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Originally posted by Reepicheep:

Zapp, is PBEM acceptable for these games?

I have updated my rules now so that TCP/IP concerns all games. Sorry, but we do not want to mix up things so that ppl do not know which ppl that use PBEM and which ones that TCP/IP. The problem could also be if a PBEM becamse champ since most ppl would prefer TCP/IP and the champ status would be in question.
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posted January 15, 2003 10:08 AM

I would like to add a rule.

None of the Challengers may play the champion more than 1 time a week or not until all of the other challengers have had a chance to play the Champ. I don't want to constantly see Terif/Zap matches and not get a game in.

I would also like the reverse to be true All Challengers must play not rated's at least once a week or lose challenger status. Thereby stopping challengers from "Dodging" games so as too keep thier status. The one exception to this i would stipulate is if the Challenger has not had a shot at the title yet.

O and a recommendation on the PBEM issue. Why not let people PBEM but once they get into the Challenger or higher bracket they must play tcpip to keep the speed up.

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Hueristic. I could also include "fair game ratings" and "average MPP handicap" and wins/losses statistics when being axis and when being allies.

The problem is i would have to spend too much time updating the ladder so I do not feel like make that sacrifice. if any player is cheating or dodging others just because they want to be champion for a while then ppl will complain so his reputation will suffer. I am sure that everybody will have their shot at the title when they have advanced to challenger status.

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Dumb question: Is the bonus a one time thing?

Or is it every turn?

The bids seem extreme if its every turn, but not that significant if it's just a one turn bonus.

And, if it's just a one turn bonus, it just sounds like excellent. Whole new parameters and strategies open up.

(I know crap about the editing model - I only start even looking into that when, I need a change. Hell, I haven't even hardly started playing the other scenarios hardly).

All in all, great idea, zapp. I can't buy into it right now,due to time constraints. It would be unfair for the ladder.

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sign me up. can usually play a couple hours in the evening (EST). a small suggestion for ladder rankings. I got this off a yahoo site.

"How is my rung computed?

New ladder rungs are automatically computed after every game. If the higher-ranked player wins, no change occurs.

If the lower-ranked player wins, two things happen:

The winner moves up half the distance between the players' rungs.

The loser moves down one rung.

Example: Assume that Fred is at rung 10 and Mary is at rung 30. If Mary defeats Fred, Mary moves up to rung 20 (because 20 is halfway between 10 and 30), and Fred moves down to rung 11. The players who were at rungs 21-29 each move down one rung to make room for Mary. The player who was at rung 11 will move up to rung 10 to replace Fred."

Only bring it up in case the ladder get large and then a four player jump may not be enough. Another suggestion is that players must play at least one game in an agreed upon time or be removed from the ladder giving a reason for higher ranked players to play guys (or gals) at the bottom. See you on the cyber battlefield.

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I am looking for the Challengers from Zappswedens "Champion Ladder". If someone wants to play write it in the Opponent Finder Forum (Topic is already open) or send me e-mail.

Today (thursday) i have time from 2pm-4.30pm forum time. (i will be online at 2pm and check)

Friday: 6 am - 12 am and 2pm-5pm forum time.

Hueristic, this is your chance for a non Terif/Zapp match ;)

[ January 16, 2003, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Brad and I are in the middle of an intense game!

Its April 1942, he is axis and has invaded all axis minors (not turkey)

Mainland Vichy fell, but N. Africa still stands,

Gibralter fell.

Suez just fell.

The Line is Holding in Russia.

But I am not worried.

"...and the thunder came rushing down the frozen wastelands of the north...."

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

kenfedoroff, anyone is welcome. Just tell me u want to join and i will sign you up. smile.gif

I have had trouble hosting SC on my computer. Is it OK to join the SC Ladder if I can't host? I am not a computer/software expert. I am at a loss as to what to do about hosting problem. Heck, I am still having lock-ups when I hit "quit" button.



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Heres an Idea for the Rankings for this ladder.

# of wins/ Allied / Axis

0/ Private /Private

5 / Sergeant/Unteroffizer

10 / 2nd LT./Leutnant

15 / 1st Lt./Oberleutnant

20 / Captain /Hauptmann

25 / Major /Major

30 / Colonel /Oberst

35 /(1Star)Brigadier Gen./GeneralMajor

40 /(2star)Major Gen. /GeneralLeutnant

45 /(3star)LeutenantGen. /General der _______(*)

50 /(4star)General / GeneralOberst

55 /(5star)Gen.Of the Army/Generalfeldmarschall

60 / Supreme Allied Cmdr /Reichsmarschall

(*) Fill in blank with one of the following:

Infantrie, Jadgfleiger, Kamphfleiger, Panzerwaffe.

Perhaps this could be adopted by this ladder?

Put your rank in your Signature.

Some variation can be allowed as to fit your style.

As a 5 star General you can change it to Fieldmarshall or Marshall (depending on your Soviet/British Personality.

Any other British/Soviet substitutes for the Rubrick set above would be appreciated.


[ January 17, 2003, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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Hi Zappsweden, like against you I played two games with Hueristic as he wrote. He lost both: as Axis and Allied. So I have now 4 Victories in the Ladder :)

By the way, if someone wants to play a ladder game with me i have in general time from 4-12am forum time and from 2-4pm. E-mail or post in the Opponent Finder Forum...

[ January 17, 2003, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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