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Supply Value

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For land units supply makes ~1/3 of their readiness and therefore = ~1/3 of their combat value/power (the other 2 parts are from strength points and HQ command). Therefore a good supply is important for battles.

Supply determines also how much reinforcements a unit can receive: only units with a supply >= 6 can reinforce to full strength (units out of supply cant be reinforced).

Additionally the action points (= movement) of a unit depend on supply: full action points (AP) with supply >=6 , minus 1 APs with supply 1-5 and only half APs when out of supply.

Your units get supply from cities, fortresses and HQs - in conquered territories (cities there only provide 5 supply without or 8 with a connection to the capital) you need HQs to get higher supply levels - and the HQs themselves need a city/fortress to trace their supply from it (within reach of a city/fortress they provide 8/10 supply, out of reach they also have only 5 supply).

Amphibious landings receive full supply in their starting turn. Near ports you also have the possibility to spend 10% of the unit costs to get a new/extra supply shipment for this turn (i.e. you transport and unload your unit, so you have full supply for one turn - disadvantage: it is expensive to order an additional supply delivery and you loose your entrenchment, so its only useful in some rare situations).

[ July 09, 2004, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Ok Terif please explain this:

Example I have just invaded Norway the hex just south of Bergen with 1 Army just south of it I land Alexander and just south of him I land another Army plus a Corp just south of him. I pound Bergen's German Corp with 1 Battleship 3 CVs and 1 Strat Bomber and 3 Long Range Air and attacking with my landed Army thus leaving the defender with 1 point to defend with that turn, in effect not taking the city. But on the very next turn my supply is dramatically reduced and my HQ can not supply my troops for stronger attacks, why???

This same similar thing happens to most in Egypt!

IMO mulberrys should be allowed in the game. they should either be purchased and be very expensive and restricted to just 3 for the allies(1US - 2UK).

What do you think Terif???

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I guess you mean a historical/realism explaination... ;) :

One turn in SC usually represents 1-2 weeks in real time. An invasion force starts with enough supply for a 1-2 week combat in their beachhead, but after this time they used up their provided supply and they need new supply from their home country. To bring in new supply they need to conquer an enemy city/port or have to bring/build their own supply possibility (HQ).

Besides command structures etc. a HQ also represents logistics, supply, support - and mulberrys during landings. So if you have not conquered a port/city to get in supply, you can bring in a HQ and you will get some supply (supply level 5) and therefore reinforcements through your beachheads (mulberrys...), but logically not very much and certainly not that much like the defender of a city (fully funcitonal port/supply via landroute)with his supply depots and intact supply lines.

However - in SC its better only to invade when you can conquer a city/port so you will get full supply via HQs for your units. As long as you didnt conquer a supply source in the enemy territory your forces are in danger to be thrown out/killed in their beachs - invasions without preparations/conquering a functional port/city very soon to bring in reinforcements/supply are dangerous and only successful against an unprepared enemy smile.gif .

[ July 09, 2004, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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