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AAR, Z-League : Rambo (Axis) versus Comrade Trapp (Allies)

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Bid is 225. Rambo get the Axis.

Haven't played Comrade for awhile so he might have something new in store for me. I'm a little buzzed from the Sport's bar drinking tonight, but I do have some hot wings to sober the situation.

Turn #1:

DOW on Denmark, with shore bombardments & German Corp marching towards Cophenhagen. Ground forces assault Poland, while the cream of the German Army are sent to the West. Only one air attack & that is against Cophenhagen.

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Turn #2:

It's Rambo at his best. LC is smashed, Denmark heavily damage, & Warsaw destoryed & surrounded. After the successful ground combat, I get careless in the Atlantic & introduce both subs the Royal Navy with surprise combat. UK has alot of ships West of Ireland.

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I haven't played anyone in about 3 weeks so I'm sure I'll be making quite a few mistakes.

Turn 1: Polish forces cut off German units that are surrounding Warsaw, Canadian army sent to aid the French. Royal Navy carriers destroy 2 German subs north of Ireland.

Turn 2: Germany invades Low Countries and quickley secure captial, weak attack on French lines. Canadian army arrives in France.

[ July 03, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Turn #3:

Denmark attacked & they surrender. Warsaw is captured & Axis catch a MAJOR break, Poland surrenders with only 1-unit killed!

With the great news in the East, German forces attack the West Ardennes. Damaged is caused, but no kill.

Turn #4:

Germans learn their lesson NOT to attack the Ardennes. Instead ground units supported by Air destroy French Army Northwest of those woods. We catch another break by cutting off a French Army. German corp occupies "The Elbow" (4-hex shore bombardment hex).

We are only 2-hexes from Paris, look the Legend might break out early.

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Turn 4: GERMANY GETS LUCKY, I have half the German Army cut off in Poland, control one German city and would have captured another the next turn. German forces attack the Polish forces (minus 1 corp lost in defence of Warsaw) and are completely repelled with no losses. But the Polish surrender.

German forces pour through the French lines but are halted by the Canadian 1st Army 2 hexs from Paris. French forces launch a crushing counter-offensive destroying a German army and one corps. A French corps leaves the Maginot Line and attacks a airfleet on the German-LC border reducing it to 6.

[ July 03, 2003, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Feb. 1940 --- Ouch! I got over extended & lost an Army & Corp. It doesn't make the Germans happy, but it did motivate the Italians to join the frenzy.

I've lost 2-units but the "Wind is to my Back". Lets play agressive...German Pilots fly sorties over the Channel & attack RAF!!!

Sidenote: My Margarita is ready smile.gif Don't forget the salt.

[ July 03, 2003, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Turn 5: Its nearing the end for France, 2 French armies, 2 French corps, and a Canadian army attack a German army on the French border reducing it to one. Germany seems to be investing alot into the Luftwaffe, he now has 5 airfleets. Italy invades but is stalled in the mountians of southern France.

[ July 03, 2003, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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March 1940 --- German Army takes alot of damage, down to strength-1, but survives! RAF was too damage to finish the job.

Panzer units from Southern part of M-Line get all the way to Paris & attack. Italians get cutoff, but no problem, the country side is swarming with Nazis.

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Turn 6: German troops attack Paris from 3 directions but inflict very little damage, 2 French armies attack 2 German airfleets, 1 airfleet is destoyed with the help of the RAF. Canadian army takes 50% losses and is withdrawn. The 2 cities of northern Italy are occpied by the French.

[ July 03, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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April 1940 --- I lost an Air Fleet in Brussels!!! But once again, I don't care. The time schedule has been my goal.

Ground forces trash Paris. Generals Boch, Manstein, & Rundstedt declare victory in France. Paybacks from WW-I have been accomplished.

Italians plan their own agressions, with the caputre of Malta. Units arrive near Suez.

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Turn 7: France falls. For once luck is on my side, the Canadian army makes it out just in time, and a number of French ships have turned Free French. These will defiently help if Axis forces choose to Sealion. Only a corps has been left in Egypt to put up token resistance, extra mpps used to help strenghen the British Isles.

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May 1940 --- The French Campaign is over. Never saw the Royal Navy since it trashed my Atlantic subs, so UK ships are at 100%.

I did lose: Army, Corp, & Air by over extending, but I did get Paris in April 1940.

Italians are building up & hoping to make gains in Egypt.

Game is saved. Too many Margaritas, chicken nuggets were good & spicy.

til next time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Legend out

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Turn 8: Italy lands 2 armies in Egypt where they run into one corps of the French Foreign Legion guarding Alexandria. All is quite up north, the British prepare for a possible German attack from the air and sea. No luck in jet tech as of yet, but I'm hopeful.

Rambo was too buzzed to continue so we quit for the night, I guess the wings didn't help any.


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Feb. 1941 --- 3 German Luftwaffe fighters eliminate UK commandos in Bergen, will have to march ground forces to capture.

West of Spain, UK cruiser Hood is sent to the bottom of the Atlantic after it ran into a pair of Nazi U-Boats.

At the Rock, UK naval forces venture in the Med. Sea to damage Italy warship, but it's only damaged. UK cruiser Warspite is sunk, another UK naval ship damaged. UK carrier sits to the West of the Rock.

The UK corp west of Brussels is also destroyed, good turn for Germany.

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