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Ryder Cup 2004: Archibald vs JerseyJohn


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03 SEP 39

England's War! England's Shame!

Forced into action by numerous border incursions and the abominable treatment of the German population in Poland, Germany has acted to restore order to the Polish Corridor.

A jealous England, with her French dupes, has seized on this as the opportunity to begin the war they have been actively seeking.


Fortunately, large scale troop exercises were taking place in Silesia and East Prussia when the provocations of the Polish government finally became intolerable.

Excellent progress has been made already, with the Polish army north west of Warsaw being utterly destroyed in a series of enveloping attacks. The Polish corridor has been liberated, and is part of the Reich again.


In the south, the remaining Polish army has lost 70% of it's strength.

Much of Poland's striking power is already destroyed or captured. The road to Warsaw lies open. Vorwarts!


[ April 26, 2004, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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03 SEP 39

England's War! England's Shame!

Forced into action by numerous border incursions and the abominable treatment of the German population in Poland, Germany has acted to restore order to the Polish Corridor.

A jealous England, with her French dupes, has seized on this as the opportunity to begin the war they have been actively seeking.


Fortunately, large scale troop exercises were taking place in Silesia and East Prussia when the provocations of the Polish government finally became intolerable.

Excellent progress has been made already, with the Polish army north west of Warsaw being utterly destroyed in a series of enveloping attacks. The Polish corridor has been liberated, and is part of the Reich again.


In the south, the remaining Polish army has lost 70% of it's strength.

Much of Poland's striking power is already destroyed or captured. The road to Warsaw lies open. Vorwarts!


[ April 26, 2004, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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"Yes young ladies, that voice from above is Some_God or other calling me, seems they've started the war without me and the Poles are being slaughtered.

"Oh well, time for you two to return home and for me to finally face the music, again.

"Yes Archibald old Foe, Time to resume our struggle, this time with myself as the forces of Good and you as the Forces of Evil. I wish you well and afterwards a speedy warcrimes trial and the hanging.

"And fear not Some_God, this time I am fighting for a noble cause and shant lose -- and hopefully I'll also stop using words like shant.

"But first, it's off to watch the Sopranos -- perhaps I can learn something from those gangster fellows."

CadwalladertheCrazed-Geoff.jpgJeez, I gotta pull myself together, how come I gotta play again, it hasn't been a year yet -- no, can't think like that, I gottta be tough, gotta beat this guy even though he pinned my ears back last time, gotta watch the Sopranos and figure out what Tony would do -- hell, he'd hijack a truck or something."

[ April 25, 2004, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"Yes young ladies, that voice from above is Some_God or other calling me, seems they've started the war without me and the Poles are being slaughtered.

"Oh well, time for you two to return home and for me to finally face the music, again.

"Yes Archibald old Foe, Time to resume our struggle, this time with myself as the forces of Good and you as the Forces of Evil. I wish you well and afterwards a speedy warcrimes trial and the hanging.

"And fear not Some_God, this time I am fighting for a noble cause and shant lose -- and hopefully I'll also stop using words like shant.

"But first, it's off to watch the Sopranos -- perhaps I can learn something from those gangster fellows."

CadwalladertheCrazed-Geoff.jpgJeez, I gotta pull myself together, how come I gotta play again, it hasn't been a year yet -- no, can't think like that, I gottta be tough, gotta beat this guy even though he pinned my ears back last time, gotta watch the Sopranos and figure out what Tony would do -- hell, he'd hijack a truck or something."

[ April 25, 2004, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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German sub-mariners bask happily after making their first kill, the unarmed British ocean liner, Innocent Lamb with it's cargo of young orphans bound for a new life in Canada, tragically snuffed out by the Warriors of the Reich, who surfaced afterwards to machinegun their floating corpses. Despicable fellows.


Tricked by German announcements of a Polish-German Good Will Day, the fortunate survivors of the frontier fighting withdraw to the modernized Warsaw Defenses, secure behind their impregnable ramparts they await relief from the West.


"Well, Gentlemen, it seems the Hun insists on war and by Jove, we'll give him as fine a drubbing as ever he has feared to imagine."


[ April 26, 2004, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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German sub-mariners bask happily after making their first kill, the unarmed British ocean liner, Innocent Lamb with it's cargo of young orphans bound for a new life in Canada, tragically snuffed out by the Warriors of the Reich, who surfaced afterwards to machinegun their floating corpses. Despicable fellows.


