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Delaying Russian DOW in 1.06


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I am currently playing against CVM in the SC Christmas Tournament and was lucky enough to delay Russia's entry until April 1942. I did this by resisting the urge of invading any neutral countries with an exception of the Low Countries. I did this hoping that Russia would not enter the war at all. In the end Russia did enter and the United States seems to be preparing for war as well. If you ask me I don't think its worth the lost MMPs that it takes to delay the USSR's entry, because when the USSR does declare war and you do not have the extra MMPs backing you, Russia can easily out produce earily on. I DO NOT recommend this tatic unless the you are ready to go on the offensive on the onset of war.

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Here we have a good example for one of Jersey Johns Ten or Twelve Permanent and Unmovable Forums. This sjubject had been already discussed in detail. I delayed russian entry until oct 1942 once, simply mass your war machine along the border and the bolshevists will have the jitters. That means they wont declare war and axis has enough time to build up. When the conflict finally breaks out, a skilled german player can nearly be unstoppable. Not only against AI

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

I am currently playing against CVM in the SC Christmas Tournament and was lucky enough to delay Russia's entry until April 1942. I did this by resisting the urge of invading any neutral countries with an exception of the Low Countries. I did this hoping that Russia would not enter the war at all. In the end Russia did enter and the United States seems to be preparing for war as well. If you ask me I don't think its worth the lost MMPs that it takes to delay the USSR's entry, because when the USSR does declare war and you do not have the extra MMPs backing you, Russia can easily out produce earily on. I DO NOT recommend this tatic unless the you are ready to go on the offensive on the onset of war.

Grrr, dont listen to him!!!! I want---erhm, i mean its ok not to invade any extra countries.

But seriously though, The Krauts need Norwegian MPPs to last any amount of time with Russia.


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Is it inevitable that the USSR enters the war?

In my current game (vs. the AI of course) I am in August 1941 and France is still holding back Germany. I am using every Allied resource to defend France; as the Allies, I invaded the Lows. The USSR is steady at 50% and the US only at 4% (or was it 6%?). For a while the US was at -6%, and I wondered: if I went on a rampage as the Allies, invading several neutrals, could I drive the US to -100%, and make the Americans join the Axis?

And another thing I never heard answered: will the AI Axis ever Sea Lion? Everyone here that posted said they’d never seen it happen, and I guess that’s all the evidence that we have available, but my impression is that the theoretical question remains open. I might see it happen in this game if France falls, because Britain is sacrificing everything to defend the continent.

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Originally posted by satchel:

And another thing I never heard answered: will the AI Axis ever Sea Lion?

I have never seen the AI go for Britian Proper, but I have seen several instances of them going for Gibraltor and Malta if you leave the unoccupied. Also Tunisia.

Maybe someday down the line if I get time I will leave the British Isles undefended and see if the AI will go for it.

Silly AI.

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Originally posted by satchel:

Is it inevitable that the USSR enters the war?

For a while the US was at -6%, and I wondered: if I went on a rampage as the Allies, invading several neutrals, could I drive the US to -100%, and make the Americans join the Axis?

OK now u have me wondering i'm going to try it. BRB
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OK first turn i declared war on every country on the board allowed and it brought USA to -163. USSR could have cared less Lol. funny they only collect 502 with all nuetrals somehow i thought it should be higher. Guess they really need france and polands mpp's. Well i did like 10 turns and usa stayed at -163 but never joined axis smile.gif

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Originally posted by Hueristic:

OK first turn i declared war on every country on the board allowed and it brought USA to -163. USSR could have cared less Lol. funny they only collect 502 with all nuetrals somehow i thought it should be higher. Guess they really need france and polands mpp's. Well i did like 10 turns and usa stayed at -163 but never joined axis smile.gif

I just get an ugly mental picture of Hitler sending a "Thank You" letter to Chamberlain.

And then all the Minor countries mobilizing their armies under the cries of "YIPES, Britian has gone colonial again!"

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Originally posted by Hueristic:

OK first turn i declared war on every country on the board allowed and it brought USA to -163. USSR could have cared less Lol. funny they only collect 502 with all nuetrals somehow i thought it should be higher. Guess they really need france and polands mpp's. Well i did like 10 turns and usa stayed at -163 but never joined axis smile.gif

As Germany expands, US percentage (as well as USSR) goes up. Since US percentages are so far back, it will obviously be impossible for the US to come in as there is no territory left for the GErmans to attack other than Russia. But there is a second mechanism where odds go up and that's time. AFter mid '41 you should notice a rise in percentage each turn (for both the US and USSR)whether or not the Germans even move a unit. Of course starting from -163 it'll be a while before all the players are in the game.
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Originally posted by Hueristic:

Dammit i should have never done this now i'm trying to win this stupid game. I can't stop!! Somebody STOP Me ;)

"Hueristic, my fine fellow, you did us a good turn and now we're returning the favor. Stop driving yourself insane with that stupid game and join us."

"Oh yes, Heuristic, we've heard your appeal for help and we really would be so pleased if you came to the party!"

"Yes old chap, this time it is you who are needed elsewhere."


[ December 26, 2002, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JerseyJohn, oh my.

Let me clarify a couple of points. It was June 1941, not August, in the game situation I described above. And when I returned to the game after work yesterday, the USSR’s percentage, though still at 50% (of course), shot up very quickly every turn, until they had joined the war by August ’41. So the situation went from looking very unusual to something standard.

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