Sovietunion. So will the Baltic states become Russian in 1940? smile.gif


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Originally posted by Straha:

Thanks again, SuperTed! We needed that badly. smile.gif

I support the petition for more insight in your economical expenditures (research etc.).

And now the inevitable "Straha-remarks" ;) :

What about the Baltic republics? They were included in the Hitler-Stalin pact (as was Bessarabia). The Russian army moved in in 1939 already, "elections" were held in 1940 leading to the incorporation into the Sovietunion. So will the Baltic states become Russian in 1940? smile.gif



You're welcome.

I have it on good authority the Baltic States will be seeing red before 1940 has ended. ;)

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Stirring triumph SuperTed!

You've revivified a fairly drear Sunday evening. :D

Where was the Royal Navy during all this, asleep at the tiller? Seems like they should have anticipated an invasion and sent out a couple of surface ships, or, are they planning a little sideshow up around Bergen, hmmmm?

Supply would be no problem, just depends if they want to risk an army or corps (it would cause Jerry to keep additional units in Norway a bit longer, thereby sparing France a little mayhem)instead of using this opportunity to send it along to Egypt... very interesting possiblities arise. ;)

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Greaaat AAR!!!

But: On your first screenshot (I think) I saw the European countries and their flags. The Yugoslav flag has a red star in the middle. This is not historically accurate, as the communists (bloody reds) didn't gain power in Yugoslavia until the end of the war or at least 1943. Now I have no idea how the flag looked in 1939, but there was definetly no red star there! Hubert should change that IMO since it is not correct.


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BTW, I'm toying with the idea of a fansite for SC, and I'd like permission to rip off, err, I mean use some of the screens that get posted here, along with linking to the forum and the SC site that BTS maintains. Any objections?

Agreed I think the idea would be fantastic! No problems linking to the forum, but if you use the screenshots all you've got to do is give credit to Battlefront.com and Fury Software. Again this sounds really good :D
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But: On your first screenshot (I think) I saw the European countries and their flags. The Yugoslav flag has a red star in the middle. This is not historically accurate, as the communists (bloody reds) didn't gain power in Yugoslavia until the end of the war or at least 1943. Now I have no idea how the flag looked in 1939, but there was definetly no red star there! Hubert should change that IMO since it is not correct.

Okay now I am really ashamed of myself considering my Slovenian/Yugoslavian roots :(

Anybody know what the Yugoslavian flag looked like in 1939, or perhaps a link?



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Speaking about flags, I was a bit upset to notice (in the warmap) that the Belgiums had overrun the Netherlands. If there had been fighting sure it would have gone the other way? (it took us just ten days to trounce them pretty good in 1839 :D )


[ May 08, 2002, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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Even though i am Dutch, i doubt that we would have won a ground war against Belgium in 1940!!!

We probably would have if we had prepared for it, but the Dutch were completly unprepared for war. Neutrality was our answer to all problems back then. As it had worked in WW 1, why wouldn't it work in the 1940's ??

Nah, in 1940 Belgium was a force to be reckoned with...our army was to outdated, and despite brave resistance, we held out for 5 days. Even without the threat of more terror bombing, we wouldn't have held much longer.


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