Tricked by German announcements of a Polish-German Good Will Day, the fortunate survivors of the frontier fighting withdraw to the modernized Warsaw Defenses, secure behind their impregnable ramparts they await relief from the West.


"Well, Gentlemen, it seems the Hun insists on war and by Jove, we'll give him as fine a drubbing as ever he has feared to imagine."


[ April 26, 2004, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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01 Oct 39

Fire in the North!

Forced into action by numerous border incursions and the abominable treatment of the German population in Denmark, Germany has acted to restore order to Schleswig Holstein.

Fortunately, large scale troop exercises were taking place in North Germany when the provocations of the Danish government finally became intolerable.


Greeted as liberators, a panzergruppe has driven to the outskirts of Copenhagen, and inflicted 30% casualties on the city's garrison. The rest of Denmark is now under the benevolent care of the Reich.

In Poland, the western defences of Warsaw have been breached, with the remaining Polish army and a corps being destroyed. Recce elements are in the Polish capital's suburbs.


Sunk in their habitual torpor, the Anglo-French have yet to react to the Reich's lightning campaigns.

[ April 30, 2004, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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01 Oct 39

Fire in the North!

Forced into action by numerous border incursions and the abominable treatment of the German population in Denmark, Germany has acted to restore order to Schleswig Holstein.

Fortunately, large scale troop exercises were taking place in North Germany when the provocations of the Danish government finally became intolerable.


Greeted as liberators, a panzergruppe has driven to the outskirts of Copenhagen, and inflicted 30% casualties on the city's garrison. The rest of Denmark is now under the benevolent care of the Reich.

In Poland, the western defences of Warsaw have been breached, with the remaining Polish army and a corps being destroyed. Recce elements are in the Polish capital's suburbs.


Sunk in their habitual torpor, the Anglo-French have yet to react to the Reich's lightning campaigns.

[ April 30, 2004, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Polish tactical bombers return from their triumphant attack upon a column of German panzers 150 miles south of Warsaw. The Luftwaffe was nowhere to be seen; Poland rules the sky!


Meanwhile, French Marshall Maurice Gemelin announces the Triangular Plan to his staff. Sometime in the Spring, God permitting, the combined French and British armies will sally forth from the Maginot Line, drive through Germany and relieve both, Fortress Warsaw and Fortress Copenhagen.

He sent a coded message to both bastions ... "Patience, patience, we shall sooner or later be on the march!"

[ April 26, 2004, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Polish tactical bombers return from their triumphant attack upon a column of German panzers 150 miles south of Warsaw. The Luftwaffe was nowhere to be seen; Poland rules the sky!


Meanwhile, French Marshall Maurice Gemelin announces the Triangular Plan to his staff. Sometime in the Spring, God permitting, the combined French and British armies will sally forth from the Maginot Line, drive through Germany and relieve both, Fortress Warsaw and Fortress Copenhagen.

He sent a coded message to both bastions ... "Patience, patience, we shall sooner or later be on the march!"

[ April 26, 2004, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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29 Oct 39

Victory in Poland!

Forced into action by numerous violations of German shipping and the abominable treatment of the German population in Norway, Germany has acted to restore order to Oslo.

Fortunately, troops intended for the campaign in Denmark were on hand when the provocations of the Norwegian government finally became intolerable.


Greeted as liberators, two German armies landed either side of Oslo in a daring amphibious invasion. The Oslo garrison put up token resistance, and it is now an open city awaiting it's deliverers.

The campaign in Denmark is proceeding as planned.

Great news from Poland!


After a bold encircling attack, Warsaw has fallen! While our infantry armies smashed through the Polish defences west of Warsaw, a panzergruppe swung behind the Polish capital to destroy the remnants of the Polish Air Force, allowing units from Konigsberg to drive into Warsaw from the east.

Only scattered pockets of Polish resistance remain. It is a great day for Germany, and for the world!

Meanwhile in the North Atlantic, battle has been joined...


One of our U-Boat packs, which have been doing so much damage to English commerce, has run into major Anglo-French naval off the coast of Nova Scotia. This is Germany's first chance to revenge the High Seas Fleet!

[ April 26, 2004, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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29 Oct 39

Victory in Poland!

Forced into action by numerous violations of German shipping and the abominable treatment of the German population in Norway, Germany has acted to restore order to Oslo.

Fortunately, troops intended for the campaign in Denmark were on hand when the provocations of the Norwegian government finally became intolerable.


Greeted as liberators, two German armies landed either side of Oslo in a daring amphibious invasion. The Oslo garrison put up token resistance, and it is now an open city awaiting it's deliverers.

