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PT II of Archibald (Allies)vs JerseyJohn (Axis)Ryder Cup PBEM Game.


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20 Sep 42


Smolensk has fallen after enduring the largest air-ground attack of the war. Nine luftflotten were identified at one point, which indicates that virtually the entire Luftwaffe is facing the Soviet Union.

Fascist forward elements have penetrated 100 kilometres south east of Smolensk, where fierce counter attacks are in progress to stop them.


Elsewhere, the Anglo-Americans are now ready for their next major operation.

[ September 13, 2003, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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18 Oct 1942


On the Eastern Front, all offensive activity is concentrated on the Smolenst Offensive. Army Group Kourland regroups while Army Group Center exploits the existing gap. After heavy preparation from the Luftwaffe, von Manstein's units advance, inflicting approximately 100,000 casualties upon the Soviets as the drive on Kharkov is initiated.

Elsewhere, Army Groups North and South consolodate their positions and replace losses from earlier actions.

Generaloberst Alfred Jodel assessing all fronts in a summary to OKH:

"Radio intercepts indicate that the British and Americans are preparing a second landing in the Mediteranean, which we believe to be an act of deception; in any case, the Italians are preparing for it -- they have to!.

"My staff has come to a different conclusion. If Stalin would be willing to permit it, which we doubt he would, American troops and more likely air units, would be used to bolster the Soviet defenses, which we believe are beginning to stretched thin.

"If not Russia, we believe the next most likely invasion target to be Western Europe, which we have prepared for, or perhaps Scandinavia, which we are also prepared to deal with should the need arise.

"There is an outside possibility that the Americans and British will launch invasions on either Spain or Turkey, which would be less able to render immediate assistance to. In Russia it is our present opinion that a determined offensive from our present positions will bring us to the Crimea before winter, cutting off all Soviet forces in the Ukraine.

"The armaments minister advises that aircraft production has been unable to keep pace with combat attrition and the Luftwaffe has, of necessity, begun relying on formerly retired JU 87s for ground support missions. Fieldmarshal Milch reports that this presents no immediate problem but should be corrected as quickly as possible. It is recommended that the Luftwaffe be temporarily disengaged in Russia and refitted as new aircraft become available."

[ September 13, 2003, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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18 Oct 42


In a gigantic aerial offensive, the RAF, USAAF, the Fleet Air Arm and the Free French Armee de l'air have destroyed the Italian army garrisoning Palermo and damaged the corps stationed immediately to the south east.

An American Army is now off the southern coast of Sicily preparing to land. Time is running out for Mussolini.


In the Soviet Union, the massive Fascist offensive is being bitterly contested. Their progress is slow, and requires massive aerial support to move forward at all.

Their intention seems to be to drive south from Smolensk for the Crimea and cut off the Ukraine from the rest of the USSR. Plans are in hand to prevent this.


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Operation Fickle Friend, The Invasion of Spain, Is Launched!

Still chafing at Franco's betrayal of the Axis and eager to deny England Iberian trade, Hitler urges his partner to finally initiate the invasion they'd first discussed months earlier. German and Italian armored units break easily through the border defenses and, with some assistance from the Luftwaffe, destroy the First and Second Spanish Armies.


With catastrophic losses hitting Italy at every turn, Mussolini gives his most impassioned speech in years from his Rome balcony.

"Spain accepted our gold, accepted our weapons and even accepted thousands of our volunteers. We deprived ourselves of that which we needed to help the ingrate Franco with the understanding that, if we ever needed his held he would be there for us.

"And now we need his held, we need him to take Gibraltar and cut the British and Americans off from our Mediterannean Sea. Has he done that? No! Has he joined us in our noble fight for survival? No! What has he done? Well, people of Italy, I'll tell you what he's done; he's entered into to trade with the British and Americans and has even agreed to join them!

"The time has come to show our resolve once more, as we did in Yugoslavia and Greece, and will do again in recovering our lost African colonies!"


In Russia Germany destroys two more Soviet corps and in the process advances 100 kilometers farther south, taking an important mining area in the process.


[ September 14, 2003, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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15 Nov 42

In a staggering volte face of foreign policy, the Axis powers have launched a surprise blitzkrieg on Spain with a powerful Italo-German armoured force. After the initial shock, Spain is beginning to resist fiercely. A defence line has been formed around Madrid, and a Free French corps has arrived from Gibraltar to assist. More help from the Allies is en route.


