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The "Instant" build feature...

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Okay, imagine this scenario:

Germany does pretty much what it did in OTL (our

time line); Norway/Low Countries/France/Balkans.

The British player, noting that most German units

are being moved east for the invasion of Russia,

shifts the bulk of its forces (navy/army/air force)

into the Med to force a showdown with Italy. But

an astute British player might note that the Germans

aren't buying anything, and are using their MPPs

solely to reinforce units battered in the invasion

of France...

May 1941 rolls around, and all of a sudden all those

unspent MPPs that the Fuhrer was saving up get used!

2 BBs, a CA, 1 CV, a few subs, and 2 additional

air fleets (and maybe a bomber). Several units which

had been lurking on the eastern front get sent

westward in a hurry (costing maybe 150 MPPs for op.

movement). Sea Lion is launched in June, and the

British get caught with their knickers down.

I'm not sure I like that-it has some good and bad

aspects. It will make for a more freewheeling game

(i.e. fun factor), but unlike in other games (CoS

and WiF which both had build queues) you won't be

able to plan in accordance with what your enemy is

building. The Brits will be in an anxiety-inducing

state of uncertainty if the Jerries are saving lots

of MPPs. Of course this worm can turn later in the

game if the Brits build 5 bombers and Germany's

interceptors are all on the Russian front...

John DiFool

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Okay, imagine this scenario:

Germany does pretty much what it did in OTL (our

time line); Norway/Low Countries/France/Balkans.

The British player, noting that most German units

are being moved east for the invasion of Russia,

shifts the bulk of its forces (navy/army/air force)

into the Med to force a showdown with Italy. But

an astute British player might note that the Germans

aren't buying anything, and are using their MPPs

solely to reinforce units battered in the invasion

of France...

May 1941 rolls around, and all of a sudden all those

unspent MPPs that the Fuhrer was saving up get used!

2 BBs, a CA, 1 CV, a few subs, and 2 additional

air fleets (and maybe a bomber). Several units which

had been lurking on the eastern front get sent

westward in a hurry (costing maybe 150 MPPs for op.

movement). Sea Lion is launched in June, and the

British get caught with their knickers down.

I'm not sure I like that-it has some good and bad

aspects. It will make for a more freewheeling game

(i.e. fun factor), but unlike in other games (CoS

and WiF which both had build queues) you won't be

able to plan in accordance with what your enemy is

building. The Brits will be in an anxiety-inducing

state of uncertainty if the Jerries are saving lots

of MPPs. Of course this worm can turn later in the

game if the Brits build 5 bombers and Germany's

interceptors are all on the Russian front...

John DiFool

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

As you note, it has advantages and disadvantages.

I try to think of the time spent saving MPP's as building time.

True, but building WHAT? It reminds me of Schrodinger's cat: what's in the box before you open it? The Brits in my example have no idea, and the Germans don't have to commit early to a given strategy-if events warrant, all those MPPs Hitler was saving for the Bismarck and Tirpitz can be spent on armor instead, all on the spur of the moment. Maybe this is more FUN (and granted it appears to be so ), but it kinda makes it harder to plan and commit yourself to a given strategy, either way... :(

John Difool

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

As you note, it has advantages and disadvantages.

I try to think of the time spent saving MPP's as building time.

True, but building WHAT? It reminds me of Schrodinger's cat: what's in the box before you open it? The Brits in my example have no idea, and the Germans don't have to commit early to a given strategy-if events warrant, all those MPPs Hitler was saving for the Bismarck and Tirpitz can be spent on armor instead, all on the spur of the moment. Maybe this is more FUN (and granted it appears to be so ), but it kinda makes it harder to plan and commit yourself to a given strategy, either way... :(

John Difool

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I know what you mean. I preferred the COS version of production too - it was part of the fun trying to work out what you would need in a year's time.

From an historical intelligence point of view, both sides generally knew what capital ships the other was building, and had some idea of the general trend of other production, but nothing like exact figures.

In SC, to counter anything your opponent might do, you will just have to leave MPPs saved up instead of spending them all.

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I know what you mean. I preferred the COS version of production too - it was part of the fun trying to work out what you would need in a year's time.

From an historical intelligence point of view, both sides generally knew what capital ships the other was building, and had some idea of the general trend of other production, but nothing like exact figures.

In SC, to counter anything your opponent might do, you will just have to leave MPPs saved up instead of spending them all.

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Well, as a beta tester I still haven't played a game where I was able to attack Russia and save lots of MPP each turn! smile.gif

And the Allied player will know if Germany doesn't attack Russia, and having all those forces just sitting on the border will quickly bring Russia into the war (if "random") anyway.

I agree that having to plan production is more realistic, but I have no problem with the way building (buying) works in SC.

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Well, as a beta tester I still haven't played a game where I was able to attack Russia and save lots of MPP each turn! smile.gif

And the Allied player will know if Germany doesn't attack Russia, and having all those forces just sitting on the border will quickly bring Russia into the war (if "random") anyway.

I agree that having to plan production is more realistic, but I have no problem with the way building (buying) works in SC.

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