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The Hex/Tile Problem


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I read Ike's comments a bit late to add to the discussion as it is now been closed. I emailed Ike to congratulate him on his intelligent comments and he tells me that I was just one of many such emails to him. I am already resigned to Strategic Command ending - a real pity because it was such a great game. I have a group of 4 who meet at my house weekly to play games. No way would we be interested in a non hex wargame. Hubert!! - You did a superb job on SC1. Why are you wasting your time on this Tiled SC2?

Listen to your potential customers. Even at this stage you can surely drop your tiled version and come up with a game that people really want. We have all been caught with poor follow up versions of games (Port Royale 2, Lords 3 AOE 3 etc). I hope SC isnt going to end up like these games.

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1. I don´t think we have a "problem"

You like games with hexes. I like games with hexes. But the new one will have tiles. Well, no big deal for me.

2. Its way to late to change it . Its not only swaping a map : Its movement, combat rules etc. The decision for tiles was taken "years" ago. A little bit late to change it. Suggesting otherwise well I think you understand about programming even less then I do.

3. Battlefront always creates a demo of its game. You don´t have to buy the game blind as I will do. IMHO most sequels are messed up simply because a new developers team takes over an old title but simply has no clue what the first was all about. Hubert seems to listen regarding many suggestions fo the vocal SC crowd here. But a good developer knows when a features add to the fun and when not.

4. Why don´t you simply look up the old thread regarding tiles and hexes and look up the comments Hubert made there regarding Hexes ... There were some niffty pictures included to back up huis decision to go for tiles.

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I like hexes, too (and I lobbied for them).

But I LOVE "SC classic" and if the guy who developed that game (Hubert) says that he can make a better game if he uses tiles--well, folks, he's the expert.

And it's HIS game.

It's too late to change SC2, but it's too SOON to complain about it, don't you think?


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I certainly agree that when we play it we'll know. As has been said a number of times, the proof is in the game. Tiles or hexes would seem to be more of a matter of "display appearance" than a game function in and of itself.

There is some difference in how many squares or tiles someone can attack from (or must be defended) but it depends as well on "frontal". "flank" or "rear" attack modifiers if any. So the game should be able to handle it either way.

I too as an old time wargamer have a soft spot for hexes, but don't feel it has to be a required feature. The first games I remember had sqaures or rectangles, and you could even angle your pieces with-in them to determine your actual facing.

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Nice to read your comments - generally they were well written. I was hoping to get a really dopey comment like that guy who doesnt know what rockets are for when he says he cant break through strong points. Interesting about the original patches - I didnt know about that. My 1st version was 1.06 with one patch to follow. Perhaps Hubert can work on a hex patch for his new game

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Yogi has made a good point about "appearances".

Remember life's lessons about the misleading nature of "Appearances". Once the Earth was deemed as flat, because from our surface perspective it seems that way.

For a real life exercise, draw a large circle, it is round. Now take a small segment, a very small segment, from the circumference, and isolate it from the rest of the circle.

What do you observe? A straight line.

Its all about the illusion or the delusion you wish to maintain.

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It says TOAW has hexes and TOAW is old and slow.

What does HttR have, which is a better operational game than TOAW, ....newer, cutting edge, faster?

Old and reliable is Ok, but times change, the world is not flat, and the contemporary move is?

If you want to discover better, you have to explore, you can't be stuck in old and slow, and this is coming from a wiser, older, slower. ;)

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Originally posted by Ike99:

Very nice attempt at whitewash but if pictures speak a 1000 words, whats this one saying.....?


How about, classic 2d counters are much better than 3d graphics? At a glance, you know what they are, strength etc. I know that while I will switch back & forth a bit, I often prefer to play with the old classic counters.

Or are we still talking about hexes vs tiles?

[ February 20, 2006, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Yogi ]

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Originally posted by J P Wagner:

Looking at Blashy's latest pics really make me hope that a future update will allow a top down view option....I have no problems with the tiles at this point since you have to either live with it or not buy it, but I cannot stand the angled view....

This is war son. You don't ask how your enemy looks like or dress like when you are in the trenches. Just kill the son of a bitch!
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