Ironically a large contingent of reinforcements for the Blue Division in Russia were being cheered off from Madrid railway station as news of the first Axis attacks came through. General Estaban Infates, who was to travel to Russia to take over command of the division, made the following embittered statement:

"We were to embark on a crusade to fight the godless. Now we find that our so-called brothers-in-arms are no less godless. This is the blackest day of betrayal in our proud history."

Tearing off the Iron Cross personally awarded him by Hitler, he swore to stop the invaders or die trying.


While Spain has been attacked, the Anglo-Americans launched Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily. With the help of massive air support the Italian army and corps in Scily have been destroyed. An American army is ashore and General Bradley has set up his headquarters in Palermo.


The hard pressed Soviet Union is still making the Fascists pay for every inch of ground. Although adjustments have had to be made, the line is still holding. With Soviet infantry now at L2, the Fascists will find it even harder to make progress.

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Late November 1942

Despite devoting 30% of all it's (full capacity!) research to heavy tanks almost since the Fall of France, German designers, for some unfathomable reason, can't progress any further than 1939 technology. Well, the Germans never were particularly good at things like science, technology and engineering, were they? ;)


The Axis takes posession of evacuated Bilbao, flanks Madrid and also Valencia, which is about to have an American Army become imprisoned there.

IL Duce visits the Front Lines near Madrid to be photographed for the Italian press. Afterwards he returns to Italy to deliver a radio address on the fall of Sicily before flying to Berlin for strategy conferences with the Fuhrer. On a quiet walk he confides, "Whether I am personally filled with courage or fear is unimportant. The only thing that truly matters is that the Italian people see me confident and wearing my uniform at the scene of battle. They have already sufferred greatly and cannot sacrifice much more."




Mussolini addresses the nation: "These thieves have come uninvited to our Beautiful Land. They have taken Sicily from us through the use of American gangsters working with the Mafia which we have done so much to destroy! I promise you hard times ahead, but afterwards we shall be like the Romans of Old, with an Empire unimagined even by our greedy, thieving enemies!"


Germany reorganizes in Russia and conducts an orderly tactical withdrawal in the extreme Northeast.

[ September 14, 2003, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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13 Dec 42


The Axis have committed major resources to the attack on Spain. At least six Italian and German armoured formations, two German armies, and two luftflotten have been spotted. Allied reinforcements are hurrying to assist, with an American army having landed to defend beleagured Bilbao, where a desperate counter attack has destroyed a panzergruppe.


In Italy the Americans have crossed the Straits of Messina and now have an army ashore in Calabria. They have yet to meet any resistance.


The Soviet Union is in the grip of winter and the Fascist offensive has stalled yet again. The Soviet Army launches the usual spoiling attacks and uses the time to build up it's strength,

[ September 15, 2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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February 1943

Madrid Falls

Franco and his diehards continue fighting despite the loss of Bilbao and the Capital.


Photograph taken from an intercepting ME 262 of one of several masses of American and British bombers saturation bombing Panzer Group Hoepner into oblivian.


Though blessed with brilliant aircraft designers, German armaments haven't been quite as lucky on the ground. Despite racking their brains for three and a half years since the start of this war, German tank designers haven't thought of anything since the Panzer IIIs and IVs used in 1939. Short barrels, low velocity ordinance . . .. The Fuhrer expressed it this way, "I pay these guys!"


[ September 16, 2003, 01:39 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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7 Feb 43


The Free French in Madrid fought till they were overwhelmed by massive Italo-German forces. Their example has inspired the Spanish, who have continued fighting under Franco's impassioned leadership. Two Spanish corps are cut off north of Madrid, but are refusing to surrender to "The Betrayers".

Meanwhile, a large Anglo-American relief force is landing from Gibraltar.


In Calabria, the American army advances again and destroys an Italian corps south west of Bari. Three Italian armies have been identified in and around Rome and Bari as Mussolini's regime desperately tries to hold on without German support. The ordinary Italian soldier seems to have lost enthusiasm for the fight, and Italy's collapse cannot be far off.



The RAF and USAAF have now reached technical parity with the Luftwaffe. Macchi MC202s trying to repel the American advance were easily repelled by the advanced Gloster Meteor; Britain's new wonder jet. The United States now have the similarly advanced Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star in service.

Bad news for Goering's Messerchmitt boys!


With Fascist attention elsewhere, the Soviet Union is quiet this winter. Local attacks have been made on Fascist advance units south of Smolensk, while in the north the line has advanced north of Vologda. Luftwaffe units have been moved close to the front line, so another large offensive may be in the offing.

[ April 27, 2004, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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March 1943

With the destruction of it's two corps north of Madrid the people of Spain oust the usurper Regime of the treacherous Francisco Franco and surrender to the Italian representitives in Madrid.

