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To all player: If your opponent does not report his loss then immediately send him a msg or email. If he does not reply then post a complaint on the forum.

I cannot break my principles. If the winners should report then we would probably see ppl saying after 10-20 game. "Hey, i have only lost 11 games, not 12" and it would be hard for me to prove the oppsite, so that is why the loser should report.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The rules say the loser is suppose to report. BUT I won:

Rambo (Allies) beat Archibald (Axis) -200

And I hate to say it, but he just did it again...

Rambo (Axis) beat Archibald (Allies) - Poland on turn one and Low Countries on turn two. Omigod!!! :eek:

However we're playing again, and he's not finding Russia such an easy prospect - hur hur...

[ January 18, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Zapp --- I've beaten Archibald twice. Read his post. I won as Allies. Then did it as Axis. If you read too quick...Rambo should be 2-0. Thanks, please update the standings to reflect this.

We are actually in the middle of game #3.

If this thread gets too busy, you can always move standings to a new thread.

[ January 18, 2003, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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This is interesting, and this is ok. The bidding seems to mix it up though. I was dubious about it before, because I didn't really understand it. But if I do understand correctly, it's a play balance issue, and even a challenger issue, but when it's all over and done and said, it's a won-loss column (Which is Good!). Which include the conditions I have read earlier, yada yada.

I don't like the conditions of required play, but I understand. Still though I have work, writing, and new games to play (MOO3?). and stuff.

This makes me think that I will kick everyones asses, and still be at the bottom of this ladder, just above Rambo (my nemisis)

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wlweir signs in...

aka Private Cannon Fodder!

(Guaranteed* to bump you up 4 spaces).

*This only applies on Tuesdays, and if its raining north of the 73 parallel. And dark. And no way reflects the views of the host, or the non-host, or any other persons for that matter.

[ January 19, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: wlweir ]

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Where is the ladder kept? So one can view the positions on the ladder, and see where one stands.

By the way, I am curious about this ladder standing....

Say you have 3 players on the ladder.

Player A: 0-0

Player B: 0-3

Player C: 0-4.

How would this work out on the ladder? From my perspective, it should work out as C is above B is above A. As long as no one has even won.

But similarly....

Player A: 7-1

Player B: 10-2

Player C: 1-0.

How does this work out?

Is this a matter of who you challenge?

I am still puzzled by the ladder.

Brian the clueless

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