The campaign in Denmark is proceeding as planned.

Great news from Poland!


After a bold encircling attack, Warsaw has fallen! While our infantry armies smashed through the Polish defences west of Warsaw, a panzergruppe swung behind the Polish capital to destroy the remnants of the Polish Air Force, allowing units from Konigsberg to drive into Warsaw from the east.

Only scattered pockets of Polish resistance remain. It is a great day for Germany, and for the world!

Meanwhile in the North Atlantic, battle has been joined...


One of our U-Boat packs, which have been doing so much damage to English commerce, has run into major Anglo-French naval off the coast of Nova Scotia. This is Germany's first chance to revenge the High Seas Fleet!

[ April 26, 2004, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Norway enters the war. Massive casualties at Oslo from unprovoked German land and air attacks, the Bergen corps is transferred to hold the capital till relief can be organized.

Warsaw Falls and the heroic Polish Air Force is overrun by ground forces.


Undaunted by the loss of their capital, the Polish Poznan corps, after a furious battle, captures the East Prussian Port City of Konigsburg! Other Polish formations begin the drive on Berlin!


In the North Atlantic U-30 submarine squadron, after being attacked and weakened by BBs Rodney, Richelieu and Resolution, surving the 3 R's, it is finally sunk by is sunk by carrier aircraft from the Courageous.

French Marshall Maurice Gameline begins making plans for the Quadrangular Offensive scheduled for the Spring, in which the French Army with it's Britisn Allies will sally forth out of the Maginot Line to relieve Fortress Konigsburg and Fortress Copenhagen and also come to the aid of France's Norwegian Allies.

[ April 26, 2004, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Norway enters the war. Massive casualties at Oslo from unprovoked German land and air attacks, the Bergen corps is transferred to hold the capital till relief can be organized.

Warsaw Falls and the heroic Polish Air Force is overrun by ground forces.


Undaunted by the loss of their capital, the Polish Poznan corps, after a furious battle, captures the East Prussian Port City of Konigsburg! Other Polish formations begin the drive on Berlin!


In the North Atlantic U-30 submarine squadron, after being attacked and weakened by BBs Rodney, Richelieu and Resolution, surving the 3 R's, it is finally sunk by is sunk by carrier aircraft from the Courageous.

French Marshall Maurice Gameline begins making plans for the Quadrangular Offensive scheduled for the Spring, in which the French Army with it's Britisn Allies will sally forth out of the Maginot Line to relieve Fortress Konigsburg and Fortress Copenhagen and also come to the aid of France's Norwegian Allies.

[ April 26, 2004, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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26 Nov 39

Perfidious Albion

Despite the sincere desire for peace and friendship evinced by the Norwegian people, England has bent all her gold and trickery to dragging Norway into war with the Reich.

English troops have landed at Bergen, while a rag tag Norwegian militia has arrived in Oslo to deny entrance to friendly German troops.

With the very people they have come to liberate fallen prey to England's lies, German troops have reluctanly resumed the offensive against Oslo.


In Denmark, the Copenhagen garrison has been wiped out in a series of ground, naval and air attacks. The city awaits it's liberators.

In Poland, the final pockets of Polish resistance have been cleared and the country pacified. Hundreds of thousands of demoralized Polish troops are now the guests of the Wehrmacht.


The bandit Polish irregulars who briefly entered the outskirts of Konigsberg were easily beaten off by the local SA.

In the Atlantic, one of our brave wolf packs has been destroyed after a heroic struggle against vastly superior numbers. Terrible casualties have been reported in the Anglo-French fleet.

[ April 28, 2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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26 Nov 39

Perfidious Albion

Despite the sincere desire for peace and friendship evinced by the Norwegian people, England has bent all her gold and trickery to dragging Norway into war with the Reich.

English troops have landed at Bergen, while a rag tag Norwegian militia has arrived in Oslo to deny entrance to friendly German troops.

With the very people they have come to liberate fallen prey to England's lies, German troops have reluctanly resumed the offensive against Oslo.


In Denmark, the Copenhagen garrison has been wiped out in a series of ground, naval and air attacks. The city awaits it's liberators.

In Poland, the final pockets of Polish resistance have been cleared and the country pacified. Hundreds of thousands of demoralized Polish troops are now the guests of the Wehrmacht.


The bandit Polish irregulars who briefly entered the outskirts of Konigsberg were easily beaten off by the local SA.