Franco and his family were last seen in the south of the country heading for the safety of the American general Patton's HQ near Gibraltar.


Famed long distance flyer and the conquerer of Yugoslavia, Greece and Spain, Marshal Italo Balbo, is appointed Commander of all Axis forces in Italy.


General Estaban Infates, gravely wounded leading his troops north of Madrid, has been moved, along with his entire family, to a military hospital in Munich. He is reportedly in guarded condition, with a detatchment of SS men protecting him round the clock from Bolsheivik and British assassins.

Surrounded by his wife, children and grandchildren, he told a Gestapo spokeman in front of newsreel cameras,

"I understand now that Germany and Italy were acting against Franco and not the Spanish people. We must stand as one against Godless Bolsheivism and also ... British exploitation and ... also against America's meddling aggression, they ought to mind their own business and leave the affairs of Europe to those of us who live here."

After which the General fell back against his pillow, exhausted. The Gestapo commentator finished the newsreel

"Thank you General, and now you must have more rest. Yes, it is a lucky man who has so large and devoted a family that comes to pray at his bedside. A family that wishes to see him well and that the general wishes to take good care of and to see they remain cared for and safe, in Germany. A family that wishes to see no harm come to the beloved general, and we are sure the general should not like to have any harm visited upon his beloved family. As a precaution against assassination, the general's entire family has been placed under the personal protection of SS Reichs-Protector Heydrich.

"And so, we in the Reich celebrate the return of our 'Iberian Tiger' and hope for his speedy return to full health, that he may once again lead his brave Spaniards in Russia."

In Russia the Luftwaffe launches a massive bombing campaign against Soviet forces north of Kiev, attacks by the Wehrmacht on the bombed positions result in the destruction of one corps and the mauling of another but without actual progress being made toward the city. Elsewhere German units are reinforced and reorganized.

[ September 16, 2003, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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21 Mar 43


After four months of stout resistance, the Spanish Army was unable to fight on any more, and have reluctantly surrendered to the Invaders. General Infates was true to his word; he died fighting to the last in the pocket north of Madrid. German reports that he was captured are nothing but a desperate lie!

In southern Spain, the Americans launch a counter attack on Panzergruppe Schoerner, and all but destroy it.


General Franco has moved the legitimate Spanish government to Algeciras.


One of the Royal Navy's most advanced submarines is en route from Liverpool just in case...



In Italy, Balbo is now an air marshal without an air force. In a gallant but unequal struggle north of Rome the Regia Aeronautica was totally destroyed by RAF Meteors. Near Bari, an Italian army is reduced to 40%.


With the spring thaw in progress, the Fascists have made no headway at all with their latest offensive despite massive air support. Soviet losses were quickly made good.

[ September 16, 2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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4 April 1943


Italian forces have liberated Valencia from the American invaders.

General Estaban Infates, mistakenly reported by American propagandists to have died in the fighting north of Madrid, succumbed from his wounds while convalescing from surgery in a Munich military hospital. Before his death the esteemed general said he had been deceived by Franco and that all true Spaniards should wholeheartedly join the Axis Crusade against Bolsheivism. The General was buried in the snow capped Pyranees with the full honors befitting a Hero of The Reich!

Axis forces of Army Group von Bock have utterly destroyed the United States 1st and 4th Armies in attacks from Valencia to the outskirts of Gibratar, filling German P.O.W. camps to near overflow conditions. There is believed to be one American Army remaining in Spain, along with an unidentified British corps and American reserve troops occupying Gibraltar itself along with General George Patton's HQ. An American Air Fleet was also made contact with northeast of Gibraltar and a British Carrier Task Force was observed within it's harbor.

In Russia, renewed attacks Notheast of Kiev have destroyed two more Soviet corps; the Wehrmacht did not, however, advance into the devastated battlefield.

[ September 16, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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18 Apr 43


In their first major encounter with the Wehrmacht the US Army have learned some very hard lessons. A new anti-armour doctrine devised by general Patton has been quickly adopted


These new tactics made possible the destruction of a panzergruppe in the course of an orderly withdrawal towards Gibraltar. Allied air power in North Africa has been increased to counter the imminent threat from the north.

In Italy, the RAF have pounded Balbo's HQ almost to destruction.


HMS Resolution has taken the war to the Italians in the Adriatic and inflicted 40% damage on Andrea Doria. The last stand of the Regia Marina is imminent.


The battle of attrition in the Ukraine continues. The Fascists are paying a heavy price for their slow adavance. Plentiful Soviet units are hurrying to the front to repel them.

Stalin is leading us to victory!

[ September 16, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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May 1943

In Italy the Italian 1st and 5th Armies attack from their defensive positions, destroying the United States 2nd Army! The Italian 10th Army attacks past Naples, coming into contact with the renegade French air fleet and the American General Omar Bradley's HQ near Salerno.

In Spain, the Italian 1st and 2nd Tank Groups, supported by German and Italian air fleets, advance east of Gibraltar and destroy the United States 3rd Army! South of Madrid the Axis forces regroup and reinforce for the the assault on the fabled Iberian Rock.

The abwehr reports heavy concentrations of British and American air fields in North Africa, the Italian toe and Sicily, as well as British aircraft carriers operating in the Western Mediterannean. Thank you Admiral Canaris for this timely information!

In Russia SS Panzergroup Dietrich has broken through northeast of Kiev after further serious losses have been inflicted upon the Soviets.

Soviet interceptors have been encountered for the first time in the Ukraine.

The remnants of the Italian Navy is engaged in a vicious battle in the Adriatic against superior British and American task forces. They have counterattacked bravely but fight with little hope of either success or survival.


The United States has entered this European War without provocation and has paid a heavy toll for the misadventure of it's leaders. To date three American Armies have been destroyed in Spain and another in Italy.

Despite the fact that American bombers have wantonly ravaged the homes of innocent civilians across southern Europe, the German and Italian military has treated the many tens of thousands of U. S. prisoners of war with all due considerations, according to the agreements of the Geneva Convention.

[ September 16, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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16 May 43



The damaged Andrea Doria proved no match for the modern guns of USS Massachusetts, and has joined the rest of the Italian surface fleet on the seabed. HMS Resolution has used the opportunity to withdraw from the Adriatic for repairs.


Allied Expeditionary Force Spain has been withdrawn after heavy losses inflicted on the untried US Army. A British corps is now holding Gibraltar. Franco, to his chagrin, has had to evacuate Algeciras and has been transported, by submarine, to Spanish Morocco.


The surprise defeat of the US Army in Calabria has been saved by the tireless efforts of RAF Meteors flying extensive ground attack missions and destroying the pursuing Italian army.

In the Soviet Union, the battle for the approaches to Kiev contnues, with the Fascists making little progress.

[ September 16, 2003, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Late May 1943

The Italian Tenth Army is destroyed for the third time by intense Allied bombing raids in Southern Italy. Elements of the unit have begun rebuilding to the north.

In Russia German Attacks have destroyed another Soviet corps and reduced the Kiev Garrison to 10% it's full strenth in hard fighting that fell short of capturing the Ukranian Capital.


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13 Jun 43


USS Massachusetts, despite substantial damage, crippled the Regia Marina's submarine force in the course of her fighting withdrawal from the Adriatic..


The coup de grace to the battered submarine fleet was given by Bristol Blenheims of the Free French Air Force.


In southern Italy the RAF have continued their relentless attacks, destroying the elite Italian 1st Army.


In the Ukraine the Fascists are now in the northern suburbs of Kiev. Fierce counter attacks are being launched against them, and for the first time the VVS is intercepting the Luftwaffe.

[ September 16, 2003, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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20 June 43

Axis Declares War on Portugal, Italian Forces Take Lisbon, Portugal Surrenders. Gibraltar Taken! Kiev Taken, Breakthrough in the Ukraine!


Portuguese Leader Salazaar is asked for the last time to join the Axis and he refuses. In a desperate effort to avert an invasion, he is requested to cease trading with the British and Americans and to bar the entry of their sabateurs and other agents, which he further refuses to comply with. Faced with no other alternative, Germany and Italy Declare War on Portugal.

Lisbon is attacked by German 11th and 15th Armies, bombed Luftflotte II and further attacked by the 2nd Italian Tank Group. It's garrison destroyed, the 1st Italian Tank Group enters the city and accepts the country's surrender.

But the main event on the Iberian Penninsula takes place at Gibraltar, where an intense Luftwaffe bombardment is combined with attacks by Panzergroups Hoth, Manteuffel and Shoerner to destroy the British Garrison Corps. The 9th German Army moves through the city and takes possession of the renowned mountain fortifications, which had already been partially destroyed by it's defenders before surrendering.

In Russia, Fieldmarshal Erich von Manstein's Army Group Center has at last taken Kiev and forced a breakthrough behind the Soviet lines. Though hard fighting is certain to follow, OKH feels certain that the Eastern Tide is soon to turn in Germany's favor.

[ September 16, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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27 Jun 43

Despite experiencing the blackest days of the war to date, the Allies have struck back and inflicted telling blows on the Axis.