In the Atlantic, one of our brave wolf packs has been destroyed after a heroic struggle against vastly superior numbers. Terrible casualties have been reported in the Anglo-French fleet.

[ April 28, 2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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10 December 1939

Gallant Poland finally falls and the decimated Poznan Corps surrenders in Konigsburg. Copenhagen is reduced by continued attacks and has been declared an open city.

Oslo garrison and the nation of Norway continues to defend against the German brigands.

In the North Atlantic HMS Glorious is engaged by the remaining German Wolf Pack and got the better of a brief encounter. Battle is expected to resume shortly.


"I will do all in my power to keep the United States of America out of this war, but Germany has launched upon a path of blazen aggression against several of it's neighbors, claiming in each instance that it was being conspired against.

"In the Pacific Japan continues to extend it's contemptable encroachments against the peace loving Chinese people. Despite such injustice and reprehensible barbarism in both Europe and Asia I remain hopefull that we may yet find a way to avert United States involment in either of these most regrettable wars.

"If, however, despite our desires for peace, we are drawn into these conflicts, I've asked Congress to approve funding for a vast increase in all of our armed forces, especially the Navy and the Army Air Force. If war should be forced upon us, let us not be required to spend in blood that which we have refused to spend in dollars."


[ April 26, 2004, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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10 December 1939

Gallant Poland finally falls and the decimated Poznan Corps surrenders in Konigsburg. Copenhagen is reduced by continued attacks and has been declared an open city.

Oslo garrison and the nation of Norway continues to defend against the German brigands.

In the North Atlantic HMS Glorious is engaged by the remaining German Wolf Pack and got the better of a brief encounter. Battle is expected to resume shortly.


"I will do all in my power to keep the United States of America out of this war, but Germany has launched upon a path of blazen aggression against several of it's neighbors, claiming in each instance that it was being conspired against.

"In the Pacific Japan continues to extend it's contemptable encroachments against the peace loving Chinese people. Despite such injustice and reprehensible barbarism in both Europe and Asia I remain hopefull that we may yet find a way to avert United States involment in either of these most regrettable wars.

"If, however, despite our desires for peace, we are drawn into these conflicts, I've asked Congress to approve funding for a vast increase in all of our armed forces, especially the Navy and the Army Air Force. If war should be forced upon us, let us not be required to spend in blood that which we have refused to spend in dollars."


[ April 26, 2004, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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07 Jan 40

Scandinavia Pacified

Despite England's efforts to involve them in her war, the people of Denmark and Norway have welcomed their German cousins into their capitals. Only an isolated and desperate English garrison remains in Bergen.

The many committed National Socialists in liberated Scandinavia are now bending themselves to rebuilding their countries in partnership with the Reich.


In the Atlantic, the skill of our U-boat crews has again enabled them to slip away from their pursuers.

With her northern and eastern frontiers at peace, Germany can now turn her attention to the west. Massive troop movements are now underway towards the French frontier.


The reckoning for 1918 is at hand!

[ April 26, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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07 Jan 40

Scandinavia Pacified

Despite England's efforts to involve them in her war, the people of Denmark and Norway have welcomed their German cousins into their capitals. Only an isolated and desperate English garrison remains in Bergen.

The many committed National Socialists in liberated Scandinavia are now bending themselves to rebuilding their countries in partnership with the Reich.


In the Atlantic, the skill of our U-boat crews has again enabled them to slip away from their pursuers.

With her northern and eastern frontiers at peace, Germany can now turn her attention to the west. Massive troop movements are now underway towards the French frontier.


The reckoning for 1918 is at hand!

[ April 26, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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4 February 1940

First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston S. Churchill is honored to announced that the German submarine menace has been removed and the Atlantic is once again safe for Commonwealth and French shipping.

"The task force attached to His Majesty's Battleship Resolution has early this morning destroyed the last of Germany's Wold Packs. Elsewhere our forces continue to lead the Norwegian resistance in the North Sea harbor city of Bergen."


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4 February 1940

First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston S. Churchill is honored to announced that the German submarine menace has been removed and the Atlantic is once again safe for Commonwealth and French shipping.

"The task force attached to His Majesty's Battleship Resolution has early this morning destroyed the last of Germany's Wold Packs. Elsewhere our forces continue to lead the Norwegian resistance in the North Sea harbor city of Bergen."


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03 Mar 40

Tragedy in the Atlantic

After a heroic battle against overwhelming odds, and in the finest traditions of the German Navy, our brave wolf packs are no more.

Germany mourns them.


Germany vows revenge!

[ April 30, 2004, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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