In Italy, fierce RAF attacks destroy the remaining two Regia Aeronautica air fleets. Mussolini now has only his army left. An American army is in position to land south of Rome.


In the Soviet Union the fall of the Hero City Kiev is met by fierce counter attacks against the Fascist spearheads. For the first time the Soviet Union's advanced T34-76s are unleashed in battle. The lead Italian corps and Panzergruppe Guderian take 80% and 90% casualties respectively. In another attack near Odessa the Rumanian 3rd Army takes 30% casualties.


With the USSR fully committed to research, good news has arrived about industrial production. With recent advances in mass production taking it up to level five, the Soviet Union now has the most advanced industry in the world.

[ September 17, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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4 July 1943

Their numbers ever dwindling by constant battle, a squadron of Germany's elite jet fighter pilots taxi to takeoff in the Ukraine.


Flying innumerable sorties against Soviet Sturmovicks and other obsolescent propeller craft, the Luftwaffe's strategy of luring Soviet interceptors into costly battles before striking at their airfields resulted in massive losses to the defending Russians in both men and aircraft; it is believed that a full third of Stalin's Air Force was destroyed in these actions.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of the Luftwaffe, Adolph Galland, warns that his pilots must be reinforced and rotated more often to maintain their peak capabilities.

In Italy Axis forces rebuild and in Spain they reorganize for the expected Allied invasion.


[ September 17, 2003, 05:41 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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11 Jul 43


In the Luftwaffe's first major defeat of the war, two luftflotten have been destroyed south of Madrid by combined attacks from the RAF and the USAAF. The remaining luftflotte in Spain has been heavily damaged.

In Italy the American army in position to land south of Rome has instead landed near Bari and moved to isolate it from the rest of Italy. With the support of the RAF, USN and the Fleet Air Arm the army garrisoning Bari has been totally destroyed. The city, with little hope of relief, awaits it's liberators.

In the Ukraine more fierce counter attacks have been launched against the bloody Fascist advance. Both the German XV Army and the Italian XII Corps have taken 80% losses. Similar attacks have been launched on the western approaches to Odessa.


Comrade Stalin has now released the Soviet Union's Siberian reserves, which are now moving to engage the invaders as their invasion reaches it's high tide mark.

[ September 17, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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It's manpower exhausted, Hitler draws the line when his next class of draftees is made up of nine year olds! Mussolini is puzzled as he's been drafting nine year olds for from the start.


< Click Here for WW II Propaganda recording "Dear Adolf" courtesy of my friend Disorder. >

The Axis can't contend with the Allied air power in the Mediterannean, especially combined with the growing USSR forces.

My take on the game is I lost it by wasting too much time in Scandinavia. Norway and Sweden should have been taken much more quickly than they were. Instead of sending two airfleets in support four should have been used. Having taken too long in Norway, I jumped the gun on Sweden, invading before more than a single German Army was in place when three others were only one turn away. Instead of speeding things up, this impatience wound up slowing things down with unneccesary casualties.

In the Mediterannean the Italian fleet was caught near Tobruck by a much more powerful UK force heading east from Malta. Most of Italy's ships were lost during the ensuing battle and that was the end for them.

The first thing I'd have done differently here, having already built a large Luftwaffe, would have been to operate several German air fleets to Sicily to take Malta, which was held by the Free French air unit.

In the East, Barbarossa got off to a slow start because a key HQ and four armies were still bogged down in Sweden! The Russian invasion, despite taking Leningrad, Riga, Smolensk, Minsk and Kiev, never quite got off the ground.

The Axis seemed to have promise again when it conquered Spain and Portugal and took Gibraltar, but by then the UK and American air forces, combined with the three UK carriers, were too powerful to contend with.

My final plan was to put Russia on hold after taking Odessa, and go for the UK. Having sealed off an unknown quantity of Allied fleets in the Mediterannean, the next step was to establish six or seven L=4 Luftflottes in Flanders and hit Great Britain. Launching a small Barbarossa force to occupy the presumably vacant London --it's garrison already destroyed by air attack -- followed quickly by an HQ and reinforcements to take Manchester as the luftflottes destroyed the defenders in front of the invading ground units.

I don't know what was actually guarding Britain and didn't anticipate this plan taking the country, it's true purpose would have been to force a shift of Allied air from the Mediteranean to Britain itself. Which would have allowed Italy to be built up again.

Probably I could have held out at least a year in game time, but dragging these things out has never appealed to me.

Congratulations Archibald on a Great Game and an Even Greater AAR. If I have to lose I don't feel so bad doing it this way.

[ September 17, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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